Now it's Cummings turn

Did Cummings ever talk to this guy?
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump

"........The independent streaks ingrained into the hearts and souls of America’s youth are the cornerstone of the billionaire’s youth appeal. The problems of America’s young folks are far bigger than Snapchat and emojis—undeniable truths Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem to understand. In the coming weeks and months, while Mr. Trump is releasing detailed policy proposals to deal with the issues plaguing young America, Clinton will likely still be doing what she seemingly does best—pandering until she’s blue in the face.
While the past eight years may feel distant to some, the wounds—full of devastation and pain—inflicted by President Obama’s agenda remain fresh.
As a young black male, I’ve seen my community flailing and struggling due to the disastrous impacts of the Obama political agenda, and I refuse to allow the possibility of a Clinton presidency to extend that suffering. After eight years of promises of hope and change, 2 out of 5 black boys and girls live in poverty. Compared to white Americans, African-Americans are more likely to own fewer homes and are more likely to be unemployed.
The policies of the Obama administration have done little to help people of color, yet Clinton has unwaveringly defended them at every turn. In a recent speech in Detroit, Trump pointedly said: “If Hillary Clinton’s goal was to inflict pain on the African-American community, she could not have done a better job.”
Trump’s message to young people of color is simple: what do you have to lose?
In my young optimistic eyes, after the last eight years of the Obama presidency, there is little left to lose. There is only room to do better, and there is only one goal: to make America great for every Americ

I wonder who he will support after puberty.

This is a child. He was 6 years old when Obama took office. He still lives with mommy and daddy. At this point the boy is 16 years old. I doubt if he's even got his first real kiss yet. Wow, what an example. I guess I just throw away my masters degree and follow this little boy without a high school diploma. Let me know when he passes algebra.
The only masters you got is your hand
Lol! Bernie said nothing like Trump and the fact is Bernie is not well liked among blacks. Nice try.
If Emily posts here, are you going to run away and close the thread on her again? Man up!

This thread is about Trumps attack on Elijah Cummings.
OK then, it was well deserved.

Was it?
More than-he likes to attack Border Patrol, but the Congress is exempt? I don't think so.

For what the border is doing, they have earned what they are getting.
Did Cummings ever talk to this guy?
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump

"........The independent streaks ingrained into the hearts and souls of America’s youth are the cornerstone of the billionaire’s youth appeal. The problems of America’s young folks are far bigger than Snapchat and emojis—undeniable truths Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem to understand. In the coming weeks and months, while Mr. Trump is releasing detailed policy proposals to deal with the issues plaguing young America, Clinton will likely still be doing what she seemingly does best—pandering until she’s blue in the face.
While the past eight years may feel distant to some, the wounds—full of devastation and pain—inflicted by President Obama’s agenda remain fresh.
As a young black male, I’ve seen my community flailing and struggling due to the disastrous impacts of the Obama political agenda, and I refuse to allow the possibility of a Clinton presidency to extend that suffering. After eight years of promises of hope and change, 2 out of 5 black boys and girls live in poverty. Compared to white Americans, African-Americans are more likely to own fewer homes and are more likely to be unemployed.
The policies of the Obama administration have done little to help people of color, yet Clinton has unwaveringly defended them at every turn. In a recent speech in Detroit, Trump pointedly said: “If Hillary Clinton’s goal was to inflict pain on the African-American community, she could not have done a better job.”
Trump’s message to young people of color is simple: what do you have to lose?
In my young optimistic eyes, after the last eight years of the Obama presidency, there is little left to lose. There is only room to do better, and there is only one goal: to make America great for every Americ

I wonder who he will support after puberty.

This is a child. He was 6 years old when Obama took office. He still lives with mommy and daddy. At this point the boy is 16 years old. I doubt if he's even got his first real kiss yet. Wow, what an example. I guess I just throw away my masters degree and follow this little boy without a high school diploma. Let me know when he passes algebra.
The only masters you got is your hand

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

That didn't happen.
Dossier= England, Ukraine and Russia. hmmmm you must be brain dead.

You mean that dossier that was first used by republicans who opposed Trump?
Paid for by the Clintons and DNC, fk an a mf

Nope, republicans paid for it.
Nope sorry sucka the internet doesn’t lie! It is reported fool
Question to you all, why hasn't there ever been a committee convened to discuss the urban issues in this country with gangs and violence, lack of employment and unsanitary conditions? Why? Shit, we sure have had them for illegals!!!!

There has been. In fact there is a whole government department dedicated to this very thing. It's called HUD.
Nope, try again and use my previous post you quoted

No, I will repeat what I just said.

