NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
let me put it into plain english for the vile scum demonrats---NYT---lets get real...fake news paper all the way
the New York Post is a tabloid. Giuliani said he gave it to them instead of a legitimate News Paper, because a legitimate news paper would have to verify the content before they could puplish the story, and THAT would be too late and defeat his purpose of his October surprise..... :rolleyes-41:
Notice how none of the other credible networks are running with the story. Even Fox News is distancing themselves
This is what the right does.

2000: bullshit stories about McCain fathering an illegitimate black child

2004: bullshit stories about Kerry not being under fire during a rescue

2008: bullshit stories about Obama being born in Kenya

2012: bullshit stories about Obama's birth certificate being fake

2016: bullshit stories about PizzaGate
white water...BARRAG gate(treasonist) w/xiden by its side .you see, what you typed has no merit on anything--duh---your demonrats are scum of AMERICA, and if this is what you support, you are as well. none of what you typed had nothing to do w/nothing.
Sorry, I don't speak gibberish.
Actually you do and quite fluently. You are very partisan. We agree that you are sorry.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
let me put it into plain english for the vile scum demonrats---NYT---lets get real...fake news paper all the way
the New York Post is a tabloid. Giuliani said he gave it to them instead of a legitimate News Paper, because a legitimate news paper would have to verify the content before they could puplish the story, and THAT would be too late and defeat his purpose of his October surprise..... :rolleyes-41:
Notice how none of the other credible networks are running with the story. Even Fox News is distancing themselves
This is what the right does.

2000: bullshit stories about McCain fathering an illegitimate black child

2004: bullshit stories about Kerry not being under fire during a rescue

2008: bullshit stories about Obama being born in Kenya

2012: bullshit stories about Obama's birth certificate being fake

2016: bullshit stories about PizzaGate
I bet you believe the Russian hoax and the Ukrainian phone call..... don't you
You'd lose that bet over Russian collusion and the phone call is true. Impeached Trump even admitted he asked a foreign leader to look into his political rival, which the foreign leader did.

Who is this guy? I am shocked Twitter has not banned him.
Yet another right wing conspiracy theorist.

Trump supporters LOVE their nutty conspiracy theories.
Again, are you stupid. Stop responding to my posts if you’re going to be dishonest or I ll blast you on here and tell everyone you’re a Brit interfering in our elections and do so after every single one of your posts on this board. Enough!
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
let me put it into plain english for the vile scum demonrats---NYT---lets get real...fake news paper all the way
the New York Post is a tabloid. Giuliani said he gave it to them instead of a legitimate News Paper, because a legitimate news paper would have to verify the content before they could puplish the story, and THAT would be too late and defeat his purpose of his October surprise..... :rolleyes-41:
Notice how none of the other credible networks are running with the story. Even Fox News is distancing themselves
This is what the right does.

2000: bullshit stories about McCain fathering an illegitimate black child

2004: bullshit stories about Kerry not being under fire during a rescue

2008: bullshit stories about Obama being born in Kenya

2012: bullshit stories about Obama's birth certificate being fake

2016: bullshit stories about PizzaGate
How about bullshit about Kavanaugh. Bullshit about Trump being a Russian agent? How about bullshit in general from our biased media.
Neither of those were October surprises. Go back to sleep, you sound drunk.
When did the words “October surprise” ever come from me? Find that post and I ll leave this site forever. I have Been consistently skeptical of this from the outset. You’re such a waste of life.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
let me put it into plain english for the vile scum demonrats---NYT---lets get real...fake news paper all the way
the New York Post is a tabloid. Giuliani said he gave it to them instead of a legitimate News Paper, because a legitimate news paper would have to verify the content before they could puplish the story, and THAT would be too late and defeat his purpose of his October surprise..... :rolleyes-41:
Notice how none of the other credible networks are running with the story. Even Fox News is distancing themselves
This is what the right does.

2000: bullshit stories about McCain fathering an illegitimate black child

2004: bullshit stories about Kerry not being under fire during a rescue

2008: bullshit stories about Obama being born in Kenya

2012: bullshit stories about Obama's birth certificate being fake

2016: bullshit stories about PizzaGate
I bet you believe the Russian hoax and the Ukrainian phone call..... don't you
You'd lose that bet over Russian collusion and the phone call is true. Impeached Trump even admitted he asked a foreign leader to look into his political rival, which the foreign leader did.
No I wouldn't
Of course you would. Now you’re speaking from ignorance. I said all along I would wait until Mueller released his report to weigh in whether or not Impeached Trump committed conspiracy with Russia. And I said Mueller's report exonerated Impeached Trump of conspiracy. Stop being stupid.
Do you believe that Blasey Ford made up the Kavanaugh accusations because she is a whacko pro choice Leftist? Yes or No?
I have no idea why she made it up other than to try and subvert his confirmation. Still, you falsely claimed I fell for it. If you have any character at all, you'll apologize for your mischaracterization of me.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
let me put it into plain english for the vile scum demonrats---NYT---lets get real...fake news paper all the way
the New York Post is a tabloid. Giuliani said he gave it to them instead of a legitimate News Paper, because a legitimate news paper would have to verify the content before they could puplish the story, and THAT would be too late and defeat his purpose of his October surprise..... :rolleyes-41:
Notice how none of the other credible networks are running with the story. Even Fox News is distancing themselves
This is what the right does.

