Now watch as the sheep on the left love James Comey.

We have evidence that Mexicans interfered in the election.
We have evidence that Liberal agencies helped Mexicans register to vote in the elections.
We have evidence that Liberals don't give a fuck about illegal immigration.
But you don't give a damn.

I'll start giving a damn when we start going after the rich white people who hire them.

You could solve the illegal problem in ten minutes.

First, require that every American have a National ID card determining either citizenship or legal residency. A potential employer should be able to punch in your Social Security Number on a database and say, "Yup, that's Joe B in all his glory!"

Second, go after the employers who aren't following the rules with a vengeance.

So you would have tens of thousands of people punching in SS numbers for identification purposes. What do you think that would do with our growing problem of identity theft?
It would solve it. Having everyone positively identify, those with false identities will stand out in the crowd. Add Finger Print or Retina scan to get your identity card.
We have evidence that Mexicans interfered in the election.
We have evidence that Liberal agencies helped Mexicans register to vote in the elections.
We have evidence that Liberals don't give a fuck about illegal immigration.
But you don't give a damn.

I'll start giving a damn when we start going after the rich white people who hire them.

You could solve the illegal problem in ten minutes.

First, require that every American have a National ID card determining either citizenship or legal residency. A potential employer should be able to punch in your Social Security Number on a database and say, "Yup, that's Joe B in all his glory!"

Second, go after the employers who aren't following the rules with a vengeance.

So you would have tens of thousands of people punching in SS numbers for identification purposes. What do you think that would do with our growing problem of identity theft?
It would solve it. Having everyone positively identify, those with false identities will stand out in the crowd. Add Finger Print or Retina scan to get your identity card.

Well if people had such easy access to such identification, they could open up credit card accounts and various other accounts in your name. Just because somebody has a business doesn't mean they don't do nefarious things like sell names and SS numbers to criminals.
You'll just keep speculating though. Were you speculating when wild bill fired sessions? Didnt think so.

The difference was that Sessions was given a chance to resign, and was found guilty of numerous ethical violations by the OPR...


But Sessions's future was thrown into doubt earlier this year when the OPR report found that he had abused his office by setting up official appointments to justify charging the government for personal travel, improperly billed the FBI nearly $10,000 for a fence around his home, and refused to turn over documents on his $375,000 home mortgage, which investigators said they suspected involved a "sweetheart deal."

The report, based on sworn statements from more than 100 FBI agents, created an uproar within the bureau and was immediately attacked by Sessions and his outspoken wife, Alice Sessions, as the product of an internal cabal of FBI agents and former Bush administration officials out to get him.

The OPR found, for example, that Sessions bumped security agents off FBI planes and forced them to fly commercially so his wife could accompany him at government expense. FBI aircraft were diverted to pick up Alice Sessions in other cities and FBI vehicles were employed to take her to get her nails done, shop and pick up firewood.

Most troubling to administration officials was the OPR finding of a "sham" arrangement to claim a tax exemption on the value of his chauffeur-driven FBI limousine to and from work. Sessions had received a legal opinion from the chief FBI lawyer that he could use the exemption if he carried a firearm or kept one in the limousine.

Comey did nothing like this. While you could argue his conduct in the Clinton investigation was kind of stupid, so was having an investigation to start with.

Comey has done worse. He's had 9-10 scandals during his tenure along with questionable conduct.

Report: Comey Plotted To Avoid Charges Against Hillary BEFORE The FBI Interviewed Her

"Comey had his own ideas. Unbeknownst to his Justice Department colleagues, Comey had resolved to proceed alone with the announcement. Since May, he had been holding a parallel series of meetings with top F.B.I. confidants to thrash through his plan. He would publicly announce—and explain—the Clinton decision without Lynch at his side. “We had discussions for months about what this looked like,” Michael Steinbach, who retired as the F.B.I.’s executive assistant director for national security in February, 2017, said. “This, for us, was the best course of action, given the political situation that we were in—for us to do it independently.”

They were plotting the "no criminal conduct" meme for months... Prior to finishing the investigation.. You want to talk gross misconduct?

James Comey’s Conspicuous Independence
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So you would have tens of thousands of people punching in SS numbers for identification purposes. What do you think that would do with our growing problem of identity theft?

we only have an issue with that because we don't have a national system of determining identity.

so someone can claim to be Joseph B###### from Chicago, and since there is no national ID on file, it becomes incumbent on me to prove they aren't instead of them to prove they are.

