Now that investigating the investigators has become a criminal probe do you expect actual charges?

Will ANYONE be charged with a crime?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I think they should be but ultimately wont.

  • Unknown

  • I think this criminal probe is a scam

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Kinda curious if anyone actually has any confidence in our criminal system.
This isn't "our criminal system". This is a distraction for tRumplings perpetrated by Bill Bar. There will be no charges because there was no crime.

Everyone knows this including the "investigators".
there was no crime for russia either, yet the left went nuts. when that fell through, they went elsewhere. when that fell through, they went to a few lines from a phone call.

anyone actually thinking only the OTHER side is to blame, IMHO, is the problem these days.
Actually there was. You should read that report.
If it’s real I hope so. I’m pretty sure it’s just a distraction from impeachment though.
So you think Durham is corrupt?
Why do you think that? What evidence leads you to that conclusion? Surely more than just your TDS
It's obvious. There have were no irregularities in the beginnings of the Russia investigation. The tRumplings have tried to say that from the word to and nothing other than a couple of conspiracy theories has been the result.

I'm mean just look at the list. First it was about the dossier, then about Papadopoulos, then the FBI, then the CIA, then it's Clinton and the Ukraine, then it's some stolen server that doesn't even have a physical existence, and there's guys who might be "Western" agents but maybe not and Julian assange and Seth rich and and and and and....

It's just a buncha "trumped up" crap.
The corrupt washington establishment including some republicans cant get over the fact thst in 2016 an outsider and complete political novice beat them at their own game
If it’s real I hope so. I’m pretty sure it’s just a distraction from impeachment though.
So you think Durham is corrupt?
Why do you think that? What evidence leads you to that conclusion? Surely more than just your TDS
It's obvious. There have were no irregularities in the beginnings of the Russia investigation. The tRumplings have tried to say that from the word to and nothing other than a couple of conspiracy theories has been the result.

I'm mean just look at the list. First it was about the dossier, then about Papadopoulos, then the FBI, then the CIA, then it's Clinton and the Ukraine, then it's some stolen server that doesn't even have a physical existence, and there's guys who might be "Western" agents but maybe not and Julian assange and Seth rich and and and and and....

It's just a buncha "trumped up" crap.
So it's just your machinations. Got it
No...... It's the facts in the case.
So you think Durham is corrupt?
Why do you think that? What evidence leads you to that conclusion? Surely more than just your TDS
It's obvious. There have were no irregularities in the beginnings of the Russia investigation. The tRumplings have tried to say that from the word to and nothing other than a couple of conspiracy theories has been the result.

I'm mean just look at the list. First it was about the dossier, then about Papadopoulos, then the FBI, then the CIA, then it's Clinton and the Ukraine, then it's some stolen server that doesn't even have a physical existence, and there's guys who might be "Western" agents but maybe not and Julian assange and Seth rich and and and and and....

It's just a buncha "trumped up" crap.
So it's just your machinations. Got it
No...... It's the facts in the case.
No.... that is your opinion of the situation as you see it through your ideological lense
Why do you think that? What evidence leads you to that conclusion? Surely more than just your TDS
It's obvious. There have were no irregularities in the beginnings of the Russia investigation. The tRumplings have tried to say that from the word to and nothing other than a couple of conspiracy theories has been the result.

I'm mean just look at the list. First it was about the dossier, then about Papadopoulos, then the FBI, then the CIA, then it's Clinton and the Ukraine, then it's some stolen server that doesn't even have a physical existence, and there's guys who might be "Western" agents but maybe not and Julian assange and Seth rich and and and and and....

It's just a buncha "trumped up" crap.
So it's just your machinations. Got it
No...... It's the facts in the case.
No.... that is your opinion of the situation as you see it through your ideological lense
Nope, 'fraid not.

The facts are widely available, all you need to do is get outside the tRumpling echo chamber.
Yes, underling person X forgot to dot a I on form X1-2YZ. He'll get a harsh reprimand after the election.
Kinda curious if anyone actually has any confidence in our criminal system.
I have confidence in our criminal system, so I do not expect any criminal charges against any of the players the tards think will be arrested.

This is theater for the rubes.
Kinda curious if anyone actually has any confidence in our criminal system.

I don't have any confidence in AG Barr.

But I am willing to wait and see what happens.

I can confidently predict that if there are no indictments that the Trumpettes will scream that there is a coverup.
If Barr was honest, he'd be arresting Trump for obstructing the Mueller investigation.
RW's make up crimes 27/7 then expect convictions -

la-la law in la-la land.
I am in favor of internal reviews of all major actions and investigations which take place in our
Justice Department, State Department, DOD, HSA, etc., etc., etc.

That said, the premise that there was an unlawful investigation of the Trump campaign in the run up to the 2016
election.....perpetrated by deep state actors who were out to ensure that Trump would lose.....but did NOT make the
investigation kinda dumb.

So.....I would have to say no.
I am in favor of internal reviews of all major actions and investigations which take place in our
Justice Department, State Department, DOD, HSA, etc., etc., etc.

That said, the premise that there was an unlawful investigation of the Trump campaign in the run up to the 2016
election.....perpetrated by deep state actors who were out to ensure that Trump would lose.....but did NOT make the
investigation kinda dumb.

So.....I would have to say no.

it goes like this -

investigate AMERICANS who investigated Trump and ignore Russians that helped him win the election -

is kinda TRAITOR-ISH.
Trump reminds me of OJ Simpson looking for his wife's killer. On the golf course.
If there isn't any accountability for THIS then there is NO REAL JUSTICE & NO TRUE DEMOCRACY....

4 YEARS of Conspiracy, Sedition, and Treason must end in prison or our 'Justice' System is a manufactured illusion intended to pacify the sheep / apply control measures to the masses while the Elitist self-appointed rulers refuse to be held accountable to the control measures they pass into law.
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If there isn't any accountability for THIS then there is NO REAL JUSTICE & NO TRUE DEMOCRACY....

4 YEARS of Conspiracy, Sedition, and Treason must end in prison or our 'Justice' System is a manufactured illusion intended to pacify the sheep / apply control measures to the masses while the Elitist self-appointed rulers refuse to be held accountable to the control measures they pass into law.

Holy shit. The mother fucker has had people that HE HAS CHOSEN heading up the DOJ, and the nation's intelligence community since he was inaugurated.

Either Trump is the head of the deep state that is bent on his destruction, or he's a fucking moron.

You people are really fucking stupid.
The Trump admin is working hard to clean the cesspool of corruption that flourished under obama.
I’m confident that some from the obama admin will spend some time in prison.

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