now the NRA is under the RUSSIA umbrella investigation

And I told you, but you conveniently ignored the post....comrade.
no you didn't. your comments were on the dossier, and this is the NRA. but alas. two different subjects you confused, hmmmmm
nope, you asked what the difference was between what hillary did and the NRA.... I answered you

here is the NRA PART

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....

It doesn't matter.....the clinton foundation received money for favors hilary did for the Russians when she was Secretary of state.......
there is absolutely no proof of that....all conspracy theory coming from the right....all conjectiure with nothing to back it up....

when you have some proof or some facts that back up your speculation, please let me know....

there is no monetary benefit for the Clintons when their charity receives donations....there is nothing they personally gain....

it's been 6 years since she was secretary of state, 10 years from when she first became SOS, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF of a quid pro quo?
Last edited:
And I told you, but you conveniently ignored the post....comrade.
no you didn't. your comments were on the dossier, and this is the NRA. but alas. two different subjects you confused, hmmmmm
nope, you asked what the difference was between what hillary did and the NRA.... I answered you

here is the NRA PART

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....

The *charity* is a scam meant to funnel $$$ directly to individual clintons and their friends.

"The little-known Haiti Development Fund, an LLC incorporated in Delaware in August 2010, was created by the Clinton Foundation with an initial endowment of $20 million from shady Canadian mining mogul Frank Giustra and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim.

"The Fund was supposed to supply desperately needed seed money to Haitian entrepreneurs after an earthquake devastated the country in January 2010.

"But The Post found only one project that it funded with a fraction of the start-up cash."

"the Clinton Foundation never disclosed the Fund as a “related entity” on its tax filings as required by IRS rules. It was only after the Clinton Foundation, under mounting scrutiny and media pressure, “voluntarily” decided to refile five years’ worth of tax returns in 2015 that the Fund appears on the forms."

One of the *charity's* biggest donors:

"...In 2005, he and President Clinton traveled together to Kazakhstan to meet with the former Soviet republic’s authoritarian leader. Days after that meeting, Giustra acquired uranium assets in three of the country’s state-run mines — a venture valued at more than $3 billion. Both Giustra and Clinton have denied that the former US president helped him cement the Kazakh deal."

"...a number of companies that received contracts in Haiti happened to be entities that made large donations to the Clinton Foundation. The Haitian contracts appeared less tailored to the needs of Haiti than to the needs of the companies that were performing the services. In sum, Haitian deals appeared to be a quid pro quo for filling the coffers of the Clintons.

"For example, the Clinton Foundation selected Clayton Homes, a construction company owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, to build temporary shelters in Haiti. Buffett is an active member of the Clinton Global Initiative who has donated generously to the Clintons as well as the Clinton Foundation. The contract was supposed to be given through the normal United Nations bidding process, with the deal going to the lowest bidder who met the project’s standards. UN officials said, however, that the contract was never competitively bid for.

"Clayton offered to build “hurricane-proof trailers” but what they actually delivered turned out to be a disaster. The trailers were structurally unsafe, with high levels of formaldehyde and insulation coming out of the walls."

Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party -- Dinesh D’Souza on the Clinton Foundation | National Review

There is zero proof of those baseless claims.

These are proven, however

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows
no you didn't. your comments were on the dossier, and this is the NRA. but alas. two different subjects you confused, hmmmmm
nope, you asked what the difference was between what hillary did and the NRA.... I answered you

here is the NRA PART

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....

It doesn't matter.....the clinton foundation received money for favors hilary did for the Russians when she was Secretary of state.......
there is absolutely no proof of that....all conspracy theory coming from the right....all conjectiure with nothing to back it up....

when you have some proof or some facts that back up your speculation, please let me know....

there is no monetary benefit for the Clintons when their charity receives donations....there is nothing they personally gain....

it's been 6 years since she was secretary of state, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF of a quid pro quo?

^^^Clinton Foundation Employee
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
/----/ And yet nothing on Hildabeast and Obozo collusion with Russia.....

THAT RIGHT THERE tells you that all this focus on Trump, Russia and now the NRA is nothing more than another smoke-screen media scam trying to be pulled over the eyes of the American people.
when they apply their anger evenly and not directed at conservatives, i'll listen.

til then they can kindly fuck off.

Again you deflect. Liberals are quite good at criticizing their own and going after wrong doing, but conservatives never ever admit when their side runs amok.

