Now watch as the sheep on the left love James Comey.

Let's see, you support a party that is trying like hell to make YOU a minority in your very own country. Talk about stupid and voting against your own interests.

Naw, you see, again, i realized a long time ago the Hispanic Lesbian and I are really in the same boat- the one that the One Percenters are trying to sink.

If you really think that the One Percenters who run the Goons of Plutocracy care about you as a working class white person, then you are truly deluded.

Riddle me this, Batman!

Why do the rich always get the things they want when the GOP is power? Deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, lax enforcement of financial laws leading to disasters like 2008.

But the things you guys want? Gay marriage is legal, abortion is legal, your kiddies are going to hear about evolution in school and can't pray to the Imaginary Sky Man on School Time.

Don't think the One Percenters care about you because you have the same level of melanin in your skin. They don't. You are just another expense to be cheated so they can buy another dancing horse.
It is? Or is it a fact that without Commie Care, I would still have my insurance today? Or is it fact that if not for government limitations that prevent me from 90% of the jobs out there in my field, I would have a better job today?

sounds like lots of excuses for being kind of a loser, really.

The difference is we pay into all those programs you listed.

And poor people- most of whom are on welfare for only a year or two, are paying into their programs as well.

To the point, who is sponging more off the government, the person who gets food stamps for a couple of years after a divorce, or the rich guy who retires at 62 and gets payments well into his 80's?

White People Welfare... When you guys come out against that, I'll take you seriously.
And poor people- most of whom are on welfare for only a year or two, are paying into their programs as well.

To the point, who is sponging more off the government, the person who gets food stamps for a couple of years after a divorce, or the rich guy who retires at 62 and gets payments well into his 80's?

White People Welfare... When you guys come out against that, I'll take you seriously.

That's because everything in your little world is about race. If the sun comes up in the morning, you think it's racist because white people can spot blacks better.

You live in such sad world Joe. I'm blessed by God not to have a mind that works like yours. I'm blessed that I don't have this self-loathing opinion about myself or my race. I don't walk downtown and count how many people I think are racist just by the way they're walking.

People who are poor don't contribute to those social programs, or if they do, very little. It's those rich white people that contribute most to those programs that support the poor. It's like I've said so many times, if we could take all the poor people out of the US and put them on an island somewhere, they wouldn't be missed. In fact, our society would benefit greatly. Do the same with the wealthy, and our country collapses. All those jobs, all the money, all the support for those social goodies disappear.

sounds like lots of excuses for being kind of a loser, really.

I'm not the type of person to wish ill will on others. I believe in Karma. But this time is an exception. I hope you develop a serious medical condition that prevents you from working, and then we'll see how much of a loser you are. Because let me tell you, my sick ass gets up every morning to go to work. I'm supporting much younger and healthier people than myself because they stay home on their Obama phone with their food stamps, HUD house in the suburbs, and Obama Care that I pay for.

As the old saying goes, walk a mile in my shoes, and I hope you have to real soon.
Let's see, you support a party that is trying like hell to make YOU a minority in your very own country. Talk about stupid and voting against your own interests.

Naw, you see, again, i realized a long time ago the Hispanic Lesbian and I are really in the same boat- the one that the One Percenters are trying to sink.

If you really think that the One Percenters who run the Goons of Plutocracy care about you as a working class white person, then you are truly deluded.

Riddle me this, Batman!

Why do the rich always get the things they want when the GOP is power? Deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, lax enforcement of financial laws leading to disasters like 2008.

But the things you guys want? Gay marriage is legal, abortion is legal, your kiddies are going to hear about evolution in school and can't pray to the Imaginary Sky Man on School Time.

Don't think the One Percenters care about you because you have the same level of melanin in your skin. They don't. You are just another expense to be cheated so they can buy another dancing horse.

Who ever said the 1% care about me? I never said that. I don't want them to care about me. They do their thing and I'll do mine, just like I would like the government to do.

The disaster in 2008 started by lowering home loan requirements thanks to your government. It started with Clinton and ran through the Bush administration. Why did they lower standards? Because minorities were complaining they couldn't get home loans. It had nothing to do with their race, it had to do with their bad credit, little savings and lower income.

As for making things easier on the wealthy, yes, Republicans do that because the commies made it bad on the wealthy, and the wealthy are the people that provide us with jobs that benefits everybody in the country. Don't believe me? Next time you need a job, ask a homeless person for one.
Let's see, you support a party that is trying like hell to make YOU a minority in your very own country. Talk about stupid and voting against your own interests.

Naw, you see, again, i realized a long time ago the Hispanic Lesbian and I are really in the same boat- the one that the One Percenters are trying to sink.

If you really think that the One Percenters who run the Goons of Plutocracy care about you as a working class white person, then you are truly deluded.

Riddle me this, Batman!

Why do the rich always get the things they want when the GOP is power? Deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, lax enforcement of financial laws leading to disasters like 2008.