You see, we are ALREADY using SSN's as a national ID number. The military even uses them for serial numbers now. What we don't have is a system of verification.
So you would have tens of thousands of people punching in SS numbers for identification purposes. What do you think that would do with our growing problem of identity theft?

we only have an issue with that because we don't have a national system of determining identity.

so someone can claim to be Joseph B###### from Chicago, and since there is no national ID on file, it becomes incumbent on me to prove they aren't instead of them to prove they are.

So you would have tens of thousands of people punching in SS numbers for identification purposes. What do you think that would do with our growing problem of identity theft?

we only have an issue with that because we don't have a national system of determining identity.

so someone can claim to be Joseph B###### from Chicago, and since there is no national ID on file, it becomes incumbent on me to prove they aren't instead of them to prove they are.

You see, we are ALREADY using SSN's as a national ID number. The military even uses them for serial numbers now. What we don't have is a system of verification.

All criminals need to do is match up your SS and name, and they have the ability to steal your identity. They can go online and open up credit accounts, learn what access to credit you created and then simply pretend they are you when they order merchandise or call up your lending institutions.

I don't know what you have in mind for a system that checks photos and SS numbers, but it would have to be a widely used one where just about anybody has access to it. Currently if your identity is stolen via SS number, authorities can narrow it down a bit as to who had access to your information the last year or so. With a system that you punch in any SS number, and a picture of you pops up on the screen, just about anybody could get their hands on that information and authorities would never be able to figure out who actually did it.
All criminals need to do is match up your SS and name, and they have the ability to steal your identity.

Right... because as of now, there's no picture of you to verify who you are on a national database, you fucking stupid idiot.

Jesus fucking Christ, do you take special pills to stay oblivious?
So you would have tens of thousands of people punching in SS numbers for identification purposes. What do you think that would do with our growing problem of identity theft?

we only have an issue with that because we don't have a national system of determining identity.

so someone can claim to be Joseph B###### from Chicago, and since there is no national ID on file, it becomes incumbent on me to prove they aren't instead of them to prove they are.

You see, we are ALREADY using SSN's as a national ID number. The military even uses them for serial numbers now. What we don't have is a system of verification.

All criminals need to do is match up your SS and name, and they have the ability to steal your identity. They can go online and open up credit accounts, learn what access to credit you created and then simply pretend they are you when they order merchandise or call up your lending institutions.

I don't know what you have in mind for a system that checks photos and SS numbers, but it would have to be a widely used one where just about anybody has access to it. Currently if your identity is stolen via SS number, authorities can narrow it down a bit as to who had access to your information the last year or so. With a system that you punch in any SS number, and a picture of you pops up on the screen, just about anybody could get their hands on that information and authorities would never be able to figure out who actually did it.
If you have a National Data Base positively identifying anyone. Anyone not in that Data Base is an illegal alien or imposter. They will stand out like a sore thumb. You start at birth with a foot print, in Grade School you add your finger prints. High School you add Facial recognition. And for secure jobs you include retina scans.
So you would have tens of thousands of people punching in SS numbers for identification purposes. What do you think that would do with our growing problem of identity theft?

we only have an issue with that because we don't have a national system of determining identity.

so someone can claim to be Joseph B###### from Chicago, and since there is no national ID on file, it becomes incumbent on me to prove they aren't instead of them to prove they are.

You see, we are ALREADY using SSN's as a national ID number. The military even uses them for serial numbers now. What we don't have is a system of verification.

All criminals need to do is match up your SS and name, and they have the ability to steal your identity. They can go online and open up credit accounts, learn what access to credit you created and then simply pretend they are you when they order merchandise or call up your lending institutions.

I don't know what you have in mind for a system that checks photos and SS numbers, but it would have to be a widely used one where just about anybody has access to it. Currently if your identity is stolen via SS number, authorities can narrow it down a bit as to who had access to your information the last year or so. With a system that you punch in any SS number, and a picture of you pops up on the screen, just about anybody could get their hands on that information and authorities would never be able to figure out who actually did it.
If you have a National Data Base positively identifying anyone. Anyone not in that Data Base is an illegal alien or imposter. They will stand out like a sore thumb. You start at birth with a foot print, in Grade School you add your finger prints. High School you add Facial recognition. And for secure jobs you include retina scans.

