November 22nd - JFK Assassination Day!

I remember quite well sitting in Physics class and a teacher appeared in the door and said the president was dead. What I remember is that didn't know what my reaction should be. But I do remember some of the other boys cheering which seem kinda strange. Other then that I don't remember a whole lot of crying.

Kennedy went from being a questionable president to a legend on that day. Had he not been shot I don't believe his legacy would be as grand as it is today. After all he was the ultimate in conservative, "ask not what your country can do for you....." He would be loathed by the Democrat party today.

Other then that it is my firm belief that a sad little man name Oswald killed a president. Doesn't seem to fit the bill a little man perpetrating one of the greatest crimes in history. It is out of balance so I don't really blame those who think he could not act alone. But since no one else has stepped forward it very well must have been him. As with Lennon, Ford and Reagan they all had their assassins only one successful. No conspiracy, no coup just a screw up by the SS.

Kennedy was not an 'ultimate conservative'. He was as liberal as Bobby and Ted.

Ted was the black sheep.

JFK, lowered taxes, reduced government interference and said "ask not....;" Sounds more conservative then most we have today.

"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?
he opposed the communists and cut taxes....these were good things....but as a human being....he was pretty can't be vile in your personal life and be a good person....

Promiscuous, yes...vile, no. You are trying to condemn based on one aspect and ignoring all the other aspects.
I remember quite well sitting in Physics class and a teacher appeared in the door and said the president was dead. What I remember is that didn't know what my reaction should be. But I do remember some of the other boys cheering which seem kinda strange. Other then that I don't remember a whole lot of crying.

Kennedy went from being a questionable president to a legend on that day. Had he not been shot I don't believe his legacy would be as grand as it is today. After all he was the ultimate in conservative, "ask not what your country can do for you....." He would be loathed by the Democrat party today.

Other then that it is my firm belief that a sad little man name Oswald killed a president. Doesn't seem to fit the bill a little man perpetrating one of the greatest crimes in history. It is out of balance so I don't really blame those who think he could not act alone. But since no one else has stepped forward it very well must have been him. As with Lennon, Ford and Reagan they all had their assassins only one successful. No conspiracy, no coup just a screw up by the SS.

Kennedy was not an 'ultimate conservative'. He was as liberal as Bobby and Ted.

Ted was the black sheep.

JFK, lowered taxes, reduced government interference and said "ask not....;" Sounds more conservative then most we have today.

"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.
I remember quite well sitting in Physics class and a teacher appeared in the door and said the president was dead. What I remember is that didn't know what my reaction should be. But I do remember some of the other boys cheering which seem kinda strange. Other then that I don't remember a whole lot of crying.

Kennedy went from being a questionable president to a legend on that day. Had he not been shot I don't believe his legacy would be as grand as it is today. After all he was the ultimate in conservative, "ask not what your country can do for you....." He would be loathed by the Democrat party today.

Other then that it is my firm belief that a sad little man name Oswald killed a president. Doesn't seem to fit the bill a little man perpetrating one of the greatest crimes in history. It is out of balance so I don't really blame those who think he could not act alone. But since no one else has stepped forward it very well must have been him. As with Lennon, Ford and Reagan they all had their assassins only one successful. No conspiracy, no coup just a screw up by the SS.

Kennedy was not an 'ultimate conservative'. He was as liberal as Bobby and Ted.

Ted was the black sheep.

JFK, lowered taxes, reduced government interference and said "ask not....;" Sounds more conservative then most we have today.

"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

You posted that Kennedy was a liberal because of food stamps. I pointed out to you that no it was not just a liberal initiative.
Kennedy was not an 'ultimate conservative'. He was as liberal as Bobby and Ted.

Ted was the black sheep.

JFK, lowered taxes, reduced government interference and said "ask not....;" Sounds more conservative then most we have today.

"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

You posted that Kennedy was a liberal because of food stamps. I pointed out to you that no it was not just a liberal initiative.

Yea it was a liberal initiative started by FDR, revived by JFK and made permanent by LBJ.
Kennedy was not an 'ultimate conservative'. He was as liberal as Bobby and Ted.

Ted was the black sheep.

JFK, lowered taxes, reduced government interference and said "ask not....;" Sounds more conservative then most we have today.

"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

Are you talking about John F. Kennedy, the President who proposed, passed and/or planned the following:

Civil Rights
The War on Poverty
Raised the minimum wage
Increased Social Security benefits
Expanded unemployment and welfare benefits.
Used an Executive Order to provide federal employees with collective bargaining rights
Broadened scholarships and student loans.
Carried out the most comprehensive housing and urban renewal program in American history
Funds for housing for the elderly were increased.

Kennedy s New Frontier

A big part of LBJ's Great Society was started by President Kennedy and the New Frontier.

