Not Good: A&E Violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act Letting Phil Robertson Go

If you get right down to it. The only one's who can't be hurt is Phil Robertson and his family.

You're right. All the damage to them has been inflicted.

They arent' the cute cuddly duck killers anymore, now they are the homophobic bigots.

Only to you and your kind. To everyone else they are Christian champions. It wasn't intended to work out that way, but it has. Now A&E must pay the price for their Christian bigotry. Hope they like that crow pie.
If you get right down to it. The only one's who can't be hurt is Phil Robertson and his family.

You're right. All the damage to them has been inflicted.

They arent' the cute cuddly duck killers anymore, now they are the homophobic bigots.

Only to you and your kind. To everyone else they are Christian champions. It wasn't intended to work out that way, but it has. Now A&E must pay the price for their Christian bigotry. Hope they like that crow pie.

Please point out to me in the Gospels where Jesus said anything about homosexuality.


And frankly, if all you think Christianity is about is hating what kind of sex people are having, I think you've kind of missed the point.

"If Jesus were alive today, the one thing he wouldn't be is a Christian!"- Mark Twain.
You're right. All the damage to them has been inflicted.

They arent' the cute cuddly duck killers anymore, now they are the homophobic bigots.

Only to you and your kind. To everyone else they are Christian champions. It wasn't intended to work out that way, but it has. Now A&E must pay the price for their Christian bigotry. Hope they like that crow pie.

Please point out to me in the Gospels where Jesus said anything about homosexuality.


And frankly, if all you think Christianity is about is hating what kind of sex people are having, I think you've kind of missed the point.

"If Jesus were alive today, the one thing he wouldn't be is a Christian!"- Mark Twain.

If that's what you got too bad.

What happened is this, Phil Robertson said something (very true) in a GQ article that would have gone unnoticed if GLAAD hadn't tried to punish Phil Robertson for straying off the liberal plantation. Instead of silencing him, they gave him a megaphone. He's probably got more requests for speaking engagements than he wants to handle. Those engagements all across the country.

It's not about hating or what kind of sex people have, it is about forcing the normalcy of homosexuality on those who don't think it's normal at all. In fact, it's just as normal as bestiality and just as sinful as swindling.

If that's what you got too bad.

What happened is this, Phil Robertson said something (very true) in a GQ article that would have gone unnoticed if GLAAD hadn't tried to punish Phil Robertson for straying off the liberal plantation. Instead of silencing him, they gave him a megaphone. He's probably got more requests for speaking engagements than he wants to handle. Those engagements all across the country.

It's not about hating or what kind of sex people have, it is about forcing the normalcy of homosexuality on those who don't think it's normal at all. In fact, it's just as normal as bestiality and just as sinful as swindling.

In a year, Phil Robertson will be a trivia question.

"I'll take Homophobic Bigots for $200, Alec!"

A couple of gay dudes are having sex. Why is it your business at all?

Because God said it was bad? Well, the bible says all sorts of thing you probably do every day are bad. Working on the Sabbath, eating Shellfish, charging interest on money borrowed.

If that's what you got too bad.

What happened is this, Phil Robertson said something (very true) in a GQ article that would have gone unnoticed if GLAAD hadn't tried to punish Phil Robertson for straying off the liberal plantation. Instead of silencing him, they gave him a megaphone. He's probably got more requests for speaking engagements than he wants to handle. Those engagements all across the country.

It's not about hating or what kind of sex people have, it is about forcing the normalcy of homosexuality on those who don't think it's normal at all. In fact, it's just as normal as bestiality and just as sinful as swindling.

In a year, Phil Robertson will be a trivia question.

"I'll take Homophobic Bigots for $200, Alec!"

A couple of gay dudes are having sex. Why is it your business at all?

Because God said it was bad? Well, the bible says all sorts of thing you probably do every day are bad. Working on the Sabbath, eating Shellfish, charging interest on money borrowed.

It isn't my business. If only they would keep it to themselves it would never be my business. But, when they say "we are married and you must accept that" , my behavior becomes my business. Their private relationship has now involved me, against my will. I'm a lot like Phil Robertson, they don't get to tell me what to do. It's been tried and that's failed.

