Number One Clinton Foundation Donor Traded With Iran While Hilary Was SOS


At what point does one disqualify themselves from the debate?'re seeing a window into the Right Wing echo chamber. They don't require much in terms of logic, reason, or rational thinking. Its like some intellectually flaccid version of Jerry McGuire.

"You had me at 'Hitlery'"

Listen, I'm not new to political forums, I've been looking into this one the past month debating with myself whether to stick my toe in and probably a mistake on my part I did. By far, by very, very far outside of Stormfront this is one of the most racist spaces on the internet I've seen in quite sometime. Seriously, it's kind of disgusting.
Racist? Where? Who?

Sure, let's play pretend.
I think you actually believe all that jazz and that Bill and Hill don't personally profit from their "15% to the charity" scam.

I think accusations are like assholes. Especially in an election cycle. And if you had evidence to back your 'scam' claims regarding Bill and Hill you'd have already presented it.
I assume the evidence in question are expense accounts as listed in the tax return? The expenses that ate all but 15% of the donations? This ain't about an election because Hitlery ain't gonna be involved. Any day now she will withdraw. Probably right after her next "fall."

And when she doesn't 'withdraw' 'any day now', will you admit that you didn't have the slightest clue what you're talking about?

Or will you just make up another random prediction that is equally baseless?
Absolutely not. I never chew my cabbage twice. The Queen Bull Dyke is toast.

So if your opinion on your predictions doesn't change if they're wildly inaccurate.....then clearly accuracy has nothing to do with your opinion.

Accuracy matters to me. So why should I care about your opinion about Hillary?
Approval? What approval? I don't need no stinkin' approval.
I think accusations are like assholes. Especially in an election cycle. And if you had evidence to back your 'scam' claims regarding Bill and Hill you'd have already presented it.
I assume the evidence in question are expense accounts as listed in the tax return? The expenses that ate all but 15% of the donations? This ain't about an election because Hitlery ain't gonna be involved. Any day now she will withdraw. Probably right after her next "fall."

And when she doesn't 'withdraw' 'any day now', will you admit that you didn't have the slightest clue what you're talking about?

Or will you just make up another random prediction that is equally baseless?
Absolutely not. I never chew my cabbage twice. The Queen Bull Dyke is toast.

So if your opinion on your predictions doesn't change if they're wildly inaccurate.....then clearly accuracy has nothing to do with your opinion.

Accuracy matters to me. So why should I care about your opinion about Hillary?
Approval? What approval? I don't need no stinkin' approval.

Reading comprehension, get some.
I sort of hope it convinces her to bow out. There are better Democrats out there.

That said, selling weapons to them to fund Central American genocide didn't keep Bush41 out of the White House.

And this is nothing remotely close to that. Hillary didn't sell a thing. She didn't orchestrate the sale of anything. There's nothing even remotely analogous to Iran Contra and this situation.

I wasn't saying that it was equivalent.
I sort of hope it convinces her to bow out. There are better Democrats out there.

That said, selling weapons to them to fund Central American genocide didn't keep Bush41 out of the White House.

I would love to see more competition from the Democrats. I think as a nation we are missing out by not having it as I think the way the electoral map is laid out and changing demographics that Republicans are running out of core constituents. During presidential years they are at a serious disadvantage. That makes the Democratic primaries that much more important. I'd take Hillary right now over anyone the GOP can muster up, but Clinton historically has been pretty centrist, I can live with that but I would like to see a true liberal candidate.

Anyway, I guess I'm saying I prefer options but i don't want the GOP's.

You have. The primary process among republicans is only superficially diverse. They winnow away their head jobs until the establishment candidate remains. I mean, Romney? McCain? Bush?

These aren't wild choices. But inanely predictable ones.

But democrats? Dukakis? Bill? Barack Obama? The farther we go in time with the democrats the more often they nominate genuinely low probability candidates. If anyone had told me that Barack Obama would win the DNC nod in early 2007, I'd have told them to finish smoking their bowl. Same with Bill in early 92.

The only candidate that was even remotely an outsider for the GOP in the last 50 years was Reagan. And that was only because he had superb name recognition.

At what point does one disqualify themselves from the debate?'re seeing a window into the Right Wing echo chamber. They don't require much in terms of logic, reason, or rational thinking. Its like some intellectually flaccid version of Jerry McGuire.

