...Now this is good news, ala' 'arrest-the-perps' kind.....

hmmm, seizing properties and locking up the political opposition...sounds exactly like socialism.
It sounds to me like they scrapped the bottom of the barrel on this one. The one man mentioned in the story was a drunk and drug addict, in OHIO. Does not sound like much of a threat to me. He got over a year in jail for a bad telephone call.

Did you notice chill lied about the article, claiming more than 50% of the 20 people arrested went to jail when it was only 6 people?

2 years of investigations, and a guy from Ohio gets over a year in jail for making a phone call while drunk. Big threats to our Republic taken down?
Here is reportage from The Hill this afternoon about the arrests of at least 20 perps who have threatened election workers. Not only arrests but the reportage says more than half of the arrested were sentenced to more than a year in prison.

THAT.....is good news for America.
And for our elections.
These hard-working low-paid civic-minded citizens who man our vote locations must not.....must not....be intimidated by partisan jackassery.

I have worked a precinct on an election day. The workers there are the best of America. Many many are retired teachers, who have an education in civics and our electoral processes. They put in a long long day and work very hard. They have an impressive commitment to 'do-things-right'.....to be responsible and transparent. It is an ethic that I saw an abundance of.

It is reprehensible that some partisan jackasses would ever threaten them. Anybody who does must be hunted down and punished.

And yes, I do, personally, lay much of the blame for this animosity toward poll-workers to the words and behavior of Don Trump and his crew of enablers that sought to discredit, deride, and accuse poll-workers after his loss in 2020.

This stain belongs on them.

"A concerted Justice Department effort to prosecute those who threatened election workers since 2020 has resulted in 20 prosecutions, the department announced Monday.
More than half a dozen of the 20 prosecutions resulted in prison sentences of more than a year, U.S. Attorney Gary Restaino, the top prosecutor in Arizona, said in a press conference.

“Let these cases be a lesson not to take or attempt to take the rule of law into one’s own hands,” he said.

The Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force was formed in 2021 to respond to threats related to 2020 election denialism. Made popular by right-wing fringes of the GOP and quickly picked up by former President Trump and other notable mainstream politicians, the notion that the 2020 and 2022 elections were “rigged” still holds strong among some Americans."

Hmm…illegals kill and rape our citizens and nary a peep from the left, but some threats to election officials and they jump to action…
"...are you a liar or just stupid?"

I'm mildly surprised by the ad hominems and expressed anger that some of our MAGA/QAnon-fanboys offer this forum. I guess, they gotta work with the only tools they have in their toolbox.

More germane though to the thrust of the thread is this (from the reportage from The Hill):

"The Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force was formed in 2021 to respond to threats related to 2020 election denialism. Made popular by right-wing fringes of the GOP and quickly picked up by former President Trump and other notable mainstream politicians, the notion that the 2020 and 2022 elections were “rigged” still holds strong among some Americans.

“Death threats are not debate. Death threats do not contribute to the marketplace of ideas,” he said. “Death threats are not a protected constitutional right.”

Who can argue with the need and the appropriateness of such action? At minimum it is a "Rule of Law" and/or "Law & Order" dynamic that all patriotic citizens will want to see enforced.

The Hill's reportage goes on to note that "More than half a dozen of the 20 prosecutions resulted in prison sentences of more than a year".

And the reportage details an Arizona case where an individual perp was sentenced to 2-1/2 years for threats to poll workers.

It seems, tho I do not know for sure, that the other dozen+ perps are awaiting trial or sentencing.

We'll watch for future coverage. But all Americans want a firm and clear message to be delivered to the violent right-wing fringies threatening our poll-workers. Such threats simply because one doesn't like the results of an election is a crime. And punishment for it.....severe punishment.....lurks.
illegals kill and rape our citizens and nary a peep from the left,
Why would the poster ThisIsme claim that?
And who is this "left" that he claims doesn't notice?

Back up your assertion poster.
Not my rules. This is Adult Swim.
One is expected to be able to explain one's allegations.
Batter up, mon ami.

"Political crimes"??

Threatening....physically or verbally, our poll-workers who are simply striving to administer one of the most defining features of our American democratic republic, the vote.......shouldn't be a 'crime'?

