Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

Jay Inslee is following his lead in WA. I was glad to hear the ferry employees are standing up to him. He is nearly as inept as dementia joe. Lets Go Brandon!
All the ferries are still running but waits are longer because most routes are short one ferry. Ferry worker shortages have been building before the Covid vaccine mandates due to retiring workers and shortage of replacements. The mandates were simply the straw that broke the camel's back. We are lucky that this was not in summer when ferry traffic is very high. I rode the Edmonds to Kingston ferry last week and had no problem. I arrive in my car about 30 minutes before the sailing and go on.

The number of public employees suspended or fired has been exaggerated. In most places it's not a major problem. It is a problem in Seattle Police. They were already down about 200 so having 292 not reporting hurt. Judging from what I saw, many of these employees are at or nearing retirement. However, a few have drifted back and the city will start a hiring campaign soon. Funny, haven't heard the city council taking about defunding the police lately.
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Not Just Southwest:

A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

11 Oct 2021 ~~ By Paul Goldberg
The media has largely ignored the pushback Joe Biden is receiving or his vaccine/testing mandate.
Just one call out over a weekend brought Southwest airlines to its knees however, it’s not just Southwest Airlines.
Amtrak had to cancel trains because of a “staffing issue,” shipbuilding employees in Newport News are promising to to crush production over the mandate.

Workers for the ship building company Huntington Ingalls are furious over the mandate that they must be vaccinated by December 8th. A letter from COOO Chris Kastner informed employees that if they don’t get vaccinated they could lose their jobs which incited protests.
A group gathered last Friday protesting the mandate and only 59% of shipbuilders are vaccinated. Should Huntington Ingalls follow through with Joe Biden’s mandate it would cripple the shipbuilding industry.
In Washington State there has been “unprecedented” disruptions because of “staffing shortages.”
The Samish, which is one of three vessels serving the Anacortes- San Juan Islands was taken out of service after 28 workers called out.
State Ferries spokesperson Ian Sterling reported that 230 employees have not complied with the State’s vaccination mandate which has crippled the ferry system.
“We still have time before the 18th. We don’t know what the full impact will be and how many people will choose to leave state employment,” Sterling said.
The ferry system is the only “viable way off the islands for most people” and the staffing shortage is going to cause a crisis in the area.
The union representing pilots for American Airlines has warned the company they may end up in the same boat as Southwest Airlines during the holiday seasons if they don’t start accepting exemptions.
“Some of APA’s members are unable to undergo vaccination for documented medical reasons, while others are reluctant to get vaccinated based upon concerns about the potential for career-ending side effects,” read the Sept. 24 letter.
Staff must prove they have been vaccinated by November 24 – the day before Thanksgiving – or they can be fired.
OAN reporter Jack Posobiec has learned that the White House is feeling the heat and Secretary Pete’s phone has been ringing off the hook.

There is a massive wave of pushback that is being ignored by the media below are posts from government employees and an airline pilot pushing back.

Let’s go Brandon!
They set a vax deadline to the day before Thanksgiving? Busiest travel day of the year?
WE THE PEOPLE must assert our constitutional rights!!!!!-
If the majority of America refuses Joey Xi's edicts on vaccinations, what will he do? Send us all to re-education camps to be taught CRT?
Meanwhile this is all the fault of the Secretary of Transportation Pete Butt-jig....
It's obvious that the Bai Dung administration is fully staffed by Keystone Kops....
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies and Joey Xi Bai Dung are thrilled. The more America, hurts the better for them. So they think. They want us to suffer to show they are in charge and only they can help us. They want us on our knees. Will it work? Well, look at who is drooling on the Resolute Desk. He is there and the world suffers. And the idiot democrats vote for it. I am optimistic.
The People Will Not Let This Stand and Revolting. We must all stand together.....

No vaccine no job ,no pay Starve the republicans their families their kids Let them search garbage cans for food
That's exactly what the CDC has done for two years, Not serious virus/serious virus; mask/no mask/mask/two masks; a vaccine to protect that provides no protection; a stance that says natural immunity is superior to vaccine until today and they reversed that; follow the science/science is ever changing (especially when they make it abundantly clear that they are buffoons that know nothing). The naivete exhibited by the world for the past two years is appalling.
The problem with the CDC is that it had developed into strictly a research organization. Every time they got a new study they announced the results. A few weeks later they announce something new they learned which conflicted with their previous statements. They simple fact is they did not have the command structure nor the right kind of people to manage a nationwide epidemic. No doubt they researched the hell out of it but research is no a substitute for troops on ground, the right management structure, plans, and supplies. This is why it took the CDC nearly 3 months from the time the virus genome was release to produce a working test kit, which btw didn't work and establish a division of responsivity between states and the federal government. The disorganization of the whole effort was appalling, the CDC director was saying one thing and president was saying the opposite. It was at it's worst when Trump had what amounted to a round table discussion, that became a brainstorming session on national television. No wonder the public was confused and many lost faith. The administration didn't know what they were doing, and everybody knew it.
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The number of public employees suspended or fired has been exaggerated. In most places it's not a major problem. It is problem in Seattle Police. They were already down about 200 so having 292 not reporting hurt. Judging what I saw, many of these employees are at or nearing retirement. However, a few have drifted back and the city will start a hiring campaign soon. Funny, haven't heard the city council taking about defunding the police lately.

A few months ago I had a meeting with our police Chief. We have a measurable amount of crime in the area. I asked him if money was the problem in getting additional police officers. He told me money wasn't the issue; we have the money. We can hire five new officers today. The problem is getting people who want to become police officers.

