Now That Flipper Has Reversed Himself On All The Things You Loved Him For... - Transcripts

BLITZER: Let's talk a little bit about politics 2008. The president is quoted in this new book as saying, referring to Hillary Clinton: "She's got a national presence. And this is becoming a national primary. And, therefore, the person with the national presence who has got the ability to raise enough money to sustain an effort in a multiplicity of sites has got a good chance to be nominated."

He thinks Hillary Clinton is going to be the Democratic nominee.

What do you think?

TRUMP: I think she will be. I know her her very well. She's very talented. And she has a husband that I also like very much. I think she's going to get the nomination rather easily.
Was he lying then...or now?
VAN SUSTEREN: "Do you support her?"

TRUMP: "I don't want to get into this because I will get myself into trouble --"

VAN SUSTEREN: "That's why I asked you."

TRUMP: "I just like her. I like her husband. Her husband made a speech on Monday and was very well received. He is -- he is a really good guy, and she's a really good person and woman."

Was Trump lying then...or now?
Was Trump lying while he was a Democrat...or now?

Tell us about these "RINOs" Cruz and Carson and Walker and Ryan so we can all have a big belly laugh.
Even the Daily Caller saw it coming: 4 Issues Trump May Flip Flop On Next

Immigration – Trump won’t back away from building a wall on our Southern border, but there’s a good chance he will change other aspects of his immigration position in order to woo general election voters, including Hispanics. Take, for instance, his call for a mass deportation of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants residing in the U.S.

“They’re going to be deported,” Trump told NBC’s Lester Hold last week, echoing a position he first articulated last summer. “We have many illegals in the country, and we have to get them out.”

But as the general election draws nearer, don’t be surprised if Trump changes that position to deporting just illegal immigrants with criminal records.

Nailed it.

No, they didn't.

He said he wouldn't use the phrase.

He softened his RHETORIC.

I just checked his web site. HIs posted positions are the same.

Immigration Reform

Implementing those policies will lead to a huge increase in deportations. H-U-G-E!
And now we see the phenomenon I spoke of at the beginning of the topic. The rubes can't admit to themselves they were conned and go to great lengths to avoid seeing they have been.

Trump is plainly backpedaling away from his promise to deport 11 million illegals. Now he is being non-specific, saying we can count on "some very bad dudes" being deported.

Wake up, Chump. You've been had.

Everything you loved him for, he is walking away from.

Trump is reverting to type. His inner Democrat who loves the Clintons.
Was Trump lying then...or now?
He was speaking from the heart about his close friends the Clintons then.

He donated to all of Hillary's campaigns. He gave six figures to their Foundation. He said she was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.

He clearly loved the Clintons. He spoke so warmly of them, and even said that would get him into trouble.

So why don't Trump's Chumps take his word about what wonderful people the Clintons are? Why don't they take his word she would make a great President?

After all, they gobble down everything else he says. With gusto!
Pretty well known Trump and the Clinton's are good friends. They are all liberals, nothing to see here.

The complaint about Trump was he didn't give to charities and so we now know this is not true.

Clinton is in bed with Wall St. and the one percenters, nothing new.
"Deport the wetbacks" "Bomb the families"....that's the kind of propaganda you are likely to see coming from the left from now until the election. If you read between the lines you realize that the radical left doesn't care about illegal "wetback" Mexicans or Muslems or cross dressing freakazoids. It's all about politics. Hillary didn't give a shit about the heroes who died in Benghazi and neither did Obama. It's all about politics. Barry Hussein doesn't give a damn about women or girls when he makes an issue of confused boys in the girl's locker room or freakazoid men in the ladies room. It's all about catering to the liberal base and changing the fabric of society.
Even the Daily Caller saw it coming: 4 Issues Trump May Flip Flop On Next

Immigration – Trump won’t back away from building a wall on our Southern border, but there’s a good chance he will change other aspects of his immigration position in order to woo general election voters, including Hispanics. Take, for instance, his call for a mass deportation of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants residing in the U.S.

“They’re going to be deported,” Trump told NBC’s Lester Hold last week, echoing a position he first articulated last summer. “We have many illegals in the country, and we have to get them out.”

But as the general election draws nearer, don’t be surprised if Trump changes that position to deporting just illegal immigrants with criminal records.

Nailed it.

No, they didn't.

He said he wouldn't use the phrase.

He softened his RHETORIC.

I just checked his web site. HIs posted positions are the same.

Immigration Reform

Implementing those policies will lead to a huge increase in deportations. H-U-G-E!
And now we see the phenomenon I spoke of at the beginning of the topic. The rubes can't admit to themselves they were conned and go to great lengths to avoid seeing they have been.

Trump is plainly backpedaling away from his promise to deport 11 million illegals. Now he is being non-specific, saying we can count on "some very bad dudes" being deported.

Wake up, Chump. You've been had.

Everything you loved him for, he is walking away from.

Trump is reverting to type. His inner Democrat who loves the Clintons.

He is softening his rhetoric.

You are seeing what you want to see to support your previous assumptions.

I checked his web site. I linked to his web site FOR YOU. I Cut and pasted specifics FROM HIS WEB SITE.

And you quote me three words our of context and claim that is proof that I've been had, and you were right all along?

Do you understand the Concept of Confirmation BIas?
Was Trump lying then...or now?
He was speaking from the heart about his close friends the Clintons then.

He donated to all of Hillary's campaigns. He gave six figures to their Foundation. He said she was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.

He clearly loved the Clintons. He spoke so warmly of them, and even said that would get him into trouble.

So why don't Trump's Chumps take his word about what wonderful people the Clintons are? Why don't they take his word she would make a great President?

