Not Good: A&E Violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act Letting Phil Robertson Go

The law once said that blacks had to sit in the back of the bus too. No I don't have to accept it and I won't. Until "the law" starts criminalizing opinion I don't have to and I won't. You do know that there are no criminal penalties for not accepting same sex marriage as marriage don't you? There isn't really a law. If a gay couple introduces themselves as married and I say "Not to me" what can they do about it? Nothing. Don't if and or but, what can they do about it? Not a damn thing.

That would depend, wouldn't it.

If it was a co-worker you said that to, you'd probably find yourself getting a talking to with Human Resources. Having seen co-workers get fired for being gay a decade ago, payback is a bay-itch.

And when the law says they are married in your state, you legally have to recognize that.
HR? What the fuck would come of THAT? Nothing ..Except a reverse discrimination lawsuit.
No company could possibly stay within the law should they issue an edict restricting points of view. The only power an employer would have is to make it a violation of company policy for ANYONE to discuss this and other issues while at the workplace.
It MUST apply to all.
For example, if a gay guy walked up to a co-worker and asked "do you accept the gay lifestyle or gay marriage?"...The one asking would be in violation because that is an inappropriate and subjective question which could be perceived as 'hostile'..
It cuts both ways.

It should cut both ways, but with the identity politics that reigns in the PC corporate world, no, it does NOT have to cut both ways, and if you would think about it, you know it is true.

For example, if a Hindi was fired for saying he thought that Christians were guilty of murder when they slaughter cattle, there is no doubt that the PC fascists would go after that business. To them it is the minority group that people are identified to be in that has all the highest priority due to their imagined centuries of white heterosexual male abuse of everyone else. So we are merely getting our just comeuppance.

So in their view, sending the law to round up men who are in violation of child support divorce settlements is fair, but to go after women who fail to give visitation is just cruel in their view because the woman has already gone through rough times already, and that somehow equates to nothing being done to rectify things from the mans perspective.

Abortion choice belongs entirely to women and men don't have a legit right to talk about it, but men still have the obligation to pay child support even though more women get higher degrees these days than men.

But the neoMarxist gender war view on gender relations is not the only arena where white males get hammered by unfair laws and practices. Another example is when minorities have their own ethnic graduation ceremonies and proms and the press never complains about it. But if half a dozen white kids in Georgia have a private graduation party and fail to invite any minorities, it is a nationwide scandal that goes on for weeks.

There are all kinds of college scholarships for women, and minorities of various kinds, but let one group sponsor a white male scholarship and the press is screaming 'RACISM' from coast to coast.

See we white males are guilty for slavery (even though some of us have ancestors that fought to end slavery) we are guilty of all the abuse directed at women (though it was white men who responded to support more female rights when given the vote. White Christian males are guilty of all the abuse toward homosexuals, and yet none of the gay agenda would be accomplished if all Christian white males stood against it.

Identity politics is simply an ideology that enshrines reverse racism and reverse discrimination against white males by all the minority 'identities' and we put up with it because.....we are too busy paying bills and watching sports?
You're right. All the damage to them has been inflicted.

They arent' the cute cuddly duck killers anymore, now they are the homophobic bigots.

That's a minority opinion.
Of course, you'll keep screaming it from the rooftops.
Like throwing mud against a wall hoping some of it sticks.
Because of your intolerance of those who have Faith, you are just as much a bigot as those you accuse.

Actually, a majority supports all aspects of gay rights, including that to gay marriage.

The ironic thing is not that an old redneck is a homophobe, but how completely irrelevent he is.

YOUR opinion ...Stay on point.
NO, there you have mistaken acceptance for tolerance. As previously stated, most do not care what consenting adults do in private so as long as no laws are broken and no one is harmed.
I have tolerance for the gay lifestyle. I do not accept it as part of my lifestyle. Nor do I accept gay sex or gay marriage. I tolerate the existence of these things. I bear gays no ill will, however I reject their choices.
If that to you is homophobic, that and 50 cents will get you a senior coffee at Burger King.

YOUR opinion ...Stay on point.
NO, there you have mistaken acceptance for tolerance. As previously stated, most do not care what consenting adults do in private so as long as no laws are broken and no one is harmed.
I have tolerance for the gay lifestyle. I do not accept it as part of my lifestyle. Nor do I accept gay sex or gay marriage. I tolerate the existence of these things. I bear gays no ill will, however I reject their choices.
If that to you is homophobic, that and 50 cents will get you a senior coffee at Burger King.

As I said in another thread, I don't care if you call it "acceptance" or "tolerance"....

