November 22nd - JFK Assassination Day!

America died that many ways. Primarily because our gov lied to us and covered it up....and now it lies all the time.

I don't think so. Govt was lying to us before kennedy was assassinated.
You don't think is that? Did you fail to comprehend my post?

Gov always lies....

And...anyone who thinks Oswald was a leftist is uninformed and has accepted gov lies.
:udaman: hard to believe there are still brainwashed sheople in the country wul STILL after over 50 years,actually believe in the warreen commission and that lee harvey oswald killed him.:rolleyes-41::lmao::lmao::uhoh3::lmao:
It's hard to believe there are still brainwashed sheople in the country who still believe humans killed JFK. Smart guys like me know it was an alien lizard race of beings from Tralfamador. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Un uh. It was time travelers from the future......
"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

I agree.

Kennedy must be spinning in his grave in disbelief, at the spectacle of Emperor Hussein bent on shredding the Constitution.

Sad times for USA.

Everything that he nutballs on the right call President Obama, they called President Kennedy too.

Everything that the nut balls on the right call Obama the left wing limb wrist ones called George Bush.
Oliver Stone was right !!! Lol
He was far more much closer to the truth than the warren commission was as any serious researcher knows.:biggrin:

unlike the warren commission.stone didnt ignore facts that witnesses said their tesimonys were altered by the warren commission and FBI.a crime they should have all gone to jail for in a world of justice.

Why must you keep tearing down you credibility? Stone's movie was a bunch of BS. Garrison was an egotistical idiot.
Ted was the black sheep.

JFK, lowered taxes, reduced government interference and said "ask not....;" Sounds more conservative then most we have today.

"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

No JFK, that is not whay anyone means by "liberal."
From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

I agree.

Kennedy must be spinning in his grave in disbelief, at the spectacle of Emperor Hussein bent on shredding the Constitution.

Sad times for USA.

Everything that he nutballs on the right call President Obama, they called President Kennedy too.

Everything that the nut balls on the right call Obama the left wing limb wrist ones called George Bush.
There is little difference between BO and W. Yet, you love BO and hate W.

Oliver Stone was right !!! Lol
He was far more much closer to the truth than the warren commission was as any serious researcher knows.:biggrin:

unlike the warren commission.stone didnt ignore facts that witnesses said their tesimonys were altered by the warren commission and FBI.a crime they should have all gone to jail for in a world of justice.

Oswald read that the Kennedy parade would be driving by his window, so he took his gun to work, fired three times and blew JFKs brains out

Witnesses place Oswald in the break room 15 minutes before and less than 2 minutes after the assassination.

your arguing with some paid shills on the governments payroll,its not worth wasting your breath on them,they blatantly ignore all facts that prove oswald innocent and that there were multiple shooters,they know they can hide behind the net and get away with lying and ignoring facts.their not worth the effort.
And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

I agree.

Kennedy must be spinning in his grave in disbelief, at the spectacle of Emperor Hussein bent on shredding the Constitution.

Sad times for USA.

Everything that he nutballs on the right call President Obama, they called President Kennedy too.

Everything that the nut balls on the right call Obama the left wing limb wrist ones called George Bush.
There is little difference between BO and W. Yet, you love BO and hate W.

yep,next time he says hypocrite,he needs to look in the mirror.:rolleyes-41: He is obviously a racist in the fact that Obama has expanded the policys that Bush got started.
Oliver Stone was right !!! Lol
He was far more much closer to the truth than the warren commission was as any serious researcher knows.:biggrin:

unlike the warren commission.stone didnt ignore facts that witnesses said their tesimonys were altered by the warren commission and FBI.a crime they should have all gone to jail for in a world of justice.

Oswald read that the Kennedy parade would be driving by his window, so he took his gun to work, fired three times and blew JFKs brains out

Witnesses place Oswald in the break room 15 minutes before and less than 2 minutes after the assassination.

your arguing with some paid shills on the governments payroll,its not worth wasting your breath on them,they blatantly ignore all facts that prove oswald innocent and that there were multiple shooters,they know they can hide behind the net and get away with lying and ignoring facts.their not worth the effort.

Did, in your opinion, Oswald fire any shots?
Oliver Stone was right !!! Lol
He was far more much closer to the truth than the warren commission was as any serious researcher knows.:biggrin:

unlike the warren commission.stone didnt ignore facts that witnesses said their tesimonys were altered by the warren commission and FBI.a crime they should have all gone to jail for in a world of justice.

