Not satisfied with how little blood on his hands these days, Cheney speaks

President Shit for Brains will have the blood caused by the Iranian Mullahs on his hand because the dumb mutherfucker gave them hundreds of billions of dollars to fund their Islamic terrorism.
Crooked Hillary has blood on her hands for supporting the invasion of Iraq.

President Shit for Brains has blood on his hands for fighting the war in Iraq for three years and then still managing to lose it in addition to bombing Libya and escalating the war in Afghanistan.

The Moon Bats are silent about that blood.
You wish the blood was still being spilled. Go sit in the corner.
Crooked Hillary has blood on her hands for supporting the invasion of Iraq.

President Shit for Brains has blood on his hands for fighting the war in Iraq for three years and then still managing to lose it in addition to bombing Libya and escalating the war in Afghanistan.

The Moon Bats are silent about that blood.
You wish the blood was still being spilled. Go sit in the corner.

Sorry Moon Bat but your Negro boy fought the war in Iraq for three years killing people. He even ordered my son and the men of the 1st heavy Combat Regiment, 1st Armored go over there and kill Iraqis and they did. You can deny that but you would be lying.

You know that is the same war that Crooked Hillary voted to fund as a Senator. You Moon Bats conveniently try to forget about that, don't you?

The Hussein sonofabitch escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of American killed in addition to untold numbers of Afghanis.

He still has troops in Iraq, doesn't he?

Then he was doing his bombing in Libya, which nowadays has tremendous consequences.

He has fucked up everything he has touched hasn't he? Interventionism never works out like these dumbasses thinks it will, does it?

You Moon Bats voted for a war mongering asshole, didn't you?
President Shit for Brains will have the blood caused by the Iranian Mullahs on his hand because the dumb mutherfucker gave them hundreds of billions of dollars to fund their Islamic terrorism.

And their nuclear arms advancement as well.
Hussein: And now for my next trick, I will repeatedly use WMDS ... that I don't have! Even you can't believe that crap, you lying douche
Yeah that's why the Iraq war was hailed as such a success! Dubya found the WMD's and the middle east was at peace forever. :rolleyes:

That why she believed too? She's as gullible as she says? Maybe you're right. From her biography when she supposedly found out the Lewinsky accusations were true against her cheating dog of a husband.

"I could hardly breathe. Gulping for air, I started crying and yelling"


OMG, after all the times he cheated, she's "gulping for air." I'd rather have PeeWee Herman as President. The woman will believe anything. Is that your fantasy? I'm OldSchool, and I'm 9 inches. Make that 10. And she'd believe you! According to you

You didn't read it? Or you couldn't? That government education you have, damn it ...
I assume it was you ranting about Hillary

So seriously, when you keep criticizing Trump for things that Hillary does, you never meant any connection to Hillary? You were just criticizing Trump? You were like OMG, that applies to Hillary too when it was pointed out? Really? That's what you claim?

On the other hand, maybe we've discovered someone more gullible than you claim Hillary is ...
Crooked Hillary has blood on her hands for supporting the invasion of Iraq.

President Shit for Brains has blood on his hands for fighting the war in Iraq for three years and then still managing to lose it in addition to bombing Libya and escalating the war in Afghanistan.

The Moon Bats are silent about that blood.
You wish the blood was still being spilled. Go sit in the corner.

Sorry Moon Bat but your Negro boy fought the war in Iraq for three years killing people. He even ordered my son and the men of the 1st heavy Combat Regiment, 1st Armored go over there and kill Iraqis and they did. You can deny that but you would be lying.

You know that is the same war that Crooked Hillary voted to fund as a Senator. You Moon Bats conveniently try to forget about that, don't you?

The Hussein sonofabitch escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of American killed in addition to untold numbers of Afghanis.

He still has troops in Iraq, doesn't he?

Then he was doing his bombing in Libya, which nowadays has tremendous consequences.

He has fucked up everything he has touched hasn't he? Interventionism never works out like these dumbasses thinks it will, does it?

