Now That Flipper Has Reversed Himself On All The Things You Loved Him For...

A long time ago I read an article by William Buckley in which he predicted this sort of disaster from the embracement of religious radicals by the GOP. I think that were he alive today, he would be joining George Will.
A long time ago I read an article by William Buckley in which he predicted this sort of disaster from the embracement of religious radicals by the GOP. I think that were he alive today, he would be joining George Will.

The real irony is that Combover Caligula is obviously not religious. They don't give a shit, though, since they just want someone who will "fight" for them.
That's explains much of it, but it does not explain it all. It does not explain how he captured the nomination from real Republicans and real conservatives.

Because according to all those that voted for him the real Republicans were a bunch of RINO's and Trump was the truest Republican since Ronald Regan... ( Regan was a Democrat in sheep clothing )

So does it surprise anyone Trump has been selling nonsense to win the nomination?

Now what would be hilarious would be Trump telling those that voted for him that he was making them look like fools and drops out of the race and leave the GOP without a candidate and in chaos!

I would laugh my ass off if he did it on the night of his Nomination!
...why are you Chumps still supporting him?

He's not going to deport the wetbacks like he promised he would.

He's not going to bomb the families of terrorist like he promised he would.

He's going to increase the federal debt by another $10 trillion.

He's going to increase the minimum wage, after promising he wouldn't because he insisted wages are already too high.

I mean, everything you liked about this asshole has turned out to be fake. He's not going to follow through. So why do you still love him? He's not even elected yet, and he's already cheating on you! He lied to your face!

You Chumps are absolutely unyielding in your belief in everything Trump says. So why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary would make a great President?

Why don't you take Trump's word that "the Clintons are fine people"?

Why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever?

Everything you believed about Trump has turned out to be completely false. Please explain why you still love him like an abused spouse who keeps going back for more punches to the face.

Adolf Trump knows he has absolutely no chance of winning the General Election unless he softens his crazy shit that the "poorly educated" eats up.
That's explains much of it, but it does not explain it all. It does not explain how he captured the nomination from real Republicans and real conservatives.

Partly because even republicans don't want a loserterian! They want a nationalist to come to power to make whites number one and to make them feel pride as old Adolph once did.
Flipper, that is a good monicker for trump. With atrophied front fins.

A few years ago the word 'flip-flopper' was satanic poison to be said about any candidate for cons, now it is their front runner's DNA. He doesn't stand on anything or for anything. And a great point earlier, cons have whined and gnashed teeth about never having a candidate that is 'conservative enough', that that is why they lost elections.

Well now you derps have nominated trump. So wrap your lips around the trump tailpipe and breath in his oxygen free exhaust gas. Embrace the horror that is of your creation.

So, are you in favor of the use of illegal labor, and H1-b visas and outsourcing to undercut US workers?

Red Herring. The thread is about Flipper and his tiny front fins. Are you denying trump is a flip-flopper?

Yes, I am denying he is a flip flopper. I have made several posts to that point.

Your post was nothing but partisan filler.

There was nothing in there to respond to, so I thought I would inject a little substance into the conversation, specifically some topics that are relevant to Trump vs HIllary.

Because behind all the hysteria and ridicule that seems to be just about all you lefties have, is real issues, that are effecting real people.

So, are you in favor of the use of illegal labor, and H1-b visas and outsourcing to undercut US workers?
Deporting illegals and restricting new immigration (ie reducing labor pool) and bringing back manufacturing jobs, (ie increasing demand).

All crafted to change the status quo from desperate workers seeking jobs, to desperate employers seeking workers.

I've been in wage negotiations when I had the leverage and when I have not.

If you can give more workers leverage, you will change their lives for the better to an enormous degree.

Are labor unions supporting Trump?

I doubt it.

Most unions have sold out their members interests to be tools of the Democratic Party long ago.

Why do you ask?

Simple. Labor unions represent leverage for workers. Enormous leverage. If Trump was for workers more than Hillary, he'd have labor union support..

That is a silly thing to say. I already pointed out another possibility, ie the leadership sells out and betrays the interests of their workers.

You can't support your claim regarding "most unions" selling out their members. You should not say things that you cannot support.

You don't know that. You're guessing.

OK. Now I'm bored with the obfuscation. And....what are you doing having a conversation with a sociopath? That's weird, isn't it?

