Number of Americans living paycheck to paycheck jumps 7 percent, report shows

Have you filled up your vehicle with gas lately?

When Trump was President it cost in the $30s for me to fill up my Tundra. With Potatohead's inflation it is in the $60s.

Being retired it not a bad hit to my family income but think about those working families that put on a lot of miles each week just to commute to work.

I fill up about once a month yeah it's a little more but like I said it's really not a factor in my budget.

I usually overbudget for everything anyway.
Have you filled up your vehicle with gas lately?

When Trump was President it cost in the $30s for me to fill up my Tundra. With Potatohead's inflation it is in the $60s.

Being retired it is not a bad hit to my family income but think about those working families that put on a lot of miles each week just to commute to work.
That’s true. For commuters who fill up weekly, that’s an additional $120 a month on TOP of the increased grocery prices, and increased costs to heat the home. An average income that yields $3000 a month after taxes really feels a $500 hit to their basic expenses.
OK so let's compare.

Angell Memorial is the most prestigious Veterinary Hospitals in New England

Their revenue from medical services is just over 60 million a year

There is no way a single owner of three clinics is almost as large as that.

And since that one owner would have to employ at least 100 vets that means that one guy employs 5.5% of all the vets in MA

Angell is run as a non for profit you idiot. You can’t compare the two. Woe you’re a complete moron. And no it doesn’t take 100 vets. I don’t have the time or patience to explain to you how this works. Amazing how dumb you are. Private companies do not share their fins. You sound dumber with every post.
Even if the market is down that's the time to buy. During the DumBama years it was like a two-for-one sale. Our investment company held on to our contributions until the market was ready to takeoff.
The tricky part is knowing when down is down, or when it’s at the cusp of an even bigger drop.
Angell is run as a non for profit you idiot. You can’t compare the two. Woe you’re a complete moron. And no it doesn’t take 100 vets. I don’t have the time or patience to explain to you how this works. Amazing how dumb you are. Private companies do not share their fins. You sound dumber with every post.
So what?

That doesn't mean is doesn't make as much as it can Moron. In fact it's one of the most expensive vet hospitals in New England.

Again you are full of shit.

An associate vet only brings in 500-600K in revenue. That range is a pretty hard fast one for the industry

For one guy to have a 50 million dollar revenue he needs way more than 10 vets.
So what?

That doesn't mean is doesn't make as much as it can Moron. In fact it's one of the most expensive vet hospitals in New England.

Again you are full of shit.

An associate vet only brings in 500-600K in revenue. That range is a pretty hard fast one for the industry

For one guy to have a 50 million dollar revenue he needs way more than 10 vets.
Of course it does!!! If you're poor and cannot afford ACL surgery for your dog, Angell will still do the surgery. My client would charge around $7k for it back then. It adds up quickly. In affluent areas people pay a lot to treat their pets. It was four clinics and one animal hospital (open 24/7/365). One trip to the ER and you're paying $150 just to walk in. You don't know shit. You really are an idiot. Amazing.
The tricky part is knowing when down is down, or when it’s at the cusp of an even bigger drop.

Correct, that's why I never do it myself. When the experts decide to buy, that's when you make your move unless your money is wisely invested with one of them. They deal with hundreds of accounts if not thousands so when they dump money in the market, it's a hell of a lot of money.

I don't mess with stocks that much but I was in the commodities market for a couple of years. In the commodities market you can buy your own contracts or allow the Fund Managers do it for you. Like the experts in stocks, they have a lot of clients so when they make a move, so does the market. Back when I was in it investors with Fund Managers were doing (on average) 26% returns. Of course commodities are a much higher risk than stocks, but people put their money there.
That’s true. For commuters who fill up weekly, that’s an additional $120 a month on TOP of the increased grocery prices, and increased costs to heat the home. An average income that yields $3000 a month after taxes really feels a $500 hit to their basic expenses.

When I was working we had a few employees that traveled between 50 and 75 miles each way to work and back. When fracking took off and gasoline dropped over $1.50 per gallon one of those employees claimed he was saving about $225.00 a month because he was divorced but picked up the kids after school to take them to their various hobbies and activities.
The fact is employers have never had it easier to find great workers. Unlike the 80s, people are more productive and harder working than at any time in this nations history. If a business struggles to find employees that's purely all on them. Workers are getting smarter and unions will be coming back.
The fact is employers have never had it easier to find great workers. Unlike the 80s, people are more productive and harder working than at any time in this nations history. If a business struggles to find employees that's purely all on them. Workers are getting smarter and unions will be coming back. feel good personal theory.
How do you explain the 20-30% poverty level in Mexifornia and a homeless population larger than the total population of some countries?
Unions are never coming back...the workforce is too dark, too compliant and too controllable.....Just the way the elites always wanted it. feel good personal theory.
How do you explain the 20-30% poverty level in Mexifornia and a homeless population larger than the total population of some countries?
Unions are never coming back...the workforce is too dark, too compliant and too controllable.....Just the way the elites always wanted it.