Domestically, Kennedy continued in the tradition of liberal Democrats Roosevelt and Truman to some extent. He signed legislation raising the minimum wage and increasing Social Security benefits. He raised money for research into mental illness and allocated funds to develop impoverished rural areas. He showed approval for the civil rights movement by supporting James Meredith's attempt to enroll at the University of Mississippi and by ordering his Attorney General, brother Robert Kennedy, to protect the freedom riders in the South.

However, most of Kennedy's more revolutionary proposals languished in the conservative Congress. He wished to protect millions of acres of wilderness lands from developments, but the Congress refused. His efforts to provide federal funds to elementary and secondary schools were denied. His Medicare plan to provide health insurance for the nation's elderly failed to achieve the necessary support. Congress was dominated by a coalition of Republicans and conservative Southern Democrats who refused to expand the New Deal any further.

In his abbreviated Presidency, Kennedy failed to accomplish all he wanted domestically. But the ideas and proposals he supported survived his assassination. Medicare, federal support for education, and wilderness protection all became part of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.
America died that many ways. Primarily because our gov lied to us and covered it up....and now it lies all the time.

I don't think so. Govt was lying to us before kennedy was assassinated.
exactly,we never would have had the vie
I remember quite well sitting in Physics class and a teacher appeared in the door and said the president was dead. What I remember is that didn't know what my reaction should be. But I do remember some of the other boys cheering which seem kinda strange. Other then that I don't remember a whole lot of crying.

Kennedy went from being a questionable president to a legend on that day. Had he not been shot I don't believe his legacy would be as grand as it is today. After all he was the ultimate in conservative, "ask not what your country can do for you....." He would be loathed by the Democrat party today.

Other then that it is my firm belief that a sad little man name Oswald killed a president. Doesn't seem to fit the bill a little man perpetrating one of the greatest crimes in history. It is out of balance so I don't really blame those who think he could not act alone. But since no one else has stepped forward it very well must have been him. As with Lennon, Ford and Reagan they all had their assassins only one successful. No conspiracy, no coup just a screw up by the SS.

I agree that had Kennedy lived he would not been remembered as fondly.

He would have been re-elected in '64, and would have likely been bogged down with Vietnam just like LBJ, and his presidency would have been effected by the civil rights movement as well.
All and all, I doubt his years would be anything special looking back.
thats just plain nutty thinking.had you read my previous posts you would see that the federal reserve and the CIA-the two organizations that are responsible for the mess the world is in now,would not be in existance now and the world would not be anywhere near as fuced up as it is now because of these corrupt organizations that he was going to get rid of.:cuckoo:

we never would have had the vietnam war either.we know beyound a dount through documents obtained in the 90's from the freedom of information act that he was going to pull out of the war completely by the end of 1964.LBJ got into office and reversed his policy with the phony gulf of tonkin incident.

cant believe i have to explain this after all this time and after my previous posts.:cuckoo:
JKF was the last liberal President who was not a leftist ideological fanatic. In fact, he often showed signs of genuine conservatism - the tendency to reduce government and let people make their own decisions. This may explain in part why he was assassinated by a genuine leftist fanatic named Lee Harvey Oswald.

(yes, you heard that right, 92%) to 75%, and lowered all other income tax rates proportionately. (Reagan later reduce the 75% to 50%, and then to 28%)

No wonder the leftist fanatics were upset with him. It may not be the main reason he was assassinated - the leftists were also upset with him over his treatment of their fellow leftists in the USSR and Cuba - but it was certainly a point of contention with them.

He gave a famous speech to the Economic Club of New York describing the reasons why a tax cut was good for the country. It was so prescient and accurate, much of it could have been written by Ronald Reagan.

American Rhetoric John F. Kennedy - Address to the Economic Club of New York

The final and best means of strengthening demand among consumers and business is to reduce the burden on private income and the deterrents to private initiative which are imposed by our present tax system -- and this administration pledged itself last summer to an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes to be enacted and become effective in 1963.

I'm not talking about a "quickie" or a temporary tax cut, which would be more appropriate if a recession were imminent. Nor am I talking about giving the economy a mere shot in the arm, to ease some temporary complaint. I am talking about the accumulated evidence of the last five years that our present tax system, developed as it was, in good part, during World War II to restrain growth, exerts too heavy a drag on growth in peace time; that it siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power; that it reduces the financial incenitives [sic] for personal effort, investment, and risk-taking. In short, to increase demand and lift the economy, the federal government's most useful role is not to rush into a program of excessive increases in public expenditures, but to expand the incentives and opportunities for private expenditures.

(I)t should reduce the net taxes by a sufficiently early date and a sufficiently large amount to do the job required. Early action could give us extra leverage, added results, and important insurance against recession.

Corporate tax rates must also be cut to increase incentives and the availability of investment capital.

If Democrat President were to propose such a thing today, and especially get it signed into law, he would be tarred and feathered by his own party and run out of town on a rail. Assassination would be considered too good for him by the leftist fanatics we have today, who consider that only government can be trusted to direct the smallest details of American life.
JKF was the last liberal President who was not a leftist ideological fanatic. In fact, he often showed signs of genuine conservatism - the tendency to reduce government and let people make their own decisions. This may explain in part why he was assassinated by a genuine leftist fanatic named Lee Harvey Oswald.

