Now watch as the sheep on the left love James Comey.

Talk about stupid. They would have to run every applicants name to find out if they could hire them. If that were the requirement, they are not going to go through all the trouble to check out the applicants background, his education, his past employers if they only have to throw the application away because they are here illegally.

They wouldn't have to run every applicants' name, only the ones they hire.

The point that you don't get, because you are stupid, is that the employers who hire illegals KNOW DAMNED WELL THEY ARE HIRING ILLEGALS.

They don't care. They want people they can cheat, exploit and know won't complain about low pay and dangerous working conditions.

It's time and money to hire new employees. They are not going to invest that time and money only to find out they did all that work for nothing because the applicant was an illegal.

If employers are the key to getting rid of illegals, why didn't DumBama do something about it?

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It's time and money to hire new employees. They are not going to invest that time and money only to find out they did all that work for nothing because the applicant was an illegal.

If employers are the key to getting rid of illegals, why didn't DumBama do something about it?

Because Obama wasn't a cruel racist asshole who wanted to mess with people.

Actually, Obama deported more illegals than any of his predecessors. He even deported one of my neighbors.
It's time and money to hire new employees. They are not going to invest that time and money only to find out they did all that work for nothing because the applicant was an illegal.

If employers are the key to getting rid of illegals, why didn't DumBama do something about it?

Because Obama wasn't a cruel racist asshole who wanted to mess with people.

Actually, Obama deported more illegals than any of his predecessors. He even deported one of my neighbors.

Or, the more likely thing that happened is he changed the definition of deportation, and then lied to you again. The Democrat party is the anti-white party. Their goal is to make whites in this country a minority as soon as they can to insure this will be a single-party country for eternity. The smart whites realized this last election. The dumb ones voted against themselves and their own race not realizing it.

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Or, the more likely thing that happened is he changed the definition of deportation, and then lied to you again. The Democrat party is the anti-white party. Their goal is to make whites in this country a minority as soon as they can to insure this will be a single-party country for eternity. The smart whites realized this last election. The dumb ones voted against themselves and their own race not realizing it.

okay, here's the thing.

If you really think that you are somehow better than a black or a Latino in the eyes of the One Percenters who cheat your sorry ass out of health insurance, you are a little deluded.

The reality, though, is that the number of "illegals" declined on Obama's watch.

If the Democrats have become the non-white party, it's because the Republicans spent the last 40 years, since Nixon's Southern Strategy, alienating them by appealing to bigots like you.
Or, the more likely thing that happened is he changed the definition of deportation, and then lied to you again. The Democrat party is the anti-white party. Their goal is to make whites in this country a minority as soon as they can to insure this will be a single-party country for eternity. The smart whites realized this last election. The dumb ones voted against themselves and their own race not realizing it.

okay, here's the thing.

If you really think that you are somehow better than a black or a Latino in the eyes of the One Percenters who cheat your sorry ass out of health insurance, you are a little deluded.

The reality, though, is that the number of "illegals" declined on Obama's watch.

If the Democrats have become the non-white party, it's because the Republicans spent the last 40 years, since Nixon's Southern Strategy, alienating them by appealing to bigots like you.

It has nothing to do with it. The reality is that every other non-white group votes for Democrats as a majority. The only group standing in their way are working whites. Once they eliminate you, they will have total control of the government.

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Or, the more likely thing that happened is he changed the definition of deportation, and then lied to you again. The Democrat party is the anti-white party. Their goal is to make whites in this country a minority as soon as they can to insure this will be a single-party country for eternity. The smart whites realized this last election. The dumb ones voted against themselves and their own race not realizing it.

okay, here's the thing.

If you really think that you are somehow better than a black or a Latino in the eyes of the One Percenters who cheat your sorry ass out of health insurance, you are a little deluded.

The reality, though, is that the number of "illegals" declined on Obama's watch.

If the Democrats have become the non-white party, it's because the Republicans spent the last 40 years, since Nixon's Southern Strategy, alienating them by appealing to bigots like you.

It has nothing to do with it. The reality is that every other non-white group votes for Democrats as a majority. The only group standing in their way are working whites. Once they eliminate you, they will have total control of the government.

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Or, better yet turn them into zombies by creating a government teet for them to be reliant.

The best way (right out of Marx Solinsky Mao) to get them is UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE. Just in case we wanted to know what the single payer Trojan horse was all about.

Beating the dead horse and pissing in the wind with these global warmers, who won't admit they were scammed when they purchased carbon credits.

That is the way they will destroy the middle class. All to the loud cheers of the ignorant poor, who will go the way of the rest when their usefulness is done.

Ever read what happened when it was time for those systems to cull the herd? Right now they are nothing but useful idiots. Tomorrow they will be useful fertilizer.
When Comey testifies that Tramp really did ask him to shut down his Russian investigation there will be cheering all over the world for Comey.

We already have one American hero in this sordid affair, SALLY YATES, Comey will be the 2nd.
When Comey testifies that Tramp really did ask him to shut down his Russian investigation there will be cheering all over the world for Comey.

Why would he purger himself? He already testified under oath (some time ago) that nobody ever asked him to stop an investigation for political reasons.
Or, the more likely thing that happened is he changed the definition of deportation, and then lied to you again. The Democrat party is the anti-white party. Their goal is to make whites in this country a minority as soon as they can to insure this will be a single-party country for eternity. The smart whites realized this last election. The dumb ones voted against themselves and their own race not realizing it.

okay, here's the thing.

If you really think that you are somehow better than a black or a Latino in the eyes of the One Percenters who cheat your sorry ass out of health insurance, you are a little deluded.

The reality, though, is that the number of "illegals" declined on Obama's watch.