I demur.
It is a 'crime', period. And should be a crime. And should be punished.



And then prolific poster Marty Began, what's up with the ad hominem, the epithet...."typical SJW moron"???
Why the anger?
Why the personal attack?
What's up with that?
Are you OK, Marty?

Look, if sharing reportage about arrests of criminals who threaten election workers upsets you, discombobulates you, Marty......well, maybe this ain't the right venue for you.

Maybe seek one that doesn't frazzle and frighten you.

Just sayin'.


“I don’t want to make it sound like we’re not concerned about stemming what’s happened to retail workers,” he added. “We care very deeply about that. We just have other ideas of how to get there.

“If you just keep dealing with the penalties, what happens after people get arrested? You’re still only worrying about what happens after something has already happened.”
Here is reportage from The Hill this afternoon about the arrests of at least 20 perps who have threatened election workers. Not only arrests but the reportage says more than half of the arrested were sentenced to more than a year in prison.

THAT.....is good news for America.
And for our elections.
These hard-working low-paid civic-minded citizens who man our vote locations must not.....must not....be intimidated by partisan jackassery.

I have worked a precinct on an election day. The workers there are the best of America. Many many are retired teachers, who have an education in civics and our electoral processes. They put in a long long day and work very hard. They have an impressive commitment to 'do-things-right'.....to be responsible and transparent. It is an ethic that I saw an abundance of.

It is reprehensible that some partisan jackasses would ever threaten them. Anybody who does must be hunted down and punished.

And yes, I do, personally, lay much of the blame for this animosity toward poll-workers to the words and behavior of Don Trump and his crew of enablers that sought to discredit, deride, and accuse poll-workers after his loss in 2020.

This stain belongs on them.

"A concerted Justice Department effort to prosecute those who threatened election workers since 2020 has resulted in 20 prosecutions, the department announced Monday.
More than half a dozen of the 20 prosecutions resulted in prison sentences of more than a year, U.S. Attorney Gary Restaino, the top prosecutor in Arizona, said in a press conference.

“Let these cases be a lesson not to take or attempt to take the rule of law into one’s own hands,” he said.

The Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force was formed in 2021 to respond to threats related to 2020 election denialism. Made popular by right-wing fringes of the GOP and quickly picked up by former President Trump and other notable mainstream politicians, the notion that the 2020 and 2022 elections were “rigged” still holds strong among some Americans."

Only Trumpist morons think political intimidation is a legitimate tactic in our election process. The slime that threaten election workers should be thrown in the slammer.
Only Trumpist morons think political intimidation is a legitimate tactic in our election process. The slime that threaten election workers should be thrown in the slammer.
Need we post pictures of people standing outside a poll, waving clubs? Threatening voters is equally heinous.
hmmm, seizing properties and locking up the political opposition...sounds exactly like socialism.

Not when a criminal has been in office, committing crimes throughout his time in office.

Never forget, Trump was in the middle of a $100+ million FRAUD trial when he was elected President.
Here is reportage from The Hill this afternoon about the arrests of at least 20 perps who have threatened election workers. Not only arrests but the reportage says more than half of the arrested were sentenced to more than a year in prison.

THAT.....is good news for America.
And for our elections.
These hard-working low-paid civic-minded citizens who man our vote locations must not.....must not....be intimidated by partisan jackassery.

I have worked a precinct on an election day. The workers there are the best of America. Many many are retired teachers, who have an education in civics and our electoral processes. They put in a long long day and work very hard. They have an impressive commitment to 'do-things-right'.....to be responsible and transparent. It is an ethic that I saw an abundance of.

It is reprehensible that some partisan jackasses would ever threaten them. Anybody who does must be hunted down and punished.

And yes, I do, personally, lay much of the blame for this animosity toward poll-workers to the words and behavior of Don Trump and his crew of enablers that sought to discredit, deride, and accuse poll-workers after his loss in 2020.

This stain belongs on them.

"A concerted Justice Department effort to prosecute those who threatened election workers since 2020 has resulted in 20 prosecutions, the department announced Monday.
More than half a dozen of the 20 prosecutions resulted in prison sentences of more than a year, U.S. Attorney Gary Restaino, the top prosecutor in Arizona, said in a press conference.

