Nunes' Dud Memo may have strengthened Mueller's Quest

Don't even bother with the asswipe. He's not interested in honest discussion, only in polishing Donnies' fat shiny ass. No one ever accused Obama of selling policy for political help from Russia, not even me who wasn't exactly a fan of what he did about ISIS.

We'll see what if anything Mueller uncovers.
You actually think he was unaware of what Lois "I plead the 5th" Lerner was doing to conservative non-profits? She likely pleaded the 5th on his orders.

Did you somehow think I said Obama played fairer with facts that the Oranguton and W?

The difference is Trump may have made promises to Vlad. That's not ok.
I believe you have the players confused. Obama promised Vlad (via the Russian representative with him at the hot mic) that he would "have more flexibility after the election". This is a known FACT. You want to deny that one also?
Fuck you and denials you dissembling little twit.
Can't handle the truth, can you? Too bad you got so pissed off so easily!

I've learned on my own throughout life that the lower a person's IQ, the more quickly the person gets pissed off. You bolster my belief in this finding. You are a fucking idiot.

Perhaps you missed seeing and hearing the tape.

Obama to Russia: ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’

FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Want some TRUTH to mull over, Trump cultist????

Trump told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak of his decision to fire Comey.

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job...
I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."
Can you provide a credible link to this bullshit, troll?
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Mueller may soon find himself under investigation regarding Lois Lerner and the use of the FBI to harass conservative organizations. he may also be implicated in the Uranium One deal. Trump will likely not fire him until after the bogus witch hunt is over.
Mueller never would have been assigned to his current position if such stuff were true. Because republicans assigned him to this position. and those issued occurred years ago.
Perhaps they were not aware of his corruption when they appointed him....and don't forget, it was Rosenstein that appointed him.

Robert Mueller, Former F.B.I. Director, Is Named Special Counsel for Russia Investigation

Trump can fire Robert Mueller because his appointment was illegal, one expert says
I hope Trump personally fires Mueller. Sadly, I don’t think he has the balls to do it.
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Mueller has a quest huh?

All investigators have a quest.....
I'm not sure what Mueller's quest is. He was tasked with finding out what the Russians did, esp with Trump. I think the memo has ended any credibility of saying Trump obstructed justice. Of course Trump did that, and he admitted such to Lester Holt when he said he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation. LOL

but, ya know, W wasn't all above board in the WOMD thing, and he obstructed investigations, and Obama had that thing where he gave military rifles to Mexican cartels, and that investigation got shut down .... and he flat out sent Susan Rice out to lie about what prompted the Benghazi attack .... sooooooo

I don't thing Trump will be impeached. But it'd be nice to know what or if he promised his buddy Vlad for help in the election. And how much he owes Vlad.
President Trump fired Comey for mishandling the Hillary email "investigation".
No he didn’t. Had he done that, he wouldn’t have waited until May to fire him.
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Mueller may soon find himself under investigation regarding Lois Lerner and the use of the FBI to harass conservative organizations. he may also be implicated in the Uranium One deal. Trump will likely not fire him until after the bogus witch hunt is over.
Mueller never would have been assigned to his current position if such stuff were true. Because republicans assigned him to this position. and those issued occurred years ago.
Perhaps they were not aware of his corruption when they appointed him....and don't forget, it was Rosenstein that appointed him.

Robert Mueller, Former F.B.I. Director, Is Named Special Counsel for Russia Investigation

Trump can fire Robert Mueller because his appointment was illegal, one expert says
I hope Trump personally fires Mueller. Sadly, I don’t think he has the balls to do it.

Wouldn't he have to go through Rosenstein, and even then wouldn't Wray likely quit? What's funny is that to Trumpbots this is evidence of the "deep state," but before the Alt-R became mainstream it was "rule of law."
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Mueller has a quest huh?

All investigators have a quest.....
I'm not sure what Mueller's quest is. He was tasked with finding out what the Russians did, esp with Trump. I think the memo has ended any credibility of saying Trump obstructed justice. Of course Trump did that, and he admitted such to Lester Holt when he said he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation. LOL

but, ya know, W wasn't all above board in the WOMD thing, and he obstructed investigations, and Obama had that thing where he gave military rifles to Mexican cartels, and that investigation got shut down .... and he flat out sent Susan Rice out to lie about what prompted the Benghazi attack .... sooooooo