If the Democrats have become the non-white party, it's because the Republicans spent the last 40 years, since Nixon's Southern Strategy, alienating them by appealing to bigots like you.

It has nothing to do with it. The reality is that every other non-white group votes for Democrats as a majority. The only group standing in their way are working whites. Once they eliminate you, they will have total control of the government.

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Or, better yet turn them into zombies by creating a government teet for them to be reliant.

The best way (right out of Marx Solinsky Mao) to get them is UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE. Just in case we wanted to know what the single payer Trojan horse was all about.

Beating the dead horse and pissing in the wind with these global warmers, who won't admit they were scammed when they purchased carbon credits.

That is the way they will destroy the middle class. All to the loud cheers of the ignorant poor, who will go the way of the rest when their usefulness is done.

Ever read what happened when it was time for those systems to cull the herd? Right now they are nothing but useful idiots. Tomorrow they will be useful fertilizer.

That was DumBama's agenda right from the beginning: to create more new government dependents.

By DumBama's own administration, they proudly claim they created 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. Then you have to consider another 20 million more new government dependents added to Food Stamps, and you have 40 million more new government dependents on those two programs alone.

Such a success for the Democrats, except they expected much more. In the federal registry, they stated they expected more than 80% of employers to drop coverage for their employees after Commie Care got into full swing. Millions like myself did lose employee coverage, but Democrats fell far short from their target.
He was the guy that cost hillary the election, remember? The kuuunt in a pants suit said it. Remember?

Lol with utter disrespect at the left.
I don't give a fuck what Hillary said about Comey. My opinion of Comey is besides the point either way. Trump fired him because Trump is a pussy. If he was innocent of any Russian meddling, he would let a non partisan investigation vindicate him.

You are the one that's the partisan douche.


And now the pussy grabber has admitted, twice,nth at he fired Comey in order to obstruct justice. One of those time was to the Russians, the other in a national news program. He's not just corrupt slime, he's stupid too.

Silly OP, this isn't about liking or not liking Comey. Besides, it's RWNJ Pootarian traitors like you who love Russia over your own country.

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He was the guy that cost hillary the election, remember? The kuuunt in a pants suit said it. Remember?

Lol with utter disrespect at the left.

You are obviously as retarded as Trump. Read my signature below...
Yep, people wanting justice and to keep corruption out of government are all abunch of sheep. The real corrupt bastard are people like the op and trump.
The liar in chief's first reason for firing Comey.
" the bad way he treated Hillary Clinton"
Which not a soul on earth believed.
2nd reason: " because he was unpopular."
Roflmao He thinks this is HS.
3rd reason: " Because of the Russian thing."


Incriminates himself..
Nice going asshole.
That was DumBama's agenda right from the beginning: to create more new government dependents.

By DumBama's own administration, they proudly claim they created 20 million more new government dependents with Commie Care. Then you have to consider another 20 million more new government dependents added to Food Stamps, and you have 40 million more new government dependents on those two programs alone.

Except that they are a lot of the same people..

Here's the thing, you guys are okay with WHITE PEOPLE welfare- Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Veteran's Benefits.

It's welfare that might benefit poor people of color that have you eating your own shit level crazy.

Such a success for the Democrats, except they expected much more. In the federal registry, they stated they expected more than 80% of employers to drop coverage for their employees after Commie Care got into full swing. Millions like myself did lose employee coverage, but Democrats fell far short from their target.

Here's the thing. YOu got your health care dropped because frankly, you are kind of useless and can't rate a better paying job with benefits. That's kind of on you.
It has nothing to do with it. The reality is that every other non-white group votes for Democrats as a majority. The only group standing in their way are working whites. Once they eliminate you, they will have total control of the government.

Yes, they vote for Democrats because of Nixon's "Law and Order" campaign, Ronnie Reagan's Young Bucks and Welfare Queens, George Bush's Willie Horton ads and dozens of other appeals to racism to get stupid white people like you voting against your own economic interests wh ile they fuck you over.

"Hey, my rich boss cheated me out of health insurance! Damned Obama. But he did send me a nice card from Italy!"
It has nothing to do with it. The reality is that every other non-white group votes for Democrats as a majority. The only group standing in their way are working whites. Once they eliminate you, they will have total control of the government.

Yes, they vote for Democrats because of Nixon's "Law and Order" campaign, Ronnie Reagan's Young Bucks and Welfare Queens, George Bush's Willie Horton ads and dozens of other appeals to racism to get stupid white people like you voting against your own economic interests wh ile they fuck you over.

"Hey, my rich boss cheated me out of health insurance! Damned Obama. But he did send me a nice card from Italy!"

Let's see, you support a party that is trying like hell to make YOU a minority in your very own country. Talk about stupid and voting against your own interests.
Except that they are a lot of the same people..

Here's the thing, you guys are okay with WHITE PEOPLE welfare- Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Veteran's Benefits.

It's welfare that might benefit poor people of color that have you eating your own shit level crazy.

The difference is we pay into all those programs you listed. But for a change, you actually hit on a good point: Commie Care and the expansion of government goodies were targeted for lowlifes that vote Democrat. Most of the lowlifes on Commie Care are now on Medicaid. So what DumBama did was use our tax dollars to destroy our healthcare system and buy votes from his constituents. Trillions of dollars gone for vote buying and you support that. It's a real shame.

Here's the thing. YOu got your health care dropped because frankly, you are kind of useless and can't rate a better paying job with benefits. That's kind of on you.

It is? Or is it a fact that without Commie Care, I would still have my insurance today? Or is it fact that if not for government limitations that prevent me from 90% of the jobs out there in my field, I would have a better job today?

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