Now watch as the sheep on the left love James Comey.

No lie about it. When government lowers standards, they can't just lower them for any one group of people. They have to lower standards for everybody.

No wealthy or middle-class people needed lower standards because they could always get loans from the bank. As the bubble started to grow from those subprime loans, housing prices started to balloon and everybody jumped on board.

Except that's not what the problem was...

The problem was that everybody bought more house than they needed, and the houses were overvalued. Which is why in my suburb, they threw up a shitload of McMansions that all stood vacant for years. It wasnt' poor black people they were selling those to.

again, you got scammed by rich people and you are blaming poor people. Probably because you can't admit you aren't that high above them.

You are talking about what took place towards the end. I'm talking about what started all this. Ask yourself, if credit worthy borrowers never had a problem getting home loans, why did the federal government weaken the criteria so much? It's not like housing was in a major slump, or that home values were too low. There is only one reason to lower those standards, and that is to make it easier for more people to get loans.

So who were these "more people?" It couldn't be more credit worthy borrowers. So who did they lower those standards for???

If you watched the video I posted, you can plainly see that the Democrats used race to promote weakening those standards. They used the same argument when Republicans wanted to create an oversight committee to watch over Fanny and Freddy.

I went through hell to become a landlord. Banks didn't like giving loans on income property. You had to come up with a 30% downpayment unless you actually lived on the property you were buying. During the beginning of the bubble, I was at the bank renewing my home equity loan, and I questioned the loan officer about buying more rental property. She said "Go right ahead, we have your back!" I asked if they still had the 30% down payment rule? She said "Not at all, you don't need any money down. You can use the equity in your home as collateral!" I was shocked.

What I didn't realize at the time is what would happen to my suburb. All the lowlifes from the inner-city started to move in because of 0% down and no credit checks. We went from one murder every ten years or so to three to five a year. Businesses closing down every week because of armed robberies. Good people running for cover. Our police were so overwhelmed at times they had to call nearby suburbs for assistance to catch up on all the calls. Gang fights right in the middle of the street. People getting robbed at gunpoint right on the street at daytime.

Had I been able to predict that, I would have sold out in the heart of the bubble.
And there is absolutely no way of an officer knowing the realistic gun he had was a toy. Again:

again, that toy was under his coat and not in his hand.

Murder. Of a child. And youare good with it because, hey, he wasn't white.

But you'll get all weepy over kiddy-diddling David Koresh because he was white.

If that toy was under his coat, how did it end up on the ground after the shooting?
You are talking about what took place towards the end. I'm talking about what started all this. Ask yourself, if credit worthy borrowers never had a problem getting home loans, why did the federal government weaken the criteria so much? It's not like housing was in a major slump, or that home values were too low. There is only one reason to lower those standards, and that is to make it easier for more people to get loans.

except that isn't what the CRA does...

The CRA simply says you can't discriminate on the basis of race or geography. Period.

If you weren't stupid, you'd know this.
If that toy was under his coat, how did it end up on the ground after the shooting?

Same way all those drop peices end up in the hands of teenagers shot by cops in Chicago.

In fact, when they shot a cougar on the North Side a few years ago, local wags joked the cops tried to plant a pistol in its claw. "No need for that, Clancy!"
You are talking about what took place towards the end. I'm talking about what started all this. Ask yourself, if credit worthy borrowers never had a problem getting home loans, why did the federal government weaken the criteria so much? It's not like housing was in a major slump, or that home values were too low. There is only one reason to lower those standards, and that is to make it easier for more people to get loans.

except that isn't what the CRA does...

The CRA simply says you can't discriminate on the basis of race or geography. Period.

If you weren't stupid, you'd know this.

If you weren't stupid you would have noticed I said nothing about CRA's. CRA's were created during the Carter administration, not the Clinton or Bush administration.
If you weren't stupid you would have noticed I said nothing about CRA's. CRA's were created during the Carter administration, not the Clinton or Bush administration.

Oh, just because you don't know what the Right Wing Talking Point is called, doesn't make you less stupid. It makes you more stupid.
If that toy was under his coat, how did it end up on the ground after the shooting?

Same way all those drop peices end up in the hands of teenagers shot by cops in Chicago.

In fact, when they shot a cougar on the North Side a few years ago, local wags joked the cops tried to plant a pistol in its claw. "No need for that, Clancy!"

So where in the video do you see the cops planting a toy gun? And if the cops planted it, why were they there in the first place? Why not plant a real gun instead?
If you weren't stupid you would have noticed I said nothing about CRA's. CRA's were created during the Carter administration, not the Clinton or Bush administration.

Oh, just because you don't know what the Right Wing Talking Point is called, doesn't make you less stupid. It makes you more stupid.

You don't even know anything about CRA's and you're calling me stupid?
So where in the video do you see the cops planting a toy gun? And if the cops planted it, why were they there in the first place? Why not plant a real gun instead?

they didn't bring a drop piece because they thought he already had a gun. and when it was clear this was a 12 year old, no one was going to believe he got a real piece.

