Not the view you were looking for: A conservative woman's view on abortion

No. It might. Just like an acorn might grow into an oak, or might rot, or might become squirrel food.

Your fantastic logic has no base in reality. Your use of the word "might" is a convenient cover, but when a woman gets pregnant, the becoming a human being is almost a certainty, unless that process is interrupted.

I have shoes with no soles, does that mean my shoes are no longer shoes?

Oh for gosh sakes. Let's look at actual numbers:

Making Sense of Miscarriage Statistics
As many as 75% of all conceptions miscarry.
This statistic is an estimate for the percentage of fertilized eggs that do not go on to result in a full-term pregnancy, factoring in miscarriages but also failed implantations that usually pass without the mother ever missing a period.

You see why it's "might"?

Oh, for gosh sakes. As many as 56,000,000 people die every year. I'm reasonably certain that doesn't mean you think that statistic justifies killing them. What relevance does the fact that people die have to whether or not they're alive before they die?
Ahhh by your logic, what you say is irrelevant.

Your opinion is just that.
Opinions are like assholes everyone's got one and most stink.

The law defines humans as persons only when they fit the legal requirements. A fetus is not a person, 'human being' or not.
Science will prove that wrong eventually. Then you will be known as a murderer.

Science doesn't determine the concept of personhood.
It will, or you one of those science deniers?
The problem is you and others on the right are deniers of facts of Constitutional law, where as a fact of Constitutional law abortion is not 'murder,' where as a fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections, and where as a fact of Constitutional law absent those protections to refer to abortion as 'murder' is ignorant idiocy.

Murder is a legal term, precisely defined and understood in the context of the law, you and others on the right can't contrive your own ridiculous and wrong definition of 'murder' to suit your political agenda hostile to the privacy rights of women.

Issues of the law are addressed with a comprehensive examination of all the facts and evidence, where scientific evidence is not the sole determining factor concerning the issue of abortion; the protected liberty of the woman must also taken into account, along with settled and accepted precedent as to when individuals are recognized as such in accordance with Constitutional jurisprudence.

You may not like the law, you may disagree with the law, you may believe that the law is 'wrong,' but you must accept the fact that as a matter of law abortion is not 'murder,' that abortion is legal, and that women enjoy a right to privacy safeguarding them from the state seeking to compel them to give birth against their will.

There was a time when conservatives understood this, and were advocates of limiting government authority in support of individual liberty – sadly those conservatives are long gone, replaced with the bane of the social right and its hostility toward individual liberty.

Ah, yes. Appeal to legality. The last refuge of a leftist trying to argue a question of morality, and failing badly.
No, my point is that they are not SEPARATE, regardless of how life is defined. Fucks sakes how many times do I have to repeat myself? Are you dumb?
You've stated multiple times that you don't believe they are separate lives. Your entire case in that post revolved around the mother and child not being separate lives. You've adamantly refused to define what you define a life to be in the first place. As far as I can tell, you have no idea what the term even means. You really don't see the intellectual dishonesty there?

Hello? Can you read at all? Do you know what the following English words mean: MY ARGUMENT DOES NOT DEPEND ON THE DEFINITION OF LIFE ? Can you comprehend that? Do we need to go through the sentence word by word to make sure you can understand it? Will you please, for the love of your woman hating God, STOP BEING A FUCKING MORON.

You go first.
Likewise, the people demanding that women must carry out an unwanted pregnancy from conception to birth falter when it comes to inacting the death penalty. Choosing life or death.

Yet, you pro-choice liberals overwhelmingly choose death.

We play God all the time when we decide what creations will live or die for often the most frivolous reasons.

Is having abortion for no reason the most frivolous reason of them all?

Women don't have abortions "for no reason". That's a fallacy. The primary reason women have abortions is financial. They cannot afford to have a baby. It is the primary reason behind 75% of abortions.

Women don't have abortions for frivolous reasons or without thought. Having a baby is a lifelong commitment. If you are not financially capable of making that commitment, you shouldn't have the child.

Paid maternity leave, and other supports for women having children reduce the need for abortions but right wingers don't want to talk about these things. They're big on family values but they don't value families.

Yeah, very few people commit murder "for no reason". Doesn't make it any more acceptable.
A brain dead person can be kept artificially alive by a machine that keeps the heart pumping. Is it "alive"?

Really? Nice. Not even the best kicker in the NFL can kick a football through those goalposts.

It's not as big a stretch as you think.

What the end of life? What defines the beginning of life?

*sigh* It would be nice if leftists had felt compelled to attend JUST ONE high-school biology class, instead of yoinking off behind the boys' gym.

