November 22nd - JFK Assassination Day!

JFK supported the civil rights act, Medicare, and poverty programs

You guys would crucify him today

Unlike democrats conservatives have supported every civil rights act since the civil war. As we all know, and you side argues, there are NO converatives in the democrat party. So liberals started a war over slavery and it took 100 years before any of them supported civil rights. But that didn't stop them from trying to claim the high ground they most richly do not deserve.

Just keep repeating the same old BS, if this election taught us anything it is that the country is getting tired of the one note democrat band.
Conservatives gave us Jim Crow Laws and have fought every civil rights initiative since......Women's rights, handicapped rights and gay rights

Now Jake you know that just isn't true. As explained to you, there were never any conservatives in the democrat party and there are few liberals in the Republican party. Thus the democrat party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Poll Taxes, Segregation, and most of all the KKK. Thus it was liberal that were against civil rights acts up until LBJ realize they had to give them a little something. Live with it Jake the truth is so freeing.

No conservatives in the Democratic Party? Now you are just making shit up

OK I might give you Lieberman but other then that the rest are pretty much raving lunatic liberals.

We are talking about the 50s and 60s
Unlike democrats conservatives have supported every civil rights act since the civil war. As we all know, and you side argues, there are NO converatives in the democrat party. So liberals started a war over slavery and it took 100 years before any of them supported civil rights. But that didn't stop them from trying to claim the high ground they most richly do not deserve.

Just keep repeating the same old BS, if this election taught us anything it is that the country is getting tired of the one note democrat band.
Conservatives gave us Jim Crow Laws and have fought every civil rights initiative since......Women's rights, handicapped rights and gay rights

Now Jake you know that just isn't true. As explained to you, there were never any conservatives in the democrat party and there are few liberals in the Republican party. Thus the democrat party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Poll Taxes, Segregation, and most of all the KKK. Thus it was liberal that were against civil rights acts up until LBJ realize they had to give them a little something. Live with it Jake the truth is so freeing.

No conservatives in the Democratic Party? Now you are just making shit up

OK I might give you Lieberman but other then that the rest are pretty much raving lunatic liberals.

We are talking about the 50s and 60s

Oh, ok I'll give you Kennedy then. "ASK NOT................"
Conservatives gave us Jim Crow Laws and have fought every civil rights initiative since......Women's rights, handicapped rights and gay rights

Now Jake you know that just isn't true. As explained to you, there were never any conservatives in the democrat party and there are few liberals in the Republican party. Thus the democrat party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Poll Taxes, Segregation, and most of all the KKK. Thus it was liberal that were against civil rights acts up until LBJ realize they had to give them a little something. Live with it Jake the truth is so freeing.

No conservatives in the Democratic Party? Now you are just making shit up

OK I might give you Lieberman but other then that the rest are pretty much raving lunatic liberals.

We are talking about the 50s and 60s

Oh, ok I'll give you Kennedy then. "ASK NOT................"

JFK was a liberal

Ask not was a plea for public service not a condemnation of social programs
All one has to do is watch the zapruder film, to know the gov lied.

How so? I have watched it many times and find it consistent with shots from the rear.

Oh brother. You really are a statist tool.

Head back and to the left....can't happen from a shot from the rear.

If you believe the state's position on the JFK killing, you are a fool.
All one has to do is watch the zapruder film, to know the gov lied.

How so? I have watched it many times and find it consistent with shots from the rear.

Oh brother. You really are a statist tool.

Head back and to the left....can't happen from a shot from the rear.

If you believe the state's position on the JFK killing, you are a fool.

don't know if that short video will load or not but it shows a skull being shot and the skull flies towards the shot. Why? Because little hole in, big hole out, everyone knows this. And if you do look at the film his head does initially move forward and the obvious blood slatter is towards the front not the back.

I know you don't want to believe but everything points to a little man committing a big crime.
All one has to do is watch the zapruder film, to know the gov lied.

How so? I have watched it many times and find it consistent with shots from the rear.

