Now it's a FELONY to write KKK on a window ledge!!!

I am not a right winger (nor left winger, for that matter) and ABSOLUTELY hate speech is still part of freedom of speech.

Not when you're carving into someone else's private property. The 1st amendment doesn't protect speech during commission of a felony any more than the 2nd amendment protects the right to bear arms during the commission of a felony.
That is NOT what those 6 people said in their dispositions. They said the WERE going in to vote OR to function as voting station monitors and felt too intimidated to enter.
I call bullshit. You probably pulled that load from Drudge or Hannity.
In fact, one of them appeared on TV and told the story of the tall guy standing in front of him and his family while slapping a night stick in his hand for about 20 seconds before moving aside.
And I take it Eric Holder has destroyed all copies of this film? LOL!

Bullshit called, no response.

I win.

You are a legend in your own mind, PooperDupe...

It won't let me copy from a .pdf so you'll have to actually click the link, but here is what is said in the 2nd paragraph...
Pursuant to it's investigation, the commission has held 4 public hearings, taken several depositions and attempted several others.

ETA: This report is quite damning to the DoJ, I encourage everyone to click the link and see for themselves how Holder's DoJ works AGAINST equal justice under the law.
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Not when you're carving into someone else's private property. The 1st amendment doesn't protect speech during commission of a felony any more than the 2nd amendment protects the right to bear arms during the commission of a felony.

Then convict him of vandalism and fine him $50. Everyone would accept that. But they threw the book at him because he OFFENDED A BLACK MAN and that is now some sort of super crime.
Well, it's been more than 300 years (have we progressed?) but white women were executed for being witches.

Only a handful. OTOH millions of american MEN have been drafted into military service and millions of them killed or suffered horrible injuries just so the war profiteers could get richer. Now there's a sexual injustice.
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I call bullshit. You probably pulled that load from Drudge or Hannity.

And I take it Eric Holder has destroyed all copies of this film? LOL!

Bullshit called, no response.

I win.

You are a legend in your own mind, PooperDupe...

It won't let me copy from a .pdf so you'll have to actually click the link, but here is what is said in the 2nd paragraph...
Pursuant to it's investigation, the commission has held 4 public hearings, taken several depositions and attempted several others.

ETA: This report is quite damning to the DoJ, I encourage everyone to click the link and see for themselves how Holder's DoJ works AGAINST equal justice under the law.

Does the pdf state merely that depositions were taken - which isn't in dispute - or does it back your claim that depositions of voters who claimed they were intimidated were taken? There has to be an actual victim for the crime of voter intimidation to have occurred. The report you gave doesn't say that anyone who voted or was trying to vote at that precint claimed to have been intimidated, does it?
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And of course we can all be sure that if a Black student had written 'Black Panthers' on a window, the same punishment would have been levied...:eusa_hand:

I know what you mean. The law would have done nothing and if the press commented, it would be to praise the black for his pride in his race and his willingness to stand up to those evil white people.
Not when you're carving into someone else's private property. The 1st amendment doesn't protect speech during commission of a felony any more than the 2nd amendment protects the right to bear arms during the commission of a felony.

Then convict him of vandalism and fine him $50. Everyone would accept that. But they threw the book at him because he OFFENDED A BLACK MAN and that is now some sort of super crime.

Defacing a school's property is a felony punishable by prison time in Illinois with or without a hate crime enhancement.

Are you saying that because his speech was racist and hateful, he should get a lesser penalty than the law would otherwise specify? Or are you just butt fucking ignorant of the actual law in Illinois?
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Well, it's been more than 300 years (have we progressed?) but white women were executed for being witches.

Only a handful. OTOH millions of american MEN have been drafted into military service and millions of them killed or suffered horrible injuries just so the war profiteers could get richer. Now there's a sexual injustice.

Women have not been even allowed into most combat roles. They also did all the men's factory and farm jobs when they went overseas in our last full scale engagement, WWII, crucial to the war effort, and graciously stepped aside for the men to take their jobs back when they returned home.

But hey, fuck dem bitches anyway, right?
I'm tired of hearing that vandalism is a misdemeanor - not a felony. It can be either, depending on circumstances and location.

Vandalism could be filed as a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the value of damages

Vandalism Charge in Los Angeles | Vandalism Attorney in Los Angeles

It was also a threat. Putting KKK outside the residence of a black person is not speech, it's a threat. The perp might have just as well said they're going to bomb their church while the kids were doing choir practice, since that was also a KKK strategy.

Yea, coz that is such a common occurrence these days. I couldn't blame him for thinking that would happen

Bullshit called, no response.

I win.

You are a legend in your own mind, PooperDupe...

It won't let me copy from a .pdf so you'll have to actually click the link, but here is what is said in the 2nd paragraph...
Pursuant to it's investigation, the commission has held 4 public hearings, taken several depositions and attempted several others.

ETA: This report is quite damning to the DoJ, I encourage everyone to click the link and see for themselves how Holder's DoJ works AGAINST equal justice under the law.

Does the pdf state merely that depositions were taken - which isn't in dispute - or does it back your claim that depositions of voters who claimed they were intimidated were taken? There has to be an actual victim for the crime of voter intimidation to have occurred. The report you gave doesn't say that anyone who voted or was trying to vote at that precint claimed to have been intimidated, does it?

You do realize the the report comes from the Civil Rights Commission, don't you? Did you read all 200+ pages of it? Probably not, but if you look around pages 50-60 you'll find the depositions.
It would appear in this case, the charge is actually property related.

Myles Burton, Elmhurst College Student-Athlete, Faces Hate Crime Charges
"felony hate crime related to criminal damage to property "

I'm pretty sure the government has the right to punish you for damaging the property of others.