1. You claimed that Union support proved beyond a doubt that Hillary was more for the workers. I pointed out that that was obviously not true. Are you dropping that claim?

2. NO obfuscation. What question have you asked that I have pretended to be a lefty on, you know, dodge, deflect, distract, minimize, deny, ect?

3. Yes, it is weird. It is not like talking to a normal person.
...why are you Chumps still supporting him?

He's not going to deport the wetbacks like he promised he would.

He's not going to bomb the families of terrorist like he promised he would.

He's going to increase the federal debt by another $10 trillion.

He's going to increase the minimum wage, after promising he wouldn't because he insisted wages are already too high.

I mean, everything you liked about this asshole has turned out to be fake. He's not going to follow through. So why do you still love him? He's not even elected yet, and he's already cheating on you! He lied to your face!

You Chumps are absolutely unyielding in your belief in everything Trump says. So why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary would make a great President?

Why don't you take Trump's word that "the Clintons are fine people"?

Why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever?

Everything you believed about Trump has turned out to be completely false. Please explain why you still love him like an abused spouse who keeps going back for more punches to the face.

1. He is going to deport the illegals.

2. Don't care about bombing or not bombing families of terrorist. Never did.

3. I never believe any one who claims they are going to reduce the deficit or the debt.

4. I don't care about the minimum wage. All his policies have been crafted to lead to increased jobs and wages for the Working and MIddle CLass Americans. Which is why I supported him from the First.

5. Because the Clintons are vile people.

6. Because HIllary was a disaster.

7. Your spin is not true.
He's already disavowed the mass deportation. Flipper reversed himself in the past couple of days. So, no, he is not going to deport the illegals.

No, he didn't. He stated that he would not use that term.

Oh, he most certainly has flipped. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.

No one believes someone who says they are going to reduce the debt, but Trump is going to increase it by far more than Clinton. Independent analysis has confirmed this.

Sure it did. See, if you weren't so painfully partisan in every other word you said, you might have credibility.

I provided the evidence, dipshit. All you have is, "Nuh uh!" :lol:

As for the argument that Clinton is worse somehow, that is untrue when it comes to our economic future, and it is a false dichotomy regardless.

I was just responding to all your points. YOu asked a couple of questions about them and I answered.

No, you made the usual retard assumption that anyone who criticizes Trump and his Chumps is a supporter of Clinton. That is the very definition of a false dichotomy.

1. Nope. He said he would not use that term. That's all he said. He reversed on no policies.

2. And I find I don't trust anything you claim. NOt that I think you are lying, I think you are too invested to be objective.

3. No, I actually remembered that you are not a hillary supporter. But you asked questions about HIllary and I answered.
...why are you Chumps still supporting him?

He's not going to deport the wetbacks like he promised he would.

He's not going to bomb the families of terrorist like he promised he would.

He's going to increase the federal debt by another $10 trillion.

He's going to increase the minimum wage, after promising he wouldn't because he insisted wages are already too high.

I mean, everything you liked about this asshole has turned out to be fake. He's not going to follow through. So why do you still love him? He's not even elected yet, and he's already cheating on you! He lied to your face!

You Chumps are absolutely unyielding in your belief in everything Trump says. So why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary would make a great President?

Why don't you take Trump's word that "the Clintons are fine people"?

Why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever?

Everything you believed about Trump has turned out to be completely false. Please explain why you still love him like an abused spouse who keeps going back for more punches to the face.

1. He is going to deport the illegals.

2. Don't care about bombing or not bombing families of terrorist. Never did.

3. I never believe any one who claims they are going to reduce the deficit or the debt.

4. I don't care about the minimum wage. All his policies have been crafted to lead to increased jobs and wages for the Working and MIddle CLass Americans. Which is why I supported him from the First.

5. Because the Clintons are vile people.

6. Because HIllary was a disaster.

7. Your spin is not true.
He's already disavowed the mass deportation. Flipper reversed himself in the past couple of days. So, no, he is not going to deport the illegals.

No one believes someone who says they are going to reduce the debt, but Trump is going to increase it by far more than Clinton. Independent analysis has confirmed this.

The same analysis confirms his economic plan is also going to cost 3.5 million jobs. He is not going to "increase jobs and wages for the Working and Middle Class Americans" (sic).

Your reasons for loving him are invalid.

