Now that comey admitted to committing a crime, they know where to look for the leaks...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Comey......admitted under oath that he leaked to the press.....information generated on government computers....FBI computers, making it work product, not private notes......the one thing this does for allows the Justice Department to narrow their leak one individual....they can now look into his computer work and see how many other times he may have leaked to the press......
Comey did not commit a crime any more than other ex-FBI do when then go on tv, write books, give speeches or interviews.

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Wrong......any work product generated for the FBI has to get clearence from the FBI before it is used in anyway in public....he didn't do that.....he leaked this information.....he not only broke federal law, he violated the employment agreement with the FBI that he signed when he joined them...another crime that can be punished with jail time....
Comey did not commit a crime any more than other ex-FBI do when then go on tv, write books, give speeches or interviews.

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Wrong......any work product generated for the FBI has to get clearence from the FBI before it is used in anyway in public....he didn't do that.....he leaked this information.....he not only broke federal law, he violated the employment agreement with the FBI that he signed when he joined them...another crime that can be punished with jail time....
You're grasping at straws. Politically Trump is a loose canon, everyone of his cabinet members are probably "keeping notes" to use as a CYA just in case. Politics is a game where even the slightest inflection can be interpreted many ways and used against the person, Trump just doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut soooooo.......... he's constantly providing the Dems a rich source of ammunition. I figure Comey is either CYAing or the Dems have something really bad on him and he's their tool to destroy Trump and possibly the GOP, most people forget or don't understand just how Machiavellian politics is. Comey will be protected as long as he plays along.
It simply amazes me the political circus in Washington that holds us hostage in this country that people then try to come here to use the very same reasoning in liberal lock-step:

They go after a Russian threat as if it is some big deal though it has always been there for years claiming it cost them the election despite no evidence.

Then they put hacks in there all the way up to the Director to leak information.

They go after collusion and even impeachment, then try to build the case post hoc!

They get nowhere with that so then try to claim that because not all of it could be discussed in open session, some of it involved sensitive intelligence, that there were obvious "secrets" and secrets point toward collusion and impeachment. Never mind that all the top officials have already repeated over and over: no collusion.

Meantime because they are not getting anywhere with Trump, now they break off to go after Kushner and Sessions. Obviously Kushner must be up to no good because he has met with Russians, never-mind it is his job and it has already been determined that no improper Russian connection exists! And what did Sessions do? He recused himself to be aboveboard, he never should have done that, Loretta Lynch would not do that even after meeting Clinton on the tarmac and now we know she actually WAS influencing an investigation! So now the argument is that there must be something there if Sessions refused himself. In the Democrat-World, the LACK OF EVIDENCE BECOMES THE EVIDENCE ITSELF.

This is all PERFORMANCE ART by the Democrats. Notice you don't see any of them asking questions about any of their own people! And that is where all of the true questions lie. It is their intention to keep calling for impropriety and investigations of wrongdoing for every day of Trump's term, even on how he sharpens his pencils or his ill-fitting shoes, as a continuous diversion to both tie him up as well as to keep everyone busy with that so there will be no time to actually investigate the real crimes with them.

Leaking your own words isn't a crime.

Really? So you are a top intelligence agent discussing secret plans with a foreign country about how and when America will strike an enemy in the middle of the night, but because they were your words, you can blab them to the newspaper? Better put cotton in your ears, your brain fell out and rolled away.

When you work for the government in an intelligence capacity, there is no "your." "Your" words are government property. "Your" emails and letters are government property. The air you breath is government property. Even now that Comey is fired, he is still bound to keep secrets secret.
Leaking your own words isn't a crime.

Really? So you are a top intelligence agent discussing secret plans with a foreign country about how and when America will strike an enemy in the middle of the night, but because they were your words, you can blab them to the newspaper? Better put cotton in your ears, your brain fell out and rolled away.

When you work for the government in an intelligence capacity, there is no "your." "Your" words are government property. "Your" emails and letters are government property. The air you breath is government property. Even now that Comey is fired, he is still bound to keep secrets secret.


