Notes on the Pussification of America


Nov 4, 2013
by Fred Reed
November 14, 2013

It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and diminished futures. The evidence is everywhere. Few dare notice it.

The feminization is real. More than seventy-five percent of teachers are women; in New York state, over ninety percent of elementary school teachers are women; in the US, over seventy percent of psychologists are women, with (sez me) the rest being doubtful. This is feminization with fangs.

Read Here:
Notes on the Pussification of America - Taki's Magazine
This kind of sexism is unacceptable, Iceman. What is this, the Middle East? I was raised by a woman for all my life, and as you can see, I am far from being 'feminized.'
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This kind of sexism is unacceptable, Iceman. What is this, the Middle East?

Which portion of the article did you disagree with and why?

I disagree with it's entirety. This is gender based profiling. Such hard right tactics will only serve to create a divide between male and female as you apparently wish to do. Yes, women do make up a great deal of these professions you mention, but they most certainly do not deserve to be punished for it. As I can see, they aren't 'making school hell for boys.' Nor are they 'totalitarian.' If you look throughout history, you'll find that some of the worst totalitarians in history WERE MEN.
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by Fred Reed
November 14, 2013

It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and diminished futures. The evidence is everywhere. Few dare notice it.

The feminization is real. More than seventy-five percent of teachers are women; in New York state, over ninety percent of elementary school teachers are women; in the US, over seventy percent of psychologists are women, with (sez me) the rest being doubtful. This is feminization with fangs.

Read Here:
Notes on the Pussification of America - Taki's Magazine

Yes, obviously women are going to dominate certain career fields. Are you suggesting it is wrong for men to do the same?

Probably not. This is clearly a sexist OP.
by Fred Reed
November 14, 2013

It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and diminished futures. The evidence is everywhere. Few dare notice it.

The feminization is real. More than seventy-five percent of teachers are women; in New York state, over ninety percent of elementary school teachers are women; in the US, over seventy percent of psychologists are women, with (sez me) the rest being doubtful. This is feminization with fangs.

Paging Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud...
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This kind of sexism is unacceptable, Iceman. What is this, the Middle East?

Which portion of the article did you disagree with and why?

I disagree with it's entirety. This is gender based profiling. Such hard right tactics will only serve to create a divide between male and female as you apparently wish to do. Yes, women do make up a great deal of these professions you mention, but they most certainly do not deserve to be punished for it. As I can see, they aren't 'making school hell for boys.' Nor are they 'totalitarian.' If you look throughout history, you'll find that some of the worst totalitarians in history WERE MEN.

First off, stereotyping isn't wrong in of itself. Often times stereotypes are true. That isn't an argument against the points made in this article.

Nor is your second point an argument against the content of the article. You make a specious point about supposed "division" between the sexes, that doesn't change the arguments made here. Also, there are divisions between the sexes, these are called gender roles, they have existed for thousands of years, they governed the appropriate actions of each gender and set a template for relationships between men and women for a stable society based around procreation and the nuclear family. They arose due to biological, mental and psychological differences between men and women. Thinking you can somehow eliminate these indelible biological lines is utopian and foolhardy, and will have destructive consequences for society(see lower birth rates, lower marriage rates, higher divorce rates, higher illegitimacy rates(almost 50% of children born to mothers under 30 are bastards)).

Third, where did this article talk about "punishing women"? Please show me.

Finally a point you made with substance. This is where we disagree. I think women emerging as a supermajority of teachers in the schools, and the "zero tolerance" policies that have emerged have had a negative impact. We can look at the rise in prescription drug use amongst children, higher rates of diagnoses for supposed "mental disorders", more school shootings, football and dodgeball being banned in some cases, kids being suspended for point their fingers like a gun, kids being threatened with punishment as a sex criminal for streaking(resulting in the boy committing suicide). These are just some of many examples. But I don't think feminism has had a positive impact here at all.

Men being totalitarian doesn't negate women being more so. It is a fact women vote for leftist political parties more so than men.
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by Fred Reed
November 14, 2013

It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and diminished futures. The evidence is everywhere. Few dare notice it.

The feminization is real. More than seventy-five percent of teachers are women; in New York state, over ninety percent of elementary school teachers are women; in the US, over seventy percent of psychologists are women, with (sez me) the rest being doubtful. This is feminization with fangs.

