Nutritional Science for Amateurs


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
I'm starting this thread, because nutritional science has fascinated since I took a Nutrition Science of Foods at the university I attended in or around 1982 to appease requirements that Oregon State requires for coaches and Physical Education instructors for the benefit of knowing how to feed young athletes to avoid problems that could plague them for the rest of their life or even kill them if they are excitable, have a family history of heart disease, or fail to eat foods that keep people healthy from stem to stern. I plan to publish the health benefits (if any) of the specific food and hope to have a place where I can find what I need quickly. You're welcome to add your comentary, as well. If I write up banana health benefits, one of my best friend's dad died when he accidentally ate a green banana. I see that green bananas are preferred by diabetic persons, and her father may have been only one in .004 percent who have this anomaly in their allergy. He apparently knew he was allergic to bananas, but when people age significantly, some of them forget important dates, names, faces, and even may stammer if they can't remember the rest of the sentence they just started to say to a friend or business associate. With the eh factor, I hope that someday someone will benefit from something I find or someone else who is also interested in the amazing research that is goig on in America that our great-grandmothers knew from learning from their mom what food benefits which ailment =. Modern people usually go to the doctor when they're ailing without a clue there might have been a vegetable or fruit, or even a type of meat that would have prevented their ailment altogether. People who don't want to gain weight might greatly benefit by taking a vitamin/mineral pill every morning to ward off the common cold or get rid of it by eating a warm bowl of chicken soup that was cooked only long enough to kill any resitual demon microbe that may have clung to the chicken on a cutting board that someone failed to sanitize after its last use. You could cut down your winter colds in half if you never were taught that washing hands before and after any trip to the bathroom prevents e.coli infections that are causal agents that invite other microbes including viral ones in to have a party with. I know that sounds silly, but it's a fact. Some microbes are nothing but trouble to the usually healthy man or woman they invade, and soap and water are their nightmare but your pleasant dream in health matters. When I took nutrition, it was sandwiched in between other aspects of Home sciences. It tells me that Oregon State University wanted to be sure their coaches and teachers knew that failure to have certain vitamins or minerals could result in a sickly student, and wanted coaches in particular to insure their ball players didn't experience cardiac arrest due to dietary deficiency, and athletes that travel a long way to compete with another school's athletes needed to be fed the right foods for their bodies and minds, and how to deal with reluctant attitudes about eating the right food or foods, balancing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and liquids, and avoiding deleterious kitchen decisions with re to human health failure. Athletic competitions require strong bodies and mental acuity. A good coach never lets his travelling team ignore a balanced diet since it could run the risk of a sluggish performance against athletes whose coaches will even bench the best player for inattention of any kind. In the business world, brain acuity is a money-maker, a health-maker, and a good attitude pickup.. In the future, more men who want to succeed in the best way should take a nutrition science class to protect their health and be a shining star to all their friends and colleagues with a long and happy life.
I'm starting this thread, because nutritional science has fascinated since I took a Nutrition Science of Foods at the university I attended in or around 1982 to appease requirements that Oregon State requires for coaches and Physical Education instructors for the benefit of knowing how to feed young athletes to avoid problems that could plague them for the rest of their life or even kill them if they are excitable, have a family history of heart disease, or fail to eat foods that keep people healthy from stem to stern. I plan to publish the health benefits (if any) of the specific food and hope to have a place where I can find what I need quickly. You're welcome to add your comentary, as well. If I write up banana health benefits, one of my best friend's dad died when he accidentally ate a green banana. I see that green bananas are preferred by diabetic persons, and her father may have been only one in .004 percent who have this anomaly in their allergy. He apparently knew he was allergic to bananas, but when people age significantly, some of them forget important dates, names, faces, and even may stammer if they can't remember the rest of the sentence they just started to say to a friend or business associate. With the eh factor, I hope that someday someone will benefit from something I find or someone else who is also interested in the amazing research that is goig on in America that our great-grandmothers knew from learning from their mom what food benefits which ailment =. Modern people usually go to the doctor when they're ailing without a clue there might have been a vegetable or fruit, or even a type of meat that would have prevented their ailment altogether. People who don't want to gain weight might greatly benefit by taking a vitamin/mineral pill every morning to ward off the common cold or get rid of it by eating a warm bowl of chicken soup that was cooked only long enough to kill any resitual demon microbe that may have clung to the chicken on a cutting board that someone failed to sanitize after its last use. You could cut down your winter colds in half if you never were taught that washing hands before and after any trip to the bathroom prevents e.coli infections that are causal agents that invite other microbes including viral ones in to have a party with. I know that sounds silly, but it's a fact. Some microbes are nothing but trouble to the usually healthy man or woman they invade, and soap and water are their nightmare but your pleasant dream in health matters. When I took nutrition, it was sandwiched in between other aspects of Home sciences. It tells me that Oregon State University wanted to be sure their coaches and teachers knew that failure to have certain vitamins or minerals could result in a sickly student, and wanted coaches in particular to insure their ball players didn't experience cardiac arrest due to dietary deficiency, and athletes that travel a long way to compete with another school's athletes needed to be fed the right foods for their bodies and minds, and how to deal with reluctant attitudes about eating the right food or foods, balancing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and liquids, and avoiding deleterious kitchen decisions with re to human health failure. Athletic competitions require strong bodies and mental acuity. A good coach never lets his travelling team ignore a balanced diet since it could run the risk of a sluggish performance against athletes whose coaches will even bench the best player for inattention of any kind. In the business world, brain acuity is a money-maker, a health-maker, and a good attitude pickup.. In the future, more men who want to succeed in the best way should take a nutrition science class to protect their health and be a shining star to all their friends and colleagues with a long and happy life.