"You had me at 'Hitlery'"

Listen, I'm not new to political forums, I've been looking into this one the past month debating with myself whether to stick my toe in and probably a mistake on my part I did. By far, by very, very far outside of Stormfront this is one of the most racist spaces on the internet I've seen in quite sometime. Seriously, it's kind of disgusting.

There are some overt racists on this site...I wouldn't classify the site as racist though. The racists make themselves look stupid here everyday and are usuallypwnd or ignored.

At what point does one disqualify themselves from the debate?'re seeing a window into the Right Wing echo chamber. They don't require much in terms of logic, reason, or rational thinking. Its like some intellectually flaccid version of Jerry McGuire.

"You had me at 'Hitlery'"

Listen, I'm not new to political forums, I've been looking into this one the past month debating with myself whether to stick my toe in and probably a mistake on my part I did. By far, by very, very far outside of Stormfront this is one of the most racist spaces on the internet I've seen in quite sometime. Seriously, it's kind of disgusting.

Most forums heavily censor racist posts. This one does much less so. So you get to see the ridiculously racist vein that runs through the conservative movement like fat through a juicy roast. Its not the board that's racist. Its the posters that are. The board does nothing to encourage it.

Most of us point and laugh. As the best remedy for speech you don't like is more speech.

At what point does one disqualify themselves from the debate?'re seeing a window into the Right Wing echo chamber. They don't require much in terms of logic, reason, or rational thinking. Its like some intellectually flaccid version of Jerry McGuire.

"You had me at 'Hitlery'"

Listen, I'm not new to political forums, I've been looking into this one the past month debating with myself whether to stick my toe in and probably a mistake on my part I did. By far, by very, very far outside of Stormfront this is one of the most racist spaces on the internet I've seen in quite sometime. Seriously, it's kind of disgusting.

Most forums heavily censor racist posts. This one does much less so. So you get to see the ridiculously racist vein that runs through the conservative movement like fat through a juicy roast. Its not the board that's racist. Its the posters that are. The board does nothing to encourage it.

Most of us point and laugh. As the best remedy for speech you don't like is more speech.

What about the liberals are their constant anti semitism ?
I sort of hope it convinces her to bow out. There are better Democrats out there.

That said, selling weapons to them to fund Central American genocide didn't keep Bush41 out of the White House.

I would love to see more competition from the Democrats. I think as a nation we are missing out by not having it as I think the way the electoral map is laid out and changing demographics that Republicans are running out of core constituents. During presidential years they are at a serious disadvantage. That makes the Democratic primaries that much more important. I'd take Hillary right now over anyone the GOP can muster up, but Clinton historically has been pretty centrist, I can live with that but I would like to see a true liberal candidate.

Anyway, I guess I'm saying I prefer options but i don't want the GOP's.

Id like to see Brian Schweitzer run

Brian Schweitzer For President 2016 Facebook

I don't agree with him on everything, but he could help fix DC gridlock.

At what point does one disqualify themselves from the debate?'re seeing a window into the Right Wing echo chamber. They don't require much in terms of logic, reason, or rational thinking. Its like some intellectually flaccid version of Jerry McGuire.

"You had me at 'Hitlery'"

Listen, I'm not new to political forums, I've looking into this one the past month debating with myself whether to stick my toe in and probably a mistake on my part I did. By far, by very, very far outside of Stormfront this is one of the most racist spaces on the internet I've seen in quite sometime. Seriously, it's kind of disgusting.

There are some overt racists on this site...I wouldn't classify the site as racist though. The racists make themselves look stupid here everyday and are usuallypwnd or ignored.

That's a good point. I don't mean to say this is a racists site, not at all. I'm saying that that I see a vocal minority that would make David Duke blush. I would also say they get an undo amount of attention and it does conservatives on this site a load of disservice as the racists opinions are intermingled with conservative posters and it becomes difficult to see who is who from the right. It very well could be that valid conservative opinion is putting the racists in their place but it's really hard to tell when you don't automatically or are not used to recognizing screen names and avatars. I have no idea how this board is moderated, loose, strict, not a clue. But i can tell you the racists make this place and especially conservatives look horrible. Just an opinion, I hope you understand.

At what point does one disqualify themselves from the debate?'re seeing a window into the Right Wing echo chamber. They don't require much in terms of logic, reason, or rational thinking. Its like some intellectually flaccid version of Jerry McGuire.

