Number of guns in society falling sharply

In a recent UK poll

A recent online poll given by The Telegraph finds that a majority of the participants supported repealing the ban on handguns and re-opening shooting clubs. The poll was given last Friday to the newspaper’s online audience, posing the question of which new proposals readers would like to see introduced as a bill in the United Kingdom’s Parliament.
UK Poll Finds Brits Want to Repeal Gun Ban | OutdoorHub

Yes, genius - a poll in which we know Americans voted. Jesus wept....the gullibility just takes the breath away, doesn't it?

[ame=]NRANews follows up the Gun Ban in the United Kingdom - YouTube[/ame]
In a recent UK poll

A recent online poll given by The Telegraph finds that a majority of the participants supported repealing the ban on handguns and re-opening shooting clubs. The poll was given last Friday to the newspaper’s online audience, posing the question of which new proposals readers would like to see introduced as a bill in the United Kingdom’s Parliament.
UK Poll Finds Brits Want to Repeal Gun Ban | OutdoorHub

Yes, genius - a poll in which we know Americans voted. Jesus wept....the gullibility just takes the breath away, doesn't it?

The links I gave above weren't polls. I noticed you didn't respond to that post.
Ernie -

If you think it makes more sense to compare the US with Fiji, Zimbabwe and Cuba than it does with Germany, France or Canada - then go right ahead.

It does suggest to me an admission that the US is not a First World country, and thus can only be compared with other Third World economies, but there you go. If that is where you want to set the bar, be me guest.

What I attempted to say without coming right out and risking being called a racist is that the US has a large segment of its population from 3rd world cultures.
Let's consider murders between 2000 and 2010 in which the race/origin of the perpetrator is known
68,531 Black
49,936 White (non-Hispanic)
15,843 Hispanic
2,156 Asian / Pacific Islander
1,172 American Indian
137,638 total murderers of known race and blacks and Hispanics are 61.3% of the total known perpetrators.
Of course, I'm not saying eliminate blacks and Hispanics, but seeing most gun crimes are committed with guns that are illegally owned, it makes more sense to examine why <30% of the population is committing >60% of the murders.
In a recent UK poll

A recent online poll given by The Telegraph finds that a majority of the participants supported repealing the ban on handguns and re-opening shooting clubs. The poll was given last Friday to the newspaper’s online audience, posing the question of which new proposals readers would like to see introduced as a bill in the United Kingdom’s Parliament.
UK Poll Finds Brits Want to Repeal Gun Ban | OutdoorHub

Yes, genius - a poll in which we know Americans voted. Jesus wept....the gullibility just takes the breath away, doesn't it?

Yes Jesus quote a poll we KNOW people DIDN'T answer and think it's meaningful....
You people keep wanting to limit your scope to "Industrialized nations" as if they are the only countries that matter. Look at the nations with the highest (world wide) murder rated. You will find that they are overwhelmingly countries in Africa and Latin America.Your desire to limit discussion to, what amounts to white populations, completely discounts the fact that the US has large segments of our population from, or descended from, Africa and Latin America.
Look at the European countries with the lowest homicide rates. Invariably, they are countries with very small minority populations just as states in the US with the highest percentage of white population have the lowest homicide rates.

It'd not the number of guns. It is the people who get their hands on them. If you can figure out how to get minorities to stop killing each other, you could cut the murder rate by 40% in a couple years.

But you people concentrate on the school shootings and occasional mass murder. Perhaps, 100 deaths/year, instead of on the inner cities where the majority of murders happen.

The reason why we concentrate on the School Shootings is because that's the only time white people pay attention to the problem.

The obvious fact that you are okay with minorties killing each other off, but gosh darn, some crazy person shoots a suburban school where the kids haven't learned to duck and cover when they hear a gunshot, and suddenly, you have to man the defenses.

Instead of addressing the fact that if a gangbanger or Crazy Adam Lanza couldn't get a gun so easily, we wouldn't have this problem.