"There has been. In fact there is a whole government department dedicated to this very thing. It's called HUD."
Did Cummings ever talk to this guy?
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump

"........The independent streaks ingrained into the hearts and souls of America’s youth are the cornerstone of the billionaire’s youth appeal. The problems of America’s young folks are far bigger than Snapchat and emojis—undeniable truths Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem to understand. In the coming weeks and months, while Mr. Trump is releasing detailed policy proposals to deal with the issues plaguing young America, Clinton will likely still be doing what she seemingly does best—pandering until she’s blue in the face.
While the past eight years may feel distant to some, the wounds—full of devastation and pain—inflicted by President Obama’s agenda remain fresh.
As a young black male, I’ve seen my community flailing and struggling due to the disastrous impacts of the Obama political agenda, and I refuse to allow the possibility of a Clinton presidency to extend that suffering. After eight years of promises of hope and change, 2 out of 5 black boys and girls live in poverty. Compared to white Americans, African-Americans are more likely to own fewer homes and are more likely to be unemployed.
The policies of the Obama administration have done little to help people of color, yet Clinton has unwaveringly defended them at every turn. In a recent speech in Detroit, Trump pointedly said: “If Hillary Clinton’s goal was to inflict pain on the African-American community, she could not have done a better job.”
Trump’s message to young people of color is simple: what do you have to lose?
In my young optimistic eyes, after the last eight years of the Obama presidency, there is little left to lose. There is only room to do better, and there is only one goal: to make America great for every Americ

I wonder who he will support after puberty.

This is a child. He was 6 years old when Obama took office. He still lives with mommy and daddy. At this point the boy is 16 years old. I doubt if he's even got his first real kiss yet. Wow, what an example. I guess I just throw away my masters degree and follow this little boy without a high school diploma. Let me know when he passes algebra.
The only masters you got is your hand

You should take your blue pill
That didn't happen.
Dossier= England, Ukraine and Russia. hmmmm you must be brain dead.

You mean that dossier that was first used by republicans who opposed Trump?
Paid for by the Clintons and DNC, fk an a mf

Nope, republicans paid for it.
Nope sorry sucka the internet doesn’t lie! It is reported fool

The internet can lie. And republicans paid GPS Fusion.
Did Cummings ever talk to this guy?
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump

"........The independent streaks ingrained into the hearts and souls of America’s youth are the cornerstone of the billionaire’s youth appeal. The problems of America’s young folks are far bigger than Snapchat and emojis—undeniable truths Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem to understand. In the coming weeks and months, while Mr. Trump is releasing detailed policy proposals to deal with the issues plaguing young America, Clinton will likely still be doing what she seemingly does best—pandering until she’s blue in the face.
While the past eight years may feel distant to some, the wounds—full of devastation and pain—inflicted by President Obama’s agenda remain fresh.
As a young black male, I’ve seen my community flailing and struggling due to the disastrous impacts of the Obama political agenda, and I refuse to allow the possibility of a Clinton presidency to extend that suffering. After eight years of promises of hope and change, 2 out of 5 black boys and girls live in poverty. Compared to white Americans, African-Americans are more likely to own fewer homes and are more likely to be unemployed.
The policies of the Obama administration have done little to help people of color, yet Clinton has unwaveringly defended them at every turn. In a recent speech in Detroit, Trump pointedly said: “If Hillary Clinton’s goal was to inflict pain on the African-American community, she could not have done a better job.”
Trump’s message to young people of color is simple: what do you have to lose?
In my young optimistic eyes, after the last eight years of the Obama presidency, there is little left to lose. There is only room to do better, and there is only one goal: to make America great for every Americ

I wonder who he will support after puberty.

This is a child. He was 6 years old when Obama took office. He still lives with mommy and daddy. At this point the boy is 16 years old. I doubt if he's even got his first real kiss yet. Wow, what an example. I guess I just throw away my masters degree and follow this little boy without a high school diploma. Let me know when he passes algebra.
The only masters you got is your hand

You should take your blue pill

You should really stop using fentanyl.
Actually he didn't. But if he had, this is the ultimate example of how white racism has been a hindrance to black communities nationwide. The fact that people in black communities can fight and ask for decades about providing what we need to fix the problems we face while no one listens then some delusional white asshole can make racist comrnents about what blacks aren't doing and the rest of the brain damaged white folks club that didn't listen either starts running their mouths.
So you're basically saying the Democrats (who control Baltimore, got 1.8 BILLION DOLLARS last year, and are BLACK) didn't fix shit...

And now It's Trump's (and "whitey's) fault...