Kennedy put in place the biggest tax cut in the country's history at that time, working it through two balky houses of Congress (signed into law by LBJ after Kennedy's assassination). It lowered the top income tax rate from 92% (yes, you heard that right, 92%) to 75%, and lowered all other income tax rates proportionately. (Reagan later reduce the 75% to 50%, and then to 28%)

No wonder the leftist fanatics were upset with him. It may not be the main reason he was assassinated - the leftists were also upset with him over his treatment of their fellow leftists in the USSR and Cuba - but it was certainly a point of contention with them.

He gave a famous speech to the Economic Club of New York describing the reasons why a tax cut was good for the country. It was so prescient and accurate, much of it could have been written by Ronald Reagan.

American Rhetoric John F. Kennedy - Address to the Economic Club of New York

The final and best means of strengthening demand among consumers and business is to reduce the burden on private income and the deterrents to private initiative which are imposed by our present tax system -- and this administration pledged itself last summer to an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes to be enacted and become effective in 1963.

I'm not talking about a "quickie" or a temporary tax cut, which would be more appropriate if a recession were imminent. Nor am I talking about giving the economy a mere shot in the arm, to ease some temporary complaint. I am talking about the accumulated evidence of the last five years that our present tax system, developed as it was, in good part, during World War II to restrain growth, exerts too heavy a drag on growth in peace time; that it siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power; that it reduces the financial incenitives [sic] for personal effort, investment, and risk-taking. In short, to increase demand and lift the economy, the federal government's most useful role is not to rush into a program of excessive increases in public expenditures, but to expand the incentives and opportunities for private expenditures.

(I)t should reduce the net taxes by a sufficiently early date and a sufficiently large amount to do the job required. Early action could give us extra leverage, added results, and important insurance against recession.

Corporate tax rates must also be cut to increase incentives and the availability of investment capital.

If Democrat President were to propose such a thing today, and especially get it signed into law, he would be tarred and feathered by his own party and run out of town on a rail. Assassination would be considered too good for him by the leftist fanatics we have today, who consider that only government can be trusted to direct the smallest details of American life.
assassinated by lee harvey oswald? you obviously dont know about the facts of the case other than what you were taught in our corrupt public school system just reading the propaganda of the textbooks from your history classes.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

they leave out facts that he was connected to the CIA and navy intelliegnce and was friends with mobster jack ruby and countless numbers of other facts.:lmao:
I remember quite well sitting in Physics class and a teacher appeared in the door and said the president was dead. What I remember is that didn't know what my reaction should be. But I do remember some of the other boys cheering which seem kinda strange. Other then that I don't remember a whole lot of crying.

Kennedy went from being a questionable president to a legend on that day. Had he not been shot I don't believe his legacy would be as grand as it is today. After all he was the ultimate in conservative, "ask not what your country can do for you....." He would be loathed by the Democrat party today.

Other then that it is my firm belief that a sad little man name Oswald killed a president. Doesn't seem to fit the bill a little man perpetrating one of the greatest crimes in history. It is out of balance so I don't really blame those who think he could not act alone. But since no one else has stepped forward it very well must have been him. As with Lennon, Ford and Reagan they all had their assassins only one successful. No conspiracy, no coup just a screw up by the SS.

I agree that had Kennedy lived he would not been remembered as fondly.

He would have been re-elected in '64, and would have likely been bogged down with Vietnam just like LBJ, and his presidency would have been effected by the civil rights movement as well.
All and all, I doubt his years would be anything special looking back.

Had President Kennedy lived, Vietnam would have been a small footnote in American history. He would have never Americanized the war. The official U.S. policy the day he died was to withdraw 1,000 advisors by the end of 1963 and full withdrawal by the end of 1965.
America died that many ways. Primarily because our gov lied to us and covered it up....and now it lies all the time.

I don't think so. Govt was lying to us before kennedy was assassinated.
You don't think is that? Did you fail to comprehend my post?

Gov always lies....

And...anyone who thinks Oswald was a leftist is uninformed and has accepted gov lies.
:udaman: hard to believe there are still brainwashed sheople in the country wul STILL after over 50 years,actually believe in the warreen commission and that lee harvey oswald killed him.:uhoh3::rolleyes-41::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Ted was the black sheep.

JFK, lowered taxes, reduced government interference and said "ask not....;" Sounds more conservative then most we have today.

"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

Are you talking about John F. Kennedy, the President who proposed, passed and/or planned the following:

Civil Rights
The War on Poverty
Raised the minimum wage
Increased Social Security benefits
Expanded unemployment and welfare benefits.
Used an Executive Order to provide federal employees with collective bargaining rights
Broadened scholarships and student loans.
Carried out the most comprehensive housing and urban renewal program in American history
Funds for housing for the elderly were increased.