Oswald read that the Kennedy parade would be driving by his window, so he took his gun to work, fired three times and blew JFKs brains out

Witnesses place Oswald in the break room 15 minutes before and less than 2 minutes after the assassination.

Oswalds gun was tied to two separate assassinations. Gen Walker and JFK
"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

No JFK, that is not whay anyone means by "liberal."

JFK supported the civil rights act, Medicare, and poverty programs

You guys would crucify him today
From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

No JFK, that is not whay anyone means by "liberal."

JFK supported the civil rights act, Medicare, and poverty programs

You guys would crucify him today

Unlike democrats conservatives have supported every civil rights act since the civil war. As we all know, and you side argues, there are NO converatives in the democrat party. So liberals started a war over slavery and it took 100 years before any of them supported civil rights. But that didn't stop them from trying to claim the high ground they most richly do not deserve.

Just keep repeating the same old BS, if this election taught us anything it is that the country is getting tired of the one note democrat band.
And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

No JFK, that is not whay anyone means by "liberal."

JFK supported the civil rights act, Medicare, and poverty programs

You guys would crucify him today

Unlike democrats conservatives have supported every civil rights act since the civil war. As we all know, and you side argues, there are NO converatives in the democrat party. So liberals started a war over slavery and it took 100 years before any of them supported civil rights. But that didn't stop them from trying to claim the high ground they most richly do not deserve.

Just keep repeating the same old BS, if this election taught us anything it is that the country is getting tired of the one note democrat band.
Conservatives gave us Jim Crow Laws and have fought every civil rights initiative since......Women's rights, handicapped rights and gay rights
Oliver Stone was right !!! Lol
He was far more much closer to the truth than the warren commission was as any serious researcher knows.:biggrin:

unlike the warren commission.stone didnt ignore facts that witnesses said their tesimonys were altered by the warren commission and FBI.a crime they should have all gone to jail for in a world of justice.

Oswald read that the Kennedy parade would be driving by his window, so he took his gun to work, fired three times and blew JFKs brains out

Witnesses place Oswald in the break room 15 minutes before and less than 2 minutes after the assassination.

your arguing with some paid shills on the governments payroll,its not worth wasting your breath on them,they blatantly ignore all facts that prove oswald innocent and that there were multiple shooters,they know they can hide behind the net and get away with lying and ignoring facts.their not worth the effort.

Did, in your opinion, Oswald fire any shots?
He probably did not. Dallas PD checked him for powder residue and found none.
The whole thing is BS. That shitty bolt action rifle with bad scope did not kill JFK.
He was far more much closer to the truth than the warren commission was as any serious researcher knows.:biggrin:

unlike the warren commission.stone didnt ignore facts that witnesses said their tesimonys were altered by the warren commission and FBI.a crime they should have all gone to jail for in a world of justice.

Oswald read that the Kennedy parade would be driving by his window, so he took his gun to work, fired three times and blew JFKs brains out

Witnesses place Oswald in the break room 15 minutes before and less than 2 minutes after the assassination.

your arguing with some paid shills on the governments payroll,its not worth wasting your breath on them,they blatantly ignore all facts that prove oswald innocent and that there were multiple shooters,they know they can hide behind the net and get away with lying and ignoring facts.their not worth the effort.

Did, in your opinion, Oswald fire any shots?
He probably did not. Dallas PD checked him for powder residue and found none.
The whole thing is BS. That shitty bolt action rifle with bad scope did not kill JFK.
It only took one shot
He was far more much closer to the truth than the warren commission was as any serious researcher knows.:biggrin:

unlike the warren commission.stone didnt ignore facts that witnesses said their tesimonys were altered by the warren commission and FBI.a crime they should have all gone to jail for in a world of justice.

Oswald read that the Kennedy parade would be driving by his window, so he took his gun to work, fired three times and blew JFKs brains out

Witnesses place Oswald in the break room 15 minutes before and less than 2 minutes after the assassination.

your arguing with some paid shills on the governments payroll,its not worth wasting your breath on them,they blatantly ignore all facts that prove oswald innocent and that there were multiple shooters,they know they can hide behind the net and get away with lying and ignoring facts.their not worth the effort.

Did, in your opinion, Oswald fire any shots?
He probably did not. Dallas PD checked him for powder residue and found none.
The whole thing is BS. That shitty bolt action rifle with bad scope did not kill JFK.

Not true. The paraffin test showed positive for both hands and negative for the cheek. But this does not say he didn't fire a rifle it just doesn't prove he did not, in other words the paraffin test gives false negatives.

