Now it's Cummings turn

Charity run by wife of Elijah Cummings incurs new ethics complaint

I’m sure Elijah can explain why Baltimore has gone downhill while he has gotten richer.

Is that the standard being set now. If so, the President is the worst offender. This is probably not the best argument for the President or his supporters to make.
Trump was right to call him out.
Cummings has no business talking shit while overseeing one of the worst cities in the country.

Cummings does not oversee Baltimore . But Baltimore exists in the NATION that Trump overseas. So if things are so bad there it's a reflection of his poor leadership.
You’re an idiot. Baltimore is in his district.

No, you are the idiot. The mayor directly oversees Baltimore. Trump is the president of the United States and at last check Baltimore is part of the nation he presides over.

Serious question, as I am sitting currently 24 miles from the Baltimore city line, do you believe Cummings has zero influential say in the policies and procedures that govern Baltimore?
Charity run by wife of Elijah Cummings incurs new ethics complaint

I’m sure Elijah can explain why Baltimore has gone downhill while he has gotten richer.

Trump can tell you fools anything. Trump made several hundred million last year and wants to hold the G7 at one of his resorts. You will have an excuse or denial for all these things, but as soon as Cummings criticizes Trump suddenly we start seeing scandal claims made by conservative groups. Bet this group won't look into Trump.

Cummings has served that district since 1995. Try something else.
Facts are facts, dupe.

Cummings is a POS who doesn’t give a rats ass about the black poverty in Baltimore.

Cummings is a fine congressman who has served his district for 24 years. Your punk ass knew nothing about him until Trump attacked him and just like the lemming you are, you side with Trump blindly falling for his con.

It’s not uncommon for victims to connect with those who have enslaved them. I can only guess you’ll eventually wake up and join the many blacks who are now becoming republicans.

That's not happening and I am not joining the colony.
I already knew you weren't too smucking fart.
Hmmm, how about because Trump wasn't in politics dumbass.

In 2015? Yeah, he was running for President, dumbass.

Maybe he figured you idiot libs would take care of it. But hey, you'll never guess who else knew it was a dump.
Is Obama Canceled? Former President Also Trashed Baltimore, The Gem Of The Chesapeake
Oh so now we're speculating? If that's the case, maybe he's just a racist douche that takes every opportunity to attack minorities. My supposition is at least a logical conclusion based on long observation. We've observed Trump attacking Obama over Baltimore and blaming Obama for the city's woes...until he became President...then it's some other minorities fault that Baltimore has problems.

But we don't have to speculate...Trump's advisors admitted straight up that his racist attacks help him with a racist base.

But Trump’s advisers had concluded after the previous tweets that the overall message sent by such attacks is good for the president among his political base — resonating strongly with the white working-class voters he needs to win reelection in 2020.

Speculate? Is that what it's called when you idiots create threads and posts loaded with WHAT IF's and COULDA'S...dumbass.

This isn’t one of those though and you’re the one pulling suppositions out of your fourth point of contact.

But Trump’s advisers had concluded after the previous tweets that the overall message sent by such attacks is good for the president among his political base — resonating strongly with the white working-class voters he needs to win reelection in 2020.
Racism works to fire up his base.. Who’d a thunk it? (Spoiler alert: everyone)

Terrific, got anything that makes sense?
(Pat's Head)

Patting your head doesn't provide a link to what you are claiming. Are you saying you were full of shit? I knew that already.

Patting your head signifies that you are a moron.

I already knew you were a moron. You didn't have to pat your head for that. Still no link? I guess you're a lying moron then.

Look fuckstick
If you think that the Democratic Media is going to tell morons like you that the Democratic Administration worked with foreign countries to help Hillary - then you are probably just to stupid to live.

So you made a claim for which there is zero evidence based on a conspiracy you heard on Hannity? Keep patting yourself on the head, moron.

No, she made a valid claim that even CBS reported on after the story broke at Politico.

Of course we’ve all heard the excuses - CBS lays them out. Ukraine isn’t as powerful as Russia. Ukraine couldn’t meddle like Russia. But the bottom line is - the DNC worked with Ukraine to collect negative research on candidate Trump - for their candidate HRC.

Did Ukraine try to interfere in the 2016 election on Clinton's behalf?
Been a while but still asking.

Has Cummings listed his great accomplishments for Maryland and Baltimore yet? I mean other than he's black and doesn't have to live in the rat infestation. Where is this list of accomplishments he's achieved over the last 40 years?
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
I say its about time somebody took down the bloated black crooked congressmen that get a pass from "their" people and liberal white worshipers. Hope he continues slaying sacred cows.