I don't thing Trump will be impeached. But it'd be nice to know what or if he promised his buddy Vlad for help in the election. And how much he owes Vlad.
President Trump fired Comey for mishandling the Hillary email "investigation".
Fat boy told the world on live TV why he fired Comey.
“ because of the Russian thing”
Which is CLEARLY obstruction of justice.
Trump is dead meat and anyone still defending this criminal is a cultist who is as big a traitor as trump is.
Word is spreading that Mueller May already have enough to charge Trump with obstruction of justice.
Mueller is incorruptible. He is a career federal prosecutor and those guys will tear out your walls if they want to know whats behind them. Whether their liberals conservatives or just crooks means nothing to them. They're like terriers after a rodent nest.
You actually think he was unaware of what Lois "I plead the 5th" Lerner was doing to conservative non-profits? She likely pleaded the 5th on his orders.

Did you somehow think I said Obama played fairer with facts that the Oranguton and W?

The difference is Trump may have made promises to Vlad. That's not ok.
I believe you have the players confused. Obama promised Vlad (via the Russian representative with him at the hot mic) that he would "have more flexibility after the election". This is a known FACT. You want to deny that one also?
So what, if he did that? He was the president and had the full authority of the United States behind him.

Trump did not.
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Mueller has a quest huh?

All investigators have a quest.....
I'm not sure what Mueller's quest is. He was tasked with finding out what the Russians did, esp with Trump. I think the memo has ended any credibility of saying Trump obstructed justice. Of course Trump did that, and he admitted such to Lester Holt when he said he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation. LOL

but, ya know, W wasn't all above board in the WOMD thing, and he obstructed investigations, and Obama had that thing where he gave military rifles to Mexican cartels, and that investigation got shut down .... and he flat out sent Susan Rice out to lie about what prompted the Benghazi attack .... sooooooo

I don't thing Trump will be impeached. But it'd be nice to know what or if he promised his buddy Vlad for help in the election. And how much he owes Vlad.
President Trump fired Comey for mishandling the Hillary email "investigation".
Fat boy told the world on live TV why he fired Comey.
“ because of the Russian thing”
Which is CLEARLY obstruction of justice.
Trump is dead meat and anyone still defending this criminal is a cultist who is as big a traitor as trump is.
Word is spreading that Mueller May already have enough to charge Trump with obstruction of justice.
Imo that's pretty much a foregone conclusion. But if that's all it is, Trump should be shut down. If Mueller refers it to the House, it dies. If Mueller indicts instead, without it playing out that the gop will do nothing, Trump can legitimately argue to the Sup Ct that the constitution sets forth a path outside the criminal justice system when a president is charged with breaking the law while he's doing his official duties.

Instead, Trump is making his own Senate nervous with thoughts of a purge in the FBI and DOJ over shutting down a bipartisan investigation of a foreign enemy interfering in an election. Imo Trump's actions make no sense if all he fears is Mueller accusing him of wanting to end an investigation.
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
All investigators have a quest.....
I'm not sure what Mueller's quest is. He was tasked with finding out what the Russians did, esp with Trump. I think the memo has ended any credibility of saying Trump obstructed justice. Of course Trump did that, and he admitted such to Lester Holt when he said he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation. LOL

but, ya know, W wasn't all above board in the WOMD thing, and he obstructed investigations, and Obama had that thing where he gave military rifles to Mexican cartels, and that investigation got shut down .... and he flat out sent Susan Rice out to lie about what prompted the Benghazi attack .... sooooooo

I don't thing Trump will be impeached. But it'd be nice to know what or if he promised his buddy Vlad for help in the election. And how much he owes Vlad.
President Trump fired Comey for mishandling the Hillary email "investigation".
Fat boy told the world on live TV why he fired Comey.
“ because of the Russian thing”
Which is CLEARLY obstruction of justice.
Trump is dead meat and anyone still defending this criminal is a cultist who is as big a traitor as trump is.
Word is spreading that Mueller May already have enough to charge Trump with obstruction of justice.
Imo that's pretty much a foregone conclusion. But if that's all it is, Trump should be shut down. If Mueller refers it to the House, it dies. If Mueller indicts instead, without it playing out that the gop will do nothing, Trump can legitimately argue to the Sup Ct that the constitution sets forth a path outside the criminal justice system when a president is charged with breaking the law while he's doing his official duties.

Instead, Trump is making his own Senate nervous with thoughts of a purge in the FBI and DOJ over shutting down a bipartisan investigation of a foreign enemy interfering in an election. Imo Trump's actions make no sense if all he fears is Mueller accusing him of wanting to end an investigation.