I am pretty sure that punishing you for what you say is a violation of the 1st Amendment, if it wasn't WBC would be in prison.

I never said anything violated the 1st amendment. I said damage to property and criminal threats are not protected speech. Do you disagree?

Q Did he damage property?


So how is it a violation of the 1st amendment to prosecute him?

If he had been convicted of vandalism and not a hate crime we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we?
the pics of dead men, oh, and they are black, got more than a felony. For no crime at all.
Where was their right to free speech?

You know stupid fuck, that North Carolina Democrat state convention you post pictures of, was about a hundred years ago.

Oh, did you know that picture is from the 1919 North Carolina Democrat state convention?

Guess you democraps like the black folk to hang around, don't you?
Oh, that's what he meant? OK! I'm sure he brought it up at trial then. Lets see the testimony! Or are you telling me it was all a big misunderstanding, but the defendant just forgot to mention that fact? Funny how the jury of his peers wasn't able to determine that he really mean the Union Of Communities in Kurdistan.

No, I am pointing out that the letters KKK are not a threat. The fact that the person who did this was not charged with making threats more than proves that arguing that he made a threat is stupid.

Doesn't have to be a threat. He was charged with damaging property - but I guess you think that shouldn't be a crime.

Go back and read the OP, he was charged with a hate crime. That means that he had to have a human victim that it is illegal to hate, which means he was not charged with damaging property, he was charged with a felony hate crime.
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Quantum at this point has shown beyond all doubts he is a full blown racist and likely KKK member

That means you agree with the rabid right wing that civil rights are a fiction that only exist in the minds of idiotic judges who do not understand that putting a crucifix in a glass of piss is blasphemy.

The real problem here is not that I am a racist because I think people can say racist things, it is that you are not a liberal.
But he didn't, he wrote “KKK” and a racial slur on a window ledge outside the room of an African-American dorm supervisor. THINK. HARDER.

So then, "vandalism" wasn't the crime - speech was.

What is considered to be hate speech, yes.

Look, personally I think the douchebag should have been, in the absence of a threat, expelled but not necesssarily convicted of a hate crime. However, the laws governing this sort of act apparently don't allow for this distinction. Though I suppose some might consider the letters "KKK" to be a threat...

Anyway... All I really know is, I'm not overly fond of racists and stupid people. This guy seems to be both.

There are no laws against hating people, just how express that hate...
The question is NOT about defacing a chunk of concrete. The question is about a society that is creating protected classes in a society that is SUPPOSE to be class less!

The guy is a MORON for doing it. THAT is not in question. It's a misdemeanor crime...unless it's some priceless historical site or object. The value determines the felony status of most crimes involving property...EXCEPT this one!

The question is, do we REALLY believe that all speech, even offensive speech is protected and that Jefferson was right when he said, "I prefer the inconvenience of too much liberty to the tyranny of too little of it." OR are we too immature to accept it when it is uncomfortable?

So far, the answer is immaturity! Our representatives not only came up with "hate crime" laws that make it illegal to do what was ALREADY illegal in some misguided attempt to masturbate the egos of some group or the other in order to curry favor and win votes, but we what has become the normal abuse of well intentioned legislation, decided to extend that misguided law to speech.

There is a reason that the law that made this kind of PERSECUTION legal could not be passed until liberals had control of both houses of Congress and the White House.

It's ASININE and likely unconstitutional!!!

Actually, since the damage was done to a school property, it only needs to be greater than $300 to be a class 3 felony, punishable by 2 to 5 years. I think carving several things into the sides of buildings probably costs more than $300 to repair correctly, but nonetheless, if it was less than $300 and done to a school, its still a class 4 felony.

Illinois General Assembly - Illinois Compiled Statutes

Did you even bother to read Illinois law? If so, you didn't do a very good job of it. I doubt you did, though. Your type tend to just bullshit your way through everything. Whatever sounds right must be the truth, no need to do any real research to check it out. You've watched enough TV so you know what the law says, no need to look it up!

I am willing to bet you right now that it would have cost me less than $50 to buy a bag of Quickrete and fill in the scratches, which would leave me enough left over to build a pair of cement shoes for the idiots that inflate prices just because they work for the government.
the pics of dead men, oh, and they are black, got more than a felony. For no crime at all.
Where was their right to free speech?

You know stupid fuck, that North Carolina Democrat state convention you post pictures of, was about a hundred years ago.

Oh, did you know that picture is from the 1919 North Carolina Democrat state convention?

Guess you democraps like the black folk to hang around, don't you?

democrats lovning the black vote since 1924

Blacks mostly voted Republican from after the Civil War and through the early part of the 20th century. That’s not surprising when one considers that Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president, and the white, segregationist politicians who governed Southern states in those days were Democrats. The Democratic Party didn’t welcome blacks then, and it wasn’t until 1924 that blacks were even permitted to attend Democratic conventions in any official capacity. Most blacks lived in the South, where they were mostly prevented from voting at all.
Looks like a terrorist threat to me.

He didn't decide to engrave "KKK" on the man's window for any other reason than to threaten his victim with an organization KNOWN for terrorist violence.

That's what elevates this crime from mere vandalism to a hate crime.

I can think of far more productive and educational sentences for this hate crime, than putting the guy in prison though.

Putting to the guy to work on dealing minority issues might make better sense.

He might actually understand why what he did was so anti-social if we did something like that.

And isn't THAT the whole point of laws like that, really?

Right, it was terrorism. How fracking stupid is it possible to get in defense of giving the government the power to destroy liberty?

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