When he applied to be a cop here, he was up against 900 other applicants. Today he said, when we advertise for police officers, we're lucky to get 22, and most of them won't be able to pass all the tests required to become a police officer in our city.

It's not just our problem, it's a nationwide problem. We've allowed Democrats, BLM, the media to demonize police officers so badly that nobody wants to be a cop any longer. Who could blame them?
So exactly, what should the CDC tell people that have had Covid. You might be immune or you might not and if you have any immunity it may be very strong or very weak.

The Israeli Study found that those in their study which were almost all hospital patients with serious Covid infections, developed very strong immunities, possibly better than the vaccines and which may last longer. There have been other studies that indicate that most people who are asymptomatic or have weak infections, have little to no immunity.

For the more than 99% of corvid patients who are treated at home, some asymptomatic, some with mild symptoms, and some pretty sick, there is no way of knowing how much immunity they have, if any. Some may have strong immunities other next to nothing.

Many people had antibody testing hoping it would tell them if they were immune. Unfortunately, antibody tests do not tell you whether you are immune to coronavirus. They simply indicate if you have or haven't been infected based of presence of antibodies.

I think that if you had covid in the past and opt to not take the vaccine, those people should be left alone. Without a doubt we don't know everything about this virus. It reminds me of the 80's when AIDS swept across America. Nobody knew what to do because it was entirely new to all of us.

But remember too that these vaccines are not guaranteed either. With a 94% success rate, that means if 100 people get the vaccine, 6 are still susceptible to getting the virus and suffering the consequences of the non-vaccinated.

We have a supply chain problem, a labor problem, the stupidest thing we can do is remove people from jobs that are willing to work them.
A few months ago I had a meeting with our police Chief. We have a measurable amount of crime in the area. I asked him if money was the problem in getting additional police officers. He told me money wasn't the issue; we have the money. We can hire five new officers today. The problem is getting people who want to become police officers.

When he applied to be a cop here, he was up against 900 other applicants. Today he said, when we advertise for police officers, we're lucky to get 22, and most of them won't be able to pass all the tests required to become a police officer in our city.

It's not just our problem, it's a nationwide problem. We've allowed Democrats, BLM, the media to demonize police officers so badly that nobody wants to be a cop any longer. Who could blame them?

You've allowed the police to run amok and murder minorities with impunity. Nobody "demonized" the police. The police brought this on themselves, with their shoot first and never ask any questions attitude, especially when all of the videos of police brutality and abuses came out.

1000 people a year are shot by police, and hardly any of them are ever charged with anything. It's a disgrace and the whole world is watching it. Your cities are paying out $300,000,000 per year in "excessive force" settlements.

You keep trying to blame your policing problem on the left, but historically, American police have viciously attacked leftist protestors, and protected those on the right. The beatings of marchers on the Edmund Pettis Bridge was typical of every leftist march I watched growing up.

The 37 people who were sent to the hospital on Friday night in Charlottesville, weren't the members of the Proud Boys, and few of them were charged. It's nice to see the citizens of Charlottesville suing their racist asses into the ground.
A few months ago I had a meeting with our police Chief. We have a measurable amount of crime in the area. I asked him if money was the problem in getting additional police officers. He told me money wasn't the issue; we have the money. We can hire five new officers today. The problem is getting people who want to become police officers.

When he applied to be a cop here, he was up against 900 other applicants. Today he said, when we advertise for police officers, we're lucky to get 22, and most of them won't be able to pass all the tests required to become a police officer in our city.

It's not just our problem, it's a nationwide problem. We've allowed Democrats, BLM, the media to demonize police officers so badly that nobody wants to be a cop any longer. Who could blame them?
Ending Covid will make everything better. The deaths, fear of the disease, unemployment, vaccine mandates, masks, covid restrictions, school closures, business closures, and shortages, has lead to a multitude of social of problems, unemployment, suicides, increase in homeless, increase in family breakups, racial tension, riots, and crime all of which effect the the police directly or indirectly.

We are over the hump. By next year this time, Covid with be a distance memory in the US. The epidemic will become endemic.

Constantly blaming the democrats for everything that goes wrong is just plain stupid.
No vaccine no job ,no pay Starve the republicans their families their kids Let them search garbage cans for food

Garbage cans?........................... :auiqs.jpg:


The woods, rivers, lakes, and oceans are full of food. We will not starve without a job or a grocery store.

Your version of the "grocery getter"............


Vs. mine..........................




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No vaccine no job ,no pay Starve the republicans their families their kids Let them search garbage cans for food

Let's see what happens when the people of New York find out how mayor De Blasio's tyrannical orders that will deplete the NYPD, NYFD and NYEMT's. They'll be up in arms.
BTW your hate for Republicans becomes you. You scream like a spoiled child when we oppose abortion claiming it's your body your choice.. When it comes to vaccines it's no longer your body no longer your choice by government order. You can't have it both ways....
Ending Covid will make everything better. The deaths, fear of the disease, unemployment, vaccine mandates, masks, covid restrictions, school closures, business closures, and shortages, has lead to a multitude of social of problems, unemployment, suicides, increase in homeless, increase in family breakups, racial tension, riots, and crime all of which effect the the police directly or indirectly.

We are over the hump. By next year this time, Covid with be a distance memory in the US. The epidemic will become endemic.

Constantly blaming the democrats for everything that goes wrong is just plain stupid.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Covid-19 and it's variants are here to stay just as the Flu is a seasonal occurrence.

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