Now its official, Moscow empire is FINISHED "The U.S. Senate will vote today on another $40 billion package of military aid. CHINA TAKES THE NOTES )))

you promote narratives here , do you agree that Moscow has lost this war already ?

I wouldn't admit that.

They've actually achieved their primary goals, which is control of the Donbass and getting a land bridge between Russia and the Crimea, as well as control of the Sea of Azov. So while the Ukrainians have achieved their goals of relieving sieges of Kyiv and Kharkov, dislodging them from these areas is going to be a lot tougher.

Now we are in the "Two Bald Men Fighting Over a Comb" phase of the war. The value of the territory in dispute isn't worth the economic costs to either nation.
Got proof?


Now we are in the "Two Bald Men Fighting Over a Comb" phase of the war. The value of the territory in dispute isn't worth the economic costs to either nation.
a good post, any comment on this ?

'We need a way out': Former Russian colonel criticizes war efforts in Ukraine

Former Russian colonel, Mikhail Khodarenok, appeared on Russian state TV and gave rare public criticism on the conduct of Russia's military operations in Ukraine.

a good post, any comment on this ?

'We need a way out': Former Russian colonel criticizes war efforts in Ukraine

Former Russian colonel, Mikhail Khodarenok, appeared on Russian state TV and gave rare public criticism on the conduct of Russia's military operations in Ukraine.

Adolf do you think Putin’s dead?
They've actually achieved their primary goals,
FSB officer says to retired Col., "you will read from the you agree or yes?" :lol:

ps pootler needs a huge reality check.
you promote narratives here , do you agree that Moscow has lost this war already ?

My belief is that Russia is a sovereign nation. We are the expanding globalist one with outside interests controlling us. I believe the United States is a free and sovereign nation. And we are not as it is purposely being reduced in power. Anytime the government wants with the Federal Reserve now more and more in control they can stop checks and benefits to a high percentage of people. as of Russia and the Ukraine I do not believe in what the media tells me. And it can be true. They have lied to much over the years.
My belief is that Russia is a sovereign nation.
ivan, Unlike Maskal soldiers, Ukrainians have nowhere else to go. They cannot just go home. The war is fought in their country. They will return to their homes and rebuild
ivan, Unlike Maskal soldiers, Ukrainians have nowhere else to go. They cannot just go home. The war is fought in their country. They will return to their homes and rebuild

Ukraine is not Poland or Hungary. There is a relationship between them and Russia. I get there are people with relatives, family friends over there. I also have tired of being the suckers who pay for any defense of a nation against another enemy. Most times we end up sending troops over to those places and their patriotism used against them by our corrupted leaders. Most of us talked about being tired of wars and the last soldiers leave Afghanistan and we are being primed again.
Foolish thread.
The Ukraine lost again.
The Ukraine keeps starting wars, by stealing oil, murdering ethnic Russians, and trying to join NATO.
The first war, the Ukraine lost the Crimea.
This war, the Ukraine lost the Donetsk and Luhansk,
If the Ukraine keeps starting and "winning" wars, soon there won't be Ukraine left at all.

The Ukraine was given land it had no right to, by Khrushchev, and instead of being grateful, the Ukraine abused the ethnic Russians, stole oil from Russian pipelines, and made alliances harmful to Russia.
This war should not end until Kyiv is destroyed.
Kyiv is corrupt, controlled by the US, and now can never be trusted.

Foolish because the Ukraine already had its day in count in 2012, and was found guilty of stealing over $20 billion in Russian gas/oil. Since the Ukraine has never paid up, Russia is legally authorized to take their pound of flesh any way they want.
Now its official, Moscow empire is FINISHED "The U.S. Senate will vote today on another $40 billion package of military, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine." CHINA (AND ALL OTHER ORIENTAL DESPOTIAS )TAKES THE NOTES ))) pOOTLER WITH HIS 1 % OF THE WORLD ECONOMY TRIED TO TAKE ON THE WORLD, YOU IVANS ARE SO PATHETIC !!

View attachment 646702

Russia has slowly taken ground every day for two months and control almost all of the eastern portions of Ukraine. Biden only gives them enough to lose slowly and cost more Ukrainins their lives. We should give them what they need to win, or biden should stand before the world and tell everyone why he lets Ukrainians be slowly slaughtered by the Russians.
Foolish thread.
The Ukraine lost again.
The Ukraine keeps starting wars, by stealing oil, murdering ethnic Russians, and trying to join NATO.
The first war, the Ukraine lost the Crimea.
This war, the Ukraine lost the Donetsk and Luhansk,
If the Ukraine keeps starting and "winning" wars, soon there won't be Ukraine left at all.

The Ukraine was given land it had no right to, by Khrushchev, and instead of being grateful, the Ukraine abused the ethnic Russians, stole oil from Russian pipelines, and made alliances harmful to Russia.
This war should not end until Kyiv is destroyed.
Kyiv is corrupt, controlled by the US, and now can never be trusted.
This thread ended in May until you brought it back yesterday.
If its foolish why continue it?

You sound like a Russian bot.
1. Ukraine didn't lose. Russia's tiny economy, oligarchs, and people lost.
2. Russia started the war by invading Ukraine from the north, and getting slaughtered.
3. Russia had Donetsk & Luhansk in 2014, not news.
4. Russia and Ukraine are both losing soldiers and equipment. There are no "winners".
5. NATO won't allow Kyiv to be destroyed.
6. Russia pushed Sweden and Finland into NATO. That was a strategic loss for Putin. Very stupid.
Russia has slowly taken ground every day for two months and control almost all of the eastern portions of Ukraine. Biden only gives them enough to lose slowly and cost more Ukrainins their lives. We should give them what they need to win, or biden should stand before the world and tell everyone why he lets Ukrainians be slowly slaughtered by the Russians.
So prove the Ukes are being "slaughtered", unless you mean civilians?
IMHO both sides are losing men and material in that meat grinder.
It is interesting to look back at the war predictions.

So how was everyone so wrong? Were they fed disinformation from the media?
It is interesting to look back at the war predictions.
So how was everyone so wrong? Were they fed disinformation from the media?
The media gets their war info from the pentagon.
IMHO Russia overestimated their military strength, and severely underestimated the Ukrainian military capabilities.
Russia expected to take Kyiv in 3-days. That's what the pentagon told the MSM.
Instead the Russians got slaughtered, and decided on a long war of attrition, with the US and NATO providing arms to Ukraine.

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