The Definition of Life

1) Chemical uniqueness. Living systems demonstrate a unique and
complex molecular organization.
2) Complexity and hierarchical organization. Living systems
demonstrate a unique and complex hierarchical organization.
3) Reproduction. Living systems can reproduce themselves.
4) Possession of a genetic program. A genetic program provides fidelity
of inheritance.
5) Metabolism. Living organisms maintain themselves by obtaining
nutrients from their environments.
6) Development. All organisms pass through a characteristic life cycle.
7) Environmental reaction. All animals interact with their environment.

By the way, for the record, all living organisms interact with their environment, not just animals.

A fetus fails to meet the standard you set for yourself. They fail all of the standards you set except #4. Absent the nurturing environment of the womb, they cannot live. The are life in development, but they don't obtain nutrition from their environment, they obtain it from their host.

A fetus is a possibility of life. What kind of life they will have, if any, is dependent on their host and it is her decision and hers alone whether they will have life at all.
All these big talking anti-abortionists calling abortion murder but they won't call the women who have abortion murderers and apply the logical penalty to them.

Now why do you suppose that is?
I would like to respond to the idea that a 2 day old fertilized egg will become a human being. That's not true. That the egg will develop normal and eventually become a human being isn't a certainty, only a possibility.

One third of all pregnancies end in miscarriages. When abortion is banned, women who miscarry become suspects.

Okay, you responded. Congratulations. It was stupid and uninformed. Congratulations again.

Moving on . . .
]A fetus is a possibility of life. What kind of life they will have, if any, is dependent on their host and it is her decision and hers alone whether they will have life at all.
You know, you imply a good point. This whole subject could be a non-issue if men as a whole were simply careful and found out whether she equated pregnancy with slavery or children with parasites before trying to knock her up. It'd be a win/win situation for everyone involved. You could remain childless and happy and safe from the horrors of parental responsibility. I wouldn't have to wonder every day whether she was going to kill our children. The feticide industry would collapse with the dearth of clients, which even your crowd claims to believe would be a good thing ("safe, legal, and rare" being the motto and all).
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The law defines humans as persons only when they fit the legal requirements. A fetus is not a person, 'human being' or not.
Science will prove that wrong eventually. Then you will be known as a murderer.

Science doesn't determine the concept of personhood.
It will, or you one of those science deniers?
The problem is you and others on the right are deniers of facts of Constitutional law, where as a fact of Constitutional law abortion is not 'murder,' where as a fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections, and where as a fact of Constitutional law absent those protections to refer to abortion as 'murder' is ignorant idiocy.

Murder is a legal term, precisely defined and understood in the context of the law, you and others on the right can't contrive your own ridiculous and wrong definition of 'murder' to suit your political agenda hostile to the privacy rights of women.

Issues of the law are addressed with a comprehensive examination of all the facts and evidence, where scientific evidence is not the sole determining factor concerning the issue of abortion; the protected liberty of the woman must also taken into account, along with settled and accepted precedent as to when individuals are recognized as such in accordance with Constitutional jurisprudence.

You may not like the law, you may disagree with the law, you may believe that the law is 'wrong,' but you must accept the fact that as a matter of law abortion is not 'murder,' that abortion is legal, and that women enjoy a right to privacy safeguarding them from the state seeking to compel them to give birth against their will.

There was a time when conservatives understood this, and were advocates of limiting government authority in support of individual liberty – sadly those conservatives are long gone, replaced with the bane of the social right and its hostility toward individual liberty.

Ah, yes. Appeal to legality. The last refuge of a leftist trying to argue a question of morality, and failing badly.

We put people in prison for murder under this legal system. Therefore a woman who murders what you call a human being, a fetus, should go to prison, or even perhaps be executed.

You don't agree, therefore you don't really believe that fetuses are persons.

In fact, ultimately, you agree with me.
A fetus fails to meet the standard you set for yourself. They fail all of the standards you set except #4. Absent the nurturing environment of the womb, they cannot live.

Ahh, this is where your logic fails. A baby is just as helpless outside of the womb as it is inside. Technically, after they are born, they don't meet most of those criteria either. You leave a baby alone, and it is just as helpless as it was inside the womb. By your logic, the newborn baby is still not alive.

However, I see the fetus meets 1, 4,5,6, and 7.

1) Even during the process of cell division, you can easily see the complexity of the human genome. One can only glean the fact that at full development, the "fetus" will demonstrate complex molecular organization.

4) Naturally, the fetus possesses the genetic programming provided by its parents.