You people are delusional.
Can you provide a credible link to this bullshit, troll?

Trump's White House hits peak bullshit. | New Republic
Trump’s White House Hits Peak Bullshit
It's impossible to put a good spin on what President Donald Trump told Russian dignitaries on May 10, according to The New York Times: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off.” This hasn't stopped White House officials from giving it their best.

Laying out a comprehensive case that Trump obstructed justice - The ...
Oct 10, 2017 - Telling [Russian Foreign Minister Sergei] Lavrov and [Russian ambassador Sergey] Kislyak: “I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off”;. Telling New York Times reporters that if Mueller were to look at his finances and his family's ...

President Trump vs. James B. Comey: A timeline - The Washington Post
Claim: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”
Claimed by: Donald Trump

The Year of the Personnel Blunder | Brennan Center for Justice
The Year of the Personnel Blunder
Dec 21, 2017 - As if these two sophisticated operatives had spent the last 24 hours in a cave, Trump told his guests, “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off.” He followed that up with an interview with NBC News' Lester Holt. Donald Trump ...

It Is Time to Impeach the President | The Nation

It Is Time to Impeach the President
Nov 16, 2017 - Donald J. Trump told the Russian Foreign Minister and Russian Ambassador to the United States, “I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job.… I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off.” Donald J. Trump personally dictated a misleading statement for his son and former ...

Let me know if you need MORE
Last edited:
I'm not sure what Mueller's quest is. He was tasked with finding out what the Russians did, esp with Trump. I think the memo has ended any credibility of saying Trump obstructed justice. Of course Trump did that, and he admitted such to Lester Holt when he said he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation. LOL

but, ya know, W wasn't all above board in the WOMD thing, and he obstructed investigations, and Obama had that thing where he gave military rifles to Mexican cartels, and that investigation got shut down .... and he flat out sent Susan Rice out to lie about what prompted the Benghazi attack .... sooooooo

I don't thing Trump will be impeached. But it'd be nice to know what or if he promised his buddy Vlad for help in the election. And how much he owes Vlad.
President Trump fired Comey for mishandling the Hillary email "investigation".
Fat boy told the world on live TV why he fired Comey.
“ because of the Russian thing”
Which is CLEARLY obstruction of justice.
Trump is dead meat and anyone still defending this criminal is a cultist who is as big a traitor as trump is.
Word is spreading that Mueller May already have enough to charge Trump with obstruction of justice.
Imo that's pretty much a foregone conclusion. But if that's all it is, Trump should be shut down. If Mueller refers it to the House, it dies. If Mueller indicts instead, without it playing out that the gop will do nothing, Trump can legitimately argue to the Sup Ct that the constitution sets forth a path outside the criminal justice system when a president is charged with breaking the law while he's doing his official duties.

Instead, Trump is making his own Senate nervous with thoughts of a purge in the FBI and DOJ over shutting down a bipartisan investigation of a foreign enemy interfering in an election. Imo Trump's actions make no sense if all he fears is Mueller accusing him of wanting to end an investigation.

You people are delusional.
We'll see. Either there's something there or not, but Trump looks to me like he's hiding something other than firing Comey to end the investigation. Of course he's been hiding shit his entire life so it may just be his usual schtick. LOL
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Mueller may soon find himself under investigation regarding Lois Lerner and the use of the FBI to harass conservative organizations. he may also be implicated in the Uranium One deal. Trump will likely not fire him until after the bogus witch hunt is over.
Mueller never would have been assigned to his current position if such stuff were true. Because republicans assigned him to this position. and those issued occurred years ago.
Perhaps they were not aware of his corruption when they appointed him....and don't forget, it was Rosenstein that appointed him.

Robert Mueller, Former F.B.I. Director, Is Named Special Counsel for Russia Investigation

Trump can fire Robert Mueller because his appointment was illegal, one expert says
I hope Trump personally fires Mueller. Sadly, I don’t think he has the balls to do it.
Oh, he has the balls to di it. He just doesn't need or want to do it.
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Mueller has a quest huh?

All investigators have a quest.....
I'm not sure what Mueller's quest is. He was tasked with finding out what the Russians did, esp with Trump. I think the memo has ended any credibility of saying Trump obstructed justice. Of course Trump did that, and he admitted such to Lester Holt when he said he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation. LOL

but, ya know, W wasn't all above board in the WOMD thing, and he obstructed investigations, and Obama had that thing where he gave military rifles to Mexican cartels, and that investigation got shut down .... and he flat out sent Susan Rice out to lie about what prompted the Benghazi attack .... sooooooo

I don't thing Trump will be impeached. But it'd be nice to know what or if he promised his buddy Vlad for help in the election. And how much he owes Vlad.
President Trump fired Comey for mishandling the Hillary email "investigation".
No he didn’t. Had he done that, he wouldn’t have waited until May to fire him.
You have no idea what his advisors told him.
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Mueller has a quest huh?