As for the argument that Clinton is worse somehow, that is untrue when it comes to our economic future, and it is a false dichotomy regardless.

Loving a horrible person because they aren't as horrible as someone else is a very stupid explanation. One of the most stupid explanations there is.

"He doesn't punch me in the face as hard."
Wow, you libs really amaze us on this new found fiscal responsibility you've found
Yes, I am denying he is a flip flopper. I have made several posts to that point. Your post was nothing but partisan filler.

There was nothing in there to respond to, so I thought I would inject a little substance into the conversation, specifically some topics that are relevant to Trump vs HIllary.

if you want substance, get Trump to talk specifics instead of sound bites.
Even the Daily Caller saw it coming: 4 Issues Trump May Flip Flop On Next

Immigration – Trump won’t back away from building a wall on our Southern border, but there’s a good chance he will change other aspects of his immigration position in order to woo general election voters, including Hispanics. Take, for instance, his call for a mass deportation of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants residing in the U.S.

“They’re going to be deported,” Trump told NBC’s Lester Hold last week, echoing a position he first articulated last summer. “We have many illegals in the country, and we have to get them out.”

But as the general election draws nearer, don’t be surprised if Trump changes that position to deporting just illegal immigrants with criminal records.

Nailed it.

No, they didn't.

He said he wouldn't use the phrase.

He softened his RHETORIC.

I just checked his web site. HIs posted positions are the same.

Immigration Reform

Implementing those policies will lead to a huge increase in deportations. H-U-G-E!
THe gop leadership believed him. Look how they mobilized against him to the point of being willing to LOSE.

WHat of the gloating you lefties are doing each time a Famous conservatives leaves or vows to not vote for him?

Are they fools to believe he is not an insider?
After running as the Reform Party candidate's nominee for President in 2000, The Donald changed his party affiliation to Democrat in 2001, which is only to be expected from a "very pro-choice" New York limousine liberal.

He and his family donated to all of Hillary's campaigns. He also funded the DNC Chairman's run for Governor of Virginia. He screeched for Bush's impeachment just like Cindy Sheehan. He said Bill was a great President, and Hillary would make a great President. He said the Clintons "are fine people". In 2013, he said Hillary was the best Secretary of State ever.

This is how we know he is not a Republican Establishment insider...

So you seem to be grasping that this is very serious change for the GOP.

Would you say that it true?
I would say the selection of a Democratic limousine liberal who is "very pro choice", who wants socialized medicine and an AWB, and is a close friend of the Clintons is a HUGE change for the GOP. Yes, absolutely.
No one has been a greater liar or con artist than Barack Obama. He is just more accomplished at it and he has a legacy to confirm it.if you define stupid as doing dumb things,than Obama and Hilary both earn gold,stars. Trump hasn't done anything yet but amass a billion dollar fortune and beat the pants off the republican establishment, setting records for turnout and minimal,spending. Th mdemocratic stalwarts here are following the party line of incessant attacks on trump. Not one single post extols,the virtues of Hilary's accomplishments. Ya all keep calling everyone who believes in America and fights your wars dumb and stupid and you will just drive more people to trump. I posted this earlier that this contest now reminds me of an old joke. I'm fat but your ugly, and I can lose weight. Trump can lose weight. The truly dumb people are the ones declaring the contest over before it has hardly begun and the fat lady has sung. And for those screaming divisiveness, nothing is more divisive than calling 40 per cent of your fellow Americans dumb and stupid.

Trump won't get the Hispanic vote
Trump won't get the black vote
or the womens vote
he will SPLIT the independent vote

NEVER in the history of this country has a candidate ever won a general election with those stats ... NEVER.

now who are you calling truly dumb again?

The woman's vote is a myth. It is split along ethnic lines.

And if Trump can run up the white vote, he will win.

There aren't enough white suprematist to fulfill your wet dream.

Funny how you had to lie about what I said to challenge my point.

Do you realize that you just demonstrated that at some level you know that I am right?

If Trump can attract enough of the white working class and middle class dems, AND the rest of the gop falls in line behind him, he can win this election.

As he is the only Republican candidate that was really giving those voters a reason to cross Party lines, he is the best choice for the GOP.

Regardless of what the leadership says.
...why are you Chumps still supporting him?

He's not going to deport the wetbacks like he promised he would.

