Now That Flipper Has Reversed Himself On All The Things You Loved Him For...

Yes, I am denying he is a flip flopper. I have made several posts to that point. Your post was nothing but partisan filler.

There was nothing in there to respond to, so I thought I would inject a little substance into the conversation, specifically some topics that are relevant to Trump vs HIllary.

if you want substance, get Trump to talk specifics instead of sound bites.

You are dodging.

Indeed, you CUT my references to serious policy points.

You want some specifics?

Sure, here is one.

Immigration Reform

"Mandatory return of all criminal aliens. The Obama Administration has released 76,000 aliens from its custody with criminal convictions since 2013 alone. All criminal aliens must be returned to their home countries, a process which can be aided by canceling any visas to foreign countries which will not accept their own criminals, and making it a separate and additional crime to commit an offense while here illegally."

The past policy to date has been that criminal foreigners serve their time and then get released by into the American society.

That is stupid.

We know they are criminals. Send them home.

Are you for or against?

That's not a policy. That's a sound bite. How much is it going to cost? Who's going to co-ordinate it? what is his definition of a criminal? How are they defined? Jay walkers or murderers?


Trump will take this painfully obvious step to protect Americans.

Hillary will NOT protect Americans.

You are quibbling over details to avoid admitting that truth.

Your partisanship is more important to you than the safety of your fellow Americans.
Please explain why you still love him like an abused spouse who keeps going back for more punches to the face.

I wonder if any dyed in the wool "Trumpeteer" responded with the one answer I've heard when I ask that of a person in real life and that struck me as patently honest and accurate.

What did they say? "Because he is the GOP candidate, and that's all I need to know. Everything else doesn't matter."

What was my response? "Okay. I understand." What else is there to say when someone gives a candid answer? I asked, they answered and now I know. Mission accomplished.

"Oh, there's that new Italian place I've wanted to try. You up for Italian?....So, what school did your son decide to go to?"

You should have asked how he got to the place where he would consider ANY gop candidate better than ANY dem candidate.

There is probably a reason beyond what you think.

For example if you really asked it as g5000 did, or in such a way that carried similar baggage, it might be that have have expected you to just airily and rudely dismiss anything he had to say, and he didn't feel he owed you anymore than what he gave you.
g5000, Thank you for this thread. It is beyond awesome to see folks defending Trump like he's a viable candidate running for office and not the grifter we know him to be.

So, do you support the release back into the American society of violent illegal immigrants after they have served their prison sentences? Such as Hillary will continue?

Or would you prefer to send violent criminals away from American citizens? Like Trump will?

Rhetorical question: I know you won't give a real answer.
The best reason to vote for Trump------------he is not Hillary.

the most important thing we americans can do this year is keep Hillary Clinton out of power. If we let her win, the USA is over.
...why are you Chumps still supporting him?

He's not going to deport the wetbacks like he promised he would.

He's not going to bomb the families of terrorist like he promised he would.

He's going to increase the federal debt by another $10 trillion.

He's going to increase the minimum wage, after promising he wouldn't because he insisted wages are already too high.

I mean, everything you liked about this asshole has turned out to be fake. He's not going to follow through. So why do you still love him? He's not even elected yet, and he's already cheating on you! He lied to your face!

You Chumps are absolutely unyielding in your belief in everything Trump says. So why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary would make a great President?

Why don't you take Trump's word that "the Clintons are fine people"?

Why don't you take Trump's word that Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever?

Everything you believed about Trump has turned out to be completely false. Please explain why you still love him like an abused spouse who keeps going back for more punches to the face.
Did you hear today the big mouth who started the brexit announced he's not going to run for prime minister? Reminds me of trump. All talk before thinking first
The best reason to vote for Trump------------he is not Hillary.

the most important thing we americans can do this year is keep Hillary Clinton out of power. If we let her win, the USA is over.
The reason Republicans voted for trump over Cruz rubio jeb kasich?
Same reasons the Koch brothers donate to both parties. G needs to acquaint himself with the term "pragmatism".

That's why we have heard the Koch brothers lavishing love on the Clintons over more than a decade. That's why the Koch brothers said the Clintons are great people and make great Presidents and that the women Bill Clinton attacked are losers.

I well recall the Koch's demanding the impeachment of Bush. I well recall them saying Hillary was the best SecState ever. I well recall the Kochs saying they are very pro choice.

And, of course, they donated to the Clinton Foundation, right?