5) Even in the womb, the child metabolizes the nutrients provided by the mother.

6) Quite obviously due to the genetic programming, the child develops, from embryo to full term; easily matching this requirement.

7) When a baby kicks, it is practicing its walking and crawling reflexes, it is constantly changing position in order to prepare for birth. This constitutes interaction with the environment.
I would like to respond to the idea that a 2 day old fertilized egg will become a human being. That's not true. That the egg will develop normal and eventually become a human being isn't a certainty, only a possibility.

One third of all pregnancies end in miscarriages. When abortion is banned, women who miscarry become suspects.

Okay, you responded. Congratulations. It was stupid and uninformed. Congratulations again.

Moving on . . .

No it was a fully informed and factual response. Which is why you hate it and chose to insult me instead.

Your refusal to accept that a fetus is not a life but rather the possibility of life is at the root of your delusions.

From a religious standpoint, if God had intended every fetus to be sacred and to result in a new life, women wouldn't have the ability to miscarry, to expel those attempts which go awry. The fetus wouldn't die, or fail to develop properly. They wouldn't be so very vulnerable.

Women have the ability to miscarry for good and valid reasons, one of which is, not every fetus has the ability to become a new life.

And your refusal to want to provide or even mention the supports women receive from the state to carry their child to term and to care for them once they are born in other first world countries, speaks volumes.

Where is your concern for the children once they are outside the womb. Conservatives only care about the unborn. The living breathing children of the poor are a problem you refuse to address.

That's called hypocrisy.
A fetus fails to meet the standard you set for yourself. They fail all of the standards you set except #4. Absent the nurturing environment of the womb, they cannot live.

Ahh, this is where your logic fails. A baby is just as helpless outside of the womb as it is inside. Technically, after they are born, they don't meet most of those criteria either. You leave a baby alone, and it is just as helpless as it was inside the womb. By your logic, the newborn baby is still not alive.

However, I see the fetus meets 1, 4,5,6, and 7.

1) Even during the process of cell division, you can easily see the complexity of the human genome. One can only glean the fact that at full development, the "fetus" will demonstrate complex molecular organization.

4) Naturally, the fetus possesses the genetic programming provided by its parents.

5) Even in the womb, the child metabolizes the nutrients provided by the mother.

6) Quite obviously due to the genetic programming, the child develops, from embryo to full term; easily matching this requirement.

7) When a baby kicks, it is practicing its walking and crawling reflexes, it is constantly changing position in order to prepare for birth. This constitutes interaction with the environment.

Then you agree that by your own argument a woman who has an abortion is guilty of murder?
Then go beyond words - offer to carry a fetus, don't make the poor woman do it for you.

You really are quite facetious tonight aren't you? Why don't you volunteer to be the fetus, then?

Unfortunately that is impossible. My suggestion IS possible. Why is it no one seems to want to expand research in that direction? Maybe because men don't like the idea of having someone else controlling their bodies?
And your refusal to want to provide or even mention the supports women receive from the state to carry their child to term and to care for them once they are born in other first world countries, speaks volumes

Interestingly enough, pro-choicers complain about right wingers using the government to control their choices, yet blatantly demand that government protect their choices.

That's called hypocrisy.

Speak for yourself.
No. It might. Just like an acorn might grow into an oak, or might rot, or might become squirrel food.

Your fantastic logic has no base in reality. Your use of the word "might" is a convenient cover, but when a woman gets pregnant, the becoming a human being is almost a certainty, unless that process is interrupted.

I have shoes with no soles, does that mean my shoes are no longer shoes?

Oh for gosh sakes. Let's look at actual numbers:

Making Sense of Miscarriage Statistics
As many as 75% of all conceptions miscarry.
This statistic is an estimate for the percentage of fertilized eggs that do not go on to result in a full-term pregnancy, factoring in miscarriages but also failed implantations that usually pass without the mother ever missing a period.

You see why it's "might"?

Yeeeah, "conceptions" not births. Please, kindly, find your nearest dictionary and read it. I'm talking about the fertilized eggs that DO result in a full term pregnancy.

Fertilized eggs that DO result in a full term pregnancy aren't an issue - they are not aborted. However, the argument you and others seem to be making is that every fertilized egg becomes an independent human being with rights.
From a religious standpoint, if God had intended every fetus to be sacred and to result in a new life, women wouldn't have the ability to miscarry, to expel those attempts which go awry. The fetus wouldn't die, or fail to develop properly. They wouldn't be so very vulnerable.
Religion, however, is a non-factor in the discussion. Any intentions of "God" has nothing to do with real life outside of the storybook.

