Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

You do if you belong to the Communist party that caters to them. Remember, you are an American. As far as the Democrat party goes, you are nothing but a piece of shit like all Americans. The Communists cater to outsiders to obtain ultimate power. But you're not smart enough to vote against people that hate your guts.

Right... So, um, Ray, how is it that recessions always happen when Republicans are in charge?
Who keeps trying to bust up unions and make it easier for the rich to exploit the rest of us?

Frankly, I've never had a person of color or immigrant do me wrong once in my entire life. Most of the setbacks I have had have been inflicted on me by white dudes.

America is a country of immigrants. My late father was an immigrant. This anti-immigrant bullshit from white people is hilarious because at one point, they said the same things about your ancestors.

NYC has over 8 million people. That means that one city has more voting power than the lowest 9 populated states in our country. But you complain about red and blue states? Now go write to your favorite commie and tell them to try to amend the Constitution. This is the way we vote and always will, so eat it.

Yes, and that's EXACTLY HOW IT SHOULD BE. Why should the lowest 8 states have more voting power than 8 million people? It's bad enough these empty triangles get two senators each, but you give them extra electors as well.

All we need to do is get enough states to sign on to the interstate compact, buy-bye electoral college.

So what? They don't make the same money, have the same benefits, have outrageous legacy costs, and able to cost the company a lot of money because they have to promote workers based on how long they've been with the union. They only advance those who are deserving and can do the best job.

Actually, you halfway have a point here. The Japanese don't have our "legacy" costs, because they have universal health care. They make pretty good money, comparatively. The Japanese unions actually have seats on the boards of directors of these companies.
Let's see what happens when the people of New York find out how mayor De Blasio's tyrannical orders that will deplete the NYPD, NYFD and NYEMT's. They'll be up in arms.
BTW your hate for Republicans becomes you. You scream like a spoiled child when we oppose abortion claiming it's your body your choice.. When it comes to vaccines it's no longer your body no longer your choice by government order. You can't have it both ways....

Sure we can. A woman's decision to get an abortion only effects her because Globby the Fetus isn't a person no matter how much you want it to be.

Your decision to not get a vaccine puts the rest of us in danger as you are more likely to spread the disease.
Let's see what happens when the people of New York find out how mayor De Blasio's tyrannical orders that will deplete the NYPD, NYFD and NYEMT's. They'll be up in arms.
BTW your hate for Republicans becomes you. You scream like a spoiled child when we oppose abortion claiming it's your body your choice.. When it comes to vaccines it's no longer your body no longer your choice by government order. You can't have it both ways....

Yes let's wait and see what they do.
I'll bet they do nothing just like all the gun toting repigs kept they're guns to eradicate the tyranny of Obama.
That worked well.
A few months ago I had a meeting with our police Chief. We have a measurable amount of crime in the area. I asked him if money was the problem in getting additional police officers. He told me money wasn't the issue; we have the money. We can hire five new officers today. The problem is getting people who want to become police officers.

Or that people who want to be cops don't want to work in your slum.

When he applied to be a cop here, he was up against 900 other applicants. Today he said, when we advertise for police officers, we're lucky to get 22, and most of them won't be able to pass all the tests required to become a police officer in our city.

You miss the other part of that equation, back in the day, the standards weren't very high. Which is how they could get 900 applicants.

It's not just our problem, it's a nationwide problem. We've allowed Democrats, BLM, the media to demonize police officers so badly that nobody wants to be a cop any longer. Who could blame them?

Oh, bullshit.

If anything, there's no profession that has more propaganda glorifying it than the police. How many police dramas are on TV at any given time? So you get the CSI and Law and Order franchises that run for years and years and years making being a cop more glamorous than it probably is.

If people don't want to be cops anymore, it's because cops have given themselves a bad name by not cleaning up the bad apples. When they go to the mattresses for a Van Dyke or a Loehmann or a Wilson or a Chauvin.

The problem is... most cops are good guys, but they let THESE clowns become their public image...
You've allowed the police to run amok and murder minorities with impunity. Nobody "demonized" the police. The police brought this on themselves, with their shoot first and never ask any questions attitude, especially when all of the videos of police brutality and abuses came out.

1000 people a year are shot by police, and hardly any of them are ever charged with anything. It's a disgrace and the whole world is watching it. Your cities are paying out $300,000,000 per year in "excessive force" settlements.

You keep trying to blame your policing problem on the left, but historically, American police have viciously attacked leftist protestors, and protected those on the right. The beatings of marchers on the Edmund Pettis Bridge was typical of every leftist march I watched growing up.

The 37 people who were sent to the hospital on Friday night in Charlottesville, weren't the members of the Proud Boys, and few of them were charged. It's nice to see the citizens of Charlottesville suing their racist asses into the ground.
1000 people shot per year by police? There are about 53 MILLION police encounters each year. Do the math, Fuckwit.
You miss the other part of that equation, back in the day, the standards weren't very high. Which is how they could get 900 applicants.