Kennedy s New Frontier

A big part of LBJ's Great Society was started by President Kennedy and the New Frontier.

Domestically, Kennedy continued in the tradition of liberal Democrats Roosevelt and Truman to some extent. He signed legislation raising the minimum wage and increasing Social Security benefits. He raised money for research into mental illness and allocated funds to develop impoverished rural areas. He showed approval for the civil rights movement by supporting James Meredith's attempt to enroll at the University of Mississippi and by ordering his Attorney General, brother Robert Kennedy, to protect the freedom riders in the South.

However, most of Kennedy's more revolutionary proposals languished in the conservative Congress. He wished to protect millions of acres of wilderness lands from developments, but the Congress refused. His efforts to provide federal funds to elementary and secondary schools were denied. His Medicare plan to provide health insurance for the nation's elderly failed to achieve the necessary support. Congress was dominated by a coalition of Republicans and conservative Southern Democrats who refused to expand the New Deal any further.

In his abbreviated Presidency, Kennedy failed to accomplish all he wanted domestically. But the ideas and proposals he supported survived his assassination. Medicare, federal support for education, and wilderness protection all became part of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.

Most of what you listed Kennedy didn't even start let alone finish.
I remember quite well sitting in Physics class and a teacher appeared in the door and said the president was dead. What I remember is that didn't know what my reaction should be. But I do remember some of the other boys cheering which seem kinda strange. Other then that I don't remember a whole lot of crying.

Kennedy went from being a questionable president to a legend on that day. Had he not been shot I don't believe his legacy would be as grand as it is today. After all he was the ultimate in conservative, "ask not what your country can do for you....." He would be loathed by the Democrat party today.

Other then that it is my firm belief that a sad little man name Oswald killed a president. Doesn't seem to fit the bill a little man perpetrating one of the greatest crimes in history. It is out of balance so I don't really blame those who think he could not act alone. But since no one else has stepped forward it very well must have been him. As with Lennon, Ford and Reagan they all had their assassins only one successful. No conspiracy, no coup just a screw up by the SS.

I agree that had Kennedy lived he would not been remembered as fondly.

He would have been re-elected in '64, and would have likely been bogged down with Vietnam just like LBJ, and his presidency would have been effected by the civil rights movement as well.
All and all, I doubt his years would be anything special looking back.

Had President Kennedy lived, Vietnam would have been a small footnote in American history. He would have never Americanized the war. The official U.S. policy the day he died was to withdraw 1,000 advisors by the end of 1963 and full withdrawal by the end of 1965.

Can you two back patters also tell me tomorrow's number?
Kennedy was not an 'ultimate conservative'. He was as liberal as Bobby and Ted.

Ted was the black sheep.

JFK, lowered taxes, reduced government interference and said "ask not....;" Sounds more conservative then most we have today.

"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

I agree.

Kennedy must be spinning in his grave in disbelief, at the spectacle of Emperor Hussein bent on shredding the Constitution.

Sad times for USA.
and getting a republican president in there wont change things either since its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.from here on out,as long as we have this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM we have,every president who gets in will be worse than the previous one just as it has been since 1981.
"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

Are you talking about John F. Kennedy, the President who proposed, passed and/or planned the following:

Civil Rights
The War on Poverty
Raised the minimum wage
Increased Social Security benefits
Expanded unemployment and welfare benefits.
Used an Executive Order to provide federal employees with collective bargaining rights
Broadened scholarships and student loans.
Carried out the most comprehensive housing and urban renewal program in American history
Funds for housing for the elderly were increased.

Kennedy s New Frontier

A big part of LBJ's Great Society was started by President Kennedy and the New Frontier.

Domestically, Kennedy continued in the tradition of liberal Democrats Roosevelt and Truman to some extent. He signed legislation raising the minimum wage and increasing Social Security benefits. He raised money for research into mental illness and allocated funds to develop impoverished rural areas. He showed approval for the civil rights movement by supporting James Meredith's attempt to enroll at the University of Mississippi and by ordering his Attorney General, brother Robert Kennedy, to protect the freedom riders in the South.

However, most of Kennedy's more revolutionary proposals languished in the conservative Congress. He wished to protect millions of acres of wilderness lands from developments, but the Congress refused. His efforts to provide federal funds to elementary and secondary schools were denied. His Medicare plan to provide health insurance for the nation's elderly failed to achieve the necessary support. Congress was dominated by a coalition of Republicans and conservative Southern Democrats who refused to expand the New Deal any further.

In his abbreviated Presidency, Kennedy failed to accomplish all he wanted domestically. But the ideas and proposals he supported survived his assassination. Medicare, federal support for education, and wilderness protection all became part of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.

Most of what you listed Kennedy didn't even start let alone finish.

EVERYTHING I list Kennedy started. He was assassinated 1000 days into his administration.
Ted was the black sheep.

JFK, lowered taxes, reduced government interference and said "ask not....;" Sounds more conservative then most we have today.

"Ultimate conservatives" in 1963 opposed Kennedy's demand-side Keynesian tax cuts.