All investigators have a quest.....
I'm not sure what Mueller's quest is. He was tasked with finding out what the Russians did, esp with Trump. I think the memo has ended any credibility of saying Trump obstructed justice. Of course Trump did that, and he admitted such to Lester Holt when he said he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation. LOL

but, ya know, W wasn't all above board in the WOMD thing, and he obstructed investigations, and Obama had that thing where he gave military rifles to Mexican cartels, and that investigation got shut down .... and he flat out sent Susan Rice out to lie about what prompted the Benghazi attack .... sooooooo

I don't thing Trump will be impeached. But it'd be nice to know what or if he promised his buddy Vlad for help in the election. And how much he owes Vlad.
President Trump fired Comey for mishandling the Hillary email "investigation".
Fat boy told the world on live TV why he fired Comey.
“ because of the Russian thing”
Which is CLEARLY obstruction of justice.
Trump is dead meat and anyone still defending this criminal is a cultist who is as big a traitor as trump is.
Word is spreading that Mueller May already have enough to charge Trump with obstruction of justice.
Had he any evidence, he would have charged him already.
Whether he was initially liked by Dems and some Republicans, knowledge of his corruption may not have been known at the time of his appointment.

I relatively sure you will rate this post "Funny" as you are prone to do. That is all you have.
Mueller is incorruptible. He is a career federal prosecutor and those guys will tear out your walls if they want to know whats behind them. Whether their liberals conservatives or just crooks means nothing to them. They're like terriers after a rodent nest.
You actually think he was unaware of what Lois "I plead the 5th" Lerner was doing to conservative non-profits? She likely pleaded the 5th on his orders.

Did you somehow think I said Obama played fairer with facts that the Oranguton and W?

The difference is Trump may have made promises to Vlad. That's not ok.
I believe you have the players confused. Obama promised Vlad (via the Russian representative with him at the hot mic) that he would "have more flexibility after the election". This is a known FACT. You want to deny that one also?
So what, if he did that? He was the president and had the full authority of the United States behind him.

Trump did not.
....and has not let Russia off the hook since becoming the asshole Obama did.
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Mueller may soon find himself under investigation regarding Lois Lerner and the use of the FBI to harass conservative organizations. he may also be implicated in the Uranium One deal. Trump will likely not fire him until after the bogus witch hunt is over.
Mueller never would have been assigned to his current position if such stuff were true. Because republicans assigned him to this position. and those issued occurred years ago.
Perhaps they were not aware of his corruption when they appointed him....and don't forget, it was Rosenstein that appointed him.

Robert Mueller, Former F.B.I. Director, Is Named Special Counsel for Russia Investigation

Trump can fire Robert Mueller because his appointment was illegal, one expert says
I hope Trump personally fires Mueller. Sadly, I don’t think he has the balls to do it.
Oh, he has the balls to di it. He just doesn't need or want to do it.
I could only imagine if Obama had tried to prosecute Daryl Issa for something.
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
All investigators have a quest.....
I'm not sure what Mueller's quest is. He was tasked with finding out what the Russians did, esp with Trump. I think the memo has ended any credibility of saying Trump obstructed justice. Of course Trump did that, and he admitted such to Lester Holt when he said he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation. LOL

but, ya know, W wasn't all above board in the WOMD thing, and he obstructed investigations, and Obama had that thing where he gave military rifles to Mexican cartels, and that investigation got shut down .... and he flat out sent Susan Rice out to lie about what prompted the Benghazi attack .... sooooooo

I don't thing Trump will be impeached. But it'd be nice to know what or if he promised his buddy Vlad for help in the election. And how much he owes Vlad.
President Trump fired Comey for mishandling the Hillary email "investigation".
Fat boy told the world on live TV why he fired Comey.
“ because of the Russian thing”
Which is CLEARLY obstruction of justice.
Trump is dead meat and anyone still defending this criminal is a cultist who is as big a traitor as trump is.
Word is spreading that Mueller May already have enough to charge Trump with obstruction of justice.
Imo that's pretty much a foregone conclusion. But if that's all it is, Trump should be shut down. If Mueller refers it to the House, it dies. If Mueller indicts instead, without it playing out that the gop will do nothing, Trump can legitimately argue to the Sup Ct that the constitution sets forth a path outside the criminal justice system when a president is charged with breaking the law while he's doing his official duties.