"You had me at 'Hitlery'"

Listen, I'm not new to political forums, I've been looking into this one the past month debating with myself whether to stick my toe in and probably a mistake on my part I did. By far, by very, very far outside of Stormfront this is one of the most racist spaces on the internet I've seen in quite sometime. Seriously, it's kind of disgusting.

Most forums heavily censor racist posts. This one does much less so. So you get to see the ridiculously racist vein that runs through the conservative movement like fat through a juicy roast. Its not the board that's racist. Its the posters that are. The board does nothing to encourage it.

Most of us point and laugh. As the best remedy for speech you don't like is more speech.

What about the liberals are their constant anti semitism ?

There are very few 'liberals' on our board that are anti-semites. Quite a few conservatives though.
I think the way the electoral map is laid out and changing demographics that Republicans are running out of core constituents.

I sort of hope it convinces her to bow out. There are better Democrats out there.

That said, selling weapons to them to fund Central American genocide didn't keep Bush41 out of the White House.

I would love to see more competition from the Democrats. I think as a nation we are missing out by not having it as I think the way the electoral map is laid out and changing demographics that Republicans are running out of core constituents. During presidential years they are at a serious disadvantage. That makes the Democratic primaries that much more important. I'd take Hillary right now over anyone the GOP can muster up, but Clinton historically has been pretty centrist, I can live with that but I would like to see a true liberal candidate.

Anyway, I guess I'm saying I prefer options but i don't want the GOP's.

Id like to see Brian Schweitzer run

Brian Schweitzer For President 2016 Facebook

I don't agree with him on everything, but he could help fix DC gridlock.

I'm game, I don't know if I would end up voting for him or even know if he would stand a chance but if anything he would be a breath of fresh air from any angle.
I guess this disqualifies her in the race for POTUS. Who are the dumbs going to run now??
I guess Martin O'Malley come on down.

Enemies of Hillary Clinton waiting to discredit her bid for the White House are likely to seize on news that one of the biggest benefactors to the Clinton Foundation has been trading with Iran and may be in breach of US sanctions imposed on the country.

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.
Just saw this on Fox News a few minutes ago. This might bring the Clinton train to a halt. And since Hitlery was SOS during that time it makes Obama responsible. The Web is un-tangling.

The right is shooting their wad too early with Hillary. If they continue this plan of action, it's just going to look like a smear campaign. People are going to get sick of it and become immune. We've got over a year to go, and every week I read about how she's done...she's toast. Just saying... :p
I think the way the electoral map is laid out and changing demographics that Republicans are running out of core constituents.


Shit, this is another one of your posts that has no real meaning that I probably shouldn't be responding to, right? Data would agree with that, it makes no sense.

So far, you have dismissed any opposing post as "not worth responding to." But by issuing a response to that post, it is in fact meaningful and worth responding to, is it not?

Data, on the other hand, has no political affiliation. He is an android.

At what point does one disqualify themselves from the debate?'re seeing a window into the Right Wing echo chamber. They don't require much in terms of logic, reason, or rational thinking. Its like some intellectually flaccid version of Jerry McGuire.

"You had me at 'Hitlery'"

Listen, I'm not new to political forums, I've been looking into this one the past month debating with myself whether to stick my toe in and probably a mistake on my part I did. By far, by very, very far outside of Stormfront this is one of the most racist spaces on the internet I've seen in quite sometime. Seriously, it's kind of disgusting.

Most forums heavily censor racist posts. This one does much less so. So you get to see the ridiculously racist vein that runs through the conservative movement like fat through a juicy roast. Its not the board that's racist. Its the posters that are. The board does nothing to encourage it.

Most of us point and laugh. As the best remedy for speech you don't like is more speech.

Money has everything to do with it. In 2008 and 2012 McCain and Romney could just wait everyone else out. Since they were the lone "normal" candidate they were guaranteed to do well in the primaries, Santorum in other words was not challenging Romney for the same votes. I think 2016 might be a little different. You potentially have Bush, Walker, Kasich, Christie (?), Fiorina (?) and Rubio vying for what's left of what could arguably be called the rational right. I think it's possible a Rand Paul or even a Ted Cruz could surprise us all and get in. Long shot but more likely than in years past.

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