As long as your hatred is considered so ugly that it is no longer tolerated or accepted in polite society, and that no politician ever considers appealling to your hate a good game plan again, I'm totally good with it. You and the old redneck can go stew in a corner.

YOUR opinion ...Stay on point.
NO, there you have mistaken acceptance for tolerance. As previously stated, most do not care what consenting adults do in private so as long as no laws are broken and no one is harmed.
I have tolerance for the gay lifestyle. I do not accept it as part of my lifestyle. Nor do I accept gay sex or gay marriage. I tolerate the existence of these things. I bear gays no ill will, however I reject their choices.
If that to you is homophobic, that and 50 cents will get you a senior coffee at Burger King.

As I said in another thread, I don't care if you call it "acceptance" or "tolerance"....

As long as your hatred is considered so ugly that it is no longer tolerated or accepted in polite society, and that no politician ever considers appealling to your hate a good game plan again, I'm totally good with it. You and the old redneck can go stew in a corner.

You can plainly see what's tolerated and what's not. So far, the only one's not tolerating is GLAAD and those twisted enough to agree with them. This is a reality you are going to have a hard time repealing.

YOUR opinion ...Stay on point.
NO, there you have mistaken acceptance for tolerance. As previously stated, most do not care what consenting adults do in private so as long as no laws are broken and no one is harmed.
I have tolerance for the gay lifestyle. I do not accept it as part of my lifestyle. Nor do I accept gay sex or gay marriage. I tolerate the existence of these things. I bear gays no ill will, however I reject their choices.
If that to you is homophobic, that and 50 cents will get you a senior coffee at Burger King.

As I said in another thread, I don't care if you call it "acceptance" or "tolerance"....

As long as your hatred is considered so ugly that it is no longer tolerated or accepted in polite society, and that no politician ever considers appealling to your hate a good game plan again, I'm totally good with it. You and the old redneck can go stew in a corner.

The point is your perception of what is 'hate' is not real.
There is no hate.
I have better things to do than to bestow hatred on others. Not in my nature.
It is YOU who feel you must be hateful of those who dare not agree with your viewpoint.
It's in your rather caustic comebacks to conservatives.
As far as you are concerned, there is no other viewpoint.
That is intolerance defined.

The point is your perception of what is 'hate' is not real.
There is no hate.
I have better things to do than to bestow hatred on others. Not in my nature.
It is YOU who feel you must be hateful of those who dare not agree with your viewpoint.
It's in your rather caustic comebacks to conservatives.
As far as you are concerned, there is no other viewpoint.
That is intolerance defined.

Guy, there's a difference between hating people for who they are and disliking what they believe.

My problem with modern conservatism is that it's a movement where rich people manipulate stupid religious people into voting against their own economic interests by playing on their sexual and racial fears.

And there really isn't another viewpoint. That's the reality.

Here's a hint. I'll bet you are one of these people who voted for George W. Stupid in 2004 because he was going to save marriage when gay marriage was only legal in one state.

How'd that work out for you?

YOUR opinion ...Stay on point.
NO, there you have mistaken acceptance for tolerance. As previously stated, most do not care what consenting adults do in private so as long as no laws are broken and no one is harmed.
I have tolerance for the gay lifestyle. I do not accept it as part of my lifestyle. Nor do I accept gay sex or gay marriage. I tolerate the existence of these things. I bear gays no ill will, however I reject their choices.
If that to you is homophobic, that and 50 cents will get you a senior coffee at Burger King.

As I said in another thread, I don't care if you call it "acceptance" or "tolerance"....

As long as your hatred is considered so ugly that it is no longer tolerated or accepted in polite society, and that no politician ever considers appealling to your hate a good game plan again, I'm totally good with it. You and the old redneck can go stew in a corner.

You can plainly see what's tolerated and what's not. So far, the only one's not tolerating is GLAAD and those twisted enough to agree with them. This is a reality you are going to have a hard time repealing.

Uh, guy, no, not really. Phil is suspended. While a few fringe characters like Palin are rushing to his defense, frankly, most sensible people are keeping the hell away from him.
No they aren't. They're FLOCKING to him, broadcasting their desire to fund and broadcast his show, writing to the networks, writing and calling A&E...

What a liar you are. Shouldn't you lie about things that are a little less...obvious?
Btw, he's not suspended:

"When they decided to place the patriarch of the Duck Dynasty clan on a non-suspension suspension for his comments to a GQ magazine writer about homosexuality, the executives at A&E created a problem.
Because this family believes in a bigger God. The same God that roughly 70 percent of Americans believe in. The Robertsons take their faith seriously, and one of the more important elements of that faith involves putting no god before theirs. Not even the suits at the big network."