The NRA is being funded by Vladimir Putin and you’re fine with that. This speaks volumes about who you are.
fact - russians are trolling the shit out of us
fact - we're blaming each other for it
fact - 70k join a facebook group in a day, they're bots.

i do think overall we agree just seeing it a bit differently on the way however. all good.
well there is the NRA thing and the 2nd amendment thing, and the immigration thing that separates us. Are you saying that's russia as well?
no - i'm saying 70k people coming into a group to shout YOU SUCK are 69.9k bots. 69.8k likely russian these days.

anything else and you're reading too much into what i'm saying.

you have a PRO NRA group and 60k people jump in to say YOU GUN OWNERS SUCK, that's not 60k actual people forming a mass online facebook protest of the group, that's a shitload of bots attacking people spouting pre-written statements designed to do nothing but piss off the people there and make them "hate" the other side and scream at them while all the time they're screaming at a speaker, not a microphone or person. the speaker doesn't care, it just keeps shouting out whatever its told to play.

but it does play into generalities and our desire to tell stupid people how stupid they are and people react. human nature. they count on it, feed off of it, and we give it to 'em and the trolls win while we blame each other for our own actions.

Yup. Facebook 2A groups are getting the shit trolled out of them by people who work as educators and computer geeks in commie shitholes like Eugina and Barfley and Squattle (btw Seattle is FULL of google ppl..real and imaginary)..who are sending as much information to Russian bot masters as fast as they can.

I watched a fb group go from 1000 to 70,000 a week. And suddenly there were *teachers* from Eugene who were *pro-NRA* who were posting garbage about how the NRA is attacking the 21 and colluding with Russia pffffffttt

I might have already posted that but I'm still disgusted.

Thinking about dumping facebook altogether.
many people are. my radio page has lost 10 likes in the last week from people just deactivating or removing their account.
I started telling people who were dependent on fb 2 years ago that they better start diversifying lol Sorry about your radio page but it does mean people are waking up.
People are pulling their kids out of school like crazy too.
i have it cause i pretty much HAVE to have it but that is dying also. which is good. kinda got lazy and only promo'd there for awhile and that isn't good on my part. just lazy.
and I asked what is the difference?
And I told you, but you conveniently ignored the post....comrade.
no you didn't. your comments were on the dossier, and this is the NRA. but alas. two different subjects you confused, hmmmmm
nope, you asked what the difference was between what hillary did and the NRA.... I answered you

here is the NRA PART

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons vs the clinton campaign?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....
the question is, does she?

i know what the front for them is. i know what they say they want you to believe. i just don't trust her. i'm sure many are that way for trump and our constant desire to bash the other side is why we keep fighting for people who in the end likely don't deserve our trust either way.
no you didn't. your comments were on the dossier, and this is the NRA. but alas. two different subjects you confused, hmmmmm
nope, you asked what the difference was between what hillary did and the NRA.... I answered you

here is the NRA PART

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....

It doesn't matter.....the clinton foundation received money for favors hilary did for the Russians when she was Secretary of state.......
there is absolutely no proof of that....all conspracy theory coming from the right....all conjectiure with nothing to back it up....

when you have some proof or some facts that back up your speculation, please let me know....

there is no monetary benefit for the Clintons when their charity receives donations....there is nothing they personally gain....

it's been 6 years since she was secretary of state, 10 years from when she first became SOS, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF of a quid pro quo?
there's no proof of russia/trump either than some jacked up "they closed the door for that meeting!" crap yet here we are investigating conservative groups for anything and everything under the guise of RUSSIANS!!!!
nope, you asked what the difference was between what hillary did and the NRA.... I answered you

here is the NRA PART

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....

It doesn't matter.....the clinton foundation received money for favors hilary did for the Russians when she was Secretary of state.......
there is absolutely no proof of that....all conspracy theory coming from the right....all conjectiure with nothing to back it up....

when you have some proof or some facts that back up your speculation, please let me know....

there is no monetary benefit for the Clintons when their charity receives donations....there is nothing they personally gain....

it's been 6 years since she was secretary of state, 10 years from when she first became SOS, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF of a quid pro quo?
there's no proof of russia/trump either than some jacked up "they closed the door for that meeting!" crap yet here we are investigating conservative groups for anything and everything under the guise of RUSSIANS!!!!
again, collusion isn't a crime. I don't give a rats ass that clinton paid for the dossier. I am merely pissed it was used to spy on Carter Page and finally trump. That is illegal. I honestly don't care if hitlery got 1 million from Russia either. Trump did nothing wrong. had he, it would have been disclosed by now. Getting dirt on an opponent is not a crime. I don't care who did it. Please understand, I'm on your side on this. I fail to see the relevance of continuing the investigation into trump when not one gd damn thing has been published by anyone associated with it. No one. If it were so fking obvious that we needed an investigation, then we'd have something by now. It is all juvenile and unneeded to appease the democrats. Period. Is that really how we want our country governed? Not by me. Again, I didn't see anything hitlery did wrong. nothing. she can pay for anything she likes. The FBI just can't use dirt to get a warrant on any citizen.
And I told you, but you conveniently ignored the post....comrade.
no you didn't. your comments were on the dossier, and this is the NRA. but alas. two different subjects you confused, hmmmmm
nope, you asked what the difference was between what hillary did and the NRA.... I answered you

here is the NRA PART

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons vs the clinton campaign?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....
the question is, does she?