"Ultimate conservatives" is 1963 opposed JFK's call for the pubic good over private gain (ask not).

"Ultimate conservatives" opposed JFK programs and proposals like Medicare, the War on Poverty, and President Kennedy's first executive order in office to reinstate the food stamp pilot program.

From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

I agree.

Kennedy must be spinning in his grave in disbelief, at the spectacle of Emperor Hussein bent on shredding the Constitution.

Sad times for USA.

HERE is what is sad...


"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush
I remember quite well sitting in Physics class and a teacher appeared in the door and said the president was dead. What I remember is that didn't know what my reaction should be. But I do remember some of the other boys cheering which seem kinda strange. Other then that I don't remember a whole lot of crying.

Kennedy went from being a questionable president to a legend on that day. Had he not been shot I don't believe his legacy would be as grand as it is today. After all he was the ultimate in conservative, "ask not what your country can do for you....." He would be loathed by the Democrat party today.

Other then that it is my firm belief that a sad little man name Oswald killed a president. Doesn't seem to fit the bill a little man perpetrating one of the greatest crimes in history. It is out of balance so I don't really blame those who think he could not act alone. But since no one else has stepped forward it very well must have been him. As with Lennon, Ford and Reagan they all had their assassins only one successful. No conspiracy, no coup just a screw up by the SS.

I agree that had Kennedy lived he would not been remembered as fondly.

He would have been re-elected in '64, and would have likely been bogged down with Vietnam just like LBJ, and his presidency would have been effected by the civil rights movement as well.
All and all, I doubt his years would be anything special looking back.

Had President Kennedy lived, Vietnam would have been a small footnote in American history. He would have never Americanized the war. The official U.S. policy the day he died was to withdraw 1,000 advisors by the end of 1963 and full withdrawal by the end of 1965.

Can you two back patters also tell me tomorrow's number?

Sure...yours is ZERO
From the following is how food stamps worked at first, do you think that is what we have today?

The pilot programs would retain the requirement that the food stamps be purchased, but eliminated the concept of special stamps for surplus foods. A Department spokesman indicated the emphasis would be on increasing the consumption of perishables. Isabelle Kelley, who was part of the four-person team that designed the new program, became its first director and the first woman in USDA to head an action program.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson Muncy of Paynesville, West Virginia, were the first food stamp recipients on May 29, 1961. They purchased $95 in food stamps for their 15-person household. In the first food stamp transaction, they bought a can of pork and beans at Henderson's Supermarket. By January 1964, the pilot programs had expanded from eight areas to 43 (40 counties, Detroit, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh) in 22 States with 380,000 participants.

A Short History of SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

BTW, you need to read the article and realize that he storyline spewed by the left is nothing but a crock. The requirement to purchase food stamps ended under Nixon. EBT, electronic transfer, was done under Reagan.

And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

Are you talking about John F. Kennedy, the President who proposed, passed and/or planned the following:

Civil Rights
The War on Poverty
Raised the minimum wage
Increased Social Security benefits
Expanded unemployment and welfare benefits.
Used an Executive Order to provide federal employees with collective bargaining rights
Broadened scholarships and student loans.
Carried out the most comprehensive housing and urban renewal program in American history
Funds for housing for the elderly were increased.

Kennedy s New Frontier

A big part of LBJ's Great Society was started by President Kennedy and the New Frontier.

Domestically, Kennedy continued in the tradition of liberal Democrats Roosevelt and Truman to some extent. He signed legislation raising the minimum wage and increasing Social Security benefits. He raised money for research into mental illness and allocated funds to develop impoverished rural areas. He showed approval for the civil rights movement by supporting James Meredith's attempt to enroll at the University of Mississippi and by ordering his Attorney General, brother Robert Kennedy, to protect the freedom riders in the South.

However, most of Kennedy's more revolutionary proposals languished in the conservative Congress. He wished to protect millions of acres of wilderness lands from developments, but the Congress refused. His efforts to provide federal funds to elementary and secondary schools were denied. His Medicare plan to provide health insurance for the nation's elderly failed to achieve the necessary support. Congress was dominated by a coalition of Republicans and conservative Southern Democrats who refused to expand the New Deal any further.

In his abbreviated Presidency, Kennedy failed to accomplish all he wanted domestically. But the ideas and proposals he supported survived his assassination. Medicare, federal support for education, and wilderness protection all became part of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.

Most of what you listed Kennedy didn't even start let alone finish.

EVERYTHING I list Kennedy started. He was assassinated 1000 days into his administration.

your detachment from reality is actually breath taking.

