Notice how the democrats always compare conservatives to Nazis?

Like I said, we can agree to disagree because we're back to semantics again. :thup:
You say "Semantics" as though the exact meaning and reasoning behind everything isn't incredibly important. One who doesn't concern themselves with being absolutely right will be absolutely wrong.

Agree to disagree? I've made a sound argument backed by history when you came here to correct me, you lost because you didn't understand the topic. I suppose you think this is the best way for you to back off without admitting you were wrong? I'm willing to bet that just like everyone else on this forum, the next time the argument pops up, you're going to say the exact same thing you opened with to the next person, and if they prove you wrong, you're going to close with the exact same statement.

That's the thing about facts, you can disagree with them all you like, but that doesn't prevent them from being facts.
Don't pat yourself on the back so soon........
You've no proof of your assertions hence "agree to disagree" so basically you've proved nothing but how you interpret history, I should have said semantics and definitions. Nazism in Germany was never pure as Nazism was supposed to be Fascism, it fell far short in that area. You cherry pick specific so called socialist programs to rationalize your conclusions but omit the rest. The fact that you want desperatly to see Nazism as left as opposed to right wing is obvious in your approach. My recommendation, don't make up you own definitions use the ones that have been in place for generations.
I made up nothing, the 'cherry-picked' facts are enough to make it Socialism. Both Russia and Germany were factually fascist, they didn't fall short at all. I'm not desperate at all, big government is inherently left wing, so even if Germany wasn't Socialist, they'd easily be left wing on that merit alone. You're just like Divine.Wind.
You sound just like Joseph McCarthy.
How so?
Because one bull shit reply deserves another........
Like I said, we can agree to disagree because we're back to semantics again. :thup:
You say "Semantics" as though the exact meaning and reasoning behind everything isn't incredibly important. One who doesn't concern themselves with being absolutely right will be absolutely wrong.

Agree to disagree? I've made a sound argument backed by history when you came here to correct me, you lost because you didn't understand the topic. I suppose you think this is the best way for you to back off without admitting you were wrong? I'm willing to bet that just like everyone else on this forum, the next time the argument pops up, you're going to say the exact same thing you opened with to the next person, and if they prove you wrong, you're going to close with the exact same statement.

That's the thing about facts, you can disagree with them all you like, but that doesn't prevent them from being facts.
I will admit that, after going back and reading my post that I did make a mistake and stated no socialist programs were installed but the installation of a limited number of the programs doesn't detract from the reality of what Hitler was doing and that he transformed Nazism from what Rohm and others wanted into a nationalist dictatorship.

In Germany, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler orders a bloody purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of Nazis whom he believed had the potential to become political enemies in the future. The leadership of the Nazi Storm Troopers (SA), whose four million members had helped bring Hitler to power in the early 1930s, was especially targeted. Hitler feared that some of his followers had taken his early “National Socialism” propaganda too seriously and thus might compromise his plan to suppress workers’ rights in exchange for German industry making the country war-ready.

Night of the Long Knives - Jun 30, 1934 -
Government takeover of the means of production, universal healthcare, and government employment of every citizen is enough to make them Socialist. That's not 'limited number', that's total Socialism.
Here, this is for you......... It's highly appropriate.

How People’s Political Passions Distort Their Sense of Reality

That sounds like the perfect description of a snowflake.
Snowflakes don't belong to one particular party....... :eusa_whistle:
You say "Semantics" as though the exact meaning and reasoning behind everything isn't incredibly important. One who doesn't concern themselves with being absolutely right will be absolutely wrong.

Agree to disagree? I've made a sound argument backed by history when you came here to correct me, you lost because you didn't understand the topic. I suppose you think this is the best way for you to back off without admitting you were wrong? I'm willing to bet that just like everyone else on this forum, the next time the argument pops up, you're going to say the exact same thing you opened with to the next person, and if they prove you wrong, you're going to close with the exact same statement.

That's the thing about facts, you can disagree with them all you like, but that doesn't prevent them from being facts.
I will admit that, after going back and reading my post that I did make a mistake and stated no socialist programs were installed but the installation of a limited number of the programs doesn't detract from the reality of what Hitler was doing and that he transformed Nazism from what Rohm and others wanted into a nationalist dictatorship.