i know what the front for them is. i know what they say they want you to believe. i just don't trust her. i'm sure many are that way for trump and our constant desire to bash the other side is why we keep fighting for people who in the end likely don't deserve our trust either way.
it's not what they say....

it's what their books show, and the Charity watchdogs show that 97 % of their foundation donations goes to their Charity initiatives, 2% as overhead, and 1% as the cost of fund raising.....

Contrary to the lies the rightwing have promoted, they have an ''A'' rating as a charity.
no you didn't. your comments were on the dossier, and this is the NRA. but alas. two different subjects you confused, hmmmmm
nope, you asked what the difference was between what hillary did and the NRA.... I answered you

here is the NRA PART

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons vs the clinton campaign?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....
the question is, does she?

i know what the front for them is. i know what they say they want you to believe. i just don't trust her. i'm sure many are that way for trump and our constant desire to bash the other side is why we keep fighting for people who in the end likely don't deserve our trust either way.
it's not what they say....

it's what their books show, and the Charity watchdogs show that 97 % of their foundation donations goes to the Charity initiatives, 2% as overhead, and 1% as the cost of fund raising.....

They have an ''A'' rating as a charity.
what books?
nope, you asked what the difference was between what hillary did and the NRA.... I answered you

here is the NRA PART

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons vs the clinton campaign?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....
the question is, does she?

i know what the front for them is. i know what they say they want you to believe. i just don't trust her. i'm sure many are that way for trump and our constant desire to bash the other side is why we keep fighting for people who in the end likely don't deserve our trust either way.
it's not what they say....

it's what their books show, and the Charity watchdogs show that 97 % of their foundation donations goes to the Charity initiatives, 2% as overhead, and 1% as the cost of fund raising.....

They have an ''A'' rating as a charity.
what books?
as with most charities, their financials are for public view...

google is your friend!
no you didn't. your comments were on the dossier, and this is the NRA. but alas. two different subjects you confused, hmmmmm
nope, you asked what the difference was between what hillary did and the NRA.... I answered you

here is the NRA PART

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons vs the clinton campaign?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....
the question is, does she?

i know what the front for them is. i know what they say they want you to believe. i just don't trust her. i'm sure many are that way for trump and our constant desire to bash the other side is why we keep fighting for people who in the end likely don't deserve our trust either way.
it's not what they say....

it's what their books show, and the Charity watchdogs show that 97 % of their foundation donations goes to their Charity initiatives, 2% as overhead, and 1% as the cost of fund raising.....

Contrary to the lies the rightwing have promoted, they have an ''A'' rating as a charity.

they got this too.
Behind that ‘four stars’ rating for the Clinton Foundation from Charity Navigator

and some of this:

like i said, dig you can find what you want regardless.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons vs the clinton campaign?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....
the question is, does she?

i know what the front for them is. i know what they say they want you to believe. i just don't trust her. i'm sure many are that way for trump and our constant desire to bash the other side is why we keep fighting for people who in the end likely don't deserve our trust either way.
it's not what they say....

it's what their books show, and the Charity watchdogs show that 97 % of their foundation donations goes to the Charity initiatives, 2% as overhead, and 1% as the cost of fund raising.....

They have an ''A'' rating as a charity.
what books?
as with most charities, their financials are for public view...

google is your friend!
sure is - i googled their rating. :)

Behind that ‘four stars’ rating for the Clinton Foundation from Charity Navigator

looks like the foundation bought it.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons vs the clinton campaign?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....
the question is, does she?

i know what the front for them is. i know what they say they want you to believe. i just don't trust her. i'm sure many are that way for trump and our constant desire to bash the other side is why we keep fighting for people who in the end likely don't deserve our trust either way.
it's not what they say....

it's what their books show, and the Charity watchdogs show that 97 % of their foundation donations goes to the Charity initiatives, 2% as overhead, and 1% as the cost of fund raising.....

They have an ''A'' rating as a charity.
what books?
as with most charities, their financials are for public view...

google is your friend!
sure is - i googled their rating. :)

Behind that ‘four stars’ rating for the Clinton Foundation from Charity Navigator

looks like the foundation bought it.