Last edited:
Actually he didn't. But if he had, this is the ultimate example of how white racism has been a hindrance to black communities nationwide. The fact that people in black communities can fight and ask for decades about providing what we need to fix the problems we face while no one listens then some delusional white asshole can make racist comrnents about what blacks aren't doing and the rest of the brain damaged white folks club that didn't listen either starts running their mouths.
So you're basically saying the Democrats (who control Baltimore, got 1.8 BILLION DOLLARS last year, and are BLACK) didn't fix shit...

And now It's Trump's (and "whitey's) fault...


No. And since the governor of Maryland is white, lets drop the dumb shit.

I don't think Baltimore got 1.8 billion last year. And then you need to look at what all the money was paying for. Now, when Baltimore did get 1.8 billion more than 600 million went to education and the environment. Money went to criminal justice. 26 million or 1.4 percent went to rebuilding neighborhoods.

The problem with that small section of Baltimore that you so disingenuously misrepresent, is is that citizens therein have proposed solutions that don't get listened to. On top of that you have damage that has piled up from year after year of white racist policy. Whites like you believe in what's called Teflon history. In this history things like racism disappeared immediately when the civil rights act was passed. But that's not how things go, especially when the original perpetrators of the problem continue to circumvent the laws.

Mayors only can do so much and republicans blaming democratic mayor in states run by republicans for most of the past 25 years, that cut budgets for things that could bring progress to cities, along with about 14 years of republican congresses at the national level that cut funds, 2 republican presidents out of 3 this century who also cut federal funds that help cities, are simply making irresponsible arguments.
I say its about time somebody took down the bloated black crooked congressmen that get a pass from "their" people and liberal white worshipers. Hope he continues slaying sacred cows.

Seems that the only bloated corrupt sacred cow getting a pass from "their" people is Trump.
Isn't it fun? One person gets you so wound up. You have spewed everything about another race that there could be. No matter what the person is. Someone gives it back and does not care of fear from being destroyed in our authoritarian government that does it regularly to those oh so privileged and you have conniptions throwing out the same rhetoric. My view of leaders like him in poor city areas is that he is carried by several adoring slaves in an expensive litter paid for by the taxpayers of course with his adoring neighborhood fans giving their sacred cow adulation and getting free food to eat for it I might add by people giving back to the commuuunnniitttee. What hurts more is that people are trying to help and improve things suggesting maybe there is another way but the stubborn accusations and vile acidic comments that destroy others by you is never ending. All of this and the ghettos still exist. It takes a village is for those being paid at the top.

The reason why ghettos still exist because of slumlords like Trump and his so in law. Also there has been inadequate funding to address the problem. Your opinion is wack. I've worked in these communities and have watched a church form a CDC and try to purchase vacant dilapidated structures. That CDC was consistently denied as those slumlords would refuse to sell ruins because they felt the appraiser stated too low a price. So they hold on to eyesores collecting depreciation on their taxes. They are the problem, but whites like you are never responsible for anything wrong.
What horseshit! The people could move. They could sue. They could get the city to condemn it. They could petition King Elijah. Please, no more excuses.

Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot. Whites like you always have something to say like nobody explored the options.
Wow-I hit a nerve. Don't think they did enough or there would be no problem-unless Cummings did not do anything.
If Emily posts here, are you going to run away and close the thread on her again? Man up!

This thread is about Trumps attack on Elijah Cummings.
OK then, it was well deserved.

Was it?
More than-he likes to attack Border Patrol, but the Congress is exempt? I don't think so.

For what the border is doing, they have earned what they are getting.
I don't think they go far enough-they ARE dealing with criminals-foreign invaders if you like.
Patting your head doesn't provide a link to what you are claiming. Are you saying you were full of shit? I knew that already.

Patting your head signifies that you are a moron.

I already knew you were a moron. You didn't have to pat your head for that. Still no link? I guess you're a lying moron then.

Look fuckstick
If you think that the Democratic Media is going to tell morons like you that the Democratic Administration worked with foreign countries to help Hillary - then you are probably just to stupid to live.

So you made a claim for which there is zero evidence based on a conspiracy you heard on Hannity? Keep patting yourself on the head, moron.

No, she made a valid claim that even CBS reported on after the story broke at Politico.

Of course we’ve all heard the excuses - CBS lays them out. Ukraine isn’t as powerful as Russia. Ukraine couldn’t meddle like Russia. But the bottom line is - the DNC worked with Ukraine to collect negative research on candidate Trump - for their candidate HRC.

