Number of guns in society falling sharply

Gun grabbing is gay.......and we have some knuckleheads on this thread who think we are on the verge of banning guns.

New just released Harvard study clearly displays: More guns = less crimes!!!


Then why do we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world?

Takes some cherry picking to come up with an "industrialized world" in which the U.S. has the highest crime rate.

...while the US does have abnormally high murder rate compared to, say, Germany, saying we have ‘the highest murder rate in the industrialized world’ is a mite bit disingenuous, as it’s playing fast and loose with the definition of industrialized.

When your definition excludes such enormous modern industrial economies as Mexico and Brazil (as it must for the statistic to be true), you’re really using the word ‘industrialized’ as code for ‘white’. Please don’t.

Rules for Liberals Discussing Gun Control | Intelligent Discontent
Gun grabbing is gay.......and we have some knuckleheads on this thread who think we are on the verge of banning guns.

New just released Harvard study clearly displays: More guns = less crimes!!!


Then why do we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world?

Not the highest crime rate - but the highest murder rate in the western/indsustrialised world, definitely. And by a HUGE distance.

The thing a few posters here wish to overlook is that the UK rate of knife crime is marginally higher than that in the US - while the murder rate in the UK is massively higher than that in the UK.

(Russia is not generally considered a western economy.)
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Gun grabbing is gay.......and we have some knuckleheads on this thread who think we are on the verge of banning guns.

New just released Harvard study clearly displays: More guns = less crimes!!!


Then why do we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world?

Not the highest crime rate - but the highest murder rate, definitely. And by a HUGE distance.

The thing a few posters here wish to overlook is that the UK rate of knife crime is marginally higher than that in the US - while the murder rate in the UK is massively higher than that in the UK.

See Russia above.
You people keep wanting to limit your scope to "Industrialized nations" as if they are the only countries that matter. Look at the nations with the highest (world wide) murder rated. You will find that they are overwhelmingly countries in Africa and Latin America.
Your desire to limit discussion to, what amounts to white populations, completely discounts the fact that the US has large segments of our population from, or descended from, Africa and Latin America.
Look at the European countries with the lowest homicide rates. Invariably, they are countries with very small minority populations just as states in the US with the highest percentage of white population have the lowest homicide rates.

It'd not the number of guns. It is the people who get their hands on them. If you can figure out how to get minorities to stop killing each other, you could cut the murder rate by 40% in a couple years.

But you people concentrate on the school shootings and occasional mass murder. Perhaps, 100 deaths/year, instead of on the inner cities where the majority of murders happen.
Ernie -

If you think it makes more sense to compare the US with Fiji, Zimbabwe and Cuba than it does with Germany, France or Canada - then go right ahead.

It does suggest to me an admission that the US is not a First World country, and thus can only be compared with other Third World economies, but there you go. If that is where you want to set the bar, be me guest.
Ernie -

If you think it makes more sense to compare the US with Fiji, Zimbabwe and Cuba than it does with Germany, France or Canada - then go right ahead.

It does suggest to me an admission that the US is not a First World country, and thus can only be compared with other Third World economies, but there you go. If that is where you want to set the bar, be me guest.

Yes lets. Canada is predominantly Caucasian. Germany is predominantly Caucasian. France is predominantly Caucasian. The US is 63% Caucasian and going down and according to demographers Caucasians will be the minority by 2050. The majority of that population is arriving from all of those third world countries where the murder rates are so much higher.

All three countries together have a population 149,000,000 LESS than the US. So you see saggy old girl it is you who are trying to compare apples to elephants. I would think a "journalist" would be better informed of populations and demographics. Clearly you're just an ignorant propagandist.
Gun grabbing is gay.......and we have some knuckleheads on this thread who think we are on the verge of banning guns.

New just released Harvard study clearly displays: More guns = less crimes!!!


Then why do we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world?

We don't, as has been pointed out repeatedly, bigot.

Please name the industrialized country that has more crime than we do.


(Pssst. Still trying to blame the Media for Romney? That was hysterical!)
Yes lets. Canada is predominantly Caucasian. Germany is predominantly Caucasian. France is predominantly Caucasian. The US is 63% Caucasian and going down and according to demographers Caucasians will be the minority by 2050. The majority of that population is arriving from all of those third world countries where the murder rates are so much higher.

All three countries together have a population 149,000,000 LESS than the US. So you see saggy old girl it is you who are trying to compare apples to elephants. I would think a "journalist" would be better informed of populations and demographics. Clearly you're just an ignorant propagandist.

Ah, that's it. It's them minorities that are the problem, even though a good percentage of the gun perpetrators and victims are white.

You know what, Japan isn't predominately Caucasian, and they had all of 11 gun murders last year.
You people keep wanting to limit your scope to "Industrialized nations" as if they are the only countries that matter. Look at the nations with the highest (world wide) murder rated. You will find that they are overwhelmingly countries in Africa and Latin America.Your desire to limit discussion to, what amounts to white populations, completely discounts the fact that the US has large segments of our population from, or descended from, Africa and Latin America.
Look at the European countries with the lowest homicide rates. Invariably, they are countries with very small minority populations just as states in the US with the highest percentage of white population have the lowest homicide rates.

It'd not the number of guns. It is the people who get their hands on them. If you can figure out how to get minorities to stop killing each other, you could cut the murder rate by 40% in a couple years.

But you people concentrate on the school shootings and occasional mass murder. Perhaps, 100 deaths/year, instead of on the inner cities where the majority of murders happen.

The reason why we concentrate on the School Shootings is because that's the only time white people pay attention to the problem.

The obvious fact that you are okay with minorties killing each other off, but gosh darn, some crazy person shoots a suburban school where the kids haven't learned to duck and cover when they hear a gunshot, and suddenly, you have to man the defenses.

