Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

This is about speech, not services. Under this ruling, artists can't be compelled to create messages they don't like, that's it.
Like how social media companies can’t be compelled to create speech for users they don’t like.
It's against my religion to serve bigots so my business would have a sign that said no Christians allowed.
Let us know how that works out for ya. :D

I know if I had a "No Faggots" sign that would turn you right away, huh?
It’s not, but conservatives still demand it and have passed some clearly unconstitutional laws to do so.

This includes Ron DeSantis who proclaims himself the leader of freedom in Florida. Turns out his fight against “wokism” is big government authoritarianism.
Doesnt sound very conservative to me
Right now, the TRUMPCourt is restricting its accepting religious intolerance only towards homosexuals.

But you are correct.
Their decisions have been open ended and there is nothing preventing someone claiming to be religious to refuse service to mixed race couples, adulterers, those of different faiths, atheists
So? It's called freedom of association. You should try it sometime.
Idiot, you can't force me to do something I don't want to do.

Same with your bullshit vaccinations.

You have no right to impose ANYTHING on me. Especially not your moronic morality (or lack thereof).
Awwww, the poor MAGA snowflake's feewings are hurt!

Wanna speak to the manager, Ken?
No. You are wrong, and you're lying.

The Christians didn't refuse to sell to gays, not at all. That is NOT what happened.

What happened is the Christians refused to make a gay symbol.

Which is something very different.
It is? How?
lol - lmao !!!

THIS ^^^ is how leftards think.

You just proved you're a dyed in the wool leftard, son.

INDIVIDUALS have rights, mister. Corporations have no rights at all. Nary a one.

FedGov also has NO rights. Not a single stinkin fuckin one. All they have is OBLIGATIONS.
Oh, look! The MAGA snowflake ties himself into knots trying to justify his bullshit after he had his ass handed back to him in this thread.

Next time, try harder.
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?
It's still bigotry....even if it's based on a fake case.
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?
oh for cryin'outloud.

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