Did Ukraine try to interfere in the 2016 election on Clinton's behalf?
From your own link:

So we're comparing apples and oranges here?
Well, yes and no. The first major difference between the Ukrainian and Russian efforts, of course, is that only Russia can be viewed as a "hostile foreign power." Ukraine may be a foreign country, but it's not a powerful one, and is in some ways a de facto American and NATO ally in countering Russian aggression.

The second big difference, as conservative columnist Ed Morrissey pointed out this week, is that the Democrats appeared to take pains to keep all this business away from the Clinton campaign. "If nothing else, the Clinton machine understood the need for firewalls between negative-research efforts and the candidate," Morrissey writes over at The Week.
Actually he didn't. But if he had, this is the ultimate example of how white racism has been a hindrance to black communities nationwide. The fact that people in black communities can fight and ask for decades about providing what we need to fix the problems we face while no one listens then some delusional white asshole can make racist comrnents about what blacks aren't doing and the rest of the brain damaged white folks club that didn't listen either starts running their mouths.
So you're basically saying the Democrats (who control Baltimore, got 1.8 BILLION DOLLARS last year, and are BLACK) didn't fix shit...

And now It's Trump's (and "whitey's) fault...


No. And since the governor of Maryland is white, lets drop the dumb shit.

I don't think Baltimore got 1.8 billion last year. And then you need to look at what all the money was paying for. Now, when Baltimore did get 1.8 billion more than 600 million went to education and the environment. Money went to criminal justice. 26 million or 1.4 percent went to rebuilding neighborhoods.

The problem with that small section of Baltimore that you so disingenuously misrepresent, is is that citizens therein have proposed solutions that don't get listened to. On top of that you have damage that has piled up from year after year of white racist policy. Whites like you believe in what's called Teflon history. In this history things like racism disappeared immediately when the civil rights act was passed. But that's not how things go, especially when the original perpetrators of the problem continue to circumvent the laws.

Mayors only can do so much and republicans blaming democratic mayor in states run by republicans for most of the past 25 years, that cut budgets for things that could bring progress to cities, along with about 14 years of republican congresses at the national level that cut funds, 2 republican presidents out of 3 this century who also cut federal funds that help cities, are simply making irresponsible arguments.

All that money for education and still schools have no air conditioning.

When Baltimore erupted in what some call an uprising and others call riots - it was Gov Hogan that stepped in pushing the local leadership aside and restored order. But his role is not to manage the city daily or consistently. Besides the fact, if he tried, the Democrats would chase him out. Whereas Cummings is welcomed with open arms.
Patting your head signifies that you are a moron.

I already knew you were a moron. You didn't have to pat your head for that. Still no link? I guess you're a lying moron then.

Look fuckstick
If you think that the Democratic Media is going to tell morons like you that the Democratic Administration worked with foreign countries to help Hillary - then you are probably just to stupid to live.

So you made a claim for which there is zero evidence based on a conspiracy you heard on Hannity? Keep patting yourself on the head, moron.

No, she made a valid claim that even CBS reported on after the story broke at Politico.

Of course we’ve all heard the excuses - CBS lays them out. Ukraine isn’t as powerful as Russia. Ukraine couldn’t meddle like Russia. But the bottom line is - the DNC worked with Ukraine to collect negative research on candidate Trump - for their candidate HRC.

Did Ukraine try to interfere in the 2016 election on Clinton's behalf?
From your own link:

So we're comparing apples and oranges here?
Well, yes and no. The first major difference between the Ukrainian and Russian efforts, of course, is that only Russia can be viewed as a "hostile foreign power." Ukraine may be a foreign country, but it's not a powerful one, and is in some ways a de facto American and NATO ally in countering Russian aggression.

The second big difference, as conservative columnist Ed Morrissey pointed out this week, is that the Democrats appeared to take pains to keep all this business away from the Clinton campaign. "If nothing else, the Clinton machine understood the need for firewalls between negative-research efforts and the candidate," Morrissey writes over at The Week.


As I said - blatant excuses.

Doesn’t matter - it’s clear that the DNC worked with Ukraine to source negative information on the opposing candidate.

Ukraine = foreign nation

Do you dispute these facts?
I say its about time somebody took down the bloated black crooked congressmen that get a pass from "their" people and liberal white worshipers. Hope he continues slaying sacred cows.