You Moon Bats voted for a war mongering asshole, didn't you?
I'm glad your son is home, and not still over there fighting for President McCain or Romney.
Yeah that's why the Iraq war was hailed as such a success! Dubya found the WMD's and the middle east was at peace forever. :rolleyes:

That why she believed too? She's as gullible as she says? Maybe you're right. From her biography when she supposedly found out the Lewinsky accusations were true against her cheating dog of a husband.

"I could hardly breathe. Gulping for air, I started crying and yelling"


OMG, after all the times he cheated, she's "gulping for air." I'd rather have PeeWee Herman as President. The woman will believe anything. Is that your fantasy? I'm OldSchool, and I'm 9 inches. Make that 10. And she'd believe you! According to you

You didn't read it? Or you couldn't? That government education you have, damn it ...
I assume it was you ranting about Hillary

So seriously, when you keep criticizing Trump for things that Hillary does, you never meant any connection to Hillary? You were just criticizing Trump? You were like OMG, that applies to Hillary too when it was pointed out? Really? That's what you claim?

On the other hand, maybe we've discovered someone more gullible than you claim Hillary is ...
So from now on I'm going to assume whatever you post is just lies and venting your Hillary obsession a little bit.
I don't love him, but I don't hate him either. I sure don't wish him dead. I don't understand how you can garner so MUCH hatred for someone who you don't even know!
People died for his political games. Lots of them. And you don't understood how people can hate him?

Why are you blaming him but you don't blame Hillary who voted YES to the Iraq war?

Hillary only voted for the Iraq war because Cheney and Jr. lied to Congress, as well as the American people when we were told that Saddam had WMD's (which we never found). And................because of that lie, MOST of Congress voted for the Iraq war.

That's why we went.

Hillary may have voted for it, but she was only 1 vote out of the entire Senate, and she's not the one who actually declared the war, that was Jr. and Cheney after they got Congress to buy off on it.

And not only that, but Cheney and Jr. got Colin Powell to lie to Congress and the UN as well.

So your arguement is Hillary was easily duped into voting yes.

While Trump at the time wasn't buying into it and thought it was ultimately a bad idea.

Face it, you libs never cared about the war one way or another, you just have to oppose the (R) no matter what.
I don't hate Cheney personally, however, I DO hate the way he fucked over this country by lying us into war in Iraq instead of going after Bin Laden.

Shit..................just a couple of years after 9/11, Jr. said he was no longer concerned about Bin Laden, and we had to wait until he left office to get him.

That's a load of shit. They were always after Bin Laden. Water boarding got them the intel during Bush era that eventually led to finding him. Even after they did it took the Hussein months to make a decision about it. The only reason he did OK was because he knew he would lose the election if he didn't act on it.
That why she believed too? She's as gullible as she says? Maybe you're right. From her biography when she supposedly found out the Lewinsky accusations were true against her cheating dog of a husband.

"I could hardly breathe. Gulping for air, I started crying and yelling"


OMG, after all the times he cheated, she's "gulping for air." I'd rather have PeeWee Herman as President. The woman will believe anything. Is that your fantasy? I'm OldSchool, and I'm 9 inches. Make that 10. And she'd believe you! According to you

You didn't read it? Or you couldn't? That government education you have, damn it ...
I assume it was you ranting about Hillary

So seriously, when you keep criticizing Trump for things that Hillary does, you never meant any connection to Hillary? You were just criticizing Trump? You were like OMG, that applies to Hillary too when it was pointed out? Really? That's what you claim?

On the other hand, maybe we've discovered someone more gullible than you claim Hillary is ...
So from now on I'm going to assume whatever you post is just lies and venting your Hillary obsession a little bit.

Yes, you'll tell the truth that when Hillary does what you criticize Trump for which you don't feel is worth mentioning, you mean it in a completely non-partisan, truth seeking way. Well stated
I don't hate Cheney personally, however, I DO hate the way he fucked over this country by lying us into war in Iraq instead of going after Bin Laden.

