November 22nd - JFK Assassination Day!

Witnesses place Oswald in the break room 15 minutes before and less than 2 minutes after the assassination.

your arguing with some paid shills on the governments payroll,its not worth wasting your breath on them,they blatantly ignore all facts that prove oswald innocent and that there were multiple shooters,they know they can hide behind the net and get away with lying and ignoring facts.their not worth the effort.

Did, in your opinion, Oswald fire any shots?


What do you base your opinion upon?

Reading, mostly. It's just a subject that has been there all my life. I suppose it's the Oswald was a Patsy theory.

That really isn't an answer. What have you read that make you think that Oswald not only didn't act alone he didn't act at all? If he did nothing why did he leave the SBD?
your arguing with some paid shills on the governments payroll,its not worth wasting your breath on them,they blatantly ignore all facts that prove oswald innocent and that there were multiple shooters,they know they can hide behind the net and get away with lying and ignoring facts.their not worth the effort.

Did, in your opinion, Oswald fire any shots?


What do you base your opinion upon?

Reading, mostly. It's just a subject that has been there all my life. I suppose it's the Oswald was a Patsy theory.

That really isn't an answer. What have you read that make you think that Oswald not only didn't act alone he didn't act at all? If he did nothing why did he leave the SBD?

Read for yourself. Oh, he left because he was told there would be no more work for the day.
Did, in your opinion, Oswald fire any shots?


What do you base your opinion upon?

Reading, mostly. It's just a subject that has been there all my life. I suppose it's the Oswald was a Patsy theory.

That really isn't an answer. What have you read that make you think that Oswald not only didn't act alone he didn't act at all? If he did nothing why did he leave the SBD?

Read for yourself. Oh, he left because he was told there would be no more work for the day.

He just happened to be the first to leave and go kill a cop?
you are either one of two things thats for sure 1-a government agent like paid troll rightwinger is,or 2-the biggest stupid fucks in the world who are afraid of the truth and ditched junior high school science classes.

Its a given you are at least ONE of those two if not a paid troll like rightwinger is.His sig is only half right.It needs to read PAID GOVERNMENT TROLL.

Please do not spam this thread with your conspiracy horseshit and your lame fart jokes. You have a designated forum with which to spout your ridiculous fantasies.
Did, in your opinion, Oswald fire any shots?


What do you base your opinion upon?

Reading, mostly. It's just a subject that has been there all my life. I suppose it's the Oswald was a Patsy theory.

That really isn't an answer. What have you read that make you think that Oswald not only didn't act alone he didn't act at all? If he did nothing why did he leave the SBD?

Read for yourself. Oh, he left because he was told there would be no more work for the day.
the lie that was spread by the warren commissio was that they put out an all points bulliten for him cause he was the only worker that left the building which is bullshit i the fact the roll call showed there were several employyes that left that day along with him as any serious researcher knows.
Hey, how do you get a job as a paid government troll? Sign me up, I can argue either side, doesn't matter.

The pay-grade is through the roof!

Unfortunately, we "cancel" your contract, once you near the end of your usefulness.

Hire me, Hire me, I take my chances that you won't do what you did to Oswald. Seriously I can fart all over the board. Left, Right, Liberal or Conservative just tell me the smell you want.

What do you base your opinion upon?

Reading, mostly. It's just a subject that has been there all my life. I suppose it's the Oswald was a Patsy theory.

That really isn't an answer. What have you read that make you think that Oswald not only didn't act alone he didn't act at all? If he did nothing why did he leave the SBD?

Read for yourself. Oh, he left because he was told there would be no more work for the day.
the lie that was spread by the warren commissio was that they put out an all points bulliten for him cause he was the only worker that left the building which is bullshit i the fact the roll call showed there were several employyes that left that day along with him as any serious researcher knows.

How do YOU explain that Oswald's hand gun was used to murder a Dallas police officer IMMEDIATELY proceeding the assassination?
Witnesses place Oswald in the break room 15 minutes before and less than 2 minutes after the assassination.

your arguing with some paid shills on the governments payroll,its not worth wasting your breath on them,they blatantly ignore all facts that prove oswald innocent and that there were multiple shooters,they know they can hide behind the net and get away with lying and ignoring facts.their not worth the effort.

Did, in your opinion, Oswald fire any shots?


What do you base your opinion upon?

Reading, mostly. It's just a subject that has been there all my life. I suppose it's the Oswald was a Patsy theory.
thats why only an idiot would believe the version of our corrupt government they maintain that oswald did it cause he wanted his place in history and the fame.yeah right,like someone who is seeking fame and wanting his place in history is going to come out and say-no sir,i didnt shoot just a patsy.the magic bullet theorists better get of that crack they been smoking.
All one has to do is watch the zapruder film, to know the gov lied.
Oliver Stone was right !!! Lol
He was far more much closer to the truth than the warren commission was as any serious researcher knows.:biggrin:

unlike the warren commission.stone didnt ignore facts that witnesses said their tesimonys were altered by the warren commission and FBI.a crime they should have all gone to jail for in a world of justice.

Oswald read that the Kennedy parade would be driving by his window, so he took his gun to work, fired three times and blew JFKs brains out

Even after I disproved your claim of a lone assassin, you keep dragging it out on every JFK thread.
And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

No JFK, that is not whay anyone means by "liberal."

JFK supported the civil rights act, Medicare, and poverty programs

You guys would crucify him today

Unlike democrats conservatives have supported every civil rights act since the civil war. As we all know, and you side argues, there are NO converatives in the democrat party. So liberals started a war over slavery and it took 100 years before any of them supported civil rights. But that didn't stop them from trying to claim the high ground they most richly do not deserve.