Seems that the only bloated corrupt sacred cow getting a pass from "their" people is Trump.
Isn't it fun? One person gets you so wound up. You have spewed everything about another race that there could be. No matter what the person is. Someone gives it back and does not care of fear from being destroyed in our authoritarian government that does it regularly to those oh so privileged and you have conniptions throwing out the same rhetoric. My view of leaders like him in poor city areas is that he is carried by several adoring slaves in an expensive litter paid for by the taxpayers of course with his adoring neighborhood fans giving their sacred cow adulation and getting free food to eat for it I might add by people giving back to the commuuunnniitttee. What hurts more is that people are trying to help and improve things suggesting maybe there is another way but the stubborn accusations and vile acidic comments that destroy others by you is never ending. All of this and the ghettos still exist. It takes a village is for those being paid at the top.

The reason why ghettos still exist because of slumlords like Trump and his so in law. Also there has been inadequate funding to address the problem. Your opinion is wack. I've worked in these communities and have watched a church form a CDC and try to purchase vacant dilapidated structures. That CDC was consistently denied as those slumlords would refuse to sell ruins because they felt the appraiser stated too low a price. So they hold on to eyesores collecting depreciation on their taxes. They are the problem, but whites like you are never responsible for anything wrong.
No one doubts there are bad people. With whites that can be bad. It is just that you deny that blacks can be bad. In my life, I have seen no push back to claims because of fear of personal destruction. So anything of irresponsible ways of living is not addressed on top of it. If Trump was a slumlord bring up what he did. Also bring up African Americans who live off of others. But they do not exist by your rules. I do not think myself superior to you. Really! I know this perpetual poverty area payout era will not last forever. No one is asking you to become opposite of what you spout. But not coming to the table to talk things out and talk reality out and expecting the response to always be not that more resources are going to the hoods but the amount that will be sent is going to end at some point or be curtailed as we get poorer as a nation. Cummings has no answers. None!
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
I say its about time somebody took down the bloated black crooked congressmen that get a pass from "their" people and liberal white worshipers. Hope he continues slaying sacred cows.

Seems that the only bloated corrupt sacred cow getting a pass from "their" people is Trump.
Come up with your own descriptors.
Bernie Sanders must be some sort of racist because he says that Cumming's district which has been ran by the corrupt Democrats for many generations and is a "third world country" .

Lol! Bernie said nothing like Trump and the fact is Bernie is not well liked among blacks. Nice try.
If Emily posts here, are you going to run away and close the thread on her again? Man up!

This thread is about Trumps attack on Elijah Cummings.
OK then, it was well deserved.

Was it?
More than-he likes to attack Border Patrol, but the Congress is exempt? I don't think so.
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
I say its about time somebody took down the bloated black crooked congressmen that get a pass from "their" people and liberal white worshipers. Hope he continues slaying sacred cows.

Seems that the only bloated corrupt sacred cow getting a pass from "their" people is Trump.
Isn't it fun? One person gets you so wound up. You have spewed everything about another race that there could be. No matter what the person is. Someone gives it back and does not care of fear from being destroyed in our authoritarian government that does it regularly to those oh so privileged and you have conniptions throwing out the same rhetoric. My view of leaders like him in poor city areas is that he is carried by several adoring slaves in an expensive litter paid for by the taxpayers of course with his adoring neighborhood fans giving their sacred cow adulation and getting free food to eat for it I might add by people giving back to the commuuunnniitttee. What hurts more is that people are trying to help and improve things suggesting maybe there is another way but the stubborn accusations and vile acidic comments that destroy others by you is never ending. All of this and the ghettos still exist. It takes a village is for those being paid at the top.

The reason why ghettos still exist because of slumlords like Trump and his so in law. Also there has been inadequate funding to address the problem. Your opinion is wack. I've worked in these communities and have watched a church form a CDC and try to purchase vacant dilapidated structures. That CDC was consistently denied as those slumlords would refuse to sell ruins because they felt the appraiser stated too low a price. So they hold on to eyesores collecting depreciation on their taxes. They are the problem, but whites like you are never responsible for anything wrong.
What horseshit! The people could move. They could sue. They could get the city to condemn it. They could petition King Elijah. Please, no more excuses.
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
I say its about time somebody took down the bloated black crooked congressmen that get a pass from "their" people and liberal white worshipers. Hope he continues slaying sacred cows.