You make this shit up in your head OCD. Many people (mostly guys) wanted to be a cop. It was a glorified job and a good paying one at that. Satan became upset with this and created BLM and like groups to put an equal evil force against the good. Thanks to disciples in the Democrat party, Satan is winning.

My friends son is a cop in a large town about 50 miles outside of Cleveland. In fact he's the person who conducted our CCW class in my living room. When he applied out there, he was up against 200 other applicants and that was just a couple years ago. My friend stopped over a month or so ago and this subject came up. His son told him they were looking to hire more officers. When they put out the ad, they only got three applications.

The Communists will not backup their police officers any longer, they can no longer do their job safely, and they are making it more dangerous for the police all the time. Why would anybody want a job like that? It used to be the cops against the bad guys. Now it's the cops against the good guys and the bad guys.

Oh, bullshit.

If anything, there's no profession that has more propaganda glorifying it than the police. How many police dramas are on TV at any given time? So you get the CSI and Law and Order franchises that run for years and years and years making being a cop more glamorous than it probably is.

If people don't want to be cops anymore, it's because cops have given themselves a bad name by not cleaning up the bad apples. When they go to the mattresses for a Van Dyke or a Loehmann or a Wilson or a Chauvin.

The problem is... most cops are good guys, but they let THESE clowns become their public image...

No, the MSM created that image you speak of.
Yes let's wait and see what they do.
I'll bet they do nothing just like all the gun toting repigs kept they're guns to eradicate the tyranny of Obama.
That worked well.

This is the one time I will agree with your statement. Correct, they won't do anything about it. These are the same people that reelected AOC, the embarrassment of Congress. Instead, they will move out of the city and state heading for Republican states where they have things under control. I would have no problem with that, except they move to our states and then vote for the same people that Fd up their last state.
This is the one time I will agree with your statement. Correct, they won't do anything about it. These are the same people that reelected AOC, the embarrassment of Congress. Instead, they will move out of the city and state heading for Republican states where they have things under control. I would have no problem with that, except they move to our states and then vote for the same people that Fd up their last state.
Greene is the best you have and she's a swine
Right... So, um, Ray, how is it that recessions always happen when Republicans are in charge?
Who keeps trying to bust up unions and make it easier for the rich to exploit the rest of us?

Frankly, I've never had a person of color or immigrant do me wrong once in my entire life. Most of the setbacks I have had have been inflicted on me by white dudes.

America is a country of immigrants. My late father was an immigrant. This anti-immigrant bullshit from white people is hilarious because at one point, they said the same things about your ancestors.

We also were a nation that had ice men. They would bring the block of ice so that you could keep your food cold in your ice box. Immigrants were needed when we were building this country. The country is built and has been for a long time now, so like the coal man, they are no longer needed and the only reason they are still coming is because they will strongly support the Communist party. They are anxious to end the Great Experiment once and for all and will do anything (including stabbing Americans in the back) to meet their goals.

So how did any Republican try and break up the unions?

Yes, and that's EXACTLY HOW IT SHOULD BE. Why should the lowest 8 states have more voting power than 8 million people? It's bad enough these empty triangles get two senators each, but you give them extra electors as well.

All we need to do is get enough states to sign on to the interstate compact, buy-bye electoral college.

No compact can overrule the US Constitution. There is only one way to change it and that's the amendment process. We don't need any compact, what we need more than ever is to divide this country into two countries instead. We will erect a huge Trump wall to keep you Communists out, and we will live like our founders intended which made us the most successful country in the shortest amount of time on earth.

Actually, you halfway have a point here. The Japanese don't have our "legacy" costs, because they have universal health care. They make pretty good money, comparatively. The Japanese unions actually have seats on the boards of directors of these companies.

There are no unions in Aerican Toyota American plants which many of our Toyota's come from in the US. I'd just post the link alone but you'd never read it:

Labor costs for a typical UAW worker at a GM plant were by some estimates $73 per hour—compared to the $44 per hour for workers at non-unionized Toyota and Honda plants in the U.S.

Or take the infamous “jobs bank”: surplus workers, rather than getting laid off, would receive 95% of their full salaries plus benefits while the company waited to reassign them. But instead of being temporarily idle, thousands of “bankers” would be there for months, if not years, while they watched movies, solved crosswords, and just passed the time. Some senior employees would even pull strings to get “laid off” so they could finish their remaining few years “working” in the bank before retiring with full benefits.

There was also the so-called “thirty and out” rule allowing union workers to retire with full pensions and health care benefits after thirty years of work. A worker might be able to retire in his early 50s and collect an annual pension of $37,500, paid wholly by GM. By 2008 there were 4.6 retired GM employees for each active worker. Did anyone think this was sustainable?