A&E?s Duck Dynasty Dilemma | National Review Online
" Yes, he described his position on homosexuality not very artfully, but it is no different in the end from what most Christians believe about it, that it is a sin. And that is enough these days to get yourself in a lot of trouble with gay activists."

That’s why the A&E executives will never get an apology from the Robertsons. Because people of faith should not have to apologize for what they believe in. Even if they give an answer now and then that is less than artful — or even insulting.
Ironically, there was a day not too long ago when network executives thought it best for gay people to keep quiet about their lifestyle. It would have ruined careers, and shows."

A&E?s Duck Dynasty Dilemma | National Review Online
These Rednecks are going to be forgotten in a year..

Deal with it.

This never ends up well. Ask Dog the Bounty Hunter and Paula Deen.
"...a new brand of intolerance is rising from certain gay activists hell-bent on bullying Christians into suppressing their core beliefs — or else. They are also showcasing their own narrow-mindedness by judging a man’s entire life through the narrow prism of their own agenda. "

A&E?s Duck Dynasty Dilemma | National Review Online
"...a new brand of intolerance is rising from certain gay activists hell-bent on bullying Christians into suppressing their core beliefs — or else. They are also showcasing their own narrow-mindedness by judging a man’s entire life through the narrow prism of their own agenda. "

A&E?s Duck Dynasty Dilemma | National Review Online

Once again- Witch-Burning and Slavery used to be Christian Core Beliefs, until someone had the good sense to call them on it.

The same with Homophobia. We are looking at the last desperate gasp of the homophobes, wondering why they are looked down upon like the misogynist and the racist...
"...a new brand of intolerance is rising from certain gay activists hell-bent on bullying Christians into suppressing their core beliefs — or else. They are also showcasing their own narrow-mindedness by judging a man’s entire life through the narrow prism of their own agenda. "

A&E?s Duck Dynasty Dilemma | National Review Online

Once again- Witch-Burning and Slavery used to be Christian Core Beliefs, until someone had the good sense to call them on it.

The same with Homophobia. We are looking at the last desperate gasp of the homophobes, wondering why they are looked down upon like the misogynist and the racist...
The explosion of Duck Dynasy merchandise on the shelves over the last few days before Christmas seems to indicate a less gruesome fate in store for those who denounce homosexuality.

Also, I do not think we're talking about homophobes.

Phobia = Fear.

Nobody's afraid of Prancing Folk.

This is more like contempt and revulsion and disgust at work.
Last edited:
"...a new brand of intolerance is rising from certain gay activists hell-bent on bullying Christians into suppressing their core beliefs — or else. They are also showcasing their own narrow-mindedness by judging a man’s entire life through the narrow prism of their own agenda. "

A&E?s Duck Dynasty Dilemma | National Review Online

Once again- Witch-Burning and Slavery used to be Christian Core Beliefs, until someone had the good sense to call them on it.

The same with Homophobia. We are looking at the last desperate gasp of the homophobes, wondering why they are looked down upon like the misogynist and the racist...
The explosion of Duck Dynasy merchandise on the shelves over the last few days before Christmas seems to indicate a less gruesome fate in store for those who denounce homosexuality.

Also, I do not think we're talking about homophobes.

Phobia = Fear.

Nobody's afraid of Prancing Folk.

This is more like contempt and revulsion and disgust at work.

pho·bi·a (fb-)
1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion. (Freedic)

You're in the land of #2. No pun intended.

Point at the top well taken. Both A&E and the Robertson clan are cleaning up on this fake kerfuffle, courtesy of their minions who obediently create 952 threads about a freaking television show. The Producer and Talent, engaged in what the blogoshere comic books would portray as a war, are actually laughing all the way to the bank.

Which begs the question -- "who's using who?"

Once again- Witch-Burning and Slavery used to be Christian Core Beliefs, until someone had the good sense to call them on it.

The same with Homophobia. We are looking at the last desperate gasp of the homophobes, wondering why they are looked down upon like the misogynist and the racist...
The explosion of Duck Dynasy merchandise on the shelves over the last few days before Christmas seems to indicate a less gruesome fate in store for those who denounce homosexuality.

Also, I do not think we're talking about homophobes.

Phobia = Fear.

Nobody's afraid of Prancing Folk.

This is more like contempt and revulsion and disgust at work.

pho·bi·a (fb-)
1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion. (Freedic)

You're in the land of #2. No pun intended.

Point at the top well taken. Both A&E and the Robertson clan are cleaning up on this fake kerfuffle, courtesy of their minions who obediently create 952 threads about a freaking television show. The Producer and Talent, engaged in what the blogoshere comic books would portray as a war, are actually laughing all the way to the bank.