After all, they gobble down everything else he says. With gusto!

Or he was a NY businessman who knew that he had to play ball with the powerful and corrupt or be destroyed.
Same reasons the Koch brothers donate to both parties. G needs to acquaint himself with the term "pragmatism".
After running as the Reform Party candidate's nominee for President in 2000, The Donald changed his party affiliation to Democrat in 2001, which is only to be expected from a "very pro-choice" New York limousine liberal.

He and his family donated to all of Hillary's campaigns. He also funded the DNC Chairman's run for Governor of Virginia. He screeched for Bush's impeachment just like Cindy Sheehan. He said Bill was a great President, and Hillary would make a great President. He said the Clintons "are fine people". In 2013, he said Hillary was the best Secretary of State ever.

This is how we know he is not a Republican Establishment insider...

So you seem to be grasping that this is very serious change for the GOP.

Would you say that it true?
I would say the selection of a Democratic limousine liberal who is "very pro choice", who wants socialized medicine and an AWB, and is a close friend of the Clintons is a HUGE change for the GOP. Yes, absolutely.
No one has been a greater liar or con artist than Barack Obama. He is just more accomplished at it and he has a legacy to confirm it.if you define stupid as doing dumb things,than Obama and Hilary both earn gold,stars. Trump hasn't done anything yet but amass a billion dollar fortune and beat the pants off the republican establishment, setting records for turnout and minimal,spending. Th mdemocratic stalwarts here are following the party line of incessant attacks on trump. Not one single post extols,the virtues of Hilary's accomplishments. Ya all keep calling everyone who believes in America and fights your wars dumb and stupid and you will just drive more people to trump. I posted this earlier that this contest now reminds me of an old joke. I'm fat but your ugly, and I can lose weight. Trump can lose weight. The truly dumb people are the ones declaring the contest over before it has hardly begun and the fat lady has sung. And for those screaming divisiveness, nothing is more divisive than calling 40 per cent of your fellow Americans dumb and stupid.

Trump won't get the Hispanic vote
Trump won't get the black vote
or the womens vote
he will SPLIT the independent vote

NEVER in the history of this country has a candidate ever won a general election with those stats ... NEVER.

now who are you calling truly dumb again?

The woman's vote is a myth. It is split along ethnic lines.

And if Trump can run up the white vote, he will win.

There aren't enough white suprematist to fulfill your wet dream.

Funny how you had to lie about what I said to challenge my point.

Do you realize that you just demonstrated that at some level you know that I am right?

If Trump can attract enough of the white working class and middle class dems, AND the rest of the gop falls in line behind him, he can win this election.

As he is the only Republican candidate that was really giving those voters a reason to cross Party lines, he is the best choice for the GOP.

Regardless of what the leadership says.

poor deluded winger.

keep lying to yourself and everyone else
Was Trump lying then...or now?
He was speaking from the heart about his close friends the Clintons then.

He donated to all of Hillary's campaigns. He gave six figures to their Foundation. He said she was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.

He clearly loved the Clintons. He spoke so warmly of them, and even said that would get him into trouble.

So why don't Trump's Chumps take his word about what wonderful people the Clintons are? Why don't they take his word she would make a great President?

After all, they gobble down everything else he says. With gusto!

Or he was a NY businessman who knew that he had to play ball with the powerful and corrupt or be destroyed.

and you think that changes if he becomes president?

that's how you end up with pondscum like dick cheney.
...why are you Chumps still supporting him?

He's not going to deport the wetbacks like he promised he would.

He's not going to bomb the families of terrorist like he promised he would.

He's going to increase the federal debt by another $10 trillion.

He's going to increase the minimum wage, after promising he wouldn't because he insisted wages are already too high.

I mean, everything you liked about this asshole has turned out to be fake. He's not going to follow through. So why do you still love him? He's not even elected yet, and he's already cheating on you! He lied to your face!

You Chumps are absolutely unyielding in your belief in everything Trump says. So why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary would make a great President?

Why don't you take Trump's word that "the Clintons are fine people"?

Why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever?

Everything you believed about Trump has turned out to be completely false. Please explain why you still love him like an abused spouse who keeps going back for more punches to the face.
But he said he'd make America great again. I need something to believe in.
Same reasons the Koch brothers donate to both parties. G needs to acquaint himself with the term "pragmatism".

That's why we have heard the Koch brothers lavishing love on the Clintons over more than a decade. That's why the Koch brothers said the Clintons are great people and make great Presidents and that the women Bill Clinton attacked are losers.

I well recall the Koch's demanding the impeachment of Bush. I well recall them saying Hillary was the best SecState ever. I well recall the Kochs saying they are very pro choice.

And, of course, they donated to the Clinton Foundation, right?


You rubes are amazing in your ability to keep your delusions alive. :lol:
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Since Trump is now TRASHING the Clintons, I guess he doesn't need them for business purposes after all.


Don't forget, he was praising Hillary as late as 2015.


Was he lying then...or now?
G needs to acquaint himself with the term "pragmatism".

He's not going to deport the 11 million illegals. He's betrayed you.

He's not going to enact a total ban on Muslims coming to America. He's betrayed you.

He's not going to improve the economy. He's going to add $10 trillion to the debt and lose 3.5 million jobs instead. He's betrayed you.

You say Trump is "pragmatic"? Yup. He knew EXACTLY what lies to tell you to get you into bed with him, rube. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"I promise I won't cum in your mouth."
Poor bimbo tards. Trump is kicking you out before the sun comes up.

"Bill and Hillary are coming over for breakfast. You need to get out of here."

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