You don't even know anything about CRA's and you're calling me stupid?

The fact you are calling them "CRA's" instead of The CRA, (there was only one of them) shows you have no idea what you are talking about.
they didn't bring a drop piece because they thought he already had a gun. and when it was clear this was a 12 year old, no one was going to believe he got a real piece.

Do you know how many times kids get busted with guns in Cleveland? Over here, they bring them to school. We read about it all the time in our local media.

They didn't bring a drop piece? You mean if they thought he didn't have a gun, they would have stopped home and picked one up? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: What a loon you are. You watch way too many television shows and movies Joe. Typically, the Cleveland police are backed up on calls; times I've heard seven or eight calls to catch up on. They don't have time to do anything but work.

So if they didn't stop home and pickup a drop off gun, how did the toy gun end up on the ground with a video recording everything. More than that, immediately after the shooting, an FBI agent was in the area and went to help the police until more units were able to respond. Or was the FBI in it too? Damn that Comey.

The fact you are calling them "CRA's" instead of The CRA, (there was only one of them) shows you have no idea what you are talking about.

Shows you don't know how to read. Show me one post where I mentioned CRA's unless it was responding to your claim about them.
Do you know how many times kids get busted with guns in Cleveland? Over here, they bring them to school. We read about it all the time in our local media.

Again, this kid didn't have a gun. he had a toy.

They didn't bring a drop piece? You mean if they thought he didn't have a gun, they would have stopped home and picked one up? What a loon you are. You watch way too many television shows and movies Joe. Typically, the Cleveland police are backed up on calls; times I've heard seven or eight calls to catch up on. They don't have time to do anything but work.

Guy, what I read is how the Cleveland Police are a bunch of clowns, usually protected by a crocked DA they finally had the good sense to bounce out of office. Seriously, anyone who thought Loehmann was a good hire has some serious issues.
Again, this kid didn't have a gun. he had a toy.

Yeah, that's a good thing to keep saying when you don't have a good argument.

Guy, what I read is how the Cleveland Police are a bunch of clowns, usually protected by a crocked DA they finally had the good sense to bounce out of office. Seriously, anyone who thought Loehmann was a good hire has some serious issues.

It has nothing to do with good hire/ bad hire. It has to do with police conduct and legalities. Everything he did was legal, and everything he did was within his police training.
Yeah, that's a good thing to keep saying when you don't have a good argument.

I have a good argument.

It was a child playing with a toy.
A cop who was fired from another police department shot him because he hadn't the tempermant or judgement to do police work.
Anyone who tries to argue this was okay is a racist.

It has nothing to do with good hire/ bad hire. It has to do with police conduct and legalities. Everything he did was legal, and everything he did was within his police training.

Slavery was legal at one time.
Jim Crow was legal.

Shooting a child "because I was scared" should not be legal.
It has nothing to do with good hire/ bad hire. It has to do with police conduct and legalities. Everything he did was legal, and everything he did was within his police training.

Slavery was legal at one time.
Jim Crow was legal.

Shooting a child "because I was scared" should not be legal.

Well it is legal, and police use deadly force if they are threatened in any way. Thats the law in our country. If you don't want to get shot, listen to the orders of the police so there are no mishaps. It's for your protection as well as the officers.
Good, keep dealing in fantasy. Leftists hate dealing with facts.

fact- Tamir was playing with a toy
fact- Loehmann shot him without taking the time to evaulate the situation
fact- Loehmann is not back out on the streets.
fact- your city paid Tamir's family millions of dollars.

Those are facts.
Good, keep dealing in fantasy. Leftists hate dealing with facts.

fact- Tamir was playing with a toy
fact- Loehmann shot him without taking the time to evaulate the situation
fact- Loehmann is not back out on the streets.
fact- your city paid Tamir's family millions of dollars.

Those are facts.

No, those are lies. Lies are not facts.

Fact: There was no possible way for the officer to know Tamir had a toy gun.

Fact: As the video showed, he started to pull the gun on the officer leaving him a split second to make a decision.

Fact: Cleveland is run by a bunch of criminal Democrats, and Democrats would do anything not to lose power including paying Rice's mother tons of taxpayer money. Fighting her would have been political suicide because Democrat voters are typically dumb people that are ignorant to politics and stories.

Fact: Officer Loehmann is not back on the force because liberals are violent people, and staying on the force would endanger himself and his fellow officers. There is no civility with Democrats. Most all of them are like wild uncivilized animals. It's why we good people carry our guns.
Fact: There was no possible way for the officer to know Tamir had a toy gun.

You mean other than actually asking him, 'hey, little man, what are you doing". You are right, other than actually talking to him like a human being, there is no possible way he could have known.

Fact: As the video showed, he started to pull the gun on the officer leaving him a split second to make a decision.

Except a forensic examination of the film by experts shows he wasn't, and the City paid up when they got that report.

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