Unions aren't coming back because we seen the destruction they did to this country the last time with companies leaving the state or country to get away from unions taking our jobs with them. Unless we want to chase the remaining jobs out of the country or see more human labor replaced by automation, we need to leave unions as a thing of the past.
Unions aren't coming back because we seen the destruction they did to this country the last time with companies leaving the state or country to get away from unions taking our jobs with them. Unless we want to chase the remaining jobs out of the country or see more human labor replaced by automation, we need to leave unions as a thing of the past.
The worst are the public unions - like the ones for federal government employees. They use taxpayer dollars to fight for more taxpayer-funded salaries. Another topic…..
So then ray you want Americans working for low wages. You are a believer in low wages, low benefits, sand willfully cheer watching working people struggle just so YOU can get your stuff for cheap.
So then ray you want Americans working for low wages. You are a believer in low wages, low benefits, sand willfully cheer watching working people struggle just so YOU can get your stuff for cheap.
Not sure whom you’re responding to, but you are in favor of discouraging people from acquiring skills to make them more valuable to society, and in the process earning more money.

As fas as low wages and low benefits, I complained specifically about federal unions. Federal employees already earn more, on average, than private employees, and their benefits are far and away superior. The last thing they need is a Union - which is paid for by the taxpayers who are funding their high pay and benefits already!
Have you ever thought that the Uber wealthy billionaires and corporate leaders want you to be angry at other middle class people? Keep on being angry at other average people but throw your fervent love to those who don't want to see you get ahead. It's truly a phenomenon. I fully support those workers so love to hate.
Of course it does!!! If you're poor and cannot afford ACL surgery for your dog, Angell will still do the surgery. My client would charge around $7k for it back then. It adds up quickly. In affluent areas people pay a lot to treat their pets. It was four clinics and one animal hospital (open 24/7/365). One trip to the ER and you're paying $150 just to walk in. You don't know shit. You really are an idiot. Amazing.
No it doesn't.

Angell memorial is one of the most expensive places to get care.

Harvard is set up as a nonprofit too but yet they have some of the highest tuition rates in the country not to mention and endowment worth billions.

You don't even understand that so called nonprofits are not banned from making a profit
Have you ever thought that the Uber wealthy billionaires and corporate leaders want you to be angry at other middle class people? Keep on being angry at other average people but throw your fervent love to those who don't want to see you get ahead. It's truly a phenomenon. I fully support those workers so love to hate.
Learn to quote the post you’re replying to. It’s not difficult. Are you very young?

How am I angry at middle class people? I want to see people take advantage of taxpayer-provided educational opportunities and learn a trade or pursue a career that will enable them to support themselves.

All the ultra-rich people you hate have provided millions of jobs. They got to the top largely through their own motivation, hard work, and smarts.
Have you ever thought that the Uber wealthy billionaires and corporate leaders want you to be angry at other middle class people? Keep on being angry at other average people but throw your fervent love to those who don't want to see you get ahead. It's truly a phenomenon. I fully support those workers so love to hate.
The government has targeted the middle class not because a few uber wealthy people tell them to.

They do it because that's where the tax revenue is.

Social security and federal income taxes are the tools of choice to separate the middle class from its money because it is the middle class that works until their late 60's and all that income is taxed. Even 401K accounts and Social Security "benefits" are taxed unfavorably so the government can squeeze even more tax dollars out of the retired middle class.
The government has targeted the middle class not because a few uber wealthy people tell them to.

They do it because that's where the tax revenue is.

Social security and federal income taxes are the tools of choice to separate the middle class from its money because it is the middle class that works until their late 60's and all that income is taxed. Even 401K accounts and Social Security "benefits" are taxed unfavorably so the government can squeeze even more tax dollars out of the retired middle class.
Except that apply that unevenly. Upper-middle class families with kids get all sorts of tax breaks, yet elderly individuals with modest fixed incomes are taxed up the wazoo. It’s a socialist-type thing: elderly have exhausted their usefulness to the government, so no breaks for YOU!

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