In Germany, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler orders a bloody purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of Nazis whom he believed had the potential to become political enemies in the future. The leadership of the Nazi Storm Troopers (SA), whose four million members had helped bring Hitler to power in the early 1930s, was especially targeted. Hitler feared that some of his followers had taken his early “National Socialism” propaganda too seriously and thus might compromise his plan to suppress workers’ rights in exchange for German industry making the country war-ready.

Night of the Long Knives - Jun 30, 1934 -
Government takeover of the means of production, universal healthcare, and government employment of every citizen is enough to make them Socialist. That's not 'limited number', that's total Socialism.
Here, this is for you......... It's highly appropriate.

How People’s Political Passions Distort Their Sense of Reality
You cherry picked because you only selected those aspects that fit your paradigm and called it a whole, I'm looking at the whole and calling it what it was.

She cherry picked nothing. You're totally ignorant of what Nazi Germany was.
Why don't you back that up with proof? How many years/decades have you studied WWII, it's players, what led up to it and what were the complex world wide consequences?
Like I said, we can agree to disagree because we're back to semantics again. :thup:
You say "Semantics" as though the exact meaning and reasoning behind everything isn't incredibly important. One who doesn't concern themselves with being absolutely right will be absolutely wrong.

Agree to disagree? I've made a sound argument backed by history when you came here to correct me, you lost because you didn't understand the topic. I suppose you think this is the best way for you to back off without admitting you were wrong? I'm willing to bet that just like everyone else on this forum, the next time the argument pops up, you're going to say the exact same thing you opened with to the next person, and if they prove you wrong, you're going to close with the exact same statement.

That's the thing about facts, you can disagree with them all you like, but that doesn't prevent them from being facts.
Don't pat yourself on the back so soon........
You've no proof of your assertions hence "agree to disagree" so basically you've proved nothing but how you interpret history, I should have said semantics and definitions. Nazism in Germany was never pure as Nazism was supposed to be Fascism, it fell far short in that area. You cherry pick specific so called socialist programs to rationalize your conclusions but omit the rest. The fact that you want desperatly to see Nazism as left as opposed to right wing is obvious in your approach. My recommendation, don't make up you own definitions use the ones that have been in place for generations.
I made up nothing, the 'cherry-picked' facts are enough to make it Socialism. Both Russia and Germany were factually fascist, they didn't fall short at all. I'm not desperate at all, big government is inherently left wing, so even if Germany wasn't Socialist, they'd easily be left wing on that merit alone. You're just like Divine.Wind.
You sound just like Joseph McCarthy.
You sound like a commie supporter.
You sound like an idiot but then again I'm repeating yourself....... :eusa_whistle:
You say "Semantics" as though the exact meaning and reasoning behind everything isn't incredibly important. One who doesn't concern themselves with being absolutely right will be absolutely wrong.

Agree to disagree? I've made a sound argument backed by history when you came here to correct me, you lost because you didn't understand the topic. I suppose you think this is the best way for you to back off without admitting you were wrong? I'm willing to bet that just like everyone else on this forum, the next time the argument pops up, you're going to say the exact same thing you opened with to the next person, and if they prove you wrong, you're going to close with the exact same statement.

That's the thing about facts, you can disagree with them all you like, but that doesn't prevent them from being facts.
I will admit that, after going back and reading my post that I did make a mistake and stated no socialist programs were installed but the installation of a limited number of the programs doesn't detract from the reality of what Hitler was doing and that he transformed Nazism from what Rohm and others wanted into a nationalist dictatorship.

In Germany, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler orders a bloody purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of Nazis whom he believed had the potential to become political enemies in the future. The leadership of the Nazi Storm Troopers (SA), whose four million members had helped bring Hitler to power in the early 1930s, was especially targeted. Hitler feared that some of his followers had taken his early “National Socialism” propaganda too seriously and thus might compromise his plan to suppress workers’ rights in exchange for German industry making the country war-ready.

Night of the Long Knives - Jun 30, 1934 -
Government takeover of the means of production, universal healthcare, and government employment of every citizen is enough to make them Socialist. That's not 'limited number', that's total Socialism.
Here, this is for you......... It's highly appropriate.

How People’s Political Passions Distort Their Sense of Reality
You cherry picked because you only selected those aspects that fit your paradigm and called it a whole, I'm looking at the whole and calling it what it was.

