Now watch as the sheep on the left love James Comey.

Now watch as the sheep on the left love James Comey
Let us know as soon as that happens, tard.

You loved him then hated him then loved him some more.
Show me. Prove it, you lying fuck.

You tards are projecting. It was Trump who loved and hated him.

Nope, keep guzzling your fifth of piss.
Thanks for admitting you can't prove your lie you made up about me, you lying fuck.

Theres nothing to prove. Its all in your posts. You loved, then hated, then loved, then hated, then loved ol comey some more. You're only lying to yourself, lol. Your little expletive tirades show how you're raging.
Now watch as the sheep on the left love James Comey.

like the shitstains on the Right loved Comey when he was bashing Clinton ?
One person rule? The President doesn't have the authority to fire anybody in his administration he wants?

Not to worry CC, the way the libs operate, some activist judge will rule that Trump can't fire Comey.

That's cute but whether he has the right is not the point. The point is why he's firing everyone who is investigating him and why you're OK with it.

Legally in certain places you can have sex with a 12 year old. Just because you can doesn't mean that it looks reasonable to others. You'd still be a child molester in most people's eyes outside of a pedo website. Even if you cry "it's legal" doesn't wash away the stink.

There is no Russia--Trump thing in the first place. It was fodder to keep you leftists holding on to your seats.

Comey if a F-up. He made his position political. He decided not to bring charges against Hillary under the Obama administration, then he reopened an investigation that should have never been closed in the first place; he rushed it so that Hillary didn't have that hanging over her head come election time.

Do you really think that if Comey had something.......anything on Trump, he would keep his mouth shut in the coming weeks or months? If that were the case, Trump would benefit better by keeping him on and putting the thumb screws to him. Comey is now free to tell the world anything, and Trump and his administration are well aware of that.

You want us to believe that Trump fired him just now because of stuff from last year and definitely not that he's investigating Trump and Russia? Grab the Rofl Rifle!

Second, Comey CAN'T run his mouth and you know it so why you're pretending is just as weird as your defense of firing everyone who is investigating wrongdoing by the fucking PRESIDENT!

Why can't Comey say anything?

Take a wild guess moron. I'm not your tutor so if you're needing help seek it elsewhere

In other words, you don't know either. Typical lib.
Let us know as soon as that happens, tard.

You loved him then hated him then loved him some more.
Show me. Prove it, you lying fuck.

You tards are projecting. It was Trump who loved and hated him.

Nope, keep guzzling your fifth of piss.
Thanks for admitting you can't prove your lie you made up about me, you lying fuck.

Theres nothing to prove. Its all in your posts. You loved, then hated, then loved, then hated, then loved ol comey some more.

Prove it, you lying fuck. Show me the posts.

You can't. Because you are a liar.

Why do you retards explode your integrity for nothing? No one but another retard believes anything you say because you demonstrate you lie.

Pretty stupid.
Let us know as soon as that happens, tard.

You loved him then hated him then loved him some more.
Show me. Prove it, you lying fuck.

You tards are projecting. It was Trump who loved and hated him.

Nope, keep guzzling your fifth of piss.
Thanks for admitting you can't prove your lie you made up about me, you lying fuck.

Theres nothing to prove. Its all in your posts. You loved, then hated, then loved, then hated, then loved ol comey some more. You're only lying to yourself, lol. Your little expletive tirades show how you're raging.
And it is delicious.
You'll just keep speculating though. Were you speculating when wild bill fired sessions? Didnt think so.

The difference was that Sessions was given a chance to resign, and was found guilty of numerous ethical violations by the OPR...


But Sessions's future was thrown into doubt earlier this year when the OPR report found that he had abused his office by setting up official appointments to justify charging the government for personal travel, improperly billed the FBI nearly $10,000 for a fence around his home, and refused to turn over documents on his $375,000 home mortgage, which investigators said they suspected involved a "sweetheart deal."

The report, based on sworn statements from more than 100 FBI agents, created an uproar within the bureau and was immediately attacked by Sessions and his outspoken wife, Alice Sessions, as the product of an internal cabal of FBI agents and former Bush administration officials out to get him.

The OPR found, for example, that Sessions bumped security agents off FBI planes and forced them to fly commercially so his wife could accompany him at government expense. FBI aircraft were diverted to pick up Alice Sessions in other cities and FBI vehicles were employed to take her to get her nails done, shop and pick up firewood.

Most troubling to administration officials was the OPR finding of a "sham" arrangement to claim a tax exemption on the value of his chauffeur-driven FBI limousine to and from work. Sessions had received a legal opinion from the chief FBI lawyer that he could use the exemption if he carried a firearm or kept one in the limousine.

Comey did nothing like this. While you could argue his conduct in the Clinton investigation was kind of stupid, so was having an investigation to start with.
You'll just keep speculating though. Were you speculating when wild bill fired sessions? Didnt think so.

The difference was that Sessions was given a chance to resign, and was found guilty of numerous ethical violations by the OPR...


But Sessions's future was thrown into doubt earlier this year when the OPR report found that he had abused his office by setting up official appointments to justify charging the government for personal travel, improperly billed the FBI nearly $10,000 for a fence around his home, and refused to turn over documents on his $375,000 home mortgage, which investigators said they suspected involved a "sweetheart deal."