How would background checks for private weapons sales, banning 30 round magazines or semiautomatic rifles that are black and all scary looking prevented Sandy Hook?
I own a couple semiautomatic rifles that are a damned sight more lethal than a Bushmaster and I can change clips in under 2 seconds meaning it would take me about 4 seconds longer to fire 30 more lethal rounds.

I have approximately 12 firearms here. (or do I?)Only one was subject to a background check but none of them has hopped in my pick-up and gone out on a shooting spree.

I will ignore your insinuations of racism. It is a rather desperate and obvious attempt to marginalize facts you can't refute.
Ernie -

I totally understand that there are many people in the US who have come from Central America and - at some point - came from Africa, but the same is true for many other countries as well.

France has hundreds of thousands of people from its former colonies in Benin, Senegal, Congo and Togo. England has immigrants from Kenya and Uganda.

Belgium has immigrants from DR Congo, and Portugal from Angola and Mozambique.

So why are the murders not happening there?
In England, less than 3% of the population is black. Here it is more than 12%. Blacks there are responsible for a disproportionate percentage of crime, just as they are here.

Please, sir. Use the quote function. It would help to be able to refer back to the post you are commenting on, or do Finns in general have bad manners?
What I attempted to say without coming right out and risking being called a racist is that the US has a large segment of its population from 3rd world cultures.
Let's consider murders between 2000 and 2010 in which the race/origin of the perpetrator is known
68,531 Black
49,936 White (non-Hispanic)
15,843 Hispanic
2,156 Asian / Pacific Islander
1,172 American Indian
137,638 total murderers of known race and blacks and Hispanics are 61.3% of the total known perpetrators.
Of course, I'm not saying eliminate blacks and Hispanics, but seeing most gun crimes are committed with guns that are illegally owned, it makes more sense to examine why <30% of the population is committing >60% of the murders.

The US has a massive number of cultures and races, and some of those problems are clearly indicated morein crime than others - in the case of black Americans it is shocking and appalling.

But again - there are black people in England and France as well - lots and lots of black people.

So if black people commit murder in the US but not in England or France - the problem is not ONLY race, but the access of guns to that race.

And no, I am not suggesting gun control be conducted by race.
Please name the industrialized country that has more crime than we do.


(Pssst. Still trying to blame the Media for Romney? That was hysterical!)

I did earlier. It is not my fault you can't read.

I saw you mention Russia - a country as worthy of comparison with the US as Japan.

I believe that was someone else. I posted data on crime in the UK.

And thank you for using the quote function.
What I attempted to say without coming right out and risking being called a racist is that the US has a large segment of its population from 3rd world cultures.
Let's consider murders between 2000 and 2010 in which the race/origin of the perpetrator is known
68,531 Black
49,936 White (non-Hispanic)
15,843 Hispanic
2,156 Asian / Pacific Islander
1,172 American Indian
137,638 total murderers of known race and blacks and Hispanics are 61.3% of the total known perpetrators.
Of course, I'm not saying eliminate blacks and Hispanics, but seeing most gun crimes are committed with guns that are illegally owned, it makes more sense to examine why <30% of the population is committing >60% of the murders.

The US has a massive number of cultures and races, and some of those problems are clearly indicated morein crime than others - in the case of black Americans it is shocking and appalling.

But again - there are black people in England and France as well - lots and lots of black people.

So if black people commit murder in the US but not in England or France - the problem is not ONLY race, but the access of guns to that race.

And no, I am not suggesting gun control be conducted by race.

Nowhere near what we have here. But you know that and ignore it because it screws up your meme. We understand that propagandist...we do. That's why you have zero cred around here.
What I attempted to say without coming right out and risking being called a racist is that the US has a large segment of its population from 3rd world cultures.
Let's consider murders between 2000 and 2010 in which the race/origin of the perpetrator is known
68,531 Black
49,936 White (non-Hispanic)
15,843 Hispanic
2,156 Asian / Pacific Islander
1,172 American Indian
137,638 total murderers of known race and blacks and Hispanics are 61.3% of the total known perpetrators.
Of course, I'm not saying eliminate blacks and Hispanics, but seeing most gun crimes are committed with guns that are illegally owned, it makes more sense to examine why <30% of the population is committing >60% of the murders.