So some guy is looking for a job. He's an American of Mexican decent. He puts in a dozen applications or so. Each employer runs his name on this data base. What's stopping one of them from selling his identity to some lowlife who will use that identity to open credit card accounts, get access to the applicants bank accounts, access to more personal information? Unless they catch the guy who is using his identity, how would authorities know which employer sold that identity?

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So you would have tens of thousands of people punching in SS numbers for identification purposes. What do you think that would do with our growing problem of identity theft?

we only have an issue with that because we don't have a national system of determining identity.

so someone can claim to be Joseph B###### from Chicago, and since there is no national ID on file, it becomes incumbent on me to prove they aren't instead of them to prove they are.

You see, we are ALREADY using SSN's as a national ID number. The military even uses them for serial numbers now. What we don't have is a system of verification.

All criminals need to do is match up your SS and name, and they have the ability to steal your identity. They can go online and open up credit accounts, learn what access to credit you created and then simply pretend they are you when they order merchandise or call up your lending institutions.

I don't know what you have in mind for a system that checks photos and SS numbers, but it would have to be a widely used one where just about anybody has access to it. Currently if your identity is stolen via SS number, authorities can narrow it down a bit as to who had access to your information the last year or so. With a system that you punch in any SS number, and a picture of you pops up on the screen, just about anybody could get their hands on that information and authorities would never be able to figure out who actually did it.
If you have a National Data Base positively identifying anyone. Anyone not in that Data Base is an illegal alien or imposter. They will stand out like a sore thumb. You start at birth with a foot print, in Grade School you add your finger prints. High School you add Facial recognition. And for secure jobs you include retina scans.

So some guy is looking for a job. He's an American of Mexican decent. He puts in a dozen applications or so. Each employer runs his name on this data base. What's stopping one of them from selling his identity to some lowlife who will use that identity to open credit card accounts, get access to the applicants bank accounts, access to more personal information? Unless they catch the guy who is using his identity, how would authorities know which employer sold that identity?

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Then you would have two links into the same data record and that would set off a red flag for the Feds to investigate.
Plus, facial recognition would not pass. Finger prints would not match. Retinal scans would not match.
With regards to the thread title....
In all honesty, the political system is F'd...BOTH mainstream parties are working for themselves and against We The People.
People like John Boehnor and now Paul Ryan are nothing more than puppets for the elitists and corporate greed mongers and financial institutions.
We The People don't stand a chance....which is why they MUST keep us divided (which is SO fucking easy to do).

I think Mr. Trump is (or was) the first president in a long time to enter the White House with good intentions...but I think he's being schooled on what he is not allowed to do and how grand life will be for him and his family as long as he goes along with the status quo. That's why (I think) he's backed off some of the campaign promises and seems to be falling more into line with business as usual politics.

So as far as the OP, we are almost all "sheep" being herded by those who hold the gold....and we can collectively be counted on to always do so.

But it is my opinion that people on the left are easier to manipulate and have had more indoctrination towards that end.

But at the end of the day, as long as we go along with the status quo we are ALL morons and getting exactly what we collectively deserve.
So you would have tens of thousands of people punching in SS numbers for identification purposes. What do you think that would do with our growing problem of identity theft?

we only have an issue with that because we don't have a national system of determining identity.

so someone can claim to be Joseph B###### from Chicago, and since there is no national ID on file, it becomes incumbent on me to prove they aren't instead of them to prove they are.

You see, we are ALREADY using SSN's as a national ID number. The military even uses them for serial numbers now. What we don't have is a system of verification.

All criminals need to do is match up your SS and name, and they have the ability to steal your identity. They can go online and open up credit accounts, learn what access to credit you created and then simply pretend they are you when they order merchandise or call up your lending institutions.

I don't know what you have in mind for a system that checks photos and SS numbers, but it would have to be a widely used one where just about anybody has access to it. Currently if your identity is stolen via SS number, authorities can narrow it down a bit as to who had access to your information the last year or so. With a system that you punch in any SS number, and a picture of you pops up on the screen, just about anybody could get their hands on that information and authorities would never be able to figure out who actually did it.
If you have a National Data Base positively identifying anyone. Anyone not in that Data Base is an illegal alien or imposter. They will stand out like a sore thumb. You start at birth with a foot print, in Grade School you add your finger prints. High School you add Facial recognition. And for secure jobs you include retina scans.