Ref your last line - EXACTLY what "secrets" did Comey make public?

Please be specific.

Thank you.


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Leaking your own words isn't a crime.

Really? So you are a top intelligence agent discussing secret plans with a foreign country about how and when America will strike an enemy in the middle of the night, but because they were your words, you can blab them to the newspaper? Better put cotton in your ears, your brain fell out and rolled away.

When you work for the government in an intelligence capacity, there is no "your." "Your" words are government property. "Your" emails and letters are government property. The air you breath is government property. Even now that Comey is fired, he is still bound to keep secrets secret.


Ref your last line - EXACTLY what "secrets" did Comey make public?

Please be specific.

Thank you.


DEAR MORON, where did I ever say Comey released any secrets? But any secrets he does know he is bound to keep unless permitted to reveal. Those notes of his were still not his to release. His notes were made as a federal employee about federal business on federal time. They are government property.
It simply amazes me the political circus in Washington that holds us hostage in this country that people then try to come here to use the very same reasoning in liberal lock-step:

They go after a Russian threat as if it is some big deal though it has always been there for years claiming it cost them the election despite no evidence.

Then they put hacks in there all the way up to the Director to leak information.

They go after collusion and even impeachment, then try to build the case post hoc!

They get nowhere with that so then try to claim that because not all of it could be discussed in open session, some of it involved sensitive intelligence, that there were obvious "secrets" and secrets point toward collusion and impeachment. Never mind that all the top officials have already repeated over and over: no collusion.

Meantime because they are not getting anywhere with Trump, now they break off to go after Kushner and Sessions. Obviously Kushner must be up to no good because he has met with Russians, never-mind it is his job and it has already been determined that no improper Russian connection exists! And what did Sessions do? He recused himself to be aboveboard, he never should have done that, Loretta Lynch would not do that even after meeting Clinton on the tarmac and now we know she actually WAS influencing an investigation! So now the argument is that there must be something there if Sessions refused himself. In the Democrat-World, the LACK OF EVIDENCE BECOMES THE EVIDENCE ITSELF.

This is all PERFORMANCE ART by the Democrats. Notice you don't see any of them asking questions about any of their own people! And that is where all of the true questions lie. It is their intention to keep calling for impropriety and investigations of wrongdoing for every day of Trump's term, even on how he sharpens his pencils or his ill-fitting shoes, as a continuous diversion to both tie him up as well as to keep everyone busy with that so there will be no time to actually investigate the real crimes with them.


Jared Kushner is a crook. He conveniently forgot to disclose certain things he was supposed to. In addition, he is cashing in. He recently promised special visas to people who invested in his project. Apparently that type of corruption is okay with you.
Since no records were destroyed, it doesn't matter what they are. They were not classified so Comey broke no laws. They can waste their time if they want since they are government computers but they likely won't find anything.
Comey......admitted under oath that he leaked to the press.....information generated on government computers....FBI computers, making it work product, not private notes......the one thing this does for allows the Justice Department to narrow their leak one individual....they can now look into his computer work and see how many other times he may have leaked to the press......
Providing information to the press is not a crime

Colluding with Russia is a crime

That is why one is being investigated and the other isn't
It simply amazes me the political circus in Washington that holds us hostage in this country that people then try to come here to use the very same reasoning in liberal lock-step:

They go after a Russian threat as if it is some big deal though it has always been there for years claiming it cost them the election despite no evidence.

Then they put hacks in there all the way up to the Director to leak information.

They go after collusion and even impeachment, then try to build the case post hoc!

They get nowhere with that so then try to claim that because not all of it could be discussed in open session, some of it involved sensitive intelligence, that there were obvious "secrets" and secrets point toward collusion and impeachment. Never mind that all the top officials have already repeated over and over: no collusion.

