Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

So let's recap here...

A vaccine mandate that wasn't slated to go into effect until at least Nov 24 was NOT the reason for cancelled flights and courts have upheld those mandates...
No need for you to recap your discredited bullshit.
Think about what you just said. "We" can afford to stay home instead of spending money on daycare. What you mean is that they can afford to stay home and not work because they are getting money from the government. More kids = more money.

Um, yeah. This is actually a good thing. We are already in a demographic death spiral where we have more old people than young ones.

We are essentially telling those that were working in unskilled labor they don't need to work. We will pay for you to stay home. They will do just that and they will vote for the party that promises to give them money to keep doing it. They don't care if that money comes from those that are working.

Or you can pay people a living wage... that's a crazy idea.

The problem is you've spent the last 40 years denouncing "unskilled labor", and people finally started to believe you... if you don't think they are worth paying more than a slave wage, they won't work for a slave wage.

There is a better way. Just claim you are an immigrant that was separated from your family and Dementia will give you $450,000, and then you don't have to work for the next ten years at least.

Yes, it was pretty stupid of Trump to engage in that policy that we are going to have to pay for now. You don't settle court cases for six figures unless you know you are paying eight figures if it goes to jury.

Democrat rule is mob rule and our founders knew that right from the beginning. They didn't want highly populated areas picking the President for the rest of the country. The college equalizes that for the entire country. The Communists never had a problem with that until it started to work against them.

We didn't have a problem because between 1888 and 2000, the guy who won the popular vote also won the electoral college... You didn't have "Red" and "Blue" states witha couple of purple states picking the winner.

Very little for a passenger plane company. Don't worry, they'll survive just fine without any government business given the fact the government has plenty of their own planes.

Not when they are running "Typhoid Mary Airlines"....

Even the Japanese seen our mistakes and dominated the auto industry. They built a better product with non-union workers and of course with no union wages, legacy costs, and ridiculous benefits, were able to make a superior car for less money. I've been driving Toyota for nearly the last 20 years, and never been happier. Not one of my vehicles ever left me stranded as my American cars did so often, not one ever seen a tow truck, not one ever made me late for work or forced to use a vacation day.

Welfare Ray, the Japanese Auto industry in Japan is more heavily unionized than ours is.
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Joe thinks he is smarter than the founding fathers.

I know I am.

I know that slavery is wrong.
I know that bleeding is not a sound medical treatment.
I know that using a convoluted scheme to pick presidents that flies in the face of the will of the people is just... silly.
I know I am.

I know that slavery is wrong.
I know that bleeding is not a sound medical treatment.
I know that using a convoluted scheme to pick presidents that flies in the face of the will of the people is just... silly.
You aren't as smart as their wigs.
Nazi Montgomery County Md already saying they will not go along with Governors mask changes. Isn’t it lovely to have the lowest denominators flex their bogus mandating. People taking off their masks in CVS at 5pm and clerks pearl clutching after their “orders” were ignored
Apparently the premise of the thread was bullshit or the issue wouldn't have resolved itself so

What you are saying is that you have milked this for as much as you could and moved on to your next bullshit whine

Piss ant your vax battle has been lost. It's over.
I know I am.

I know that slavery is wrong.
I know that bleeding is not a sound medical treatment.
I know that using a convoluted scheme to pick presidents that flies in the face of the will of the people is just... silly.

You're a legend in your own mind, nothing more. There is nothing intelligent about you pops.
I have been thinking that we needed something just like this--a big gesture, one group to stand up undeniably and say "no". I hope this is it, and I hope it catches on. Biden is a complete idiot, so there's a chance he will never blink. I hope I'm wrong tho
Jay Inslee is following his lead in WA. I was glad to hear the ferry employees are standing up to him. He is nearly as inept as dementia joe. Lets Go Brandon!
Did you guys miss that courts have upheld the mandates?

And that the mandate was not the reason for the SW cancellations WASN'T in effect then and won't be for weeks
Did you guys miss that courts have upheld the mandates?

And that the mandate was not the reason for the SW cancellations WASN'T in effect then and won't be for weeks
Been no trial nor creation of laws to cover it so a couple judges saying that unenforceable mandates are Ok to exist is just more feelings fantasy to appease make pretenders
Yes, it was pretty stupid of Trump to engage in that policy that we are going to have to pay for now. You don't settle court cases for six figures unless you know you are paying eight figures if it goes to jury.

