Now that the Democrats and media have blown Coronavirus way out of proportion...

So, to recap: Joe Biden can't handle stressful confrontations and can't be trusted to tell the truth.
“For months, commentators have wondered whether there will be a return to normality after President Trump leaves office. In his address Thursday on the coronavirus pandemic, Joe Biden left no doubt that if elected, that's exactly what he intends.

His speech was for the most part well crafted, his ideas were reasonable, his words calm and reassuring, and he related well with working people and the vulnerable. In short, this was a classic presidential speech.

Substantively, Biden made strong, persuasive arguments on two issues: the need for virus testing here at home and American leadership on public health across the globe. Trump continues to treat testing cavalierly and as a result, his administration has been sluggish in pushing for it, allowing the crisis to get worse.”

In speech, Biden shows how a normal president responds in crisis (opinion) - CNN

Trump can’t be gone too soon.
Right, but you didn't explain why it's OK for Biden to lose his temper at a construction worker and lie about getting arrested in South Africa.
...they've gotten what they wanted, Wall Street disaster, cancellation of major events, closing of schools and universities, and widespread panic.

An expert in human behaviour explains our reaction to coronavirus

But guess what, Democrats?

No matter how bad things get, you will never get Joe Biden elected President. The man is a complete idiot, barely able to function, and now that the scrutiny is on him, this will become obvious to everyone.
I think this would be the best time to also take all the guns from every conservative in america. I mean they cant be trusted and it would reduce the anxiety they already have about happening anyway.

What time will you be stopping by?

I need a little time to prepare your....uhh....cake and...uhh... party decorations. :04:
...they've gotten what they wanted, Wall Street disaster, cancellation of major events, closing of schools and universities, and widespread panic.

An expert in human behaviour explains our reaction to coronavirus

But guess what, Democrats?

No matter how bad things get, you will never get Joe Biden elected President. The man is a complete idiot, barely able to function, and now that the scrutiny is on him, this will become obvious to everyone.'s "the democrats and the media". It's not a global pandemic at all. :cuckoo:

You are truly deranged.
...they've gotten what they wanted, Wall Street disaster, cancellation of major events, closing of schools and universities, and widespread panic.

An expert in human behaviour explains our reaction to coronavirus

But guess what, Democrats?

No matter how bad things get, you will never get Joe Biden elected President. The man is a complete idiot, barely able to function, and now that the scrutiny is on him, this will become obvious to everyone.'s "the democrats and the media". It's not a global pandemic at all. :cuckoo:

You are truly deranged.

It is a pandemic, by definition. It is a virus that is spreading world wide. The overblown part looks to be the severity of the virus itself. Most healthy people will have flu like symptoms and get over it. The Democrats WANT the market to crash. They WANT to give hapless Joe a chance.
...they've gotten what they wanted, Wall Street disaster, cancellation of major events, closing of schools and universities, and widespread panic.

An expert in human behaviour explains our reaction to coronavirus

But guess what, Democrats?

No matter how bad things get, you will never get Joe Biden elected President. The man is a complete idiot, barely able to function, and now that the scrutiny is on him, this will become obvious to everyone.'s "the democrats and the media". It's not a global pandemic at all. :cuckoo:

You are truly deranged.
It's a global pandemic. Just not a very serious one. Italy is the hardest hit and even that doesn't compare with previous flu pandemics. If we did not consider testing positive the same as being sick the numbers wouldn't even be worth mentioning.
...they've gotten what they wanted, Wall Street disaster, cancellation of major events, closing of schools and universities, and widespread panic.

An expert in human behaviour explains our reaction to coronavirus

But guess what, Democrats?

No matter how bad things get, you will never get Joe Biden elected President. The man is a complete idiot, barely able to function, and now that the scrutiny is on him, this will become obvious to everyone.
Sure...out of proportion....just go to a large trump rally already.
Biden is about to whip trumps ass. But your OP is pure foolishness. The democrats and the media haven't blown anything out of proportion.

Democrats either create or extend crisis to gain advantage. Not this year. More Americans see right through it; including an increase in Black Americans that have decided to opt out of Lyndon Johnson’s 200 Year Plan.
Interesting graphic from CDC....

data from South Korea:
  • Infected people age 50-59 are at a 0.4% death rate.
  • It drops dramatically to 0.09% for those 40-49 and 0.12% for those 30-39.
  • Currently, the death rate for those under 30 is at 0.00%; meaning no more than 1 or 2 young people have died out of nearly 8,000 infected.
To put it into perspective, that translates to one person dying out of 1000 infected among people under 50, and four deaths out of 1000 people between 50-59. The death rate for people under 50 is effectively the same whether they contract the coronavirus or the flu.


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