Civil Rights: You got to be freakin' kidding me. You act as if Kennedy invented civil rights. Eisnehower did more then Kennedy. And let us not forget that it was the democrat party and slavery that made civil rights acts manatory.
The War on Poverty: Again, not Kennedy and it is a war we apparently lost. The War on Poverty is the unofficial name for legislation first introduced by United States PresidentLyndon B. Johnson during his State of the Union address on January 8, 1964.
Raised the minimum wage: The minimum wage is raised all the time WTF? Roosevelt is responsible for the minimum wage, not JFK.
Increased Social Security benefits: Again, happens every year.
Expanded unemployment and welfare benefits. Don't really know how to prove or not prove this but both are always being changed. He didn't start unempolyment insurance and he didn't create Social Security.
Used an Executive Order to provide federal employees with collective bargaining rights: If you think that is a good thing I will give you that one.
Broadened scholarships and student loans. Student loans that and scholarships is why people go broke paying for college. That said, not exactly new territory.
Carried out the most comprehensive housing and urban renewal program in American history Don't know if true, but how did that work out?
Funds for housing for the elderly were increased. Again they are always increased.
And that has exactly what to do with you premise that JFK was the "ultimate conservative"?

Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

Are you talking about John F. Kennedy, the President who proposed, passed and/or planned the following:

Civil Rights
The War on Poverty
Raised the minimum wage
Increased Social Security benefits
Expanded unemployment and welfare benefits.
Used an Executive Order to provide federal employees with collective bargaining rights
Broadened scholarships and student loans.
Carried out the most comprehensive housing and urban renewal program in American history
Funds for housing for the elderly were increased.

Kennedy s New Frontier

A big part of LBJ's Great Society was started by President Kennedy and the New Frontier.

Domestically, Kennedy continued in the tradition of liberal Democrats Roosevelt and Truman to some extent. He signed legislation raising the minimum wage and increasing Social Security benefits. He raised money for research into mental illness and allocated funds to develop impoverished rural areas. He showed approval for the civil rights movement by supporting James Meredith's attempt to enroll at the University of Mississippi and by ordering his Attorney General, brother Robert Kennedy, to protect the freedom riders in the South.

However, most of Kennedy's more revolutionary proposals languished in the conservative Congress. He wished to protect millions of acres of wilderness lands from developments, but the Congress refused. His efforts to provide federal funds to elementary and secondary schools were denied. His Medicare plan to provide health insurance for the nation's elderly failed to achieve the necessary support. Congress was dominated by a coalition of Republicans and conservative Southern Democrats who refused to expand the New Deal any further.

In his abbreviated Presidency, Kennedy failed to accomplish all he wanted domestically. But the ideas and proposals he supported survived his assassination. Medicare, federal support for education, and wilderness protection all became part of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.

Most of what you listed Kennedy didn't even start let alone finish.

EVERYTHING I list Kennedy started. He was assassinated 1000 days into his administration.

your detachment from reality is actually breath taking.

Civil Rights: You got to be freakin' kidding me. You act as if Kennedy invented civil rights. Eisnehower did more then Kennedy. And let us not forget that it was the democrat party and slavery that made civil rights acts manatory.
The War on Poverty: Again, not Kennedy and it is a war we apparently lost. The War on Poverty is the unofficial name for legislation first introduced by United States PresidentLyndon B. Johnson during his State of the Union address on January 8, 1964.
Raised the minimum wage: The minimum wage is raised all the time WTF? Roosevelt is responsible for the minimum wage, not JFK.
Increased Social Security benefits: Again, happens every year.
Expanded unemployment and welfare benefits. Don't really know how to prove or not prove this but both are always being changed. He didn't start unempolyment insurance and he didn't create Social Security.
Used an Executive Order to provide federal employees with collective bargaining rights: If you think that is a good thing I will give you that one.
Broadened scholarships and student loans. Student loans that and scholarships is why people go broke paying for college. That said, not exactly new territory.
Carried out the most comprehensive housing and urban renewal program in American history Don't know if true, but how did that work out?
Funds for housing for the elderly were increased. Again they are always increased.

The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived and dishonest – but the myth – persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
President John F. Kennedy

Ironic you talk about 'reality'...then go into a totally ignorant rant based on a lack of FACTS. You are like a dog chasing his tale.

FIRST OF ALL...YOU ARE THE ONE who proclaimed Kennedy was an "ultimate conservative". Yet you have provided ZERO evidence to support that claim.

I have PROVEN the JFK was an ultimate liberal. More liberal than Clinton or Obama.

I didn't say JFK invented all those LIBERAL programs, but the genesis for Medicare, the War on Poverty and the Civil Rights Act were Kennedy ideas or proposals.

JFK Would Like A Word With You About Medicare – May 20, 1962

On May 20, 1962, President Kennedy addressed a rally at Madison Square Garden in New York in support of his Medicare legislation:

President Kennedy: “This bill serves the public interest. It involves the Government because it involves the public welfare. The Constitution of the United States did not make the President or the Congress powerless. It gave them definite responsibilities to advance the general welfare–and that is what we’re attempting to do.

And then I read that this bill will sap the individual self-reliance of Americans. I can’t imagine anything worse, or anything better, to sap someone’s self-reliance, than to be sick, alone, broke–or to have saved for a lifetime and put it out in a week, two weeks, a month, two months.