The US has a massive number of cultures and races, and some of those problems are clearly indicated morein crime than others - in the case of black Americans it is shocking and appalling.

But again - there are black people in England and France as well - lots and lots of black people.

So if black people commit murder in the US but not in England or France - the problem is not ONLY race, but the access of guns to that race.

And no, I am not suggesting gun control be conducted by race.

Race and crime in London
Figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that in 2007 an estimated 10.6 percent of London's population of 7,556,900 were black.[23] Evidence shows that the black population in London boroughs increases with the level of deprivation, and that the level of crime also increases with deprivation, such that "It is clear that ethnicity, deprivation, victimisation and offending are closely and intricately inter-related".[24]

In June 2010 The Sunday Telegraph, through a Freedom of Information Act request, obtained statistics on accusations of crime broken down by race from the Metropolitan Police Service.[n 2] The figures showed that the majority of males who were accused of violent and sexual crimes (including those subsequently acquitted) in 2009–10 were black. Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; for gun crimes, 67 percent; and for sexual offences, 32 percent.[25]

Street crimes include muggings, assault with intent to rob, and snatching property. Black males accounted for 29 percent of the male victims of gun crime and 24 percent of the male victims of knife crime.[25] Similar statistics were recorded for females. On knife crime, 45 percent of suspected female perpetrators were black; for gun crime, 58 percent; and for robberies, 52 percent.[26]

Operation Trident was set up in March 1998 by the Metropolitan Police to investigate gun crime in London's black community after black-on-black shootings in Lambeth and Brent.[27]

Between April 2005 and January 2006, figures from the Metropolitan Police Service showed that black people accounted for 46 percent of car-crime arrests generated by automatic number plate recognition cameras.[28]

In London in 2006, 75% of the victims of gun crime and 79% of the suspects were "from the African/Caribbean community."[29]

My goodness! Even in London, blacks seem to be about 6 times as violent as whites.
I did earlier. It is not my fault you can't read.

I saw you mention Russia - a country as worthy of comparison with the US as Japan.

I believe that was someone else. I posted data on crime in the UK.

And thank you for using the quote function.

Ah, yes I did see that.

I don't think there is much mystery there - rates of some minor crimes are higher in the UK than US (but are dropping), while rates of more serious crime are much higher in the US.

Also, rates of knife crime are slightly higher in the US - rates of gun crime are exponentially higher in the US.

It's a no brainer as to which country's laws are functioning more effectively.
I give up! The UK has double the rate of crime that the US has, both rates are dropping and according to you, stricter gun laws will fix it all up just fine.

Apply some logic for Christ sake. Put down your agenda for a moment and take a logical look what the numbers say.

If you can't be honest with me, at least be honest with yourself.
I saw you mention Russia - a country as worthy of comparison with the US as Japan.

I believe that was someone else. I posted data on crime in the UK.

And thank you for using the quote function.

Ah, yes I did see that.

I don't think there is much mystery there - rates of some minor crimes are higher in the UK than US (but are dropping), while rates of more serious crime are much higher in the US.

Also, rates of knife crime are slightly higher in the US - rates of gun crime are exponentially higher in the US.

It's a no brainer as to which country's laws are functioning more effectively.
How many beheadings do we have here in America?

Police arrest 10th suspect in gruesome beheading, as war memorials defaced; Protests spread through through London - NY Daily News
Maybe if the would repeal the gun ban this would not have happened.
I give up! The UK has double the rate of crime that the US has, both rates are dropping and according to you, stricter gun laws will fix it all up just fine.

Apply some logic for Christ sake. Put down your agenda for a moment and take a logical look what the numbers say.

If you can't be honest with me, at least be honest with yourself.

He can't be. He and they are collectivists. People with guns prevent them from taking over. Thus they will lie, cheat, steal and do anything necessary to disarm free peoples of the world.
Brand new Harvard study released..........

"more guns = less crime"

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.

Does Owning Guns Reduce Crime?

Just one thing to say to the gun grabbing limpwristed assholes.............

O o o o o p S

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