Your not looking at the whole.

I'm sorry, what was your degree in again? Wishful thinking?
I will admit that, after going back and reading my post that I did make a mistake and stated no socialist programs were installed but the installation of a limited number of the programs doesn't detract from the reality of what Hitler was doing and that he transformed Nazism from what Rohm and others wanted into a nationalist dictatorship.

Night of the Long Knives - Jun 30, 1934 -
Government takeover of the means of production, universal healthcare, and government employment of every citizen is enough to make them Socialist. That's not 'limited number', that's total Socialism.
Here, this is for you......... It's highly appropriate.

How People’s Political Passions Distort Their Sense of Reality
You cherry picked because you only selected those aspects that fit your paradigm and called it a whole, I'm looking at the whole and calling it what it was.

She cherry picked nothing. You're totally ignorant of what Nazi Germany was.
Why don't you back that up with proof? How many years/decades have you studied WWII, it's players, what led up to it and what were the complex world wide consequences?

I started reading about WW II when I was in the 2nd grade. I know virtually everything there is to know about it. I don't need to write a 1500 page book to know that your claims are absolute horseshit.

Nazi Economic Policy
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Conservatives without Conscience is a book written by John Dean, who served as White House Counsel under U.S. President Richard Nixon and then helped to break the Watergate scandal with his testimony before the United States Senate. The book analyzes the evolution of the Republican Party, and the different forms of conservatism, largely in terms of authoritarian personality. It was published in 2006 by Viking Press.

The book makes extensive use of the research into right-wing authoritarianism of University of Manitoba Professor Bob Altemeyer. The title is a play on The Conscience of a Conservative, a seminal book attributed to the Republican nominee in the 1964 presidential campaign, U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater, but ghostwritten by L. Brent Bozell Jr. Dean claims[citation needed] that he and Goldwater had planned to write such a book in the 1980s in response to their disaffection with the Religious Right.

Conservatives without Conscience - Wikipedia
Conservatives without Conscience is a book written by John Dean, who served as White House Counsel under U.S. President Richard Nixon and then helped to break the Watergate scandal with his testimony before the United States Senate. The book analyzes the evolution of the Republican Party, and the different forms of conservatism, largely in terms of authoritarian personality. It was published in 2006 by Viking Press.

The book makes extensive use of the research into right-wing authoritarianism of University of Manitoba Professor Bob Altemeyer. The title is a play on The Conscience of a Conservative, a seminal book attributed to the Republican nominee in the 1964 presidential campaign, U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater, but ghostwritten by L. Brent Bozell Jr. Dean claims[citation needed] that he and Goldwater had planned to write such a book in the 1980s in response to their disaffection with the Religious Right.

Conservatives without Conscience - Wikipedia
Dean has always been an establish RINO. He's also a crook. His credibility is zero.
Hitler and the Nazis were completely Totalitarian, anti-humanistic and this translated into their economic policies as 'Socialism' by their own assertion.

People in Europe categorized Hitler as a 'conservative' but by the European meaning of that word, not the American. In Europe where absolute monarchies were the norm prior to World war Two just about twenty short years before the Nazis took power, totalitarianism was a conservative approach to government, but it has never been accepted by American conservatism.

It is the Democrats who advocate 'strong authoritarian government', not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want the laws to discriminate on the basis of race (against white people), not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want abortion on demand like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want ecological issues to take priority over human interests, again like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want reduce capitalism to a mere show like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want to disarm the public like the Nazis, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want control of education by a strong central government like the Nazis, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want to suppress opposition free speech like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want to trample under religious rights to obey one's conscience like the Nazis again, not American conservatives.

Enough said about who is more Nazi like as it is clearly liberals.

American conservatives allow discrimination, attract white supremacists

American Conservatives are pissed off White might no longer be in charge..

Ecological interests are Human interests unless you think you don't breathe the air & drink the water.

Democrats want controlled capitalism,. Conservatives want to hand money & power to corporations because they trust them to do the right thing. You know, the like the near financial meltdown under Bush.
etc etc etc
Hitler and the Nazis were completely Totalitarian, anti-humanistic and this translated into their economic policies as 'Socialism' by their own assertion.