I visited twice, yesterday and today, in the hospital, where doctors labor for a long time, to visit my father. It isn’t easy–it isn’t easy. He can pay his bills, but otherwise I would be. And I am not as well off as he is. But what happens to him and to others when they put their life savings in, in a short time? So I must say that I believe we stand about where–in good company today, in halls such as this, where your predecessors-where Dave Dubinsky himself actually stood, where another former President stood, and fought this issue out of Social Security against the same charges.

This argument that the Government should stay out, that it saps our pioneer stock–I used to hear that argument when we were talking about raising the minimum wage to a dollar and a quarter. I remember one day being asked to step out into the hall, and up the corridor came four distinguished-looking men, with straw hats on and canes. They told me that they had just flown in from a State in their private plane, and they wanted me to know that if we passed a bill providing for time and a half for service station attendants, who were then working about 55 to 60 hours of straight time, it would sap their self-reliance.

The fact of the matter is what saps anyone’s self-reliance is working 60 hours at straight time, or working at 85 or 95 at a dollar an hour. Or depending upon filling out a pauper’s oath and then going and getting it free.

Nobody in this hall is asking for it for nothing. They are willing to contribute during their working years. That is the important principle which has been lost sight of.”

In the presidential election campaign of 1960, John F. Kennedy promised a “war against poverty and degradation” and “an economic drive on poverty” to address the high and persistent unemployment of the 1957–1958 and 1959–1960 recessions. His thought on this issue was based largely on John Kenneth Galbraith’s (1908–2006) The Affluent Society (1958), especially chapter 23, “The New Position on Poverty.”

In December 1962 President Kennedy asked his Council of Economic Advisors chairman, Walter W. Heller (1915–1987), to pull together all available information on the poverty issue. Heller assigned this task to council member Robert J. Lampman (1920–1997). He and Heller suggested that Kennedy read socialist Michael Harrington’s (1928–1989) The Other America: Poverty in the United States (1962), along with Leon Keyserling’s (1908–1987) Poverty and Depression in the United States (1962).

On the day after Kennedy’s November 22, 1963, assassination in Dallas, Heller met with President Johnson and suggested to him that a war against poverty might be a good way to begin his presidency. Johnson agreed. In his 1964 state of the union address, titled “The War on Poverty,” he called on Congress to enact a package of measures embodying programs that would eliminate poverty “in our lifetimes.” On February 1, 1964, Johnson appointed Kennedy’s brother-in-law and Peace Corps director Sargent Shriver to head a Task Force on Poverty.

War on Poverty Facts information pictures articles about War on Poverty

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The bill was called for by President John F. Kennedy in his civil rights speech of June 11, 1963.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy
Kennedy was a conservative democrat and a pretty good president. Too bad you dems no longer have anyone like that.

Are you talking about John F. Kennedy, the President who proposed, passed and/or planned the following:

Civil Rights
The War on Poverty
Raised the minimum wage
Increased Social Security benefits
Expanded unemployment and welfare benefits.
Used an Executive Order to provide federal employees with collective bargaining rights
Broadened scholarships and student loans.
Carried out the most comprehensive housing and urban renewal program in American history
Funds for housing for the elderly were increased.

Kennedy s New Frontier

A big part of LBJ's Great Society was started by President Kennedy and the New Frontier.

Domestically, Kennedy continued in the tradition of liberal Democrats Roosevelt and Truman to some extent. He signed legislation raising the minimum wage and increasing Social Security benefits. He raised money for research into mental illness and allocated funds to develop impoverished rural areas. He showed approval for the civil rights movement by supporting James Meredith's attempt to enroll at the University of Mississippi and by ordering his Attorney General, brother Robert Kennedy, to protect the freedom riders in the South.

However, most of Kennedy's more revolutionary proposals languished in the conservative Congress. He wished to protect millions of acres of wilderness lands from developments, but the Congress refused. His efforts to provide federal funds to elementary and secondary schools were denied. His Medicare plan to provide health insurance for the nation's elderly failed to achieve the necessary support. Congress was dominated by a coalition of Republicans and conservative Southern Democrats who refused to expand the New Deal any further.

In his abbreviated Presidency, Kennedy failed to accomplish all he wanted domestically. But the ideas and proposals he supported survived his assassination. Medicare, federal support for education, and wilderness protection all became part of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.

Most of what you listed Kennedy didn't even start let alone finish.

EVERYTHING I list Kennedy started. He was assassinated 1000 days into his administration.

your detachment from reality is actually breath taking.