Oh brother. You really are a statist tool.

Head back and to the left....can't happen from a shot from the rear.

If you believe the state's position on the JFK killing, you are a fool.

don't know if that short video will load or not but it shows a skull being shot and the skull flies towards the shot. Why? Because little hole in, big hole out, everyone knows this. And if you do look at the film his head does initially move forward and the obvious blood slatter is towards the front not the back.

I know you don't want to believe but everything points to a little man committing a big crime.

And I bet you believe in the magic bullet theory too.
What do you base your opinion upon?

Reading, mostly. It's just a subject that has been there all my life. I suppose it's the Oswald was a Patsy theory.

That really isn't an answer. What have you read that make you think that Oswald not only didn't act alone he didn't act at all? If he did nothing why did he leave the SBD?

Read for yourself. Oh, he left because he was told there would be no more work for the day.
the lie that was spread by the warren commissio was that they put out an all points bulliten for him cause he was the only worker that left the building which is bullshit i the fact the roll call showed there were several employyes that left that day along with him as any serious researcher knows.

How do YOU explain that Oswald's hand gun was used to murder a Dallas police officer IMMEDIATELY proceeding the assassination?

Tippet was Oswalds' handler and was killed to silence him before they could meet. Of course......

Officer Tippet s Murder - Who Killed JFK
And I bet you believe in the magic bullet theory too.
There was no magic bullet. All the conspiracy whackjobs assume a seat configuration that does not match the actual vehicle.

When you use the actual seat configuration and the positions of the occupants, the bullet travels in a straight line.

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All one has to do is watch the zapruder film, to know the gov lied.

How so? I have watched it many times and find it consistent with shots from the rear.

Oh brother. You really are a statist tool.

Head back and to the left....can't happen from a shot from the rear.

If you believe the state's position on the JFK killing, you are a fool.

don't know if that short video will load or not but it shows a skull being shot and the skull flies towards the shot. Why? Because little hole in, big hole out, everyone knows this. And if you do look at the film his head does initially move forward and the obvious blood slatter is towards the front not the back.

I know you don't want to believe but everything points to a little man committing a big crime.

And I bet you believe in the magic bullet theory too.

if there were a magic bullet. But since it has been proved without much doubt that one bullet could cause those injuries, I do not adhere to the CTs fear.
All one has to do is watch the zapruder film, to know the gov lied.

How so? I have watched it many times and find it consistent with shots from the rear.

Oh brother. You really are a statist tool.

Head back and to the left....can't happen from a shot from the rear.

If you believe the state's position on the JFK killing, you are a fool.

It can, his head actually snaps FORWARD first, them back:


See his head moving forward??? So does everyone else.

After he was shot, he had no control and his head moved backwards from centrifugal motion.
All one has to do is watch the zapruder film, to know the gov lied.
so very true that all you got to do is look at the zapruder film to see that the he was shot from the i said before,people who STILL say oswald was the lone assassin obviously ditched junior high school science classes the fact they ignore the laws of physics were violated that day that every junior high school kid learns at that age.

for the dense who dont understand the laws of physics, here is in dummie style terms for you-why is it when you swing at a golf ball it goes FORWARD everytime? answer.the laws of physics.:cuckoo:
All one has to do is watch the zapruder film, to know the gov lied.

How so? I have watched it many times and find it consistent with shots from the rear.

Oh brother. You really are a statist tool.

Head back and to the left....can't happen from a shot from the rear.

If you believe the state's position on the JFK killing, you are a fool.

don't know if that short video will load or not but it shows a skull being shot and the skull flies towards the shot. Why? Because little hole in, big hole out, everyone knows this. And if you do look at the film his head does initially move forward and the obvious blood slatter is towards the front not the back.

I know you don't want to believe but everything points to a little man committing a big crime.

And I bet you believe in the magic bullet theory too.
yeah he believes in magic bullets as well.

No, you believe in the "Magic Bullet." I believe in modern science and ballistics.

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