NY Attorney General accused of sexual abuse

Schneiderman, who had been running for re-election, said he contested the women’s accounts, but “while these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct or the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time.” He said he would resign at the close of business on Tuesday.

N.Y. attorney general resigns amid abuse allegations

Cuomo in his statement said, “No one is above the law, including New York’s top legal officer. I will be asking an appropriate New York District Attorney(s) to commence an immediate investigation, and proceed as the facts merits.”

President "I grab'um by the pussy because I'm a star" should follow Schneiderman's lead, save the country the disgrace, and resign.

The douche tortures women. And he's your fellow Democrat. Fluck em.

Donnie Douchebag is a self admitted serial molester. He should follow the example, resign, and devote himself to his defense and not put the country at any more risk.

Your Democrat is a very dangerous pervert. He enjoys torturing women. Go ahead and try to deflect if you want, but hopefully this cretin will go to prison with his fellow Democrat Weinstein.
Eric Schneiderman, New York AG, accused of sexual abuse by four women

Karma. Attack President Trump and his allies and Karma strikes back!
Valid complaints...need to be investigated...and if legit, he needs to be prosecuted.

If they can prove the complaints, these are recent and they both seemed ok with it. They were not married to him with children. Supposedly strong women, and yet take beatings from a drunk?? I find that strange.
Hillary, the strongest of all strong women, was constantly and publicly humiliated by her husband.

Look at the WHCD. Bashing women is your party's new mantra.

She was well known and perhaps they had an open marriage, he didn't man handle him, and she was married and had a child. These women were not, except one had kids.
Schneiderman, who had been running for re-election, said he contested the women’s accounts, but “while these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct or the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time.” He said he would resign at the close of business on Tuesday.

N.Y. attorney general resigns amid abuse allegations

Cuomo in his statement said, “No one is above the law, including New York’s top legal officer. I will be asking an appropriate New York District Attorney(s) to commence an immediate investigation, and proceed as the facts merits.”

President "I grab'um by the pussy because I'm a star" should follow Schneiderman's lead, save the country the disgrace, and resign.

The douche tortures women. And he's your fellow Democrat. Fluck em.

Donnie Douchebag is a self admitted serial molester. He should follow the example, resign, and devote himself to his defense and not put the country at any more risk.
Diversion alert.

Yup. And 'RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!!!' is soon to follow. They craaazy... and predictable. :cuckoo:
Schneiderman, who had been running for re-election, said he contested the women’s accounts, but “while these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct or the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time.” He said he would resign at the close of business on Tuesday.

N.Y. attorney general resigns amid abuse allegations

Cuomo in his statement said, “No one is above the law, including New York’s top legal officer. I will be asking an appropriate New York District Attorney(s) to commence an immediate investigation, and proceed as the facts merits.”

President "I grab'um by the pussy because I'm a star" should follow Schneiderman's lead, save the country the disgrace, and resign.

The douche tortures women. And he's your fellow Democrat. Fluck em.

Donnie Douchebag is a self admitted serial molester. He should follow the example, resign, and devote himself to his defense and not put the country at any more risk.

Your Democrat is a very dangerous pervert. He enjoys torturing women. Go ahead and try to deflect if you want, but hopefully this cretin will go to prison with his fellow Democrat Weinstein.

He resigned! What else do you want? Would you like him to slit his own throat? I say let a full investigation begin, and let the cards fall where they may.
Schneiderman, who had been running for re-election, said he contested the women’s accounts, but “while these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct or the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time.” He said he would resign at the close of business on Tuesday.

N.Y. attorney general resigns amid abuse allegations

Cuomo in his statement said, “No one is above the law, including New York’s top legal officer. I will be asking an appropriate New York District Attorney(s) to commence an immediate investigation, and proceed as the facts merits.”

President "I grab'um by the pussy because I'm a star" should follow Schneiderman's lead, save the country the disgrace, and resign.

The douche tortures women. And he's your fellow Democrat. Fluck em.