But the things you guys want? Gay marriage is legal, abortion is legal, your kiddies are going to hear about evolution in school and can't pray to the Imaginary Sky Man on School Time.

Don't think the One Percenters care about you because you have the same level of melanin in your skin. They don't. You are just another expense to be cheated so they can buy another dancing horse.

Who ever said the 1% care about me? I never said that. I don't want them to care about me. They do their thing and I'll do mine, just like I would like the government to do.

The disaster in 2008 started by lowering home loan requirements thanks to your government. It started with Clinton and ran through the Bush administration. Why did they lower standards? Because minorities were complaining they couldn't get home loans. It had nothing to do with their race, it had to do with their bad credit, little savings and lower income.

As for making things easier on the wealthy, yes, Republicans do that because the commies made it bad on the wealthy, and the wealthy are the people that provide us with jobs that benefits everybody in the country. Don't believe me? Next time you need a job, ask a homeless person for one.
Oh, the pathetic ignorant stupid left. Try to get them to deny this. They really don't know and certainly don't give a shit that clinton
signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. Clinton also loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods.

Make no mistake. The democrats allowed the bubble to burst regardless of at least 18 warnings in 2008 by the bush administration to the democrat controlled Congress in 2008. That was a big election year, right? Right?
Let's see, you support a party that is trying like hell to make YOU a minority in your very own country. Talk about stupid and voting against your own interests.

Naw, you see, again, i realized a long time ago the Hispanic Lesbian and I are really in the same boat- the one that the One Percenters are trying to sink.

If you really think that the One Percenters who run the Goons of Plutocracy care about you as a working class white person, then you are truly deluded.

Riddle me this, Batman!

Why do the rich always get the things they want when the GOP is power? Deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, lax enforcement of financial laws leading to disasters like 2008.

But the things you guys want? Gay marriage is legal, abortion is legal, your kiddies are going to hear about evolution in school and can't pray to the Imaginary Sky Man on School Time.

Don't think the One Percenters care about you because you have the same level of melanin in your skin. They don't. You are just another expense to be cheated so they can buy another dancing horse.

Who ever said the 1% care about me? I never said that. I don't want them to care about me. They do their thing and I'll do mine, just like I would like the government to do.

The disaster in 2008 started by lowering home loan requirements thanks to your government. It started with Clinton and ran through the Bush administration. Why did they lower standards? Because minorities were complaining they couldn't get home loans. It had nothing to do with their race, it had to do with their bad credit, little savings and lower income.

As for making things easier on the wealthy, yes, Republicans do that because the commies made it bad on the wealthy, and the wealthy are the people that provide us with jobs that benefits everybody in the country. Don't believe me? Next time you need a job, ask a homeless person for one.
Oh, the pathetic ignorant stupid left. Try to get them to deny this. They really don't know and certainly don't give a shit that clinton
signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. Clinton also loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods.

Make no mistake. The democrats allowed the bubble to burst regardless of at least 18 warnings in 2008 by the bush administration to the democrat controlled Congress in 2008. That was a big election year, right? Right?

Correct because HUD makes the loan laws in the country. HUD is the boss of Fanny and Freddy as well.

When Republicans wanted to create an oversight committee for F and F, the Democrats fought it tooth and nail. They realized that an oversight committee would see the disaster coming our way because of over extended credit that started with the poor. So they stopped it from happening.
You live in such sad world Joe. I'm blessed by God not to have a mind that works like yours. I'm blessed that I don't have this self-loathing opinion about myself or my race. I don't walk downtown and count how many people I think are racist just by the way they're walking.

Guy, you are the one who is openly racist and defends the murder of children as being an okay thing. I think your world is a lot sadder than mine. But mine has health coverage.

. It's like I've said so many times, if we could take all the poor people out of the US and put them on an island somewhere, they wouldn't be missed.

Gee, who else said stuff like that?

Oh, the pathetic ignorant stupid left. Try to get them to deny this. They really don't know and certainly don't give a shit that clinton
signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. Clinton also loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods

Except the CRA didn't cause the crash. Not even the Banking Industry is making that claim, nor have they called for it's repeal.

The banks didn't go bust because they made modest loans to poor people.

They went bust because they made sub-prime loans to middle class people trying to flip McMansions like they saw on TLC, and losing their shirts.
I'm not the type of person to wish ill will on others. I believe in Karma. But this time is an exception. I hope you develop a serious medical condition that prevents you from working, and then we'll see how much of a loser you are. Because let me tell you, my sick ass gets up every morning to go to work. I'm supporting much younger and healthier people than myself because they stay home on their Obama phone with their food stamps, HUD house in the suburbs, and Obama Care that I pay for.

Hey, here's the thing, when I slipped on that ice and destroyed my knee...I still went to work afterwards. And the One Percenters you love so much and want to make excuses for fought me every step of the way after I paid for insurance. Had a period where I was using a walker because my knee couldn't handle the weight of my body.