It isn't my business. If only they would keep it to themselves it would never be my business. But, when they say "we are married and you must accept that" , my behavior becomes my business. Their private relationship has now involved me, against my will. I'm a lot like Phil Robertson, they don't get to tell me what to do. It's been tried and that's failed.

If the law says their marriage is a marriage, you have to accept that.

Just because you don't like a reality, doesn't make it less of a reality.

I've know gay folks who've been committed to each other for decades, and I've known straight folks who I predicted would be divorced in six months and they were.

I've got one in law who comes to Christmas every year with a new boyfriend. Since I only see this trainwreck once a year, I stopped keeping track.

It isn't my business. If only they would keep it to themselves it would never be my business. But, when they say "we are married and you must accept that" , my behavior becomes my business. Their private relationship has now involved me, against my will. I'm a lot like Phil Robertson, they don't get to tell me what to do. It's been tried and that's failed.

If the law says their marriage is a marriage, you have to accept that.

Just because you don't like a reality, doesn't make it less of a reality.

I've know gay folks who've been committed to each other for decades, and I've known straight folks who I predicted would be divorced in six months and they were.

I've got one in law who comes to Christmas every year with a new boyfriend. Since I only see this trainwreck once a year, I stopped keeping track.

The law once said that blacks had to sit in the back of the bus too. No I don't have to accept it and I won't. Until "the law" starts criminalizing opinion I don't have to and I won't. You do know that there are no criminal penalties for not accepting same sex marriage as marriage don't you? There isn't really a law. If a gay couple introduces themselves as married and I say "Not to me" what can they do about it? Nothing. Don't if and or but, what can they do about it? Not a damn thing.
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The law once said that blacks had to sit in the back of the bus too. No I don't have to accept it and I won't. Until "the law" starts criminalizing opinion I don't have to and I won't. You do know that there are no criminal penalties for not accepting same sex marriage as marriage don't you? There isn't really a law. If a gay couple introduces themselves as married and I say "Not to me" what can they do about it? Nothing. Don't if and or but, what can they do about it? Not a damn thing.

That would depend, wouldn't it.

If it was a co-worker you said that to, you'd probably find yourself getting a talking to with Human Resources. Having seen co-workers get fired for being gay a decade ago, payback is a bay-itch.

And when the law says they are married in your state, you legally have to recognize that.
The law once said that blacks had to sit in the back of the bus too. No I don't have to accept it and I won't. Until "the law" starts criminalizing opinion I don't have to and I won't. You do know that there are no criminal penalties for not accepting same sex marriage as marriage don't you? There isn't really a law. If a gay couple introduces themselves as married and I say "Not to me" what can they do about it? Nothing. Don't if and or but, what can they do about it? Not a damn thing.

That would depend, wouldn't it.

If it was a co-worker you said that to, you'd probably find yourself getting a talking to with Human Resources. Having seen co-workers get fired for being gay a decade ago, payback is a bay-itch.

And when the law says they are married in your state, you legally have to recognize that.

IF. No ifs and or buts. If grandma had balls she'd be grandpa. Nope. I don't have to legally recognize a thing. There is no law that says I have to either. I can fully legally tell a "married" gay couple that I won't accept it. I can tell them they are shacking up butt fuckers. There's nothing they can do about it. It violates no law. If you want a violation of the law, you have to put in an IF.
This is not at will employment. This is a contractual relationship. If we disregard the contract and since you are running from that, say A&E has a right to fire him. A&E now has to accept all the consequences that flow from that decision which is the loss of the entire cast and all the sets where all the filming is done as well as the effect of sponsors ending their relationship with the entire network. This will result in the loss of millions of dollars which the network will have to answer to shareholdres. The Robertsons have no shareholders.

All because gays got their panties in a wad. Good job!

Right now those lawyers for A&E are looking for a way out that doesn't hurt them too badly. Groveling might help. I would suggest that A&E will find a way out and when the contract expires the Robertsons will not renew and takes their show ( if they continue. It's not like their livelihood depends on this show) elsewhere.

Meanwhile the network is running endless marathons each airing of which pours residual money into Phil's bank account. The family will get paid for this series for years to come.

Yes, it was a contractual relationship, but A&E has the right to end that contract any time they feel like it.

But here's the thing... No one ever comes out of these things well.

