Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

You cannot force a business to create a message for you. Sorry, not sorry.

Depends on the message….

If your message is typically, Mike and Julie are getting married and provide a photo
and a same sex couple wants Lias and Kim are getting married and provide a photo

You cannot turn them down because you oppose same sex marriage
You can associate with anyone you wish

Your business can not
While my opinion has evolved over the years on this topic, I try to never miss an opportunity to point out hypocrisy. Back in the early 2000's there were taxi drivers at the Denver Airport the did not want to pick up people with alcohol. The far Right tea baggers lost what little mind they had left. I cannot remember all the details, this was back during the war on Christmas and stuff. But the Muslims not having to drive great Americans from the airport caused Judicial Watch to start searching for creeping sharia everywhere. Now this many years later I suppose the far right is all for the Muslim taxi drivers not picking up people with alcohol, and if seems like dogs or something else. This was quite the outrage back in the day.
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?
stupid comparison
Public accommodation may soon go the way of Affirmative Action. That is, let the free market decide. If there's a cretin out there who actually wants to hang a sign that says "whites only" in their store, fine. Let the free market, in the age of Yelp reviews, take care of the situation.
excellent idea, or if you support Biden, eat somewhere else.
Saying that doesn't help much. Too many are.
How many?

In actuality the biggest threat to any child's safety are the parents and family members of that child not some random gay person..

And let's not forget the many thousands of children that have been abused by priests and clergy but you seem OK with that.
Depends on the message….

If your message is typically, Mike and Julie are getting married and provide a photo
and a same sex couple wants Lias and Kim are getting married and provide a photo

You cannot turn them down because you oppose same sex marriage
Sure you can. Businesses have every right to pick and choose their clientele.
Depends on the message….

If your message is typically, Mike and Julie are getting married and provide a photo
and a same sex couple wants Lias and Kim are getting married and provide a photo

You cannot turn them down because you oppose same sex marriage
Yes, you can.
So a bank can close the account of a conservative activist who says things they don’t like?
Speaking of which, it seem the RWers were outraged when Obama tried to get credit card companies (IIRC) to quit providing credit for gun sales.
So a bank can close the account of a conservative activist who says things they don’t like?
Nope. They can close their account if the conservative activist tries to force the bank to say things that the bank doesn't like. You're confused.
I have to question the sincerity of those denying wedding related services to same sex couples

They call up Jesus as their reason to refuse to service gay weddings. Yet, as Christians, they have no problem providing their service to a pregnant bride, a couple that has lived in sin for a decade, couples who have married and divorced several times, atheists and interfaith couples.

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