Instead, Trump is making his own Senate nervous with thoughts of a purge in the FBI and DOJ over shutting down a bipartisan investigation of a foreign enemy interfering in an election. Imo Trump's actions make no sense if all he fears is Mueller accusing him of wanting to end an investigation.
There is a big difference between wanting to end an investigation and wanting an investigation to end. Libs do not understand that OBVIOUS FACT! Liberalism is a mental derangement....curable only by death.
President Trump fired Comey for mishandling the Hillary email "investigation".
Fat boy told the world on live TV why he fired Comey.
“ because of the Russian thing”
Which is CLEARLY obstruction of justice.
Trump is dead meat and anyone still defending this criminal is a cultist who is as big a traitor as trump is.
Word is spreading that Mueller May already have enough to charge Trump with obstruction of justice.
Imo that's pretty much a foregone conclusion. But if that's all it is, Trump should be shut down. If Mueller refers it to the House, it dies. If Mueller indicts instead, without it playing out that the gop will do nothing, Trump can legitimately argue to the Sup Ct that the constitution sets forth a path outside the criminal justice system when a president is charged with breaking the law while he's doing his official duties.

Instead, Trump is making his own Senate nervous with thoughts of a purge in the FBI and DOJ over shutting down a bipartisan investigation of a foreign enemy interfering in an election. Imo Trump's actions make no sense if all he fears is Mueller accusing him of wanting to end an investigation.

You people are delusional.
We'll see. Either there's something there or not, but Trump looks to me like he's hiding something other than firing Comey to end the investigation. Of course he's been hiding shit his entire life so it may just be his usual schtick. LOL

What makes it look like he's hiding something?
Can you provide a credible link to this bullshit, troll?

Trump's White House hits peak bullshit. | New Republic
Trump’s White House Hits Peak Bullshit
It's impossible to put a good spin on what President Donald Trump told Russian dignitaries on May 10, according to The New York Times: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off.” This hasn't stopped White House officials from giving it their best.

Laying out a comprehensive case that Trump obstructed justice - The ...
Oct 10, 2017 - Telling [Russian Foreign Minister Sergei] Lavrov and [Russian ambassador Sergey] Kislyak: “I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off”;. Telling New York Times reporters that if Mueller were to look at his finances and his family's ...

President Trump vs. James B. Comey: A timeline - The Washington Post
Claim: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”
Claimed by: Donald Trump

The Year of the Personnel Blunder | Brennan Center for Justice
The Year of the Personnel Blunder
Dec 21, 2017 - As if these two sophisticated operatives had spent the last 24 hours in a cave, Trump told his guests, “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off.” He followed that up with an interview with NBC News' Lester Holt. Donald Trump ...

It Is Time to Impeach the President | The Nation

It Is Time to Impeach the President
Nov 16, 2017 - Donald J. Trump told the Russian Foreign Minister and Russian Ambassador to the United States, “I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job.… I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off.” Donald J. Trump personally dictated a misleading statement for his son and former ...

Let me know if you need MORE
Yes. Give me one that's not a liberal entity likely to repeat fake news generated by one of the others.

The Nation is progressive.
The Brennan Center is progressive.
The Washington post is owned (since 2013) by the same liberal asshole that founded Amazon and is run by the CEO of Politico, another liberal shithole.
The New Republic is progressive.
Mueller may soon find himself under investigation regarding Lois Lerner and the use of the FBI to harass conservative organizations. he may also be implicated in the Uranium One deal. Trump will likely not fire him until after the bogus witch hunt is over.
Mueller never would have been assigned to his current position if such stuff were true. Because republicans assigned him to this position. and those issued occurred years ago.
Perhaps they were not aware of his corruption when they appointed him....and don't forget, it was Rosenstein that appointed him.

Robert Mueller, Former F.B.I. Director, Is Named Special Counsel for Russia Investigation

Trump can fire Robert Mueller because his appointment was illegal, one expert says
I hope Trump personally fires Mueller. Sadly, I don’t think he has the balls to do it.
Oh, he has the balls to di it. He just doesn't need or want to do it.
I could only imagine if Obama had tried to prosecute Daryl Issa for something.
I don't recall Issa ever going for Obama's throat.

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