Seems that the only bloated corrupt sacred cow getting a pass from "their" people is Trump.
Isn't it fun? One person gets you so wound up. You have spewed everything about another race that there could be. No matter what the person is. Someone gives it back and does not care of fear from being destroyed in our authoritarian government that does it regularly to those oh so privileged and you have conniptions throwing out the same rhetoric. My view of leaders like him in poor city areas is that he is carried by several adoring slaves in an expensive litter paid for by the taxpayers of course with his adoring neighborhood fans giving their sacred cow adulation and getting free food to eat for it I might add by people giving back to the commuuunnniitttee. What hurts more is that people are trying to help and improve things suggesting maybe there is another way but the stubborn accusations and vile acidic comments that destroy others by you is never ending. All of this and the ghettos still exist. It takes a village is for those being paid at the top.

The reason why ghettos still exist because of slumlords like Trump and his so in law. Also there has been inadequate funding to address the problem. Your opinion is wack. I've worked in these communities and have watched a church form a CDC and try to purchase vacant dilapidated structures. That CDC was consistently denied as those slumlords would refuse to sell ruins because they felt the appraiser stated too low a price. So they hold on to eyesores collecting depreciation on their taxes. They are the problem, but whites like you are never responsible for anything wrong.
What horseshit! The people could move. They could sue. They could get the city to condemn it. They could petition King Elijah. Please, no more excuses.

Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot. Whites like you always have something to say like nobody explored the options.
dude, you are truly a hate baiter in waiting. how the fk do you know anyone is racist other than a group of racist people tellin you to call the opposition racist no matter the discussion? RACIST!!! you sound pathetic. you're actually more pathetic then them, cause you do absolutely no research to make that claim. _Parrot_ comes to mind.
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They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

That didn't happen.
Dossier= England, Ukraine and Russia. hmmmm you must be brain dead.

You mean that dossier that was first used by republicans who opposed Trump?
Paid for by the Clintons and DNC, fk an a mf

Nope, republicans paid for it.
Nope, post the link
Question to you all, why hasn't there ever been a committee convened to discuss the urban issues in this country with gangs and violence, lack of employment and unsanitary conditions? Why? Shit, we sure have had them for illegals!!!!

There has been. In fact there is a whole government department dedicated to this very thing. It's called HUD.
Nope, try again and use my previous post you quoted

No, I will repeat what I just said.

"There has been. In fact there is a whole government department dedicated to this very thing. It's called HUD."
nope, you should look up their objective! have you? I doubt it.

They don't do oversight, just like the DHS doesn't. and yet there's oversight there!!! hmmmmm you're pathetic. Seems to be your thing, pathetic.
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Did Cummings ever talk to this guy?
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump

"........The independent streaks ingrained into the hearts and souls of America’s youth are the cornerstone of the billionaire’s youth appeal. The problems of America’s young folks are far bigger than Snapchat and emojis—undeniable truths Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem to understand. In the coming weeks and months, while Mr. Trump is releasing detailed policy proposals to deal with the issues plaguing young America, Clinton will likely still be doing what she seemingly does best—pandering until she’s blue in the face.
While the past eight years may feel distant to some, the wounds—full of devastation and pain—inflicted by President Obama’s agenda remain fresh.
As a young black male, I’ve seen my community flailing and struggling due to the disastrous impacts of the Obama political agenda, and I refuse to allow the possibility of a Clinton presidency to extend that suffering. After eight years of promises of hope and change, 2 out of 5 black boys and girls live in poverty. Compared to white Americans, African-Americans are more likely to own fewer homes and are more likely to be unemployed.
The policies of the Obama administration have done little to help people of color, yet Clinton has unwaveringly defended them at every turn. In a recent speech in Detroit, Trump pointedly said: “If Hillary Clinton’s goal was to inflict pain on the African-American community, she could not have done a better job.”
Trump’s message to young people of color is simple: what do you have to lose?
In my young optimistic eyes, after the last eight years of the Obama presidency, there is little left to lose. There is only room to do better, and there is only one goal: to make America great for every Americ

I wonder who he will support after puberty.

This is a child. He was 6 years old when Obama took office. He still lives with mommy and daddy. At this point the boy is 16 years old. I doubt if he's even got his first real kiss yet. Wow, what an example. I guess I just throw away my masters degree and follow this little boy without a high school diploma. Let me know when he passes algebra.
The only masters you got is your hand

You should take your blue pill

You should really stop using fentanyl.
when you've been beaten.
Dossier= England, Ukraine and Russia. hmmmm you must be brain dead.

You mean that dossier that was first used by republicans who opposed Trump?
Paid for by the Clintons and DNC, fk an a mf

Nope, republicans paid for it.
Nope sorry sucka the internet doesn’t lie! It is reported fool

The internet can lie. And republicans paid GPS Fusion.
now everyone and everything lies so you can be right! too fking funny, that's called pathetic desperation.

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