NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

They have till 11:59 AM Jan 20th to slap the cuffs on quid pro joe. That's quite a bit of time, assuming he wins, which I doubt.


When you wake up from that dream don't forget to roll off the right side of the bed and turn off the alarm clock.

I'm retired, I don't do alarms. The DNI, FBI and DOJ say this is NOT Russian misinformation. On top of that, there are TWO people on the email chains that say they are authentic. Then no one in the Biden camp have denied the emails authenticity. Now, what have you got?


Biden did deny it in this very debate, he stated it was Russian misinformation.

Trump's own National Security Advisor warned him the source, Rudy (playing with his little tootie fruity in a hotel room) Giuliani is being played by Russian intelligence.

You have two weeks for it to become something other than rumours and smear.

Two weeks.

Don't hold your breath.
Biden lied, Stupid.

You guys are playing with fools gold here thinking this can turn the election, the FBI has had the emails long enough to mae a determination, there is nothing there against Biden. It is clear they are investigating the source of the emails, Russian interference and possible Giuliani collusion.

Best focus on economic issues, that is Trump's last hope.
The fact you are begging people to ignore this says it all.
There is zippo on Joe. Nothing. Sure. Wait for them to uncover nothing but guess what? Even when they uncover nothing you guys claim it’s some giant conspiracy even when investigated by republicans under the order of republicans by appointees by republicans. It’s honestly nuts. Nuts.

FBI had info for a long time Not because there’s nothing there but rather because it’s grotesque and devastating and they don’t want to release it
Again. More made up crap. Aren’t you tired of being wrong? Go get some pizza and just know there is no pedo ring in the basement.
Thank you for your fact absent sputtering surrender
You posted the made up shit. I called you on it. Link? Proof? Nah. Your gut. It’s just fat moving around.
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All of Joe Biden’s tax records are public. None of Donald Trump’s are. Mic drop.

"Hunter Biden's ex-business partner implicates Joe Biden in secret China deals"

"Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski speaks out ahead of debate: 'Everything I’m saying is corroborated'"

"Former Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski Meeting with Senate Investigators to Turn Over Information"
Repeat posting of the same post is a violation of TOS and an example of your lack of intellect. Joe’s finances are ALL ONLINE. Every tax return for 22 years. The reason you and your filthy right wing nuts are trading in innuendo and not facts is that it’s bullshit. If Joe got money show it to me on his return. You are full of crap.
How stupid are you?

You think criminals report their illegal gains on their taxes? Man, what an idiot
Then where is it dope? Oh, I know. It’s in your imagination.
So you do think he would put it on hit taxes. What a buffoon. :iyfyus.jpg:
Oh. So it’s a double secret probation? Got it. You have nothing. He’s only guilty of not being a right wing nut.
I have no idea WTF you are babbling about.....and neither do you.

Criminals don't report their criminal gains on their tax return you blithering idiot.
There’s no criminal money. This story died just like Herman Cain.
Yup. Just like always. Too bad Hillary’s in jail or we could ask her?

Speaking of Hillary, where is she? She and Bill set the stage for massive corruption with China.
Not in jail. Not under investigation. She’s laughing her ass off at dead and unemployed deplorables from covid.
FBI had info for a long time Not because there’s nothing there but rather because it’s grotesque and devastating and they don’t want to release it
Again. More made up crap. Aren’t you tired of being wrong? Go get some pizza and just know there is no pedo ring in the basement.
Thank you for your fact absent sputtering surrender
You stayed the made up shit. I called you on it. Link? Proof? Nah. Your gut. It’s fist fat moving around.
Illiterate therefore cannot respond
The link or source you want to demand is simply the occurrent events unfolding in front of all of us except for the emotionally blind who choose to not see
FBI had info for a long time Not because there’s nothing there but rather because it’s grotesque and devastating and they don’t want to release it
Again. More made up crap. Aren’t you tired of being wrong? Go get some pizza and just know there is no pedo ring in the basement.
Thank you for your fact absent sputtering surrender
You stayed the made up shit. I called you on it. Link? Proof? Nah. Your gut. It’s fist fat moving around.
Illiterate therefore cannot respond
The link or source you want to demand is simply the occurrent events unfolding in front of all of us except for the emotionally blind who choose to not see
Yea. That was careless typing. Don’t blame you.
Not in jail, [Hillary and Bill] Not under investigation. She’s laughing her ass off at dead and unemployed deplorables from covid.

I'm sure you're right. She and Bill are laughing their behinds off at the dead and unemployed in America caused by the virus originated in the country of their business partners, Communist China. We remember how she reacted after getting that rapist off.
Not in jail, [Hillary and Bill] Not under investigation. She’s laughing her ass off at dead and unemployed deplorables from covid.