You rubes are amazing in your ability to keep your delusions alive. :lol:

what money did the koch brothers give to the clinton's over more than a decade? to the clinton foundation? yes, the koch's give a lot of money to charity. they also endow the arts when they aren't trying to pollute our political system.

so what "decade' are you talking about? when neither was running for office? or now because they don't want someone insane running things?

be careful, you're so stupid you'll make people sympathetic to the koch brothers.
Same reasons the Koch brothers donate to both parties. G needs to acquaint himself with the term "pragmatism".

That's why we have heard the Koch brothers lavishing love on the Clintons over more than a decade. That's why the Koch brothers said the Clintons are great people and make great Presidents and that the women Bill Clinton attacked are losers.

I well recall the Koch's demanding the impeachment of Bush. I well recall them saying Hillary was the best SecState ever. I well recall the Kochs saying they are very pro choice.

And, of course, they donated to the Clinton Foundation, right?


You rubes are amazing in your ability to keep your delusions alive. :lol:

what money did the koch brothers give to the clinton's over more than a decade? to the clinton foundation? yes, the koch's give a lot of money to charity. they also endow the arts when they aren't trying to pollute our political system.

so what "decade' are you talking about? when neither was running for office? or now because they don't want someone insane running things?

be careful, you're so stupid you'll make people sympathetic to the koch brothers.

Do you support the use of illegal labor to undercut American workers?

Because Trump in the only candidate committed to stopping that.
Same reasons the Koch brothers donate to both parties. G needs to acquaint himself with the term "pragmatism".

That's why we have heard the Koch brothers lavishing love on the Clintons over more than a decade. That's why the Koch brothers said the Clintons are great people and make great Presidents and that the women Bill Clinton attacked are losers.

I well recall the Koch's demanding the impeachment of Bush. I well recall them saying Hillary was the best SecState ever. I well recall the Kochs saying they are very pro choice.

And, of course, they donated to the Clinton Foundation, right?


You rubes are amazing in your ability to keep your delusions alive. :lol:

what money did the koch brothers give to the clinton's over more than a decade? to the clinton foundation? yes, the koch's give a lot of money to charity. they also endow the arts when they aren't trying to pollute our political system.

so what "decade' are you talking about? when neither was running for office? or now because they don't want someone insane running things?

be careful, you're so stupid you'll make people sympathetic to the koch brothers.

Do you support the use of illegal labor to undercut American workers?

Because Trump in the only candidate committed to stopping that.

Don't you mean that Trump is the only candidate that has hired illegal workers...

Trump Tower Got Its Start With Undocumented Foreign Workers

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's explains much of it, but it does not explain it all. It does not explain how he captured the nomination from real Republicans and real conservatives.

Real conservatives? When has the GOP ever had real conservatives?

At least Trump is more honest about it.
Yeah, okay. Trump is more conservative than Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, and Ben Carson. Sure.

Trump will take this painfully obvious step to protect Americans.
Hillary will NOT protect Americans.
You are quibbling over details to avoid admitting that truth.
Your partisanship is more important to you than the safety of your fellow Americans.

Of course Hillary will protect Americans.

And you're not partisan? I'm not that partisan. I can name a couple of Cons I would have loved to have gotten the nod. Rubio for one. Maybe even Jeb Bush. Instead you get a Charlatan.,..
With Trump just admitting today that as far as Mexicans go, he is going to be just like Bush and Obama, I think it is time to re-ask the rubes this question:

Now That Flipper Has Reversed Himself On All The Things You Loved Him For...why are you Chumps still supporting him?
Trump will take this painfully obvious step to protect Americans.
Hillary will NOT protect Americans.
You are quibbling over details to avoid admitting that truth.
Your partisanship is more important to you than the safety of your fellow Americans.

Of course Hillary will protect Americans.

And you're not partisan? I'm not that partisan. I can name a couple of Cons I would have loved to have gotten the nod. Rubio for one. Maybe even Jeb Bush. Instead you get a Charlatan.,..

Hillary is running on NOT limiting immigration of Muslims, some of whom WILL KILL Americans, and against securing the Southern Border.
With Trump just admitting today that as far as Mexicans go, he is going to be just like Bush and Obama, I think it is time to re-ask the rubes this question:

Now That Flipper Has Reversed Himself On All The Things You Loved Him For...why are you Chumps still supporting him?

Don't you remember what it was like to be a middle school aged boy? Once someone gives you the wood, all rational thought goes out the window. Same thing with the drumpfodder.
Hillary is running on NOT limiting immigration of Muslims, some of whom WILL KILL Americans, and against securing the Southern Border.

Some Americans will kill Americans. Some non-Muslim immigrants will kill Americans. However 99.99999999999999999999 percent just want to live their lives and couldn't give a fuck about you or your paranoia.

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