Instead of addressing the fact that if a gangbanger or Crazy Adam Lanza couldn't get a gun so easily, we wouldn't have this problem.
Ernie -

I totally understand that there are many people in the US who have come from Central America and - at some point - came from Africa, but the same is true for many other countries as well.

France has hundreds of thousands of people from its former colonies in Benin, Senegal, Congo and Togo. England has immigrants from Kenya and Uganda.

Belgium has immigrants from DR Congo, and Portugal from Angola and Mozambique.

So why are the murders not happening there?
Ah, that's it. It's them minorities that are the problem, even though a good percentage of the gun perpetrators and victims are white.


No it's not the only important one.

Getting beaten within an inch of your life, or rape count too.

You can't cherry pick your criteria of violent crime to suit your desire to impose controls on others.

Not for purposes of this discussion.

Oh, the UK has lower rates of those crimes, too.

UK is violent crime capital of Europe - Telegraph

The total number of violent offenses recorded compared to population is higher than any other country in Europe, as well as America, Canada, Australia and South Africa.

Total crimes statistics - countries compared - NationMaster Crime

The population of the US is 350 million the total crimes committed were 11,877,218

The population of the UH is 63 million and total crimes were 6,523.706

Per capita there is more crime in the UK.
Then why do we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world?

We don't, as has been pointed out repeatedly, bigot.

Please name the industrialized country that has more crime than we do.


(Pssst. Still trying to blame the Media for Romney? That was hysterical!)

"Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour."

UK is violent crime capital of Europe

The United Kingdom is the violent crime capital of Europe and has one of the highest rates of violence in the world, worse even than America, according to new research.

By Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent

7:00AM BST 02 Jul 2009

Analysis of figures from the European Commission showed a 77 per cent increase in murders, robberies, assaults and sexual offences in the UK since Labour came to power.

The total number of violent offences recorded compared to population is higher than any other country in Europe, as well as America, Canada, Australia and South Africa.

Opposition leaders said the disclosures were a "damning indictment" of the Government's failure to tackle deep-rooted social problems.

The figures combined crime statistics for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The UK had a greater number of murders in 2007 than any other EU country – 927 – and at a relative rate higher than most western European neighbours, including France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

It also recorded the fifth highest robbery rate in the EU, and the highest absolute number of burglaries, with double the number of offences recorded in Germany and France.

Overall, 5.4 million crimes were recorded in the UK in 2007 - more than 10 a minute - second only to Sweden."

United Kingdom Rated More Violent Than U.S. |

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Mail Online

JLA FORUMS - External Link
Yes lets. Canada is predominantly Caucasian. Germany is predominantly Caucasian. France is predominantly Caucasian. The US is 63% Caucasian and going down and according to demographers Caucasians will be the minority by 2050. The majority of that population is arriving from all of those third world countries where the murder rates are so much higher.

All three countries together have a population 149,000,000 LESS than the US. So you see saggy old girl it is you who are trying to compare apples to elephants. I would think a "journalist" would be better informed of populations and demographics. Clearly you're just an ignorant propagandist.

Ah, that's it. It's them minorities that are the problem, even though a good percentage of the gun perpetrators and victims are white.

You know what, Japan isn't predominately Caucasian, and they had all of 11 gun murders last year.

No, it's not the minorities's where they are coming from. The countries exporting the most people are also the most violent on the planet. Do you suppose there's a correlation?

No of course not. What a idiot.
In a recent UK poll

A recent online poll given by The Telegraph finds that a majority of the participants supported repealing the ban on handguns and re-opening shooting clubs. The poll was given last Friday to the newspaper’s online audience, posing the question of which new proposals readers would like to see introduced as a bill in the United Kingdom’s Parliament.
UK Poll Finds Brits Want to Repeal Gun Ban | OutdoorHub
Ernie -

I totally understand that there are many people in the US who have come from Central America and - at some point - came from Africa, but the same is true for many other countries as well.

France has hundreds of thousands of people from its former colonies in Benin, Senegal, Congo and Togo. England has immigrants from Kenya and Uganda.

Belgium has immigrants from DR Congo, and Portugal from Angola and Mozambique.

So why are the murders not happening there?

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Hundreds of thousands as opposed to tens of millions, yeah that's a real accurate comparison too are a ignorant idiot.
Can it be that the fascination with guns is slowly coming to an end?

And can it be that the reason the US homicide rate is falling is because the number of households owning guns is falling?

It seems so, according to both the NY Times and LA Times, Gallup and the General Social Survey:

The share of American households with guns has declined over the past four decades, a national survey shows, with some of the most surprising drops in the South and the Western mountain states, where guns are deeply embedded in the culture.

The household gun ownership rate has fallen from an average of 50 percent in the 1970s to 49 percent in the 1980s, 43 percent in the 1990s and 35 percent in the 2000s, according to the survey data, analyzed by The New York Times.



The major point is that the American “culture of gun ownership” that one often hears about has been strikingly on the wane for the past generation. A similar decline has taken place in the number of Americans who hunt, now about 5% of the population.

Crime is down -- and so is gun ownership - Los Angeles Times

[ame=]The Untold Story of Islamic Terror Training Camps in America - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Homegrown Jihad- The Terrorist Camps Around The U.S. (35 Minute Version) - YouTube[/ame]
In a recent UK poll

A recent online poll given by The Telegraph finds that a majority of the participants supported repealing the ban on handguns and re-opening shooting clubs. The poll was given last Friday to the newspaper’s online audience, posing the question of which new proposals readers would like to see introduced as a bill in the United Kingdom’s Parliament.
UK Poll Finds Brits Want to Repeal Gun Ban | OutdoorHub

Yes, genius - a poll in which we know Americans voted. Jesus wept....the gullibility just takes the breath away, doesn't it?

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