are you saying that coaches and teachers should be teaching nutrition to our children, a clear violation of parental rights?
I recently read that fried potatoes are one of the reasons people get fat, that the heat required to give them that golden good look can change the chemical nutrition inside the potato to a saturated fat devoid of the vitamin C they are famous for in nutritional science lingo. That said, cubed and lightly boiled potatoes provide a lot of minerals and vitamin C that is a immune system friend, and white bread (and some brown bread) fall into the chasm called "empty calorie foods."
At I found the following benefits backed with webmedy's science-grounded accuracy:

No time to watch? Here's a start that hopefully piques some interest in this phytonutrient-packed and probiotic food: Sweet potatoes are a nutritious root vegetable that offers many health benefits. Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals including beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium and manganese. Sweet potatoes have been linked to improved digestion, better blood sugar control and a reduced risk of heart disease.

1. Packed with nutrition​

Yams are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

One cup (136 grams) of baked yams provides (2Trusted Source):

  • Calories:
  • Carbs: 37 grams
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 5 grams
  • Vitamin
    18% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin
    9% of the DV
  • Manganese: 22% of the DV
  • Magnesium:
    6% of the DV
  • Potassium: 19% of the DV
  • Thiamine:
    11% of the DV
  • Copper:
    23% of the DV
  • Folate: 6% of the DV
Yams are not only an excellent source of fiber but also high in potassium and manganese, which are important for supporting bone health, growth, metabolism, and heart function (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).

These tubers also provide decent amounts of other micronutrients, such as copper and vitamin C.

Copper is vital for red blood cell production and iron absorption, while vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that can boost your immune system (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

2. May enhance brain function​

Eating yams may boost your brain.

In one 12-week study, people who took a yam extract supplement scored higher on a brain function test than those in the placebo group (9Trusted Source).

Yams contain a unique compound called diosgenin, which has been found to promote neuron growth and enhance brain function (9Trusted Source).

Diosgenin has also improved memory and learning abilities in mice in various maze tests (10Trusted Source).

However, more research in this area is needed to fully understand how yams may benefit brain health.

Summary Yams contain a
unique compound called diosgenin, which may enhance memory and brain
Benefits 3-11 are here: 11 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Yams

I really like healthline because when they can, they furnish reliable research data, they don't exaggerate, and they may share cautionary information such as calorie count, allergy cautions (if any are known) and internal processes they provide on research diagnostics.

Have to run now. I'll try to be back later. May God bless you with good health.
are you saying that coaches and teachers should be teaching nutrition to our children, a clear violation of parental rights?
No I'm not. I'm saying that responsible scholars of physical education that requires a bus trip to a competitive school may use nutrition as a protective aspect of competition that requires people to be at their best. I'm very proud of the Oregon State University's wise approach to safeguarding athletes in every way they can. Nutrition is only one of the things, but do you really want me to find my 15 inches of file space on human health that is now considered outdated? I don't intend to spend a month retyping my tattered notes to help you sleep through some very complex aspects of easy-to-forget stuff that may require you to buy a medical dictionary? Parents have the right to take their children out of classes they don't want them to take. If they want to do that at the university level, their sons and daughters seeking state school jobs may not be qualified by various omissions, and trust me, differing state requirements for preparing safety for athletic contests including conditioning, sportsmanship, medical practices, anatomical knowledge if injuries occur, and so many other things that prepare, condition, and enjoying the honors given winners at the end of the competitive event. Coaches have a lot of responsibilities for the health and injury avoidance of the sport they are teaching. With the right attitude, your child will be in the hands of a great, a prepared and caring educator who is acquainted with lifelong health knowledge because some injuries can cause disability if they go untreated. Believe me, it's complicated, and top athletes are generally very well-coached and prepared for the fray. It was not my intention to get into all these things on the first day. I'm merely doing this because I love the things I learned, and my knowledge is not up to date because 1982 was 41 years ago, and nutrition today is on a platform of 41 years of research that found things we didn't study about, because scientific studies frequently take years of time and observation of a group of scientists to get to where it is today. Back then, nutrition was about staying healthy. In 2023, nutrition has become (more or less) a healing science called preventative medicine, and the best hospitals are acutely aware of the importance of what foods benefit what malady. I'm not a physician, and my education was ended with a move that placed my family in a small town without a nutrition school of learning, and advanced sciences were not then what they are today, and premed did not include nutritional sciences, because the attitude was that cooking class was for girls who planned to get married and have families. I'm going to stick with what I find online that was not around when I learned a limited number of chemical structures of foods without getting into preventive medicine.
I'm going to stick with what I find online that was not around when I learned a limited number of chemical structures of foods without getting into preventive medicine.
Let me help you.
People must allow themselves to be healthy, not force themselves to be healthy. This is your starting point if you want the truth about health.

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