You do if you belong to the Communist party that caters to them. Remember, you are an American. As far as the Democrat party goes, you are nothing but a piece of shit like all Americans. The Communists cater to outsiders to obtain ultimate power. But you're not smart enough to vote against people that hate your guts.

We didn't have a problem because between 1888 and 2000, the guy who won the popular vote also won the electoral college... You didn't have "Red" and "Blue" states witha couple of purple states picking the winner.

NYC has over 8 million people. That means that one city has more voting power than the lowest 9 populated states in our country. But you complain about red and blue states? Now go write to your favorite commie and tell them to try to amend the Constitution. This is the way we vote and always will, so eat it.

Welfare Ray, the Japanese Auto industry in Japan is more heavily unionized than ours is.

So what? They don't make the same money, have the same benefits, have outrageous legacy costs, and able to cost the company a lot of money because they have to promote workers based on how long they've been with the union. They only advance those who are deserving and can do the best job.

Once again with you OCD, apples and oranges.
80% of the adult population in the USA is vaccinated. The public overwhelmingly supports the mandates. It's a double-win for businesses, government and the public. As they get rid of the plague rats, they also get rid of the dumbest and the most fascist employees.

Antivaxxers are becoming increasingly irrelevent. They make a noise that's far out of proportion to their numbers.
80% of the adult population in the USA is vaccinated. The public overwhelmingly supports the mandates. It's a double-win for businesses, government and the public. As they get rid of the plague rats, they also get rid of the dumbest and the most fascist employees.

Antivaxxers are becoming increasingly irrelevent. They make a noise that's far out of proportion to their numbers.

Just because you got the vaccine doesn't mean you support mandates. WTF did you get that from? I got the vaccine and I don't support the mandates, and neither does anybody I know that's been vaccinated as well.
Did you guys miss that courts have upheld the mandates?

And that the mandate was not the reason for the SW cancellations WASN'T in effect then and won't be for weeks
Wait until it makes it to the Supreme Court.

And courts are shooting down his mandates already.

And the SW pilots took action before the deadline, and won.

You are an idiot who knows bumpkis.
The problem now is this administration is ignoring all the people that already had covid and recovered giving them antibodies to naturally fight future contacts. They don't care if you had it nor not. Shot or lose your job when we have the worst labor shortage in history.
So exactly, what should the CDC tell people that have had Covid. You might be immune or you might not and if you have any immunity it may be very strong or very weak.

The Israeli Study found that those in their study which were almost all hospital patients with serious Covid infections, developed very strong immunities, possibly better than the vaccines and which may last longer. There have been other studies that indicate that most people who are asymptomatic or have weak infections, have little to no immunity.

For the more than 99% of corvid patients who are treated at home, some asymptomatic, some with mild symptoms, and some pretty sick, there is no way of knowing how much immunity they have, if any. Some may have strong immunities other next to nothing.

Many people had antibody testing hoping it would tell them if they were immune. Unfortunately, antibody tests do not tell you whether you are immune to coronavirus. They simply indicate if you have or haven't been infected based of presence of antibodies.
So exactly, what should the CDC tell people that have had Covid. You might be immune or you might not and if you have any immunity it may be very strong or very weak.

The Israeli Study found that those in their study which were almost all hospital patients with serious Covid infections, developed very strong immunities, possibly better than the vaccines and which may last longer. There have been other studies that indicate that most people who are asymptomatic or have weak infections, have little to no immunity.

For the more than 99% of corvid patients who are treated at home, some asymptomatic, some with mild symptoms, and some pretty sick, there is no way of knowing how much immunity they have, if any. Some may have strong immunities other next to nothing.

Many people had antibody testing hoping it would tell them if they were immune. Unfortunately, antibody tests do not tell you whether you are immune to coronavirus. They simply indicate if you have or haven't been infected based on the presence of antibodies.
So exactly, what should the CDC tell people that have had Covid. You might be immune or you might not and if you have any immunity it may be very strong or very weak.
That's exactly what the CDC has done for two years, Not serious virus/serious virus; mask/no mask/mask/two masks; a vaccine to protect that provides no protection; a stance that says natural immunity is superior to vaccine until today and they reversed that; follow the science/science is ever changing (especially when they make it abundantly clear that they are buffoons that know nothing). The naivete exhibited by the world for the past two years is appalling.

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