People in Europe categorized Hitler as a 'conservative' but by the European meaning of that word, not the American. In Europe where absolute monarchies were the norm prior to World war Two just about twenty short years before the Nazis took power, totalitarianism was a conservative approach to government, but it has never been accepted by American conservatism.

It is the Democrats who advocate 'strong authoritarian government', not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want the laws to discriminate on the basis of race (against white people), not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want abortion on demand like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want ecological issues to take priority over human interests, again like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want reduce capitalism to a mere show like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want to disarm the public like the Nazis, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want control of education by a strong central government like the Nazis, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want to suppress opposition free speech like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want to trample under religious rights to obey one's conscience like the Nazis again, not American conservatives.

Enough said about who is more Nazi like as it is clearly liberals.

American conservatives allow discrimination, attract white supremacists

American Conservatives are pissed off White might no longer be in charge..

Ecological interests are Human interests unless you think you don't breathe the air & drink the water.

Democrats want controlled capitalism,. Conservatives want to hand money & power to corporations because they trust them to do the right thing. You know, the like the near financial meltdown under Bush.
etc etc etc
Mussolini defined Fascism as a merger of corporate and government power.
Government takeover of the means of production, universal healthcare, and government employment of every citizen is enough to make them Socialist. That's not 'limited number', that's total Socialism.
Here, this is for you......... It's highly appropriate.

How People’s Political Passions Distort Their Sense of Reality
You cherry picked because you only selected those aspects that fit your paradigm and called it a whole, I'm looking at the whole and calling it what it was.

She cherry picked nothing. You're totally ignorant of what Nazi Germany was.
Why don't you back that up with proof? How many years/decades have you studied WWII, it's players, what led up to it and what were the complex world wide consequences?

I started reading about WW II when I was in the 2nd grade. I know virtually everything there is to know about it. I don't need to right a 1500 page book to know that your claims are absolute horseshit.

Nazi Economic Policy
Oh you read about it....... I studied it for over ten years in detail. What's interesting is up until recently everyone considered Nazism to be a "right wing" dictatorship, even my history an sociology professors most of whom were conservatives not to mention the few poly-sci professors I had who were about equally split in their political ideologies. So what happened recently? Oh yeah, political push back by the right against the left's rhetoric.
Mussolini defined Fascism as a merger of corporate and government power.
Mussolini gave one facet of fascism with that statement, and certainly corporate cronyism at the highest levels is a part of fascism, but that is to control the corporations, not to allow the corporations to control the government.
Mussolini defined Fascism as a merger of corporate and government power.
Mussolini gave one facet of fascism with that statement, and certainly corporate cronyism at the highest levels is a part of fascism, but that is to control the corporations, not to allow the corporations to control the government.
Mussolini created the word, Fascism.
Mussolini defined Fascism as a merger of corporate and government power.
Mussolini gave one facet of fascism with that statement, and certainly corporate cronyism at the highest levels is a part of fascism, but that is to control the corporations, not to allow the corporations to control the government.
Okay professor, you keep laughing at my explanations but offer nothing of your own. Refute anything I've posted with fact (complete fact).
Mussolini defined Fascism as a merger of corporate and government power.
Mussolini gave one facet of fascism with that statement, and certainly corporate cronyism at the highest levels is a part of fascism, but that is to control the corporations, not to allow the corporations to control the government.
Mussolini created the word, Fascism.
Lol, no, he did not. Fasces have been around for a very long time.
Mussolini defined Fascism as a merger of corporate and government power.
Mussolini gave one facet of fascism with that statement, and certainly corporate cronyism at the highest levels is a part of fascism, but that is to control the corporations, not to allow the corporations to control the government.
Mussolini created the word, Fascism.
Lol, no, he did not. Fasces have been around for a very long time.
A bundle of rods tied together.
Here, this is for you......... It's highly appropriate.

How People’s Political Passions Distort Their Sense of Reality
You cherry picked because you only selected those aspects that fit your paradigm and called it a whole, I'm looking at the whole and calling it what it was.

She cherry picked nothing. You're totally ignorant of what Nazi Germany was.
Why don't you back that up with proof? How many years/decades have you studied WWII, it's players, what led up to it and what were the complex world wide consequences?

I started reading about WW II when I was in the 2nd grade. I know virtually everything there is to know about it. I don't need to right a 1500 page book to know that your claims are absolute horseshit.