Women have the ability to miscarry for good and valid reasons, one of which is, not every fetus has the ability to become a new life.
We're not talking about miscarriages either. We're talking about a woman going into a clinic and spreading her legs so the doctor can chemically burn or tear apart the child growing inside of her, vacuum it out, and have the nurse dump it in the trash.

And your refusal to want to provide or even mention the supports women receive from the state to carry their child to term and to care for them once they are born in other first world countries, speaks volumes.
Women can and do receive support from the state. There are many of us who would happily see those supports be increased and protected.

Where is your concern for the children once they are outside the womb. Conservatives only care about the unborn. The living breathing children of the poor are a problem you refuse to address.
Please see above. You want birth control? Fuck, I'll pay for it if you're not willing to buy your own. I'm serious. We can privately arrange a monthly transfer plan through my bank if that's what it takes to keep you from killing the child whom you only conceived to dispose of.
I know, I know, The View is nothing more than a liberal echo chamber, but Carly Fiorina chose to jump into the lions den despite that fact. In a feature segment involving Fiorina, Whoopi Goldberg during the segment decided to ambush the former Hewlett-Packard CEO with a rather pointed question on the issue of abortion, while also questioning her Christian values..

“Are you going to run as a person who’s going to govern for everyone, or are you running on your Christian beliefs?” Goldberg asked. “Because you said some wonderful things and it made me beg the question ... if you feel that women should have the choices ... why do you think choice is not a good thing?”

Fiorina promptly flattened Goldberg with an equally pointed and scientific answer.

“Well, look abortion is obviously a very delicate subject, she replied. "I happen to believe that science is proving us right. The DNA in a zygote is the same as the DNA the day you die, we do have common ground on this issue now.”

“The majority of women, the majority of young people, the majority of Americans now think that late-term abortion for any reason at all is a problem,” Fiorina continued. “So what I say is, let’s go find that common ground.”

How does being female mean you have any say over what other females do with their bodies?

Well, from what I can see, those "other females" think they own the issue of abortion. Well they don't. It's like this: liberal women think they have a monopoly on the issue of abortion, they treat any conservative pro-life woman as an outlier, or someone who doesn't know what's good for them.

So, my question to you is, how does being a liberal woman give her any say over what another conservative woman does with her body?

I agree with what you said about liberal women Basically they are like all liberals in every subject, only people who agree with them have a valid point of view.

I'm not sure I understand the last question though since I'm pro-choice, I don't think anyone has a say over what anyone else does with their body
Then go beyond words - offer to carry a fetus, don't make the poor woman do it for you.

You really are quite facetious tonight aren't you? Why don't you volunteer to be the fetus, then?

Unfortunately that is impossible. My suggestion IS possible. Why is it no one seems to want to expand research in that direction? Maybe because men don't like the idea of having someone else controlling their bodies?

Sleep well?

There's no need to be a misandrist, Coyote.

Your suggestion is possible, but unnatural. Why don't they expand research in that direction? Because, giving birth is gender specific. Whereas contributing to the processes that cause birth is a coequal interaction.

Maybe, it's because women like you don't want to consider the role a man plays. In my personal opinion, I see the man's role as a far more critical role in instigating the chain reaction. You can't start the car without the keys. You can't start a fire without a spark, and so on and so on. You can't begin to think about having a baby unless a man, or at least his sperm, are present to initiate the reaction.

As for "control" see my response to Dragonlady.
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A fetus fails to meet the standard you set for yourself. They fail all of the standards you set except #4. Absent the nurturing environment of the womb, they cannot live.

Ahh, this is where your logic fails. A baby is just as helpless outside of the womb as it is inside. Technically, after they are born, they don't meet most of those criteria either. You leave a baby alone, and it is just as helpless as it was inside the womb. By your logic, the newborn baby is still not alive.

However, I see the fetus meets 1, 4,5,6, and 7.

1) Even during the process of cell division, you can easily see the complexity of the human genome. One can only glean the fact that at full development, the "fetus" will demonstrate complex molecular organization.

4) Naturally, the fetus possesses the genetic programming provided by its parents.

5) Even in the womb, the child metabolizes the nutrients provided by the mother.

6) Quite obviously due to the genetic programming, the child develops, from embryo to full term; easily matching this requirement.

7) When a baby kicks, it is practicing its walking and crawling reflexes, it is constantly changing position in order to prepare for birth. This constitutes interaction with the environment.

Then you agree that by your own argument a woman who has an abortion is guilty of murder?

As boring as it is to make points that go unchallenged, it is satisfying to win the argument so easily.

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