I'm sure you're right. She and Bill are laughing their behinds off at the dead and unemployed in America caused by the virus originated in the country of their business partners, Communist China. We remember how she reacted after getting that rapist off.
Deplorables unemployed and dying...
All of Joe Biden’s tax records are public. None of Donald Trump’s are. Mic drop.

"Hunter Biden's ex-business partner implicates Joe Biden in secret China deals"

"Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski speaks out ahead of debate: 'Everything I’m saying is corroborated'"

"Former Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski Meeting with Senate Investigators to Turn Over Information"
Repeat posting of the same post is a violation of TOS and an example of your lack of intellect. Joe’s finances are ALL ONLINE. Every tax return for 22 years. The reason you and your filthy right wing nuts are trading in innuendo and not facts is that it’s bullshit. If Joe got money show it to me on his return. You are full of crap.
How stupid are you?

You think criminals report their illegal gains on their taxes? Man, what an idiot
Then where is it dope? Oh, I know. It’s in your imagination.
So you do think he would put it on hit taxes. What a buffoon. :iyfyus.jpg:
Oh. So it’s a double secret probation? Got it. You have nothing. He’s only guilty of not being a right wing nut.
I have no idea WTF you are babbling about.....and neither do you.

Criminals don't report their criminal gains on their tax return you blithering idiot.
There’s no criminal money. This story died just like Herman Cain.

"This story died just like Herman Cain."


No, you Fascists refused to do what actual journalists would do, provide the news to the public.

....even the media that taxpayers support, NPR went to work for their candidate: “We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions,” Samuel reasoned. “And quite frankly, that’s where we ended up, this was . . . a politically driven event and we decided to treat it that way.”

The only silver lining in the censorship on behalf of Biden is that your side must feel that there are enough real Americans who might read about Biden selling out American interests to Ukraine, Russia and Communist China, that your need to block the story.
There’s no criminal money. This story died just like Herman Cain.

BREAKING: War Room Releases Email on CCP “Loans” To Hunter Biden and Eric Schwerin Worth Millions — Hid From IRS and SEC?
By Jim Hoft
Published October 23, 2020 at 7:03pm

FBI had info for a long time Not because there’s nothing there but rather because it’s grotesque and devastating and they don’t want to release it
Again. More made up crap. Aren’t you tired of being wrong? Go get some pizza and just know there is no pedo ring in the basement.
It's not madeup, moron. The FBI has had the laptop since Dec 2019.
The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

They have till 11:59 AM Jan 20th to slap the cuffs on quid pro joe. That's quite a bit of time, assuming he wins, which I doubt.


When you wake up from that dream don't forget to roll off the right side of the bed and turn off the alarm clock.

I'm retired, I don't do alarms. The DNI, FBI and DOJ say this is NOT Russian misinformation. On top of that, there are TWO people on the email chains that say they are authentic. Then no one in the Biden camp have denied the emails authenticity. Now, what have you got?


Biden did deny it in this very debate, he stated it was Russian misinformation.

Trump's own National Security Advisor warned him the source, Rudy (playing with his little tootie fruity in a hotel room) Giuliani is being played by Russian intelligence.

You have two weeks for it to become something other than rumours and smear.

Two weeks.

Don't hold your breath.
Biden lied, Stupid.

You guys are playing with fools gold here thinking this can turn the election, the FBI has had the emails long enough to mae a determination, there is nothing there against Biden. It is clear they are investigating the source of the emails, Russian interference and possible Giuliani collusion.

Best focus on economic issues, that is Trump's last hope.
The fact you are begging people to ignore this says it all.

I am not begging anyone to do anything, it is not my problem Americans are so myopic they cannot focus on what matters, an out of control pandemic and collapsing economy, I do not have to live with that living in far more rational and functional Australia.

Just pointing out this "scandal" is an idiotic and desperate diversion from such which highlights to much of the rest of the free world just how dysfunctional The United States of Anger has become.
FBI had info for a long time Not because there’s nothing there but rather because it’s grotesque and devastating and they don’t want to release it
Again. More made up crap. Aren’t you tired of being wrong? Go get some pizza and just know there is no pedo ring in the basement.
Of course if the laptop and 28,000 emails were made up CIA,FBI, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the Main Stream Media would prove it and instantly eliminate Trump, FOX, and Republicans who have staked their reputations on them. Why do you think they have not done that?

If you are not smart enough to post here can certainly read what others write.
The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

They have till 11:59 AM Jan 20th to slap the cuffs on quid pro joe. That's quite a bit of time, assuming he wins, which I doubt.


When you wake up from that dream don't forget to roll off the right side of the bed and turn off the alarm clock.