Seems that the only bloated corrupt sacred cow getting a pass from "their" people is Trump.
Isn't it fun? One person gets you so wound up. You have spewed everything about another race that there could be. No matter what the person is. Someone gives it back and does not care of fear from being destroyed in our authoritarian government that does it regularly to those oh so privileged and you have conniptions throwing out the same rhetoric. My view of leaders like him in poor city areas is that he is carried by several adoring slaves in an expensive litter paid for by the taxpayers of course with his adoring neighborhood fans giving their sacred cow adulation and getting free food to eat for it I might add by people giving back to the commuuunnniitttee. What hurts more is that people are trying to help and improve things suggesting maybe there is another way but the stubborn accusations and vile acidic comments that destroy others by you is never ending. All of this and the ghettos still exist. It takes a village is for those being paid at the top.

The reason why ghettos still exist because of slumlords like Trump and his so in law. Also there has been inadequate funding to address the problem. Your opinion is wack. I've worked in these communities and have watched a church form a CDC and try to purchase vacant dilapidated structures. That CDC was consistently denied as those slumlords would refuse to sell ruins because they felt the appraiser stated too low a price. So they hold on to eyesores collecting depreciation on their taxes. They are the problem, but whites like you are never responsible for anything wrong.
No one doubts there are bad people. With whites that can be bad. It is just that you deny that blacks can be bad. In my life, I have seen no push back to claims because of fear of personal destruction. So anything of irresponsible ways of living is not addressed on top of it. If Trump was a slumlord bring up what he did. Also bring up African Americans who live off of others. But they do not exist by your rules. I do not think myself superior to you. Really! I know this perpetual poverty area payout era will not last forever. No one is asking you to become opposite of what you spout. But not coming to the table to talk things out and talk reality out and expecting the response to always be not that more resources are going to the hoods but the amount that will be sent is going to end at some point or be curtailed as we get poorer as a nation. Cummings has no answers. None!

I have never said blacks were perfect. And I don't have to talk about African Americans who live off others when the problem that exists is not caused by that.

Baltimore’s Economic Devastation Goes Back To Racist Housing Policy
From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation
Hmmm, how about because Trump wasn't in politics dumbass.

In 2015? Yeah, he was running for President, dumbass.

Maybe he figured you idiot libs would take care of it. But hey, you'll never guess who else knew it was a dump.
Is Obama Canceled? Former President Also Trashed Baltimore, The Gem Of The Chesapeake
Oh so now we're speculating? If that's the case, maybe he's just a racist douche that takes every opportunity to attack minorities. My supposition is at least a logical conclusion based on long observation. We've observed Trump attacking Obama over Baltimore and blaming Obama for the city's woes...until he became President...then it's some other minorities fault that Baltimore has problems.

But we don't have to speculate...Trump's advisors admitted straight up that his racist attacks help him with a racist base.

But Trump’s advisers had concluded after the previous tweets that the overall message sent by such attacks is good for the president among his political base — resonating strongly with the white working-class voters he needs to win reelection in 2020.

Speculate? Is that what it's called when you idiots create threads and posts loaded with WHAT IF's and COULDA'S...dumbass.

This isn’t one of those though and you’re the one pulling suppositions out of your fourth point of contact.

But Trump’s advisers had concluded after the previous tweets that the overall message sent by such attacks is good for the president among his political base — resonating strongly with the white working-class voters he needs to win reelection in 2020.
Racism works to fire up his base.. Who’d a thunk it? (Spoiler alert: everyone)
What racism is that? Post the tweet
Actually he didn't. But if he had, this is the ultimate example of how white racism has been a hindrance to black communities nationwide. The fact that people in black communities can fight and ask for decades about providing what we need to fix the problems we face while no one listens then some delusional white asshole can make racist comrnents about what blacks aren't doing and the rest of the brain damaged white folks club that didn't listen either starts running their mouths.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

Where's the intelligence report that says that?

Literally everywhere.

Link to it. Link to the intelligence community stating foreign countries helped Clinton.

Like this:

Senate Intelligence report finds ‘extensive’ Russian election interference
If it didn't what happened in 2016 would always be the case. Trump did not win with a majority. That's the realty you refuse to understand. Hillary got 65 million votes. Trump, 62 million.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

Where's the intelligence report that says that?
Right/ where is it? why didn't Mueller look into that, or his team? yep, you will get your answer after Barr is done. Hang in there. but know, England, Ukraine, and russia. I missed Australia as well.
I say its about time somebody took down the bloated black crooked congressmen that get a pass from "their" people and liberal white worshipers. Hope he continues slaying sacred cows.