Read Here:
Notes on the Pussification of America - Taki's Magazine

Yes, obviously women are going to dominate certain career fields. Are you suggesting it is wrong for men to do the same?

Probably not. This is clearly a sexist OP.

I am saying women should teach girls, and men should teach boys.

Of course women are going to dominate certain career fields, this is only natural. No one ever argued against that. You need to read the article carefully bud.
Icewuss obviously finds women threatening, and probably wears dresses while screaming at himself in the mirror at home. Poor, pathetic creature.
Which portion of the article did you disagree with and why?
This is where we disagree, finally a point you made with substance. This is where we disagree. I think women emerging as a supermajority of teachers in the schools, and the "zero tolerance" policies that have emerged have had a negative impact. We can look at the rise in prescription drug use amongst children, higher rates of diagnoses for supposed "mental disorders", more school shootings, football and dodgeball being banned in some cases, kids being suspended for point their fingers like a gun, kids being threatened with punishment as a sex criminal for streaking(resulting in the boy committing suicide). These are just some of many examples. But I don't think feminism has had a positive impact here at all.

What does feminism have to do with kids taking prescription drugs, school shootings, and men registering as sex offenders for streaking?
by Fred Reed
November 14, 2013

It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and diminished futures. The evidence is everywhere. Few dare notice it.

The feminization is real. More than seventy-five percent of teachers are women; in New York state, over ninety percent of elementary school teachers are women; in the US, over seventy percent of psychologists are women, with (sez me) the rest being doubtful. This is feminization with fangs.

Read Here:
Notes on the Pussification of America - Taki's Magazine

Yes, obviously women are going to dominate certain career fields. Are you suggesting it is wrong for men to do the same?

Probably not. This is clearly a sexist OP.

I am saying women should teach girls, and men should teach boys.

Of course women are going to dominate certain career fields, this is only natural. No one ever argued against that. You need to read the article carefully bud.

This article is very sexist. The title alone is sexist. To blame women for how schools discipline boys is completley ridiculous.
This is where we disagree, finally a point you made with substance. This is where we disagree. I think women emerging as a supermajority of teachers in the schools, and the "zero tolerance" policies that have emerged have had a negative impact. We can look at the rise in prescription drug use amongst children, higher rates of diagnoses for supposed "mental disorders", more school shootings, football and dodgeball being banned in some cases, kids being suspended for point their fingers like a gun, kids being threatened with punishment as a sex criminal for streaking(resulting in the boy committing suicide). These are just some of many examples. But I don't think feminism has had a positive impact here at all.

What does feminism have to do with kids taking prescription drugs, school shootings, and men registering as sex offenders for streaking?

It has to do with normal behavior for a young boy being classified as a disorder such as ADD or ADHD when a class is simply boring or pointless(generally with boring mundane repetitive busy work catered to girls).

This leads to my next point. Disassociation from activities at school over an extended period lead to isolation and the kind of anti-social behavior that results in school shootings. Lets look at the list of prescription drugs these school shooters were on.

As for the streaking episode, google search Christian Adamek. He was a victim of political correctness and hypersensitivity that arises in a feminist matriarchal environment that simply doesn't understand young men. This political correctness used to be annoying, now it is killing people. 20 years ago, this kid would have been suspended or given detention for a couple months. Now the school threatens legal action which would have resulted in the kid being put on the sex offenders list, he then offs himself.
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Yes, obviously women are going to dominate certain career fields. Are you suggesting it is wrong for men to do the same?

Probably not. This is clearly a sexist OP.

I am saying women should teach girls, and men should teach boys.

Of course women are going to dominate certain career fields, this is only natural. No one ever argued against that. You need to read the article carefully bud.

This article is very sexist. The title alone is sexist. To blame women for how schools discipline boys is completley ridiculous.

If women are the majority of teachers, a supermajority. Why shouldn't they be held responsible?

This is the problem with feminism. It isn't about molding independent women, it is about giving them their cake and eating them to. They get all the benefits men have, but none of the responsibilities(like alleviating responsibility for action against children in schools). Or another example would be sexual liberation and the free love movement. Feminism preaches sex positivism as a supposed liberating force to create independent women. However, at the same time, taxpayer ought to fund their birth control. News flash, taking government money for birth control is the exact opposite of being independent.
What does feminism have to do with kids taking prescription drugs, school shootings, and men registering as sex offenders for streaking?