Shit..................just a couple of years after 9/11, Jr. said he was no longer concerned about Bin Laden, and we had to wait until he left office to get him.

That's a load of shit. They were always after Bin Laden. Water boarding got them the intel during Bush era that eventually led to finding him. Even after they did it took the Hussein months to make a decision about it. The only reason he did OK was because he knew he would lose the election if he didn't act on it.

ABikerTripper just loves Democrat dick and twat, he's obsessed.

Now when I look at the two parties who did the same thing, I see the same thing. Cheney sucks, Hillary sucks. They both got us into that monstrosity. But Abiker sees an opportunity to do a Monika for the Democrats and immediately kneels down to the nearest Democrat
How dare he be right and rub demonrat noses in it.

Well, you;re "correct" that Cheney was spot on when he stated that the war would last a couple of months and that the oil would pay for the entire fucking thing......

It would had been if we had really unleashed our military might and kept the oil for ourselves instead of handing it to corrupt Iraqis who in turn sold the oil to the Russians, Chinese, and French.
Cheney was a major architect of neo-con foreign policy that by now has been throughly rejected in bi-partisan fashion.

His place in history is one of failure, which for guys like him is probably worse fate than just dying sooner or later.
How many Innocent people are dead now because of Hillary and Barry?
Over 500 (4 Americans) because he gave uns/grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, THOUSANDS in the Middle East from arming terrorists, helping put them in power, regusing to stop ISIS from entering Iraq, etc. A dozen in Ca after giving a terrorist a visa. Countless numbers of Americans robbed, raped, and murdered by the illegals he has brought in and protected. 4 dead in Benghazi. Well over 100 innocents killed in his own personal drone assassination program.

Barry's & Hillary's hands are covered in the blood of Innocents / Americans.
Crooked Hillary has blood on her hands for supporting the invasion of Iraq.

President Shit for Brains has blood on his hands for fighting the war in Iraq for three years and then still managing to lose it in addition to bombing Libya and escalating the war in Afghanistan.

The Moon Bats are silent about that blood.
You wish the blood was still being spilled. Go sit in the corner.

Sorry Moon Bat but your Negro boy fought the war in Iraq for three years killing people. He even ordered my son and the men of the 1st heavy Combat Regiment, 1st Armored go over there and kill Iraqis and they did. You can deny that but you would be lying.

You know that is the same war that Crooked Hillary voted to fund as a Senator. You Moon Bats conveniently try to forget about that, don't you?

The Hussein sonofabitch escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of American killed in addition to untold numbers of Afghanis.

He still has troops in Iraq, doesn't he?

Then he was doing his bombing in Libya, which nowadays has tremendous consequences.

He has fucked up everything he has touched hasn't he? Interventionism never works out like these dumbasses thinks it will, does it?

You Moon Bats voted for a war mongering asshole, didn't you?
I'm glad your son is home, and not still over there fighting for President McCain or Romney.

I didn't vote for either one of them but you did vote for this war mongering Hussein asshole, didn't you? You are also going to vote for this Crooked Hillary bitch who supported the invasion of Iraq, aren't you? You have absolutely no convictions on interventionism, do you? You just wing it depending upon the filthy ass Democrat partisan talking points of the day, right?

What is despicable hypocrisy is that you partisan pig Moon Bats with your silly hippy peacenik bullshit condemn Republican war mongering and either dismiss Democrat war mongering or try to blame it on somebody else.
I don't love him, but I don't hate him either. I sure don't wish him dead. I don't understand how you can garner so MUCH hatred for someone who you don't even know!
People died for his political games. Lots of them. And you don't understood how people can hate him?

Why are you blaming him but you don't blame Hillary who voted YES to the Iraq war?

Hillary only voted for the Iraq war because Cheney and Jr. lied to Congress, as well as the American people when we were told that Saddam had WMD's (which we never found). And................because of that lie, MOST of Congress voted for the Iraq war.

That's why we went.

