Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

Depends on the message….

If your message is typically, Mike and Julie are getting married and provide a photo
and a same sex couple wants Lias and Kim are getting married and provide a photo

You cannot turn them down because you oppose same sex marriage
Not according to this ruling. According to this ruling, you can because you cannot be compelled to create and communicate ideas that you are religiously opposed to, ie, speech. No one can compel you to offer congratulations to a same-sex couple, that's the point.
I have to question the sincerity of those denying wedding related services to same sex couples

They call up Jesus as their reason to refuse to service gay weddings. Yet, as Christians, they have no problem providing their service to a pregnant bride, a couple that has lived in sin for a decade, couples who have married and divorced several times, atheists and interfaith couples.
You do not know all of those denying creative services to same-sex couples.
I have to question the sincerity of those denying wedding related services to same sex couples

They call up Jesus as their reason to refuse to service gay weddings. Yet, as Christians, they have no problem providing their service to a pregnant bride, a couple that has lived in sin for a decade, couples who have married and divorced several times, atheists and interfaith couples.
Wedding cakes to obese people is demonstrably contributing to sin.
Cancel culture is just freedom of association.

When social media kicks off people they don’t like, it’s freedom of association. That has angered the right who demand that social media be punished for doing so.

But clearly social media companies have first amendment rights to refuse service to whoever they want.
not while protected by law from lawsuits for it by the federal Government
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?
Businesses can offer specific services and anyone is welcome to buy those services. But buyers can't force the businesses to sell services that those businesses don't deal in. That's all there is to it.

So, by law, I'm obligated to sell my welding supplies to the general public regardless of race, religion, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, etc. However, if I sell a welding machine, nobody can come into my store and demand that I attached full auto machine guns to the items I sell. Or if a BLM member wants me to paint the letters B - L - M on the side of the machine, I can say NO.

A web designer can offer her services, but nobody can force her to sell things or services that she doesn't deal in.

Simple stuff. Open and shut case.
I do know they are selective in their definition of Christianity… are the courts
No, the courts merely upheld the free speech rights of Americans. Thanks to this ruling, people cannot be compelled to create and communicate messages they don't agree with on religious grounds. They're still going to sell products off the shelves, they just won't be compelled, for example, to offer congratulations to a same-sex couple. And I find it amazing that you would criticize someone on their selectivity, when you yourself don't hold that all laws should be equally enforced.
not while protected by law from lawsuits for it by the federal Government
The law says otherwise.

But also Texas and Florida have both passed laws that make it illegal to kick people off social media in some form.

Those laws are clearly unconstitutional.

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