Civil Rights: You got to be freakin' kidding me. You act as if Kennedy invented civil rights. Eisnehower did more then Kennedy. And let us not forget that it was the democrat party and slavery that made civil rights acts manatory.
The War on Poverty: Again, not Kennedy and it is a war we apparently lost. The War on Poverty is the unofficial name for legislation first introduced by United States PresidentLyndon B. Johnson during his State of the Union address on January 8, 1964.
Raised the minimum wage: The minimum wage is raised all the time WTF? Roosevelt is responsible for the minimum wage, not JFK.
Increased Social Security benefits: Again, happens every year.
Expanded unemployment and welfare benefits. Don't really know how to prove or not prove this but both are always being changed. He didn't start unempolyment insurance and he didn't create Social Security.
Used an Executive Order to provide federal employees with collective bargaining rights: If you think that is a good thing I will give you that one.
Broadened scholarships and student loans. Student loans that and scholarships is why people go broke paying for college. That said, not exactly new territory.
Carried out the most comprehensive housing and urban renewal program in American history Don't know if true, but how did that work out?
Funds for housing for the elderly were increased. Again they are always increased.

The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived and dishonest – but the myth – persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
President John F. Kennedy

Ironic you talk about 'reality'...then go into a totally ignorant rant based on a lack of FACTS. You are like a dog chasing his tale.

FIRST OF ALL...YOU ARE THE ONE who proclaimed Kennedy was an "ultimate conservative". Yet you have provided ZERO evidence to support that claim.

I have PROVEN the JFK was an ultimate liberal. More liberal than Clinton or Obama.

I didn't say JFK invented all those LIBERAL programs, but the genesis for Medicare, the War on Poverty and the Civil Rights Act were Kennedy ideas or proposals.

JFK Would Like A Word With You About Medicare – May 20, 1962

On May 20, 1962, President Kennedy addressed a rally at Madison Square Garden in New York in support of his Medicare legislation:

President Kennedy: “This bill serves the public interest. It involves the Government because it involves the public welfare. The Constitution of the United States did not make the President or the Congress powerless. It gave them definite responsibilities to advance the general welfare–and that is what we’re attempting to do.

And then I read that this bill will sap the individual self-reliance of Americans. I can’t imagine anything worse, or anything better, to sap someone’s self-reliance, than to be sick, alone, broke–or to have saved for a lifetime and put it out in a week, two weeks, a month, two months.

I visited twice, yesterday and today, in the hospital, where doctors labor for a long time, to visit my father. It isn’t easy–it isn’t easy. He can pay his bills, but otherwise I would be. And I am not as well off as he is. But what happens to him and to others when they put their life savings in, in a short time? So I must say that I believe we stand about where–in good company today, in halls such as this, where your predecessors-where Dave Dubinsky himself actually stood, where another former President stood, and fought this issue out of Social Security against the same charges.

This argument that the Government should stay out, that it saps our pioneer stock–I used to hear that argument when we were talking about raising the minimum wage to a dollar and a quarter. I remember one day being asked to step out into the hall, and up the corridor came four distinguished-looking men, with straw hats on and canes. They told me that they had just flown in from a State in their private plane, and they wanted me to know that if we passed a bill providing for time and a half for service station attendants, who were then working about 55 to 60 hours of straight time, it would sap their self-reliance.

The fact of the matter is what saps anyone’s self-reliance is working 60 hours at straight time, or working at 85 or 95 at a dollar an hour. Or depending upon filling out a pauper’s oath and then going and getting it free.

Nobody in this hall is asking for it for nothing. They are willing to contribute during their working years. That is the important principle which has been lost sight of.”

In the presidential election campaign of 1960, John F. Kennedy promised a “war against poverty and degradation” and “an economic drive on poverty” to address the high and persistent unemployment of the 1957–1958 and 1959–1960 recessions. His thought on this issue was based largely on John Kenneth Galbraith’s (1908–2006) The Affluent Society (1958), especially chapter 23, “The New Position on Poverty.”

In December 1962 President Kennedy asked his Council of Economic Advisors chairman, Walter W. Heller (1915–1987), to pull together all available information on the poverty issue. Heller assigned this task to council member Robert J. Lampman (1920–1997). He and Heller suggested that Kennedy read socialist Michael Harrington’s (1928–1989) The Other America: Poverty in the United States (1962), along with Leon Keyserling’s (1908–1987) Poverty and Depression in the United States (1962).

On the day after Kennedy’s November 22, 1963, assassination in Dallas, Heller met with President Johnson and suggested to him that a war against poverty might be a good way to begin his presidency. Johnson agreed. In his 1964 state of the union address, titled “The War on Poverty,” he called on Congress to enact a package of measures embodying programs that would eliminate poverty “in our lifetimes.” On February 1, 1964, Johnson appointed Kennedy’s brother-in-law and Peace Corps director Sargent Shriver to head a Task Force on Poverty.

War on Poverty Facts information pictures articles about War on Poverty

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The bill was called for by President John F. Kennedy in his civil rights speech of June 11, 1963.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

There is no doubt that JFK was a liberal. That said, he was not nearly as liberal as liberals are today.

If he had not been murdered by the State and if a couple things about him are true, he is deserving of praise. Those two things are:
- termination of the CIA
- ending our involvement in Vietnam.

Some experts believe he was murdered by the State, because they knew he planned to do those two things.

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