How so? Care to share why you even came to that opinion???

jimminy cricket! you are bat shit crazy!!
the question is, does she?

i know what the front for them is. i know what they say they want you to believe. i just don't trust her. i'm sure many are that way for trump and our constant desire to bash the other side is why we keep fighting for people who in the end likely don't deserve our trust either way.
it's not what they say....

it's what their books show, and the Charity watchdogs show that 97 % of their foundation donations goes to the Charity initiatives, 2% as overhead, and 1% as the cost of fund raising.....

They have an ''A'' rating as a charity.
what books?
as with most charities, their financials are for public view...

google is your friend!
sure is - i googled their rating. :)

Behind that ‘four stars’ rating for the Clinton Foundation from Charity Navigator

looks like the foundation bought it.

How so? Care to share why you even came to that opinion???

jimminy cricket! you are bat shit crazy!!
did you choose to not read the article that talks about how the 4 star came to light? it would help before asking how i got my opinion OF WHICH i don't have one yet, just reading and this came up from my googling.

if you don't want me googling counter stories don't say google is my friend. :) (i'm a duckduckgo person myself now)
no you didn't. your comments were on the dossier, and this is the NRA. but alas. two different subjects you confused, hmmmmm
nope, you asked what the difference was between what hillary did and the NRA.... I answered you

here is the NRA PART

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....

It doesn't matter.....the clinton foundation received money for favors hilary did for the Russians when she was Secretary of state.......
there is absolutely no proof of that....all conspracy theory coming from the right....all conjectiure with nothing to back it up....

when you have some proof or some facts that back up your speculation, please let me know....

there is no monetary benefit for the Clintons when their charity receives donations....there is nothing they personally gain....

it's been 6 years since she was secretary of state, 10 years from when she first became SOS, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF of a quid pro quo?

The FBI had an undercover agent with the Russians for 5 years...he has all the information on their involvement.....the Department of Justice under eric holder and loretta lynch kept him from are such a moron.
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
/----/ And yet nothing on Hildabeast and Obozo collusion with Russia.....

THAT RIGHT THERE tells you that all this focus on Trump, Russia and now the NRA is nothing more than another smoke-screen media scam trying to be pulled over the eyes of the American people.
when they apply their anger evenly and not directed at conservatives, i'll listen.

til then they can kindly fuck off.

Liberals are quite good at criticizing their own and going after wrong doing,

Really? When? When did they ever go after Obuma all the times he lied and crossed the legal line so far the Supreme Court slapped him down and put him back in his place. When did they ever go after Hillary? Loretta Lunch? Eric Holder? Shall I name a hundred more?

but conservatives never ever admit when their side runs amok.

That's ALL they do, you damn liar! Jesus God, everytime I turn on the TV, I see a Republican criticizing a member of their own party, even supporting if not opening an investigation! They have been doing it since Nixon and ever since. Republicans are the first and best watchdogs of their own members!

The NRA is being funded by Vladimir Putin and you’re fine with that.

You are a lying piece of shit. Have you tried looking at how many OTHER organizations receive contributions or donations from Russia? Including your democrats? The DNC and its subsidiary supporting partners including the Media are rife with donations from hostile foreign sources not to mention favorable actions returned towards them. The fact that you ignore that issue speaks volumes about the kind of person you really are.
just to point it out:

How Hillary’s campaign chief hid money from Russia
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions to Clinton Foundation

and i could go on. if we're going to speculate on what "could" have happened, then let's do them all and not be selective. the selective part is what keeps us at odds.
haven't read your link yet but question for you..

do you know the difference between the clinton foundation charity vs the individual clintons vs the clinton campaign?

And do you know that no clinton foundation charity money goes to the clintons? The clintons do not even take a salary for working at the charity, not even Chelsea.....
the question is, does she?

i know what the front for them is. i know what they say they want you to believe. i just don't trust her. i'm sure many are that way for trump and our constant desire to bash the other side is why we keep fighting for people who in the end likely don't deserve our trust either way.
it's not what they say....

it's what their books show, and the Charity watchdogs show that 97 % of their foundation donations goes to the Charity initiatives, 2% as overhead, and 1% as the cost of fund raising.....

They have an ''A'' rating as a charity.
what books?
as with most charities, their financials are for public view...

google is your friend!
so you can't produce the link?
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
The left is attacking ANYTHING traditional,American etc in this country and they are turning themselves into a joke. No one but their most leftist of left clowns will buy this shit.

they have lost their shit and are on full scale assault and wonder why the right is telling them to fuck off.
Like corrupt big money running our GOP politics, Dupe? Citizens united great idea just like giveaways to the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich, a total BS character assassination and Hate propaganda machine, and the ruin of the non-rich and the country the last 30 years. Poor America...

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