Donnie Douchebag is a self admitted serial molester. He should follow the example, resign, and devote himself to his defense and not put the country at any more risk.
Diversion alert.

Yup. And 'RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!!!' is soon to follow. They craaazy... and predictable. :cuckoo:

Only ones bringing them up is you guys. :206:
Schneiderman, who had been running for re-election, said he contested the women’s accounts, but “while these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct or the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time.” He said he would resign at the close of business on Tuesday.

N.Y. attorney general resigns amid abuse allegations

Cuomo in his statement said, “No one is above the law, including New York’s top legal officer. I will be asking an appropriate New York District Attorney(s) to commence an immediate investigation, and proceed as the facts merits.”

President "I grab'um by the pussy because I'm a star" should follow Schneiderman's lead, save the country the disgrace, and resign.

The douche tortures women. And he's your fellow Democrat. Fluck em.

Donnie Douchebag is a self admitted serial molester. He should follow the example, resign, and devote himself to his defense and not put the country at any more risk.

Your Democrat is a very dangerous pervert. He enjoys torturing women. Go ahead and try to deflect if you want, but hopefully this cretin will go to prison with his fellow Democrat Weinstein.

He resigned! What else do you want? Would you like him to slit his own throat? I say let a full investigation begin, and let the cards fall where they may.
Arrested for assault
Schneiderman, who had been running for re-election, said he contested the women’s accounts, but “while these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct or the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time.” He said he would resign at the close of business on Tuesday.

N.Y. attorney general resigns amid abuse allegations

Cuomo in his statement said, “No one is above the law, including New York’s top legal officer. I will be asking an appropriate New York District Attorney(s) to commence an immediate investigation, and proceed as the facts merits.”

President "I grab'um by the pussy because I'm a star" should follow Schneiderman's lead, save the country the disgrace, and resign.

The douche tortures women. And he's your fellow Democrat. Fluck em.

Donnie Douchebag is a self admitted serial molester. He should follow the example, resign, and devote himself to his defense and not put the country at any more risk.
Diversion alert.

Yup. And 'RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!!!' is soon to follow. They craaazy... and predictable. :cuckoo:

Only ones bringing them up is you guys. :206:

'Top Trump-hating Dem’s fall over shocking sex abuse claims has Republicans gloating'

"Democrats hoped Eric Schneiderman could bring down President Trump, but it was the crusading New York attorney general himself whose career is now in tatters, after stunning revelations Monday of bad behavior."

Bwuhahahaha..... Remember the Democrats' 'War On Women' BULL$H!T?! Oh the HYPOCRISY! And here we see one of the top Liberal Crusaders getting his rocks off by beating / enslaving women.....


Once again we find another priceless example of Liberals accusing other of doing what THEY do and of being who THEY are!

Well done, 'Master' Schneiderman! :clap:


Schneiderman 'hypocrisy' leads to downfall, taunting from Republican foes

Pretty sad when Democrats have to beat up women to feel 'manly'....

Schneiderman, who had been running for re-election, said he contested the women’s accounts, but “while these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct or the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time.” He said he would resign at the close of business on Tuesday.

N.Y. attorney general resigns amid abuse allegations

Cuomo in his statement said, “No one is above the law, including New York’s top legal officer. I will be asking an appropriate New York District Attorney(s) to commence an immediate investigation, and proceed as the facts merits.”

President "I grab'um by the pussy because I'm a star" should follow Schneiderman's lead, save the country the disgrace, and resign.

The douche tortures women. And he's your fellow Democrat. Fluck em.

Donnie Douchebag is a self admitted serial molester. He should follow the example, resign, and devote himself to his defense and not put the country at any more risk.

Your Democrat is a very dangerous pervert. He enjoys torturing women. Go ahead and try to deflect if you want, but hopefully this cretin will go to prison with his fellow Democrat Weinstein.

