Nuclear deal between Iran, world powers - has been reached

YEah now Obama can say

"Iran won't get the bomb on my watch" again but he never tells you that they'll get in on the next guy's watch
You all don't know the details yet, and still you are bellyaching like small children.

Have you ever considered researching information like real adults and then discussing it, instead?

That could be a refreshing change of pace for you....
You all don't know the details yet, and still you are bellyaching like small children.

Have you ever considered researching information like real adults and then discussing it, instead?

That could be a refreshing change of pace for you....

Nothing I have read about this deal states that Iran will not get an atomic bomb

And you are naively ignoring the fact that Iran has a history of not honoring treaties
You all don't know the details yet, and still you are bellyaching like small children.

Have you ever considered researching information like real adults and then discussing it, instead?

That could be a refreshing change of pace for you....

Nothing I have read about this deal states that Iran will not get an atomic bomb

And you are naively ignoring the fact that Iran has a history of not honoring treaties

I am ignoring nothing. I wrote explicitly in the OP that many details are to follow.

Why do RWNJs hate actual information, as in, details?
You all don't know the details yet, and still you are bellyaching like small children.

Have you ever considered researching information like real adults and then discussing it, instead?

That could be a refreshing change of pace for you....

Nothing I have read about this deal states that Iran will not get an atomic bomb

And you are naively ignoring the fact that Iran has a history of not honoring treaties

I am ignoring nothing. I wrote explicitly in the OP that many details are to follow.

Why do RWNJs hate actual information, as in, details?

Why to LWMORONS believe everything the fucking government tells them?
Have you ever considered researching information like real adults and then discussing it, instead?

Fat chance - That bunch of useless wankers just push the Israeli shit, regardless of how much of a load of old bollocks it is.

Nuclear armed warmongering Israel doesn't like it, so it must be wrong.
From a historic and 'big-picture' point of view, just kicking this can down the road is progress.

How many nations, including The US, have gone to war over disagreements in the past? I'm encouraged that "talking continues".

The population of Iran is young and liberal while their leadership is old and stoically, religiously, conservative.


is on our side..... Yes it is!
Reaching a deal is one thing reaching a good deal is another if this deal is good or bad is still to be determined.
You all don't know the details yet, and still you are bellyaching like small children.

Have you ever considered researching information like real adults and then discussing it, instead?

That could be a refreshing change of pace for you....
These partisan assholes have no interest in facts, you should know that by now.
From a historic and 'big-picture' point of view, just kicking this can down the road is progress.

How many nations, including The US, have gone to war over disagreements in the past? I'm encouraged that "talking continues".

The population of Iran is young and liberal while their leadership is old and stoically, religiously, conservative.


is on our side..... Yes it is!
The times are changing in Iran, and it is the younger generation fomenting that change.
Anyone who thinks Iran will abide by any agreement is a few cards short of a full deck.

Iran has never abided by any agreement its made. Only and idiot would think that this time they will.

Oh wait. I forgot. DC abounds with idiots and the biggest one sits in the White House. Never mind.
Anyone who thinks Iran will abide by any agreement is a few cards short of a full deck.

Iran has never abided by any agreement its made. Only and idiot would think that this time they will.

Oh wait. I forgot. DC abounds with idiots and the biggest one sits in the White House. Never mind.

Know-nothing neo-con goobers said the same thing about Reagan's nuclear arms treaty with Russia. Reagan needed moderate Republicans and the Democratic party to go with it because, predictably, our right-wing warmongers and other chickenhawks never waste an opportunity to be outraged over a prospect for world peace.

The deal isn't rooted in trust; it's rooted in verifications. Now there actually are real guidelines in writing and should Iran not abide by them, the P5+1 countries actually have international leverage to take action instead of the idiotic Republican stance of just standing around beating our chests without any kind of supporting evidence.
If y'all could stop screaming at 120 decibels for just a second or two, here is the entire agreement:


Also here:

Nuclear Deal Text

iii. Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons.

I am not saying that Iran will keep it's word. I am, however, saying that Iran just gave it's word.
Another important point:

Iran will begin phasing out its IR-1 centrifuges in 10 years. During this period,Iran will keep its enrichment capacity at Natanz at up to a total installed uranium enrichment capacity of 5060 IR-1 centrifuges. Excess centrifuges andenrichment-related infrastructure at Natanz will be stored under IAEAcontinuous monitoring, as specified in Annex I.3.

Iran will continue to conduct enrichment R&D in a manner that does not accumulate enriched uranium. Iran's enrichment R&D with uranium for 10 yearswill only include IR-4, IR-5, IR-6 and IR-8 centrifuges as laid out in Annex I, and Iran will not engage in other isotope separation technologies for enrichment ofuranium as specified in Annex I. Iran will continue testing IR-6 and IR-8
As Iran will be phasing out its IR-1 centrifuges, it will not manufacture or assemble other centrifuges, except as provided for in Annex I, and will replace failed centrifuges with centrifuges of the same type. Iran will manufacture advanced centrifuge machines only for the purposes specified in this JCPOA.From the end of the eighth year, and as described in Annex I, Iran will start to manufacture agreed numbers of IR-6 and IR-8 centrifuge machines without rotors and will store all of the manufactured machines at Natanz, under IAEA continuous monitoring until they are needed under Iran's long-term enrichmentand enrichment R&D plan.5.

Based on its long-term plan, for 15 years, Iran will carry out its uraniumenrichment-related activities, including safeguarded R&D exclusively in the Natanz Enrichment facility, keep its level of uranium enrichment at up to 3.67%,and, at Fordow, refrain from any uranium enrichment and uranium enrichmentR&D and from keeping any nuclear material.6.

This means that all of the stuff at Ispahan will be dismantled.

This is very smart, for Natanz is an easy military target, should Iran not keep it's word.

Ispahan can go back to beautiful flowers and the region's best chocolate factories.
Any deal is better than no deal and a military attack we'd almost certainly lose.

US can't win against Iraqi goat herders or cave-dwellers in Afganistan. Compared to that, Iran is a superpower and would wipe the floor with US forces.

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