I'm retired, I don't do alarms. The DNI, FBI and DOJ say this is NOT Russian misinformation. On top of that, there are TWO people on the email chains that say they are authentic. Then no one in the Biden camp have denied the emails authenticity. Now, what have you got?


Biden did deny it in this very debate, he stated it was Russian misinformation.

Trump's own National Security Advisor warned him the source, Rudy (playing with his little tootie fruity in a hotel room) Giuliani is being played by Russian intelligence.

You have two weeks for it to become something other than rumours and smear.

Two weeks.

Don't hold your breath.
Biden lied, Stupid.

You guys are playing with fools gold here thinking this can turn the election, the FBI has had the emails long enough to mae a determination, there is nothing there against Biden. It is clear they are investigating the source of the emails, Russian interference and possible Giuliani collusion.

Best focus on economic issues, that is Trump's last hope.
The fact you are begging people to ignore this says it all.

I am not begging anyone to do anything, it is not my problem Americans are so myopic they cannot focus on what matters, an out of control pandemic and collapsing economy, I do not have to live with that living in far more rational and functional Australia.

Just pointing out this "scandal" is an idiotic and desperate diversion from such which highlights to much of the rest of the free world just how dysfunctional The United States of Anger has become.

USA created freedom on earth and is the world's policeman in the name of freedom. This election is about freedom or socialist govt and the future of the world. It is being fought on a very low level only because Democrats want it that way and are getting their way. Now they want 16 year olds to vote, for example, knowing that the dumb will vote for free stuff and pleasing personalities. Do you understand?
The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

They have till 11:59 AM Jan 20th to slap the cuffs on quid pro joe. That's quite a bit of time, assuming he wins, which I doubt.


When you wake up from that dream don't forget to roll off the right side of the bed and turn off the alarm clock.

I'm retired, I don't do alarms. The DNI, FBI and DOJ say this is NOT Russian misinformation. On top of that, there are TWO people on the email chains that say they are authentic. Then no one in the Biden camp have denied the emails authenticity. Now, what have you got?


Biden did deny it in this very debate, he stated it was Russian misinformation.

Trump's own National Security Advisor warned him the source, Rudy (playing with his little tootie fruity in a hotel room) Giuliani is being played by Russian intelligence.

You have two weeks for it to become something other than rumours and smear.

Two weeks.

Don't hold your breath.
Biden lied, Stupid.

You guys are playing with fools gold here thinking this can turn the election, the FBI has had the emails long enough to mae a determination, there is nothing there against Biden. It is clear they are investigating the source of the emails, Russian interference and possible Giuliani collusion.

Best focus on economic issues, that is Trump's last hope.
The fact you are begging people to ignore this says it all.

I am not begging anyone to do anything, it is not my problem Americans are so myopic they cannot focus on what matters, an out of control pandemic and collapsing economy, I do not have to live with that living in far more rational and functional Australia.

Just pointing out this "scandal" is an idiotic and desperate diversion from such which highlights to much of the rest of the free world just how dysfunctional The United States of Anger has become.

USA created freedom on earth and is the world's policeman in the name of freedom. This election is about freedom or socialist govt and the future of the world. It is being fought on a very low level only because Democrats want it that way and are getting their way. Now they want 16 year olds to vote, for example, knowing that the dumb will vote for free stuff and pleasing personalities. Do you understand?

US created freedom on Earth?

You working on your stand up routine?

The concept of human freedom is as old as Athens and evolved through the British state unto America.

Some times America has supported it, some times America has subverted it. (As in the overthrow of democratically elected governments during the Cold War.)

Since the Cold War most of the free world has admired America (though often were shocked at the poverty and lack of civilised social services, the crime rates, chaos, number of people not living in freedom but rather in prisons) and much of the authoritarian world feared America.

Now observing the chaos of America's pandemic response, the difficulty the system has even providing minimal economic support to the unemployed, the greed which large American businesses conduct themselves in, even taking pandemic relief money, a tax system that is a plutocratic joke before the world and the petty and idiotic nature of the Presidential contest, most of the world, both free and authoritarian simply pities The United States of Anger.
The concept of human freedom is as old as Athens and evolved through the British state unto America.

The concept of freedom is as old as mankind but was significantly implemented only by America. This is why Jefferson said, "now there is something new under the Sun" and why he described us as the first empire of liberty, and why Reagan said we are the last best hope for freedom on earth against the eternal libsocialist enemy. Do you understand??
Since the Cold War most of the free world has admired America (though often were shocked at the poverty

totally stupid. there is no poverty in America. The poorest families here get $80,000 a year in free health care, education, housing, defense, infrastructure, police/fire protection etc etc. Billions of poor live at $2-3/day. Do you understand????
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