Paula Deen
Dog the Bounty Hunter

Sorry, once you get outed as a bigot, really, no one wants to sit next to you in the long run.
You have an opinion about Phil Robertson. The rest of us disagree.
This is why A&E's decision is meeting so much backlash.
Case closed.

Obviously what happened to Deen and Dog isn't going to happen to the Robertson's. Deen apologized, endlessly, so did Dog. You won't find that here. Then too, neither of them was anywhere near as popular as Duck Dynasty.

Not that Paula Deen and Dog the Bounty Hunter isn't important, they are parts of the reason why people are sick of the thought police today. It's part of the reasons why the non-PC public (the majority) has a gut full now.

A&E has the right to terminate the contract any time they feel like it. So do the Robertsons. And, more importantly so do the advertisers who threatened to pull ALL the network advertising.

Terminate all the contracts and then sort out who had the legal right to do what.

Sorry, I just don't see how doubling down on "I'm a bigot" really helps Robertson out that much.

A&E is going to have a life after we get bored with Robertsons and find some other dysfunctional bunch of twits to laugh at. The Mob is a fickle thing.

But the last thing A&E needs to do is become H&I (Hate and Intolerance).

I should also point out that There is no Arts or Entertainment on A&E anymore, no History on the History Channel, No Learning on the Learning Channel.

Maybe we need a Hate and Intolerance Network just so you guys can get that out of your system. YOu might even engage in some self-reflection of why it's stupid to cherry pick verses from a 3000 year old book to rationalize your hatred of people who arent doing anything to you.
That has my vote for USMB's Top Ten stupid posts of 2013.
If you get right down to it. The only one's who can't be hurt is Phil Robertson and his family.

You're right. All the damage to them has been inflicted.

They arent' the cute cuddly duck killers anymore, now they are the homophobic bigots.

That's a minority opinion.
Of course, you'll keep screaming it from the rooftops.
Like throwing mud against a wall hoping some of it sticks.
Because of your intolerance of those who have Faith, you are just as much a bigot as those you accuse.

If that's what you got too bad.

What happened is this, Phil Robertson said something (very true) in a GQ article that would have gone unnoticed if GLAAD hadn't tried to punish Phil Robertson for straying off the liberal plantation. Instead of silencing him, they gave him a megaphone. He's probably got more requests for speaking engagements than he wants to handle. Those engagements all across the country.

It's not about hating or what kind of sex people have, it is about forcing the normalcy of homosexuality on those who don't think it's normal at all. In fact, it's just as normal as bestiality and just as sinful as swindling.

In a year, Phil Robertson will be a trivia question.

"I'll take Homophobic Bigots for $200, Alec!"

A couple of gay dudes are having sex. Why is it your business at all?

Because God said it was bad? Well, the bible says all sorts of thing you probably do every day are bad. Working on the Sabbath, eating Shellfish, charging interest on money borrowed.
It isn't our business as long as acceptance is not rammed down our throats.
Acceptance is what you PC people are demanding.
You're not going to get it. It has risen to the level of tolerance. That's ALL you'll get.
Quite frankly few of us care to know the private affairs of consenting adults so as long as no laws are violated and no one comes to any harm.
The law once said that blacks had to sit in the back of the bus too. No I don't have to accept it and I won't. Until "the law" starts criminalizing opinion I don't have to and I won't. You do know that there are no criminal penalties for not accepting same sex marriage as marriage don't you? There isn't really a law. If a gay couple introduces themselves as married and I say "Not to me" what can they do about it? Nothing. Don't if and or but, what can they do about it? Not a damn thing.

That would depend, wouldn't it.

If it was a co-worker you said that to, you'd probably find yourself getting a talking to with Human Resources. Having seen co-workers get fired for being gay a decade ago, payback is a bay-itch.

And when the law says they are married in your state, you legally have to recognize that.
HR? What the fuck would come of THAT? Nothing ..Except a reverse discrimination lawsuit.
No company could possibly stay within the law should they issue an edict restricting points of view. The only power an employer would have is to make it a violation of company policy for ANYONE to discuss this and other issues while at the workplace.
It MUST apply to all.
For example, if a gay guy walked up to a co-worker and asked "do you accept the gay lifestyle or gay marriage?"...The one asking would be in violation because that is an inappropriate and subjective question which could be perceived as 'hostile'..
It cuts both ways.
You know, for all the blather you do about this situation and your supposedly expert take on the A+E contract with Phil R, you still ignore a very central predicament for A+E.