Which begs the question -- "who's using who?"

Firing somebody for quoting scriptures of a book considered holy in 93% of American homes initiated a lot of threads on the internet all over the English speaking world. It was a bad idea.
The explosion of Duck Dynasy merchandise on the shelves over the last few days before Christmas seems to indicate a less gruesome fate in store for those who denounce homosexuality.

Also, I do not think we're talking about homophobes.

Phobia = Fear.

Nobody's afraid of Prancing Folk.

This is more like contempt and revulsion and disgust at work.

pho·bi·a (fb-)
1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion. (Freedic)

You're in the land of #2. No pun intended.

Point at the top well taken. Both A&E and the Robertson clan are cleaning up on this fake kerfuffle, courtesy of their minions who obediently create 952 threads about a freaking television show. The Producer and Talent, engaged in what the blogoshere comic books would portray as a war, are actually laughing all the way to the bank.

Which begs the question -- "who's using who?"

Firing somebody for quoting scriptures of a book considered holy in 93% of American homes initiated a lot of threads on the internet all over the English speaking world. It was a bad idea.

What was a bad idea? Initiating the threads? If that's what you mean I agree -- that's what I'm saying.

Where's your evidence that anyone was fired for quoting scriptures?
These Rednecks are going to be forgotten in a year..

Deal with it.

This never ends up well. Ask Dog the Bounty Hunter and Paula Deen.
The Biblical passage that records the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was preceded by an act of the townsmen of Sodom demanding to rape Lot's two male guests for their sport one evening several thousand years ago plus numerous admonitions in Deuteronomy and other Old Testament Books of the Law and in the writings of Christ's apostles in the New weren't just thought up in American politics. The practice is banned in 80% of the world's human cultures.

Bringing the practice back into the family of man may not be the wisest thing modern man ever thought up, and it subjects America to a large percent of international outrage.

This administration walked in damning their predecessor to political hell, and it's making bigger mistakes than all of its predecessor administrations in American history.

I truly don't know what will happen to A and E, but if I see their namesake, I'll be changing channels on my television for their promotion of sodomy in this hemisphere.
These Rednecks are going to be forgotten in a year..

Deal with it.

This never ends up well. Ask Dog the Bounty Hunter and Paula Deen.
The Biblical passage that records the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was preceded by an act of the townsmen of Sodom demanding to rape Lot's two male guests for their sport one evening several thousand years ago plus numerous admonitions in Deuteronomy and other Old Testament Books of the Law and in the writings of Christ's apostles in the New weren't just thought up in American politics. The practice is banned in 80% of the world's human cultures.

Bringing the practice back into the family of man may not be the wisest thing modern man ever thought up, and it subjects America to a large percent of international outrage.

This administration walked in damning their predecessor to political hell, and it's making bigger mistakes than all of its predecessor administrations in American history.

I truly don't know what will happen to A and E, but if I see their namesake, I'll be changing channels on my television for their promotion of sodomy in this hemisphere.

/scratches head....

How exactly is A&E "promoting sodomy"?

I mean in a metaphorical sense they've been practicing sodomy on the viewing public with that swill they've been broadcasting since they gave up on the "A" part and went for the easy money of LCD "reality" shows.... again if that's what you mean, well said.
Once again- Witch-Burning and Slavery used to be Christian Core Beliefs, until someone had the good sense to call them on it.

The same with Homophobia. We are looking at the last desperate gasp of the homophobes, wondering why they are looked down upon like the misogynist and the racist...
The explosion of Duck Dynasy merchandise on the shelves over the last few days before Christmas seems to indicate a less gruesome fate in store for those who denounce homosexuality.

Also, I do not think we're talking about homophobes.

Phobia = Fear.

Nobody's afraid of Prancing Folk.

This is more like contempt and revulsion and disgust at work.

pho·bi·a (fb-)
1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion. (Freedic)

You're in the land of #2. No pun intended.

Point at the top well taken. Both A&E and the Robertson clan are cleaning up on this fake kerfuffle, courtesy of their minions who obediently create 952 threads about a freaking television show. The Producer and Talent, engaged in what the blogoshere comic books would portray as a war, are actually laughing all the way to the bank.

Which begs the question -- "who's using who?"


To a libtard a Christian fired for expressing his religious beliefs = 'fake kerfuffle', while any minority religion, say Islam or Hinduism, whose members got fired would = national crisis, crusade from coast to coast.

roflmao, people are waking up to the charade and don't give a shit any ore.

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