Seems that the only bloated corrupt sacred cow getting a pass from "their" people is Trump.
Isn't it fun? One person gets you so wound up. You have spewed everything about another race that there could be. No matter what the person is. Someone gives it back and does not care of fear from being destroyed in our authoritarian government that does it regularly to those oh so privileged and you have conniptions throwing out the same rhetoric. My view of leaders like him in poor city areas is that he is carried by several adoring slaves in an expensive litter paid for by the taxpayers of course with his adoring neighborhood fans giving their sacred cow adulation and getting free food to eat for it I might add by people giving back to the commuuunnniitttee. What hurts more is that people are trying to help and improve things suggesting maybe there is another way but the stubborn accusations and vile acidic comments that destroy others by you is never ending. All of this and the ghettos still exist. It takes a village is for those being paid at the top.

The reason why ghettos still exist because of slumlords like Trump and his so in law. Also there has been inadequate funding to address the problem. Your opinion is wack. I've worked in these communities and have watched a church form a CDC and try to purchase vacant dilapidated structures. That CDC was consistently denied as those slumlords would refuse to sell ruins because they felt the appraiser stated too low a price. So they hold on to eyesores collecting depreciation on their taxes. They are the problem, but whites like you are never responsible for anything wrong.
No one doubts there are bad people. With whites that can be bad. It is just that you deny that blacks can be bad. In my life, I have seen no push back to claims because of fear of personal destruction. So anything of irresponsible ways of living is not addressed on top of it. If Trump was a slumlord bring up what he did. Also bring up African Americans who live off of others. But they do not exist by your rules. I do not think myself superior to you. Really! I know this perpetual poverty area payout era will not last forever. No one is asking you to become opposite of what you spout. But not coming to the table to talk things out and talk reality out and expecting the response to always be not that more resources are going to the hoods but the amount that will be sent is going to end at some point or be curtailed as we get poorer as a nation. Cummings has no answers. None!

I have never said blacks were perfect. And I don't have to talk about African Americans who live off others when the problem that exists is not caused by that.

Baltimore’s Economic Devastation Goes Back To Racist Housing Policy
From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation
To bring the poverty area issue to the forefront is a good thing. There needs to be real banter about it. And unfortunately it is political in nature. Most people that are Progs and have wealth do not put their money where their mouth is. Putting resources directly into problems without the multitude of middlemen and the real crumbs of trickle down that take up most of the benefit will improve things immeasurably. Cummings represents the crumbs closest to the trickling. I do not believe we ever will get rid of poverty at this point in time. But we can reduce it.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

That didn't happen.
Dossier= England, Ukraine and Russia. hmmmm you must be brain dead.

You mean that dossier that was first used by republicans who opposed Trump?
Paid for by the Clintons and DNC, fk an a mf
Question to you all, why hasn't there ever been a committee convened to discuss the urban issues in this country with gangs and violence, lack of employment and unsanitary conditions? Why? Shit, we sure have had them for illegals!!!!

There has been. In fact there is a whole government department dedicated to this very thing. It's called HUD.
Nope, try again and use my previous post you quoted
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
I say its about time somebody took down the bloated black crooked congressmen that get a pass from "their" people and liberal white worshipers. Hope he continues slaying sacred cows.

Seems that the only bloated corrupt sacred cow getting a pass from "their" people is Trump.
Isn't it fun? One person gets you so wound up. You have spewed everything about another race that there could be. No matter what the person is. Someone gives it back and does not care of fear from being destroyed in our authoritarian government that does it regularly to those oh so privileged and you have conniptions throwing out the same rhetoric. My view of leaders like him in poor city areas is that he is carried by several adoring slaves in an expensive litter paid for by the taxpayers of course with his adoring neighborhood fans giving their sacred cow adulation and getting free food to eat for it I might add by people giving back to the commuuunnniitttee. What hurts more is that people are trying to help and improve things suggesting maybe there is another way but the stubborn accusations and vile acidic comments that destroy others by you is never ending. All of this and the ghettos still exist. It takes a village is for those being paid at the top.

The reason why ghettos still exist because of slumlords like Trump and his so in law. Also there has been inadequate funding to address the problem. Your opinion is wack. I've worked in these communities and have watched a church form a CDC and try to purchase vacant dilapidated structures. That CDC was consistently denied as those slumlords would refuse to sell ruins because they felt the appraiser stated too low a price. So they hold on to eyesores collecting depreciation on their taxes. They are the problem, but whites like you are never responsible for anything wrong.
What horseshit! The people could move. They could sue. They could get the city to condemn it. They could petition King Elijah. Please, no more excuses.

Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot. Whites like you always have something to say like nobody explored the options.
He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

That didn't happen.
Dossier= England, Ukraine and Russia. hmmmm you must be brain dead.

You mean that dossier that was first used by republicans who opposed Trump?
Paid for by the Clintons and DNC, fk an a mf

Nope, republicans paid for it.

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