He resigned! What else do you want? Would you like him to slit his own throat? I say let a full investigation begin, and let the cards fall where they may.
Arrested for assault

Yeah, the things these women are saying, are very disturbing. This one's a real sicko. He enjoyed torturing women. He should be arrested.
See how dropping all need of evidence can turn around and bite you in the ass? This is why our legal system is based on facts, evidence and trials instead of just I trust this person over everything.

This is going to get real ugly for the democratic party and it will regret ever pulling this crap.

Lets prove it. We have proven Trump that he assaults women, he said so, and yet you seem to think its a ok.

We have proven Trump that he assaults women

We did? When?
So you don't think grabbing someone by the pussy is assault, eh?

Has Hillary been charged, eh?
Schneiderman, who had been running for re-election, said he contested the women’s accounts, but “while these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct or the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time.” He said he would resign at the close of business on Tuesday.

N.Y. attorney general resigns amid abuse allegations

Cuomo in his statement said, “No one is above the law, including New York’s top legal officer. I will be asking an appropriate New York District Attorney(s) to commence an immediate investigation, and proceed as the facts merits.”

President "I grab'um by the pussy because I'm a star" should follow Schneiderman's lead, save the country the disgrace, and resign.

The douche tortures women. And he's your fellow Democrat. Fluck em.

Donnie Douchebag is a self admitted serial molester. He should follow the example, resign, and devote himself to his defense and not put the country at any more risk.

which incident did he cop too?
Coming out now Schneiderman is an alcoholic and stole women's prescription meds. Oh how the mighty and self righteous asshole has fallen
Schneiderman, who had been running for re-election, said he contested the women’s accounts, but “while these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct or the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time.” He said he would resign at the close of business on Tuesday.

N.Y. attorney general resigns amid abuse allegations

Cuomo in his statement said, “No one is above the law, including New York’s top legal officer. I will be asking an appropriate New York District Attorney(s) to commence an immediate investigation, and proceed as the facts merits.”

President "I grab'um by the pussy because I'm a star" should follow Schneiderman's lead, save the country the disgrace, and resign.

The douche tortures women. And he's your fellow Democrat. Fluck em.

Donnie Douchebag is a self admitted serial molester. He should follow the example, resign, and devote himself to his defense and not put the country at any more risk.
at risk of what?
Eric Schneiderman, New York AG, accused of sexual abuse by four women

Karma. Attack President Trump and his allies and Karma strikes back!
Valid complaints...need to be investigated...and if legit, he needs to be prosecuted.

If they can prove the complaints, these are recent and they both seemed ok with it. They were not married to him with children. Supposedly strong women, and yet take beatings from a drunk?? I find that strange.
Hillary, the strongest of all strong women, was constantly and publicly humiliated by her husband.

Look at the WHCD. Bashing women is your party's new mantra.

What woman in their early 40's would date a man even before they had sex (according to her, for 2 weeks) of which he pinned her on the bed, slapped her and choked her, would go on to date him for 2 years , when she had a young female girl at home??? Please respond.
Your party is all about bashing women. So the answer is, a progressive woman and her progressive boyfriend.
Eric Schneiderman, New York AG, accused of sexual abuse by four women

Karma. Attack President Trump and his allies and Karma strikes back!
Valid complaints...need to be investigated...and if legit, he needs to be prosecuted.

If they can prove the complaints, these are recent and they both seemed ok with it. They were not married to him with children. Supposedly strong women, and yet take beatings from a drunk?? I find that strange.
Hillary, the strongest of all strong women, was constantly and publicly humiliated by her husband.

Look at the WHCD. Bashing women is your party's new mantra.

She was well known and perhaps they had an open marriage, he didn't man handle him, and she was married and had a child. These women were not, except one had kids.
It's the Dim way. Watch the WHCD and you'll discover how those people think.
Looks like our friends here on the left, are not willing to hold this hypocrite responsible for his actions :biggrin:.

What makes you say that?

The consensus on the left is that he did the right thing by resigning and that he should be held accountable for any criminal offenses he committed.

That's what the left ALWAYS says after one of their own is found to have been a pervert or a lawbreaker.

Where have you been?
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