Union work rules made it cumbersome to complete simple and vital tasks in a timely manner. For example, Rand Simberg—a former GM employee who is now at the Competitive Enterprise Institute—explained that, while overseeing the flow of components at a GM factory, he was not permitted to flip a circuit breaker if it tripped in one of the assembly robots. Instead, he had to wait for an authorized electrician to flip the switch. Of course, assembly lines could shut down while waiting for the electrician to arrive, costing the plant thousands of dollars per minute.

And don't say the article is bullshit because I know people who worked in the UAW, one of which retired at the age of 50, and as the article points out, with full benefits.
All we need to do is get enough states to sign on to the interstate compact, buy-bye electoral college.
No compact can overrule the US Constitution. There is only one way to change it and that's the amendment process.

It will surely make for some interesting litigative actions, of it reaches that point. But I don't think it will. It would require too many small states to give up too much of their own power.

On its face, the compact appears likely valid. The Constitution pretty much leaves it up to each state to allocate its Electors as it will.

But even if it is technically Constitutional, there's an obvious intent to subvert the Constitution, to change a process defined in the Constitution, without going through the proper Amendment process. On that basis alone, the courts may nix the whole thing.

Then there is also the element of malfeasance, in states allocating their Electors in a manner that does not represent the will of the residents of the states. The Electors are supposed to be selected to represent the people of their own states, not those of other states.
We are over the hump. By next year this time, Covid with be a distance memory in the US. The epidemic will become endemic.

Constantly blaming the democrats for everything that goes wrong is just plain stupid.

Is it now? Then do tell, why was the MSM and DNC keeping track of every single death under Trump, and now, nothing? Trump had no vaccine yet alone three of them, covid deaths under Biden have exceeded those under Trump. The left are saying Dementia's Afghanistan major fuck up was Trump's fault, that the economy of 2020 was not covid, but Trump's fault, and you make a statement like everything that goes wrong we are blaming the Democrats?

Yes, at this point everything is the Democrats fault because the Communists have total control over our federal government. It's why our gasoline prices are over 30% higher than under Trump, our fuel for our homes will be over 50% higher than under Trump, our inflation rate is 5.4%, the worst it's been in 30 years, and now they are trying to push a bill through Congress that will force us to print more worthless dollars bringing up our inflation rate to close to 6%.

If Democrats are not to blame, then who is?
You've allowed the police to run amok and murder minorities with impunity. Nobody "demonized" the police. The police brought this on themselves, with their shoot first and never ask any questions attitude, especially when all of the videos of police brutality and abuses came out.

1000 people a year are shot by police, and hardly any of them are ever charged with anything. It's a disgrace and the whole world is watching it. Your cities are paying out $300,000,000 per year in "excessive force" settlements.

You keep trying to blame your policing problem on the left, but historically, American police have viciously attacked leftist protestors, and protected those on the right. The beatings of marchers on the Edmund Pettis Bridge was typical of every leftist march I watched growing up.

The 37 people who were sent to the hospital on Friday night in Charlottesville, weren't the members of the Proud Boys, and few of them were charged. It's nice to see the citizens of Charlottesville suing their racist asses into the ground.

Hey, all your police brutality incidents took place in Communist cities: Baltimore, Ferguson, Minneapolis......... Do you think I care? Violent crime is up by 30% in all these places. Democrats killing Democrats. What could be better? And if they come after me, it gives me legal authority to use deadly force; another dead Democrat as far as I'm concerned.

Yes, police shoot suspects that present them with a physical threat. What's your problem with that? Do you blame the rape victim over the rapist too? Don't fight with police and you don't have to worry about getting shot. In my former line of work, I had to deal with the state troopers all the time. They never had a need to even put their hand on their gun.

So keep encouraging your comrades to defund the police. Keep encouraging them to make their jobs more dangerous. Keep encouraging them to side with evil over good. Keep encouraging them to make it nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to gain access to a firearm to protect themselves. It's all a beautiful recipe for a huge slaughter, and I'll be sitting at home laughing about it.
It will surely make for some interesting litigative actions, of it reaches that point. But I don't think it will. It would require too many small states to give up too much of their own power.

On its face, the compact appears likely valid. The Constitution pretty much leaves it up to each state to allocate its Electors as it will.

But even if it is technically Constitutional, there's an obvious intent to subvert the Constitution, to change a process defined in the Constitution, without going through the proper Amendment process. On that basis alone, the courts may nix the whole thing.

Then there is also the element of malfeasance, in states allocating their Electors in a manner that does not represent the will of the residents of the states. The Electors are supposed to be selected to represent the people of their own states, not those of other states.

This is what's termed as sore losers. They were fine with the EC until it started to work against them. Now they are for mob rule.

People don't like major change in our society or government. Look at how badly DumBama lost the House and Senate. He Fd up our entire healthcare system. They talked about making DC and PR states so they could cheat the Senate count, and all polls showed how much Americans were against that. Same with packing the courts. If they try that they will be out of power for decades.

The EC is here to stay and Joe can cry himself to sleep every election. In fact I hope the next presidential election, the same thing happens. Our nominee (whoever it is) gets the EC count and not the popular vote.

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