Meantime because they are not getting anywhere with Trump, now they break off to go after Kushner and Sessions. Obviously Kushner must be up to no good because he has met with Russians, never-mind it is his job and it has already been determined that no improper Russian connection exists! And what did Sessions do? He recused himself to be aboveboard, he never should have done that, Loretta Lynch would not do that even after meeting Clinton on the tarmac and now we know she actually WAS influencing an investigation! So now the argument is that there must be something there if Sessions refused himself. In the Democrat-World, the LACK OF EVIDENCE BECOMES THE EVIDENCE ITSELF.

This is all PERFORMANCE ART by the Democrats. Notice you don't see any of them asking questions about any of their own people! And that is where all of the true questions lie. It is their intention to keep calling for impropriety and investigations of wrongdoing for every day of Trump's term, even on how he sharpens his pencils or his ill-fitting shoes, as a continuous diversion to both tie him up as well as to keep everyone busy with that so there will be no time to actually investigate the real crimes with them.


Jared Kushner is a crook. He conveniently forgot to disclose certain things he was supposed to. In addition, he is cashing in. He recently promised special visas to people who invested in his project. Apparently that type of corruption is okay with you.

At a certain level, everyone in business is a crook. How else do you get rich? Cashing in is good business, everyone in business cashes in. Forgetting stuff ain't a crime. It is human. The difference between good business and crime is a thin line, whether you are caught, and what lawyers you have. Being that I know you don't know shit about Kushner other than what you read off a few slimy websites, and just want to believe what you believe because he is a Trump, you can show some intellectual honesty by being just as upset or more at about 30 people under Obama who committed a hundred times worse. When I see you just as upset at them, I will take you a little more serious.
Comey......admitted under oath that he leaked to the press.....information generated on government computers....FBI computers, making it work product, not private notes......the one thing this does for allows the Justice Department to narrow their leak one individual....they can now look into his computer work and see how many other times he may have leaked to the press......
Providing information to the press is not a crime

Colluding with Russia is a crime

That is why one is being investigated and the other isn't

They are both being investigated.

So far after 10 months of digging: ZERO EVIDENCE of collusion. Stated as FACT by Comey.

Now to looking deeper at those memos, how he released them, then there is Lynch.
It is troubling when one of the most important members of the "deep state" is involved in trying to overthrow the US president. Third-World stuff.
Comey......admitted under oath that he leaked to the press.....information generated on government computers....FBI computers, making it work product, not private notes......the one thing this does for allows the Justice Department to narrow their leak one individual....they can now look into his computer work and see how many other times he may have leaked to the press......
Providing information to the press is not a crime

Colluding with Russia is a crime

That is why one is being investigated and the other isn't

They are both being investigated.

So far after 10 months of digging: ZERO EVIDENCE of collusion. Stated as FACT by Comey.

Now to looking deeper at those memos, how he released them, then there is Lynch.

Semantics at this time
Comey said there is no evidence against Trump at the time he was director
He never said no evidence against the Trump campaign
Comey......admitted under oath that he leaked to the press.....information generated on government computers....FBI computers, making it work product, not private notes......the one thing this does for allows the Justice Department to narrow their leak one individual....they can now look into his computer work and see how many other times he may have leaked to the press......
There was no crime. Try again.
Comey......admitted under oath that he leaked to the press.....information generated on government computers....FBI computers, making it work product, not private notes......the one thing this does for allows the Justice Department to narrow their leak one individual....they can now look into his computer work and see how many other times he may have leaked to the press......
Prosecute everyone of the pro Clinton bastards!
Comey......admitted under oath that he leaked to the press.....information generated on government computers....FBI computers, making it work product, not private notes......the one thing this does for allows the Justice Department to narrow their leak one individual....they can now look into his computer work and see how many other times he may have leaked to the press......
Providing information to the press is not a crime

Colluding with Russia is a crime

That is why one is being investigated and the other isn't

They are both being investigated.

So far after 10 months of digging: ZERO EVIDENCE of collusion. Stated as FACT by Comey.

Now to looking deeper at those memos, how he released them, then there is Lynch.

Semantics at this time
Comey said there is no evidence against Trump at the time he was director
He never said no evidence against the Trump campaign

Lying about the facts does not change them. Oh No!


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