Not Too Bright Bart and the Cracker I.Q. Test

Is merely seeing the word 'Cracker' enough to trigger you?

  • I saw it in an aisle at Safeway and called the Discrimination Board of my town

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm wondering about that too.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not easily triggered.

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • I consider it offensive

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Does not apply

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • I'm reporting this to the proper authorities

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


VIP Member
Jun 7, 2018
I have been known to troll the world wide web looking for different and unique web sites and content. Recently I came across a website through the recommendation of a friend of a friend. Seeing the phrase Take the Cracker I.Q. Test had me first thinking what you may be thinking. But seeing as I respect the friend who passed on a recommendation of a friend, I jumped in head first.

But first I must trollsplain: It took a while, but I was able to contact the Administrator of the website for permission to use the content outside of the website. After verifying who I am and my interests and history, I was granted the permissions I sought. Drumroll please :happy-1:(hand clapping will have to suffice):

Under a Heading of Take The Cracker I.Q. Test is an image with Text next to it:


Two Images Side by Side
Two images compare two men to an ape. One alone mocks a man's looks. The other is meant to disparage a man, using a comparison of a racial group to apes.

Not a Trick Question.
"Select the Racist Image" is not a trick question. It's not even a question.
Then we get the image again (I'll not repost it here) with other text beside that instance:

Real Testimonials by Real Americans
"I took the test and I was told I scored the highest they have ever seen. It's amazing. I mean it's something they have never seen before. And I'll produce my test results, absolutely. And I would love to do that, even against my lawyer's wishes -- when Hillary releases her 33,000 emails that have been deleted." - John Baron von Munchausen

Real American
Real is pronounced like it is written in English: 'real'. It is not pronounced like the Mexican road 'Camino Real.' And while we are on the subject, don't they know 'Camino' is a horse or a car, and not a road?

Definition: Cracker
Cracker definition is - a bragging liar : boaster : blowhard.

Truthful hyperbole & Alternative FAQs
The most frequently asked question here @ NTBB, is "Who are you, and why should we trust you?" Well I'll tell you -- just as soon as Mueller proves collusion. Because at that point I may be called as a witness.​

Still with me Fellow USMBers? Now what it has me wondering is if it is racist, political, or both. And what parts of it can be easily labelled.

disclosure: I took the test.


  • rs=w_400,cg_true.jpg
    16.7 KB · Views: 161
  • rs=w_400,cg_true.jpg
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I doubt any cracker gets "triggered" by seeing the word. Evah.
I'm told people think of me as white, and when I see Signage CRACKERS over Aisles in Grocery stores, I feel I should be offended, but I'm not. Not really. I also wonder why so many white people got offended just seeing names like Black Lives Matter. Instantly triggered into shouting All Lives Matter, totally missing the point
and before any of you feel the knee jerk urge to label me, JBvM as a Progressive Snowflake, see the thread on Blacksplaining
I have been known to troll the world wide web looking for different and unique web sites and content. Recently I came across a website through the recommendation of a friend of a friend. Seeing the phrase Take the Cracker I.Q. Test had me first thinking what you may be thinking. But seeing as I respect the friend who passed on a recommendation of a friend, I jumped in head first.

But first I must trollsplain: It took a while, but I was able to contact the Administrator of the website for permission to use the content outside of the website. After verifying who I am and my interests and history, I was granted the permissions I sought. Drumroll please :happy-1:(hand clapping will have to suffice):

Under a Heading of Take The Cracker I.Q. Test is an image with Text next to it:


Two Images Side by Side
Two images compare two men to an ape. One alone mocks a man's looks. The other is meant to disparage a man, using a comparison of a racial group to apes.

Not a Trick Question.
"Select the Racist Image" is not a trick question. It's not even a question.
Then we get the image again (I'll not repost it here) with other text beside that instance:

Real Testimonials by Real Americans
"I took the test and I was told I scored the highest they have ever seen. It's amazing. I mean it's something they have never seen before. And I'll produce my test results, absolutely. And I would love to do that, even against my lawyer's wishes -- when Hillary releases her 33,000 emails that have been deleted." - John Baron von Munchausen

Real American
Real is pronounced like it is written in English: 'real'. It is not pronounced like the Mexican road 'Camino Real.' And while we are on the subject, don't they know 'Camino' is a horse or a car, and not a road?

Definition: Cracker
Cracker definition is - a bragging liar : boaster : blowhard.

Truthful hyperbole & Alternative FAQs
The most frequently asked question here @ NTBB, is "Who are you, and why should we trust you?" Well I'll tell you -- just as soon as Mueller proves collusion. Because at that point I may be called as a witness.​

Still with me Fellow USMBers? Now what it has me wondering is if it is racist, political, or both. And what parts of it can be easily labelled.

disclosure: I took the test.

Who you callin' cracker,Yankee dog?

I always wanted to be a cracker but even a double wide won’t fit my books, my library of Classical vinyls, and my wine collection.
and before any of you feel the knee jerk urge to label me, JBvM as a Progressive Snowflake, see the thread on Blacksplaining

What thread on blacksplaining?

Now why would the word cracker trigger anything in whites since that word hasn't created laws and policies based upon the feeling of those using this. word that is purposefully detrimental to whites?
and before any of you feel the knee jerk urge to label me, JBvM as a Progressive Snowflake, see the thread on Blacksplaining

What thread on blacksplaining?

Now why would the word cracker trigger anything in whites since that word hasn't created laws and policies based upon the feeling of those using this. word that is purposefully detrimental to whites?
The one on Whitesplaing, which is really a supposed Black Woman Blacksplaining everything :blahblah:

It's highly amuse she doesn't see how naked her agenda is
and before any of you feel the knee jerk urge to label me, JBvM as a Progressive Snowflake, see the thread on Blacksplaining

What thread on blacksplaining?

Now why would the word cracker trigger anything in whites since that word hasn't created laws and policies based upon the feeling of those using this. word that is purposefully detrimental to whites?
The one on Whitesplaing, which is really a supposed Black Woman Blacksplaining everything :blahblah:

It's highly amusing that she doesn't see how naked her agenda is

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