Just keep repeating the same old BS, if this election taught us anything it is that the country is getting tired of the one note democrat band.

You are living in the past...the two parties changed places between 1860 and 1936.

But the difference between liberals and conservatives is a constant since man began walking upright...

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.
What do you base your opinion upon?

Reading, mostly. It's just a subject that has been there all my life. I suppose it's the Oswald was a Patsy theory.

That really isn't an answer. What have you read that make you think that Oswald not only didn't act alone he didn't act at all? If he did nothing why did he leave the SBD?

Read for yourself. Oh, he left because he was told there would be no more work for the day.
the lie that was spread by the warren commissio was that they put out an all points bulliten for him cause he was the only worker that left the building which is bullshit i the fact the roll call showed there were several employyes that left that day along with him as any serious researcher knows.

How do YOU explain that Oswald's hand gun was used to murder a Dallas police officer IMMEDIATELY proceeding the assassination?

Quite obviously............doppelganger.
Oliver Stone was right !!! Lol
He was far more much closer to the truth than the warren commission was as any serious researcher knows.:biggrin:

unlike the warren commission.stone didnt ignore facts that witnesses said their tesimonys were altered by the warren commission and FBI.a crime they should have all gone to jail for in a world of justice.

Oswald read that the Kennedy parade would be driving by his window, so he took his gun to work, fired three times and blew JFKs brains out

Even after I disproved your claim of a lone assassin, you keep dragging it out on every JFK thread.

OK....lets examine your multiple assassin theory.......Why did multiple assassins only get off three dispersed shots? Were they taking turns?
Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

No JFK, that is not whay anyone means by "liberal."

JFK supported the civil rights act, Medicare, and poverty programs

You guys would crucify him today

Unlike democrats conservatives have supported every civil rights act since the civil war. As we all know, and you side argues, there are NO converatives in the democrat party. So liberals started a war over slavery and it took 100 years before any of them supported civil rights. But that didn't stop them from trying to claim the high ground they most richly do not deserve.

Just keep repeating the same old BS, if this election taught us anything it is that the country is getting tired of the one note democrat band.

You are living in the past...the two parties changed places between 1860 and 1936.

But the difference between liberals and conservatives is a constant since man began walking upright...

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.

First of all being a conservative or liberal isn't party it is ideology. But dividing by Republican and Democrat is a better measure, one more truthful then you making up dates and time for an alledged change. BTW the liberal left makes the claim that the switch happened with Nixon and his "southern stratergy." Which is a crock but none the less what they say.

So using the parameter of R vs D. The democrats were the party behind slavery, you know that I know that the world knows that but no apology from the DNC. The democrats were behind poll taxes and Jim Crow Laws. Everyone knows that as fact. The democrats were all for George Wallace and segregation, that is history. Most heinous of all is that the democrats backed the KKK even to the point of a Democrat president showing the film "A Birth of a Nation" in the White House.

The Republicans backed EVERY civil rights act from the reconstruction, not so the Democrats, again they fail to apologize. Not until LBJ saw them as a viable voting block did the democrats show interest in giving them a little something.

Matter of fact the history of the democrat party is so bad I can't believe they have not dissolved the party and came back as something else. But no they have decided to take the road of lying and deceit about their past.

OSHA, EPA, the first clean water act, MLK's birthday, earned income tax credit...among many others are all Republican initiatives which I assume you think good. The federal reserve and income taxes, those were democrat iniatives.

What do you base your opinion upon?

Reading, mostly. It's just a subject that has been there all my life. I suppose it's the Oswald was a Patsy theory.

That really isn't an answer. What have you read that make you think that Oswald not only didn't act alone he didn't act at all? If he did nothing why did he leave the SBD?

Read for yourself. Oh, he left because he was told there would be no more work for the day.
the lie that was spread by the warren commissio was that they put out an all points bulliten for him cause he was the only worker that left the building which is bullshit i the fact the roll call showed there were several employyes that left that day along with him as any serious researcher knows.

Again, just not so.

Co-worker who drove Oswald to school book depository recounts Dallas darkest day Dallas Morning News
Every year round this time brain damaged imbeciles regurgitate the same old conspirazoid fantasies....
Pathetic eh ?
yep its pathetci that every year there are paid trolls that are braindamaged like rightwinger and yourself,imbeciels who ignore witness testimonys that were altered and the laws of physics that were violated with your same old conspiracy fantays that oswald was the lone assassin.

You offer no proof of ANYTHING, only redundant spam about anyone who does not agree with you being a troll.
No JFK, that is not whay anyone means by "liberal."

JFK supported the civil rights act, Medicare, and poverty programs

You guys would crucify him today

Unlike democrats conservatives have supported every civil rights act since the civil war. As we all know, and you side argues, there are NO converatives in the democrat party. So liberals started a war over slavery and it took 100 years before any of them supported civil rights. But that didn't stop them from trying to claim the high ground they most richly do not deserve.

Just keep repeating the same old BS, if this election taught us anything it is that the country is getting tired of the one note democrat band.
Conservatives gave us Jim Crow Laws and have fought every civil rights initiative since......Women's rights, handicapped rights and gay rights

Now Jake you know that just isn't true. As explained to you, there were never any conservatives in the democrat party and there are few liberals in the Republican party. Thus the democrat party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Poll Taxes, Segregation, and most of all the KKK. Thus it was liberal that were against civil rights acts up until LBJ realize they had to give them a little something. Live with it Jake the truth is so freeing.

No conservatives in the Democratic Party? Now you are just making shit up

OK I might give you Lieberman but other then that the rest are pretty much raving lunatic liberals.

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