Nazi Economic Policy
Oh you read about it....... I studied it for over ten years in detail. What's interesting is up until recently everyone considered Nazism to be a "right wing" dictatorship, even my history an sociology professors most of whom were conservatives not to mention the few poly-sci professors I had who were about equally split in their political ideologies. So what happened recently? Oh yeah, political push back by the right against the left's rhetoric.

You must of went to school in some fairy tale land. In this country the overwhelming majority of historians, sociologists and poly-sci professors are leftists.

Your story is obvious bullshit.
You cherry picked because you only selected those aspects that fit your paradigm and called it a whole, I'm looking at the whole and calling it what it was.

She cherry picked nothing. You're totally ignorant of what Nazi Germany was.
Why don't you back that up with proof? How many years/decades have you studied WWII, it's players, what led up to it and what were the complex world wide consequences?

I started reading about WW II when I was in the 2nd grade. I know virtually everything there is to know about it. I don't need to right a 1500 page book to know that your claims are absolute horseshit.

Nazi Economic Policy
Oh you read about it....... I studied it for over ten years in detail. What's interesting is up until recently everyone considered Nazism to be a "right wing" dictatorship, even my history an sociology professors most of whom were conservatives not to mention the few poly-sci professors I had who were about equally split in their political ideologies. So what happened recently? Oh yeah, political push back by the right against the left's rhetoric.

You must of went to school in some fairy tale land. In this country the overwhelming majority of historians, sociologists and poly-sci professors are leftists.

Your story is obvious bullshit.
Guess what, the vast majority of professors in the 60s, 70s and 80s were not leftists, that is a realtively new phenomenon that began it's rise in the late 60s but didn't really take hold until the late 80s, it wasn't until the late 90s/early 2000s that conservatism in colleges and universities were mostly pushed out. If you had made it past second grade you might actually know this.
She cherry picked nothing. You're totally ignorant of what Nazi Germany was.
Why don't you back that up with proof? How many years/decades have you studied WWII, it's players, what led up to it and what were the complex world wide consequences?

I started reading about WW II when I was in the 2nd grade. I know virtually everything there is to know about it. I don't need to right a 1500 page book to know that your claims are absolute horseshit.

Nazi Economic Policy
Oh you read about it....... I studied it for over ten years in detail. What's interesting is up until recently everyone considered Nazism to be a "right wing" dictatorship, even my history an sociology professors most of whom were conservatives not to mention the few poly-sci professors I had who were about equally split in their political ideologies. So what happened recently? Oh yeah, political push back by the right against the left's rhetoric.

You must of went to school in some fairy tale land. In this country the overwhelming majority of historians, sociologists and poly-sci professors are leftists.

Your story is obvious bullshit.
Guess what, the vast majority of professors in the 60s, 70s and 80s were not leftists, that is a realtively new phenomenon that began it's rise in the late 60s but didn't really take hold until the late 80s, it wasn't until the late 90s/early 2000s that conservatism in colleges and universities were mostly pushed out. If you had made it past second grade you might actually know this.

They were certainly all leftists when I went to school.
Why don't you back that up with proof? How many years/decades have you studied WWII, it's players, what led up to it and what were the complex world wide consequences?

I started reading about WW II when I was in the 2nd grade. I know virtually everything there is to know about it. I don't need to right a 1500 page book to know that your claims are absolute horseshit.

Nazi Economic Policy
Oh you read about it....... I studied it for over ten years in detail. What's interesting is up until recently everyone considered Nazism to be a "right wing" dictatorship, even my history an sociology professors most of whom were conservatives not to mention the few poly-sci professors I had who were about equally split in their political ideologies. So what happened recently? Oh yeah, political push back by the right against the left's rhetoric.

You must of went to school in some fairy tale land. In this country the overwhelming majority of historians, sociologists and poly-sci professors are leftists.

Your story is obvious bullshit.
Guess what, the vast majority of professors in the 60s, 70s and 80s were not leftists, that is a realtively new phenomenon that began it's rise in the late 60s but didn't really take hold until the late 80s, it wasn't until the late 90s/early 2000s that conservatism in colleges and universities were mostly pushed out. If you had made it past second grade you might actually know this.

They were certainly all leftists when I went to school.
Considering how far right you are anyone to the left of Joe McCarthy would be seen by you as a leftist...........

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