So some guy is looking for a job. He's an American of Mexican decent. He puts in a dozen applications or so. Each employer runs his name on this data base. What's stopping one of them from selling his identity to some lowlife who will use that identity to open credit card accounts, get access to the applicants bank accounts, access to more personal information? Unless they catch the guy who is using his identity, how would authorities know which employer sold that identity?

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Then you would have two links into the same data record and that would set off a red flag for the Feds to investigate.
Plus, facial recognition would not pass. Finger prints would not match. Retinal scans would not match.

When you apply for a credit card online, they don't have access to any of those things. When you call your bank for information, they don't have any of those things either. You're not there in person.

Every week I get at least one credit card offer in the mail. I don't recycle those items because they have my name and application on it. They all go in the shredder. I don't need somebody opening up my garbage and taking one of those offers and filling it out. If somebody did, the institution would issue a credit card in my name and I wouldn't know about it until they sent me a bill.
So some guy is looking for a job. He's an American of Mexican decent. He puts in a dozen applications or so. Each employer runs his name on this data base. What's stopping one of them from selling his identity to some lowlife who will use that identity to open credit card accounts, get access to the applicants bank accounts, access to more personal information? Unless they catch the guy who is using his identity, how would authorities know which employer sold that identity?

Wow, do you just take pills to stay that stupid?

Here's a way to tell if he's sold his identity. You type in his name, and his current employer and past employers come up. If they have him working in another city and that isnt' what's on his application and resume, you know you probably got someone who is using a fake ID.

Also, when he doesn't look anything like the picture you have on file.

Again, what you redneck stupids don't get is that the One Percenters who cheat you out of health coverage don't want to fix this problem. They are happy to make life kind of miserable for undocumented workers, but they don't want to get rid of them.
So some guy is looking for a job. He's an American of Mexican decent. He puts in a dozen applications or so. Each employer runs his name on this data base. What's stopping one of them from selling his identity to some lowlife who will use that identity to open credit card accounts, get access to the applicants bank accounts, access to more personal information? Unless they catch the guy who is using his identity, how would authorities know which employer sold that identity?

Wow, do you just take pills to stay that stupid?

Here's a way to tell if he's sold his identity. You type in his name, and his current employer and past employers come up. If they have him working in another city and that isnt' what's on his application and resume, you know you probably got someone who is using a fake ID.

Also, when he doesn't look anything like the picture you have on file.

Again, what you redneck stupids don't get is that the One Percenters who cheat you out of health coverage don't want to fix this problem. They are happy to make life kind of miserable for undocumented workers, but they don't want to get rid of them.

Talk about stupid. They would have to run every applicants name to find out if they could hire them. If that were the requirement, they are not going to go through all the trouble to check out the applicants background, his education, his past employers if they only have to throw the application away because they are here illegally.
Talk about stupid. They would have to run every applicants name to find out if they could hire them. If that were the requirement, they are not going to go through all the trouble to check out the applicants background, his education, his past employers if they only have to throw the application away because they are here illegally.

They wouldn't have to run every applicants' name, only the ones they hire.

The point that you don't get, because you are stupid, is that the employers who hire illegals KNOW DAMNED WELL THEY ARE HIRING ILLEGALS.

They don't care. They want people they can cheat, exploit and know won't complain about low pay and dangerous working conditions.
At this point Comey is just another fired disgruntled employee. that should not be taken seriously.
We are at war right now. We are beyond words. Can't wait to see the left get exactly what is coming to all of them.

I fucking hate them.
We are at war right now. We are beyond words. Can't wait to see the left get exactly what is coming to all of them.

I fucking hate them.

Yes, we know you have issues, but even Republicans are starting to break bad on Trump.

GOP Mood on Hill Darkens in Wake of Comey Memo Story | RealClearPolitics

More Republicans now seem to agree. As the news rippled across Capitol Hill on Tuesday, the mood among GOP lawmakers was one of “concern,” said Sen. John McCain. At a dinner later Tuesday where he received an award, McCain said Trump’s scandals are “reaching the point where it's of Watergate size and scale,” according to reports.

A shift among Republicans was immediately visible. Whereas GOP lawmakers have previously pressed the White House to provide answers and explain fresh scandals, party lawmakers are now beginning to take action themselves. In a letter Tuesday to Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz requested “all memoranda, notes, summaries, and recordings referring or relating to any communications between Comey and the president.”

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