The report, based on sworn statements from more than 100 FBI agents, created an uproar within the bureau and was immediately attacked by Sessions and his outspoken wife, Alice Sessions, as the product of an internal cabal of FBI agents and former Bush administration officials out to get him.

The OPR found, for example, that Sessions bumped security agents off FBI planes and forced them to fly commercially so his wife could accompany him at government expense. FBI aircraft were diverted to pick up Alice Sessions in other cities and FBI vehicles were employed to take her to get her nails done, shop and pick up firewood.

Most troubling to administration officials was the OPR finding of a "sham" arrangement to claim a tax exemption on the value of his chauffeur-driven FBI limousine to and from work. Sessions had received a legal opinion from the chief FBI lawyer that he could use the exemption if he carried a firearm or kept one in the limousine.

Comey did nothing like this. While you could argue his conduct in the Clinton investigation was kind of stupid, so was having an investigation to start with.

Comey has done worse. He's had 9-10 scandals during his tenure along with questionable conduct.
He was the guy that cost hillary the election, remember? The kuuunt in a pants suit said it. Remember?

Lol with utter disrespect at the left.
So what? A part of us agrees Comey is an ass and I'm glad he got fired but not if he was fired because he got too close to the Trump Russia connection.

Trump lied. Comey did not tell him he wasn't under investigation
Comey has done worse. He's had 9-10 scandals during his tenure along with questionable conduct.

Really? Can you list these 9 "scandals' that were about his personal conduct? (Not things that the FBI did that were kid of stupid, because when you have thousands of agents, some of them are going to do stupid things.)

You see, the problem you guys have is that Trump figured everyone would just go along with it.
Comey has done worse. He's had 9-10 scandals during his tenure along with questionable conduct.

Really? Can you list these 9 "scandals' that were about his personal conduct? (Not things that the FBI did that were kid of stupid, because when you have thousands of agents, some of them are going to do stupid things.)

You see, the problem you guys have is that Trump figured everyone would just go along with it.

The problem you guys have is no evidence and just making it up as you go.
The problem you guys have is no evidence and just making it up as you go.

We have evidence that the Russians interferred in the election.
We have evidence that the Russians have connections with Trump.
We have Trump on tape calling on the Russians to do exactly what they did.
The problem you guys have is no evidence and just making it up as you go.

We have evidence that the Russians interferred in the election.
We have evidence that the Russians have connections with Trump.
We have Trump on tape calling on the Russians to do exactly what they did.

The only
The problem you guys have is no evidence and just making it up as you go.

We have evidence that the Russians interferred in the election.
We have evidence that the Russians have connections with Trump.
We have Trump on tape calling on the Russians to do exactly what they did.

All hearsay. No evidence has ever been put forth. I'll add that we were interfering in Israel elections along with placing our on puppets in the ME.
The problem you guys have is no evidence and just making it up as you go.

We have evidence that the Russians interferred in the election.
We have evidence that the Russians have connections with Trump.
We have Trump on tape calling on the Russians to do exactly what they did.
We have evidence that Mexicans interfered in the election.
We have evidence that Liberal agencies helped Mexicans register to vote in the elections.
We have evidence that Liberals don't give a fuck about illegal immigration.
But you don't give a damn.
All hearsay. No evidence has ever been put forth. I'll add that we were interfering in Israel elections along with placing our on puppets in the ME.

We should have a dicussion about whether that is a good idea or not (I'm all for cutting off all aid to the Zionist Entity and then letting them know we don't care who they elect. Not our problem)

But there's plenty of evidence that the Russians tried to influence our election. shame on us for letting them do it. Shame on the media for not calling them on it, and shame on the GOP for going along with it because they wanted to win so bad but really didn't think they would.

Here's the thing, though. Richard Nixon won 49 States and close to 60% of the vote in 1972. That didn't stop the country from demanding and getting his resignation once it was clear that he was corrupt.

Can today's Americans show the same integrity and fortitude?

We'll see.
We have evidence that Mexicans interfered in the election.
We have evidence that Liberal agencies helped Mexicans register to vote in the elections.
We have evidence that Liberals don't give a fuck about illegal immigration.
But you don't give a damn.

I'll start giving a damn when we start going after the rich white people who hire them.

You could solve the illegal problem in ten minutes.

First, require that every American have a National ID card determining either citizenship or legal residency. A potential employer should be able to punch in your Social Security Number on a database and say, "Yup, that's Joe B in all his glory!"

Second, go after the employers who aren't following the rules with a vengeance.
We have evidence that Mexicans interfered in the election.
We have evidence that Liberal agencies helped Mexicans register to vote in the elections.
We have evidence that Liberals don't give a fuck about illegal immigration.
But you don't give a damn.

I'll start giving a damn when we start going after the rich white people who hire them.

You could solve the illegal problem in ten minutes.

First, require that every American have a National ID card determining either citizenship or legal residency. A potential employer should be able to punch in your Social Security Number on a database and say, "Yup, that's Joe B in all his glory!"

Second, go after the employers who aren't following the rules with a vengeance.

So you would have tens of thousands of people punching in SS numbers for identification purposes. What do you think that would do with our growing problem of identity theft?

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