Hillary may have voted for it, but she was only 1 vote out of the entire Senate, and she's not the one who actually declared the war, that was Jr. and Cheney after they got Congress to buy off on it.

And not only that, but Cheney and Jr. got Colin Powell to lie to Congress and the UN as well.

So your arguement is Hillary was easily duped into voting yes.

While Trump at the time wasn't buying into it and thought it was ultimately a bad idea.

Face it, you libs never cared about the war one way or another, you just have to oppose the (R) no matter what.

We have a winner!

I like their claim though that Hillary is so hopelessly naive that after eight years in the White House, W just dupes her in one year into voting for a war she opposes. If you believe them, Hillary is such a naive sap that to put her up with the Chinese, Al Qaeda, ISIS or Russia would be criminally scary as he believes anything. That's what they are actually saying. It's incredible
Cheney was a major architect of neo-con foreign policy that by now has been throughly rejected in bi-partisan fashion.

His place in history is one of failure, which for guys like him is probably worse fate than just dying sooner or later.

Actually, Democrats are not repudiating the policy. They are saying they did the right thing. It just turned out that W was wrong about "stockpiles." They were mislead on the facts. They are not saying they did the wrong thing with the neocon policies they followed. They are specifically saying they did nothing wrong when they authorized the war, W did.

That's my fundamental argument. If you supported the war for WMDs, you should still support the war. Obviously Hussein was a threat since he USED them, which you can't do if you don't HAVE them. That means he could build them. Stockpiles are irrelevant.

I want us to learn from the mistake that we should not have gone to war if he did have stockpiles. It wasn't our war, we need to stop being policeman to the world. We should have let his neighbors and Europe take the lead and at most only provided them support.

Democrats can't have it both ways. They can't say like the ridiculous crap that you did that they are repudiating neocon policies while still saying they did nothing but be "lied to" by W since the justification for the war was pure neocon
We have a winner!

I like their claim though that Hillary is so hopelessly naive that after eight years in the White House, W just dupes her in one year into voting for a war she opposes. If you believe them, Hillary is such a naive sap that to put her up with the Chinese, Al Qaeda, ISIS or Russia would be criminally scary as he believes anything. That's what they are actually saying. It's incredible

yes, moron....Cheney DID dupe almost every senator into believing the "mushroom cloud"theory (aren't you "proud") ......including sending out Powell to bullshitting the UN with phony aerial pictures.

Clinton, as a SENATOR...not Sec of State fell into the scam, driven by a money and power thirsty Cheney.
We have a winner!

I like their claim though that Hillary is so hopelessly naive that after eight years in the White House, W just dupes her in one year into voting for a war she opposes. If you believe them, Hillary is such a naive sap that to put her up with the Chinese, Al Qaeda, ISIS or Russia would be criminally scary as he believes anything. That's what they are actually saying. It's incredible

yes, moron....Cheney DID dupe almost every senator into believing the "mushroom cloud"theory (aren't you "proud") ......including sending out Powell to bullshitting the UN with phony aerial pictures.

Clinton, as a SENATOR...not Sec of State fell into the scam, driven by a money and power thirsty Cheney.

It doesn't matter what Clinton was, she officially voted for the war. And ignore it all you want, but she lived in the White House eight out of nine years before the buildup to the war started. You're actually claiming that a rookie President conned a seasoned White House veteran out of her socks in ONE YEAR. And now we should send Virginia up to face Putin, ISIS, the Chinese and al Qaeda.

You convinced me, we shouldn't. You've scared the shit out of me. Your defense of her is scarier than just saying she is just being a liar now. And that was before her concussion that you people keep saying is why she no longer has long term memory. You're making a great case to vote for Trump, a lot better than he's doing
It doesn't matter what Clinton was, she officially voted for the war. And ignore it all you want, but she lived in the White House eight out of nine years before the buildup to the war started

WHAT? Clinton should have known of Cheney's DECEIT and LIES pushing us on a war ON Iraq, because she once lived in the WH???

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