The thing is, I hate the people who are actually abusing me, not poor people who are in a worse state than I am, Adolf.
The disaster in 2008 started by lowering home loan requirements thanks to your government. It started with Clinton and ran through the Bush administration. Why did they lower standards? Because minorities were complaining they couldn't get home loans. It had nothing to do with their race, it had to do with their bad credit, little savings and lower income.

Again- LIE

Being confused poor, you've bought into the blame game that poor people did this to themselves.

Low-income loans didn't cause the financial crisis

"While there was a rapid expansion in overall mortgage origination during this time period, the fraction of new mortgage dollars going to each income group was stable. In other words, the poor did not represent a higher fraction of the mortgage loans originated over the period. In addition, borrowers in the middle and top of the distribution are the ones that contributed most significantly to the increase in mortgages in default after 2007. Taken together, the evidence in the paper suggests that there was no decoupling of mortgage growth from income growth where unsustainable credit was flowing disproportionally to poor people."
The disaster in 2008 started by lowering home loan requirements thanks to your government. It started with Clinton and ran through the Bush administration. Why did they lower standards? Because minorities were complaining they couldn't get home loans. It had nothing to do with their race, it had to do with their bad credit, little savings and lower income.

Again- LIE

Being confused poor, you've bought into the blame game that poor people did this to themselves.

Low-income loans didn't cause the financial crisis

"While there was a rapid expansion in overall mortgage origination during this time period, the fraction of new mortgage dollars going to each income group was stable. In other words, the poor did not represent a higher fraction of the mortgage loans originated over the period. In addition, borrowers in the middle and top of the distribution are the ones that contributed most significantly to the increase in mortgages in default after 2007. Taken together, the evidence in the paper suggests that there was no decoupling of mortgage growth from income growth where unsustainable credit was flowing disproportionally to poor people."

No lie about it. When government lowers standards, they can't just lower them for any one group of people. They have to lower standards for everybody.

No wealthy or middle-class people needed lower standards because they could always get loans from the bank. As the bubble started to grow from those subprime loans, housing prices started to balloon and everybody jumped on board.

I'm not the type of person to wish ill will on others. I believe in Karma. But this time is an exception. I hope you develop a serious medical condition that prevents you from working, and then we'll see how much of a loser you are. Because let me tell you, my sick ass gets up every morning to go to work. I'm supporting much younger and healthier people than myself because they stay home on their Obama phone with their food stamps, HUD house in the suburbs, and Obama Care that I pay for.

Hey, here's the thing, when I slipped on that ice and destroyed my knee...I still went to work afterwards. And the One Percenters you love so much and want to make excuses for fought me every step of the way after I paid for insurance. Had a period where I was using a walker because my knee couldn't handle the weight of my body.

The thing is, I hate the people who are actually abusing me, not poor people who are in a worse state than I am, Adolf.

I said medical condition, not an injury. Learn the difference.
Guy, you are the one who is openly racist and defends the murder of children as being an okay thing. I think your world is a lot sadder than mine. But mine has health coverage.

Yeah, it seems you can't get off of that, can you? Well whatever the Republicans come up with, I hope it causes you to lose your insurance. When you do, I'll be here to tell you it's your own fault and not Trump's. And when you get some time, go to and look up the word Murder. Then if you can figure out how to do that, look up the term self-defense.

Gee, who else said stuff like that?

Don't pull that Hitler stuff on me when you voted for people that had the full support of the US Communist Party. In fact much of what you say here is exactly what they support when it comes to race and economics. Hey! Did you ever think of joining them?????
No lie about it. When government lowers standards, they can't just lower them for any one group of people. They have to lower standards for everybody.

No wealthy or middle-class people needed lower standards because they could always get loans from the bank. As the bubble started to grow from those subprime loans, housing prices started to balloon and everybody jumped on board.

Except that's not what the problem was...

The problem was that everybody bought more house than they needed, and the houses were overvalued. Which is why in my suburb, they threw up a shitload of McMansions that all stood vacant for years. It wasnt' poor black people they were selling those to.

again, you got scammed by rich people and you are blaming poor people. Probably because you can't admit you aren't that high above them.
Yeah, it seems you can't get off of that, can you? Well whatever the Republicans come up with, I hope it causes you to lose your insurance. When you do, I'll be here to tell you it's your own fault and not Trump's. And when you get some time, go to and look up the word Murder. Then if you can figure out how to do that, look up the term self-defense.

Okay, you shoot a child with a toy, that's murder. There was absolutely no way Tamir was going to kill officer McWeepy with a toy.

Don't pull that Hitler stuff on me when you voted for people that had the full support of the US Communist Party. In fact much of what you say here is exactly what they support when it comes to race and economics. Hey! Did you ever think of joining them?????

They still make Communists?

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