He's not going to bomb the families of terrorist like he promised he would.

He's going to increase the federal debt by another $10 trillion.

He's going to increase the minimum wage, after promising he wouldn't because he insisted wages are already too high.

I mean, everything you liked about this asshole has turned out to be fake. He's not going to follow through. So why do you still love him? He's not even elected yet, and he's already cheating on you! He lied to your face!

You Chumps are absolutely unyielding in your belief in everything Trump says. So why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary would make a great President?

Why don't you take Trump's word that "the Clintons are fine people"?

Why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever?

Everything you believed about Trump has turned out to be completely false. Please explain why you still love him like an abused spouse who keeps going back for more punches to the face.

Adolf Trump knows he has absolutely no chance of winning the General Election unless he softens his crazy shit that the "poorly educated" eats up.

Says the panic monger.
That's explains much of it, but it does not explain it all. It does not explain how he captured the nomination from real Republicans and real conservatives.

Partly because even republicans don't want a loserterian! They want a nationalist to come to power to make whites number one and to make them feel pride as old Adolph once did.



Yes, I am denying he is a flip flopper. I have made several posts to that point. Your post was nothing but partisan filler.

There was nothing in there to respond to, so I thought I would inject a little substance into the conversation, specifically some topics that are relevant to Trump vs HIllary.

if you want substance, get Trump to talk specifics instead of sound bites.

You are dodging.

Indeed, you CUT my references to serious policy points.

You want some specifics?

Sure, here is one.

Immigration Reform

"Mandatory return of all criminal aliens. The Obama Administration has released 76,000 aliens from its custody with criminal convictions since 2013 alone. All criminal aliens must be returned to their home countries, a process which can be aided by canceling any visas to foreign countries which will not accept their own criminals, and making it a separate and additional crime to commit an offense while here illegally."

The past policy to date has been that criminal foreigners serve their time and then get released by into the American society.

That is stupid.

We know they are criminals. Send them home.

Are you for or against?
You forgot about the Muslims. Trump will allow Muslims in, (if they're not from a terrorist country) now. Which country would that be?--LOL Next to go will be that 1000 mile wall, that Mexico has already stated they're not going to pay for.
Trump Changing Muslim Ban to Countries With Terror Links

If he'd only allow muslims in that are not from terrorist countries, wouldn't that effectively still be a ban on muslims?
Nope. Is France a terrorist country? Is England? Is Germany? Is Canada?

France has terrorism and quite a radial clerical community.

So does England. So does Germany.
I think the devotion to Trump is inviolable because his Chumps have written their own beliefs onto Trump, thinking those are his beliefs as well.

That's because 15 minutes before he's supposed to make a speech, he tunes in to what Limbaugh or Hannity are fomenting about and that becomes the topic of his speech. He knows how to speak rube.
I think the devotion to Trump is inviolable because his Chumps have written their own beliefs onto Trump, thinking those are his beliefs as well.

That's because 15 minutes before he's supposed to make a speech, he tunes in to what Limbaugh or Hannity are fomenting about and that becomes the topic of his speech. He knows how to speak rube.

Or maybe your bitter partisan bias is causing you to assume the worst about your ideological enemies.

BUT, ridicule is more effective the serious and honest debate on the issues.

Especially for libs.
Trump’s flip-flop on whether the Bill Clinton sex scandals are important

“I think Bill Clinton is terrific,” Trump told Robert Novak. “I think he’s done an amazing job. I think he’s probably got the toughest skin I’ve ever seen, and I think he’s a terrific guy. I just have to view the economy and the country. I think Bill Clinton has done a terrific job. I don’t think he’s been treated very fairly, but I think he’s done a terrific job.”

“I’m not even sure that he shouldn’t have just gone in and taken the Fifth Amendment and said, ‘Look, I don’t get along with this man, [independent prosecutor Kenneth] Starr. He’s after me. He’s a Republican. He’s this, he’s that,’ and, you know, just taken the Fifth Amendment. It’s a terrible thing for a president to take the Fifth Amendment, but he probably should have done it. I don’t think he could have done any worse than what’s happened.”

Trump also attacked Paula Jones, who had sued Clinton, alleging sexual harassment: “Paula Jones is a loser, but the fact is that she may be responsible for bringing down a president indirectly.”
Was Trump lying then, or now?

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