“Let these cases be a lesson not to take or attempt to take the rule of law into one’s own hands,” he said.

The Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force was formed in 2021 to respond to threats related to 2020 election denialism. Made popular by right-wing fringes of the GOP and quickly picked up by former President Trump and other notable mainstream politicians, the notion that the 2020 and 2022 elections were “rigged” still holds strong among some Americans."

Threats like that are pointless
It seems, tho I do not know for sure, that the other dozen+ perps are awaiting trial or sentencing.

We'll watch for future coverage. But all Americans want a firm and clear message to be delivered to the
violent right-wing fringies threatening our poll-workers. Such threats simply because one doesn't like the results of an election is a crime. And punishment for it.....severe punishment.....lurks.
You are really an idiot, the story said 6 people convicted and serving more than a year.
chill, you claim it was more than half? More than half of 20? That is 11? Right?

chill, I see you did not lie, you were just dumb, it said "more than half", of 12 people? You did not read your story, you just grabbed a headline, scanned the story quickly, and made stupid assumptions. Like you continue to do.

A drunk man from Ohio was convicted of calling and threatening the Secretary of State of Arizona. Nobody was in danger, it was not violent. It was a call, from a drunk!

A drunk in Ohio call arizona and that turns into "violent right-wing fringies threatening our poll workers"?

No poll worker was called, and it was a drunk from Ohio. Certainly the multi-million dollar task force that caught this crank-caller could not of thought he was dangerous?
That's why Trump tried to overthrow the 2020 election. That's why he's trying to get election deniers into office, so that in 2024, he can take back the White House.
Imagine that, thinking that getting the most EC votes entitles him to be president!! The cad.
Only Trumpist morons think political intimidation is a legitimate tactic in our election process. The slime that threaten election workers should be thrown in the slammer.
After the J6 insurrection they will not change their tactics. They have no use for free and fair elecions because they tend to lose them sometimes.
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Imagine that, thinking that getting the most EC votes entitles him to be president!!

Well, "thinking" he got the most EC votes is one thing. Fraudulently manufacturing them is another.

The election was over once the Governors of each state certified. And they did certify.
Yet Trump and his enablers imagined up and acted upon a scheme where loyal Republican workerbees were instructed to fill out fraudulent ballots to see if they could be submitted and cloud the issue of the transfer.

It was immoral. It was wrong. And hopefully, Jack Smith will convince a jury it was manifestly illegal.

Again, once the Governors certified it was over. Doing a slight-of-hand switch 'em.....did not 'de-certify' what the Governors had already signed.
Well, "thinking" he got the most EC votes is one thing. Fraudulently manufacturing them is another.

The election was over once the Governors of each state certified. And they did certify.
Yet Trump and his enablers imagined up and acted upon a scheme where loyal Republican workerbees were instructed to fill out fraudulent ballots to see if they could be submitted and cloud the issue of the transfer.

It was immoral. It was wrong. And hopefully, Jack Smith will convince a jury it was manifestly illegal.

Again, once the Governors certified it was over. Doing a slight-of-hand switch 'em.....did not 'de-certify' what the Governors had already signed.
That has nothing to do with 2024, which is the point.
A hint to the self-aware and the responsible: If one doesn't like the topic of a thread and wishes to address another topic.....then....do this:
Start your own thread.

Stand on your own two feet and articulate your concern of your chosen topic in a thread that bears your identity and will demonstrate your sense of responsibility towards adult discourse.
That’s exactly what he did, you’re just too stupid to recognize it…
"That has nothing to do with 2024...."

Ummm, a clue for the clue-full: Of course, it had nothing to do with 2024. There were not nor are there any EC votes to be counted for 2024...not until at least December, near 9 months away.

The fraudulent EC ballot scheme prepared by Don Trump's team in the White House and executed in some states occurred in December of 2020 and January 2021.

Hopefully all.....ALL.....of the perpetrators, from Don Trump on down to some low-level worker-bee Republican functionary in some state.....will be tried and if the evidence is there ...convicted of whatever violation the statute defines.

It was an un-American, anti-Constitutional attempt to invalidate, to cancel, the votes of millions of voters. As such it was illegal, criminal, and deserves a harsh punishment. Duh!


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