They need the Robertsons to star in their biggest show, while the Robertsons are independently wealthy and do not need A+E. The new episodes are scheduled to be started around January 15, and there is no reason to believe the Robertsons will cave.

So that leaves one thing to happen; A+E will give in, apologize to Phil and his fans and stay on schedule.

You sound like the idiot fan who thinks that the Broncos will not give Peyton Manning anything he wants, because that is what Phil is to A+E; he's their Peyton Manning and there is no way A+E is going to let him walk.

In other words, you are a fucking idiot if you think A+E is not going to flip flop and take Phil back.

Uh ..... those episodes are already in the can, Einstein. They were shot before this all came up. How long do you think it takes to shoot a show -- an afternoon? :rofl:

Damn right they'll stay on schedule. That was never in doubt.

So you think that A+E will air new episodes that include the top guy of their reality series family all the while him suspended??

No way.


That's what I'm telling you; the next season that will air next month is already produced and ready to roll. They're not about to digitize his face out. What will be different about watching the show in January than this month? Nothing.

A+E is going to let him back on the show and they will do it with no fanfare because they are that damned greedy and stupid.

They never should have let this happen to start with and then doubled down on stupid by suspending Phil.

Of course A&E is greedy and stupid. You have to be, to give up what they used to do and go for televisual diarrhea like this. And it's all about profit, which is why they suspended Robertson in the first place -- to assuage their advertisers and protect that investment.

Was that stupid? Maybe, to the extent that protecting an investment like this is.
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If you get right down to it. The only one's who can't be hurt is Phil Robertson and his family.

You're right. All the damage to them has been inflicted.

They arent' the cute cuddly duck killers anymore, now they are the homophobic bigots.

That's a minority opinion.
Of course, you'll keep screaming it from the rooftops.
Like throwing mud against a wall hoping some of it sticks.
Because of your intolerance of those who have Faith, you are just as much a bigot as those you accuse.

Actually, a majority supports all aspects of gay rights, including that to gay marriage.

The ironic thing is not that an old redneck is a homophobe, but how completely irrelevent he is.
It isn't our business as long as acceptance is not rammed down our throats.
Acceptance is what you PC people are demanding.
You're not going to get it. It has risen to the level of tolerance. That's ALL you'll get.
Quite frankly few of us care to know the private affairs of consenting adults so as long as no laws are violated and no one comes to any harm.

Guy, as long as you sit down and shut up because everyone in the room gives you the stink eye when you spew your homophobic bullshit, I don't care if you call it "tolerence" or "acceptance"....

just as long as you are beaten an no politician thinks appealling to your bigotry is a game plan.

Obviously what happened to Deen and Dog isn't going to happen to the Robertson's. Deen apologized, endlessly, so did Dog. You won't find that here. Then too, neither of them was anywhere near as popular as Duck Dynasty.

Not that Paula Deen and Dog the Bounty Hunter isn't important, they are parts of the reason why people are sick of the thought police today. It's part of the reasons why the non-PC public (the majority) has a gut full now.

A&E has the right to terminate the contract any time they feel like it. So do the Robertsons. And, more importantly so do the advertisers who threatened to pull ALL the network advertising.

Terminate all the contracts and then sort out who had the legal right to do what.

Sorry, I just don't see how doubling down on "I'm a bigot" really helps Robertson out that much.

A&E is going to have a life after we get bored with Robertsons and find some other dysfunctional bunch of twits to laugh at. The Mob is a fickle thing.

But the last thing A&E needs to do is become H&I (Hate and Intolerance).

I should also point out that There is no Arts or Entertainment on A&E anymore, no History on the History Channel, No Learning on the Learning Channel.

Maybe we need a Hate and Intolerance Network just so you guys can get that out of your system. YOu might even engage in some self-reflection of why it's stupid to cherry pick verses from a 3000 year old book to rationalize your hatred of people who arent doing anything to you.
That has my vote for USMB's Top Ten stupid posts of 2013.

Lol, JoeB is a literal font of stupidity.

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