Tests were conducted using the same type of gun with the same type of ammo and some of the shooter showed negative for hands and cheek. Some just the cheek. The point is, the test is unreliable especially in the 60s.

Here is what the FBI said when they tested the gun. But since the FBI, CIA, LBJ, Castro, the mob, were all in on the job I doubt you believe any evidence other then presented in a Stone movie.

FBI tests[edit]
The FBI tests of the Carcano's accuracy showed:

1) FBI firearms expert Robert A. Frazier testified that "It is a very accurate weapon. The targets we fired show that."[61] From 15 yards (14 m), all three bullets in a test firing landed approximately 2½ inches high, and 1-inch (25 mm) to the right, in the area about the size of a dime.[62] At 100 yards (91 m), the test shots landed 2½ to 5 inches (130 mm) high, within a 3 to 5-inch (130 mm) circle. Frazier testified that the scope's high variation would actually work in the shooter's favor: with a target moving away from the shooter, no lead correction would have been necessary to follow the target. "At that range, at that distance, 175 feet (53 m) to 265 feet (81 m),[63]with this rifle and that telescopic sight, I would not have allowed any lead — I would not have made any correction for lead merely to hit a target of that size."

2) The rifle couldn't be perfectly sighted in using the scope (i.e., thereby eliminating the above overshoot completely) without installing two metal shims (small metal plates), which were not present when the rifle arrived for testing, and were never found.[64] Frazier testified that there was "a rather severe scrape" on the scope tube, and that the sight could have been bent or damaged. He was unable to determine when the defect occurred before the FBI received the rifle and scope on November 27, 1963.
Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

No JFK, that is not whay anyone means by "liberal."

JFK supported the civil rights act, Medicare, and poverty programs

You guys would crucify him today

Unlike democrats conservatives have supported every civil rights act since the civil war. As we all know, and you side argues, there are NO converatives in the democrat party. So liberals started a war over slavery and it took 100 years before any of them supported civil rights. But that didn't stop them from trying to claim the high ground they most richly do not deserve.

Just keep repeating the same old BS, if this election taught us anything it is that the country is getting tired of the one note democrat band.
Conservatives gave us Jim Crow Laws and have fought every civil rights initiative since......Women's rights, handicapped rights and gay rights

Now Jake you know that just isn't true. As explained to you, there were never any conservatives in the democrat party and there are few liberals in the Republican party. Thus the democrat party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Poll Taxes, Segregation, and most of all the KKK. Thus it was liberal that were against civil rights acts up until LBJ realize they had to give them a little something. Live with it Jake the truth is so freeing.
No JFK, that is not whay anyone means by "liberal."

JFK supported the civil rights act, Medicare, and poverty programs

You guys would crucify him today

Unlike democrats conservatives have supported every civil rights act since the civil war. As we all know, and you side argues, there are NO converatives in the democrat party. So liberals started a war over slavery and it took 100 years before any of them supported civil rights. But that didn't stop them from trying to claim the high ground they most richly do not deserve.

Just keep repeating the same old BS, if this election taught us anything it is that the country is getting tired of the one note democrat band.
Conservatives gave us Jim Crow Laws and have fought every civil rights initiative since......Women's rights, handicapped rights and gay rights

Now Jake you know that just isn't true. As explained to you, there were never any conservatives in the democrat party and there are few liberals in the Republican party. Thus the democrat party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Poll Taxes, Segregation, and most of all the KKK. Thus it was liberal that were against civil rights acts up until LBJ realize they had to give them a little something. Live with it Jake the truth is so freeing.

No conservatives in the Democratic Party? Now you are just making shit up
Oliver Stone was right !!! Lol
He was far more much closer to the truth than the warren commission was as any serious researcher knows.:biggrin:

unlike the warren commission.stone didnt ignore facts that witnesses said their tesimonys were altered by the warren commission and FBI.a crime they should have all gone to jail for in a world of justice.

Oswald read that the Kennedy parade would be driving by his window, so he took his gun to work, fired three times and blew JFKs brains out

Witnesses place Oswald in the break room 15 minutes before and less than 2 minutes after the assassination.

your arguing with some paid shills on the governments payroll,its not worth wasting your breath on them,they blatantly ignore all facts that prove oswald innocent and that there were multiple shooters,they know they can hide behind the net and get away with lying and ignoring facts.their not worth the effort.

Did, in your opinion, Oswald fire any shots?

"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

No JFK, that is not whay anyone means by "liberal."

A classic description of appropriate today as it was 50 years ago

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