Not Surprising: Michelle Obama Names A Role Model---------It's Hanoi Jane Fonda


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Yep...........that Jane Fonda who did this~


Aiming a gook anti-aircraft gun

Michelle Obama Chooses Jane Fonda as Role Model

In the January 27 issue of People Magazine, First Lady Michelle Obama cites Jane Fonda as a role model. "[And] there's Jane Fonda, a beautiful, engaged, politically savvy, sharp woman," Michelle Obama responded after being asked by People who she would someday want to look and live like.

Fonda earned the nickname "Hanoi Jane" after photos were released of the actress laughing it up with our enemies in North Vietnam while sitting on an anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down American flyers.

While the war was still raging, Fonda attacked the American government and our troops in propaganda radio broadcasts for the North Vietnamese.

Recently, as the Iraq War waged, Fonda resumed her anti-war activities.

Among America's veterans, "Hanoi Jane" remains one of the most reviled figures in American history. Still, America's First Lady considers Fonda a role model and sees her as "politically savvy."

When you are reminded that the First Lady and the President spent 20 years in Reverend Wright's church, Michelle Obama's choice of Fonda as a role model isn't likely to surprise anyone.
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Perhaps you weren't born but Jane Fonda made a very sincere public apology about 20 years ago.

As it turns out, our Government did a lot things in vietnam that we're not proud of -- see Pentagon Papers.

This is just such a hacky thread -- you want to hate so bad.

Thanks for posting the link. I wasn't going to read it but I forced myself to. It was all I could do to keep down my lunch.

My wing commander at my first AF assignment spent several years at the Hanoi Hilton. I'll believe his version of the events over what I see is Fonda's whitewashed version. During a certain course of training in the USAF, we heard and read debriefs from the Hanoi Hilton prisoners. Their tale is in direct conflict with the above linked Fonda whitewash. Fonda's whitewash tale is a narrative of what she wants to believe. If she were the most naïve child on the planet, her recall of the AAA gun incident wouldn't be believable. Her "belief" that torture wasn't routine flies in the face if historical fact.

I wasn't there but between a spoiled, naïve Hollywood brat who has grown into an obnoxious shrew and our brave servicemen who endured the unendurable, I know who's story I'll believe.

That Moochelle would admire Fonda disgusts me but doesn't surprise me.

Boo, thanks again for posting the link. I feel like I have to take a shower now.

Thanks for posting the link. I wasn't going to read it but I forced myself to. It was all I could do to keep down my lunch.

My wing commander at my first AF assignment spent several years at the Hanoi Hilton. I'll believe his version of the events over what I see is Fonda's whitewashed version. During a certain course of training in the USAF, we heard and read debriefs from the Hanoi Hilton prisoners. Their tale is in direct conflict with the above linked Fonda whitewash. Fonda's whitewash tale is a narrative of what she wants to believe. If she were the most naïve child on the planet, her recall of the AAA gun incident wouldn't be believable. Her "belief" that torture wasn't routine flies in the face if historical fact.

I wasn't there but between a spoiled, naïve Hollywood brat who has grown into an obnoxious shrew and our brave servicemen who endured the unendurable, I know who's story I'll believe.

That Moochelle would admire Fonda disgusts me but doesn't surprise me.

Boo, thanks again for posting the link. I feel like I have to take a shower now.

Believe what you want. That you call the First Lady that is telling. Thanks for your civil reply however.
Perhaps you weren't born but Jane Fonda made a very sincere public apology about 20 years ago.

As it turns out, our Government did a lot things in vietnam that we're not proud of -- see Pentagon Papers.

This is just such a hacky thread -- you want to hate so bad.

Actions have consequences, sadly her apology came years and years too late.
The POWs will never forgive or accept her "apology", and rightly so.
The only thing good about Jane Fonda was her body about 30 years ago... Other than that, if she died tomorrow, I wouldn't shed a tear and many that are just a few years older than I would raise a cheer.

She should have been tried for treason.

Oh.. and her apologies? Don't you find it a bit ironic that they came about while she was out touting her movies and books ... When she was trying to make money?
The AA GUN WAS A MISTAKE, BUT SHE WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE WAR. MORE PEOPLE AGREED WITH HER THAN NOT. horrible war, but I never knew anyone who blamed our soldiers.
Perhaps you weren't born but Jane Fonda made a very sincere public apology about 20 years ago...
To Hell with Hanoi Jane's apology...

Actually, to Hell with Hanoi Jane herself...

Benedict Arnold in an exercise leotard...

And then there was Joan Baez. Or, as the more famous Al Capp caricature was called: "Phony Joanie". But Moochelle is only 50 so probably never saw one of those cartoons. Which, in retrospect, might be just as well......
Perhaps you weren't born but Jane Fonda made a very sincere public apology about 20 years ago.

As it turns out, our Government did a lot things in vietnam that we're not proud of -- see Pentagon Papers.

This is just such a hacky thread -- you want to hate so bad.

Actions have consequences, sadly her apology came years and years too late.
The POWs will never forgive or accept her "apology", and rightly so.

Birds of a feather......:eusa_whistle:

Lessons on the New Left from the Hanoi Hilton

February 28, 2014 by Lloyd Billingsley



The captors piped in propaganda and, Ellis explains, “the afternoon broadcasts were especially disheartening because they featured Americans spouting words that could have been written for them in Moscow and Hanoi.” American Tom Hayden “was a regular speaker,” later joined by his wife “film star Jane Fonda.” For this pair, the American POWs were war criminals and their reports of torture were lies.

Ellis charitably calls Fonda an “anti-war activist,” but she and Hayden were not against war in general. They only opposed American participation in a war against the North Vietnamese regime they served as propagandists. Hayden was their voice in the cells of the Hanoi Hilton and Fonda partied it up with a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft squad. But unlike “Axis Sally,” Mildred Gillars, who served jail time for broadcasting Nazi propaganda, “Hanoi Jane” suffered not at all. Her money and prestige helped Hayden gain public office in California.

The war in Vietnam continued after the United States pulled out in 1973 and in 1975 South Vietnam fell to the Communists. Hayden and Fonda celebrated the victory and remained uncritical of a Stalinist regime more repressive than its Soviet sponsors. Fonda even sought to slam the door on the “boat people” who fled the regime. Hayden called their defenders, such as Joan Baez, tools of the CIA.

Meanwhile, one of Tom Hayden’s comrades, John Froines, was recently the subject of a glowing profile in the Sacramento Bee describing him as a “social justice and civil rights advocate” but a stickler for facts and completely impartial.


To find out how Tom and Jane came across from the cells of the Hanoi Hilton, and to learn what kind of regime they defended, readers might consult Leading with Honor by Lee Ellis. Yes, there’s a lesson or two in there somewhere.

Lessons on the New Left from the Hanoi Hilton | FrontPage Magazine

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