It has to do with normal behavior for a young boy being classified as a disorder such as ADD or ADHD when a class is simply boring or pointless(generally with boring mundane repetitive busy work catered to girls).

This leads to my next point. Disassociation from activities at school over an extended period lead to isolation and the kind of anti-social behavior that results in school shootings. Lets look at the list of prescription drugs these school shooters were on.

As for the streaking episode, google search Christian Adamek. He was a victim of political correctness and hypersensitivity that arises in a feminist matriarchal environment that simply doesn't understand young men. This political correctness used to be annoying, now it is killing people. 20 years ago, this kid would have been suspended or given detention for a couple months. Now the school threatens legal action which would have resulted in the kid being put on the sex offenders list, he then offs himself.

Ok but you aren't making any connection of these issues to women and feminism. Where is the evidence? Just because an explanation sounds like it makes sense, it doesn't mean it is the real one.

There is zero evidence that how boys are disciplined in school has any connection to antisocial behavior like school shootings. This is ridiculous.
It has to do with normal behavior for a young boy being classified as a disorder such as ADD or ADHD when a class is simply boring or pointless(generally with boring mundane repetitive busy work catered to girls).

This leads to my next point. Disassociation from activities at school over an extended period lead to isolation and the kind of anti-social behavior that results in school shootings. Lets look at the list of prescription drugs these school shooters were on.

As for the streaking episode, google search Christian Adamek. He was a victim of political correctness and hypersensitivity that arises in a feminist matriarchal environment that simply doesn't understand young men. This political correctness used to be annoying, now it is killing people. 20 years ago, this kid would have been suspended or given detention for a couple months. Now the school threatens legal action which would have resulted in the kid being put on the sex offenders list, he then offs himself.

Ok but you aren't making any connection of these issues to women and feminism. Where is the evidence? Just because an explanation sounds like it makes sense, it doesn't mean it is the real one.

There is zero evidence that how boys are disciplined in school has any connection to antisocial behavior like school shootings. This is ridiculous.
You are just repeating yourself.

What is ridiculous is you saying the disciplinary actions and social structures of schools, along with these improper psych evaluations, have nothing to do with feminism, or with women, even though they make up the majority of teachers and psychologists. You are the one experiencing the disconnect my friend.
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Ok but you aren't making any connection of these issues to women and feminism. Where is the evidence? Just because an explanation sounds like it makes sense, it doesn't mean it is the real one.

There is zero evidence that how boys are disciplined in school has any connection to antisocial behavior like school shootings. This is ridiculous.
You are just repeating yourself.

What is ridiculous is you saying the disciplinary actions and social structures of schools, along with these improper psych evaluations, have nothing to do with feminism, or with women, even though they make up the majority of teachers and psychologists. You are the one experiencing the disconnect my friend.

If you wanted to find a connection between women and improper psych evals, then you need to find the routes of feminism in psychiatric research of conditions like AD/HD. Any psychologist refers to the DSM when it comes to diagnostics.
You are just repeating yourself.

What is ridiculous is you saying the disciplinary actions and social structures of schools, along with these improper psych evaluations, have nothing to do with feminism, or with women, even though they make up the majority of teachers and psychologists. You are the one experiencing the disconnect my friend.

If you wanted to find a connection between women and improper psych evals, then you need to find the routes of feminism in psychiatric research of conditions like AD/HD. Any psychologist refers to the DSM when it comes to diagnostics.

No you don't. No one is saying the condition might or might not exist. Improper diagnosis is the issue, we have to look at it in this context. When we have women as the majority of psychologists and teachers, we see an inflated rate of diagnoses, especially in young boys, this should come as no surprise that lack of conformity in an increasingly feminized environment is misinterpreted as a mental disorder.
CDC - ADHD, Data and Statistics - NCBDDD
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If you wanted to find a connection between women and improper psych evals, then you need to find the routes of feminism in psychiatric research of conditions like AD/HD. Any psychologist refers to the DSM when it comes to diagnostics.

No you don't. No one is saying the condition might or might not exist. Improper diagnosis is the issue, we have to look at it in this context. When we have women as the majority of psychologists and teachers, we see an inflated rate of diagnoses, especially in young boys, this should come as no surprise that lack of conformity in an increasingly feminized environment is misinterpreted as a mental disorder.
CDC - ADHD, Data and Statistics - NCBDDD

But even if that were true, what does sexism have to do with it?

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