2000: bullshit stories about McCain fathering an illegitimate black child

2004: bullshit stories about Kerry not being under fire during a rescue

2008: bullshit stories about Obama being born in Kenya

2012: bullshit stories about Obama's birth certificate being fake

2016: bullshit stories about PizzaGate
white water...BARRAG gate(treasonist) w/xiden by its side .you see, what you typed has no merit on anything--duh---your demonrats are scum of AMERICA, and if this is what you support, you are as well. none of what you typed had nothing to do w/nothing.
Sorry, I don't speak gibberish.
thats all you type. anyhow its hard to explain anything thats TRUTH to the vile scum of the demonrats. im sure you can figure out what that means, maybe not
Oh please!

the whole October Surprise stinks of rotten eggs!

First, Giuliani has had the laptop since July of 2019....
Why didn't he give it to AG Barr? That is what a law abiding citizen would do.

And Barr is in the bag for Trump, so there would be no reason not to do this...

And then, why in the hell would this computer shop owner, decide to give this lap top to Giuliani.... of all people??? Seriously!!!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

And then you have the impeachment, with Giuliani head deep in the shenanigans back in the late summer and fall of 2019....while he had the laptop already? And didn't come to the defense of Trump, in the impeachment nor the impeachment trial????

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! wake up!

And then we have the year long investigation in the Senate on it..... and the R Senate investigation in to the Hunter/Joe thingy and they supposedly have the lap top, and then clear Joe Biden of any wrong doing, though lots of negative on Hunter?

and this shop owner is allegedly legally blind so he doesn't know who dropped the laptop off, yet he says he called the person to come pick it up, and another yet, is he claims he saw something disturbing so he gave a copy to the FBI, but when questioned about child porn on the lapto this guy claims "He saw NONE of that..."?

So why did he give the laptop copy to the FBI?

And what was he doing snooping through Hunter Biden's lap top in the first place? That's NOT part of retrieving a hard drive.....? So what was it specifically that made him give a copy to the FBI and then out of the blue, choose Rudy Giuliani to give it to?

And this guy did not see child porn, and is legally blind, additionally an excuse for not knowing who dropped off the laptop, yet he sees well enough to read Hunter's emails and see something to make him want to turn the coPy of the laptop to the FBI?

Then Giuliani holds on to ALL OF THIS INFO, letting the alleged child sex abuse continue on and on and on and on, while he holds on to the laptop for over a year's time, without giving it to AG BARR,

only to drop the laptop in to the new National Enquirer helper for Trump, the New York Post tabloid, to drop the story two weeks out from the election.... and Giuliani says he gave it to the tabloid because he was afraid a legitimate news paper would be required to check the sources BEFORE printing the story,and 'this would be too late'..... too late to serve HIS PURPOSE of an October surprise.....

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn again!

Sorry, this stinks to high heaven of trumpery!
Your timeline is wrong. Want to try to not spin nonsense?

The FBI was given the hard drive in December after they subpoened it---------which means Barr would have or should have been informed then---but the clinton corrupt FBI sat on and hid this evidence even though Trump was being impeached over Burisma and the computer held evidence that was pertinent to the hearing. Guilliani wasn't informed of the computer till this year-------after the FBI had the computer.
Nope! That's all fake news dear one! The shop owner said he gave the laptop to the FBI after Hunter did not show up to pick it up..... that was early summer 2019? so is the story changing?

And then the subpoena that is showing by the GatewayPundit as a subpoena for Hunter Biden to show up at a grand jury, DOES NOT HAVE HUNTER'S NAME ON IT..... whomever was being subpoenaed...the name was blacked out.... the one that is claimed to have some agent named Wilson bled thru on it ....who works on child sex trafficking.....does not name Biden as the person being subpoenaed, and does not say that the person being subpoenaed has to bring any electronic data with him, as claimed by the GatewayPundit......

Snowflakes are being snowed!
So you think the people that confirmed the emails are liars?
What people? Name them...
Your momma, bitch.
You know who i am referring to
No, I don't. And neither do you or you would name names. You're not because you can't.
Of course I cant. Do you think Fox News is making it up? Or do you think the people are lying?
Who knows. Maybe they did. Maybe the emails were "confirmed" by someone falsely claiming to be a recipient. Who knows? You don't.
and you dont know either if it was the other way around.
No I don't. So no one knows if it's true or not yet that doesn't stop you yahoos from spreading it as though it's true.

How did Russia produce the fake information on the laptop? Specifically.
I never said they did.

Are you ever not a retard, ShortBus?

You use that pejorative all the time? Something odd here.
No, my bad. I thought you posted that.
Been consistently skeptical of this from the outset.
You’re a liar and here is the proof.
They are lying. Meeting obviously happened. Don’t care but don’t be hypocrites. Their defense is that it’s not in his official calendar. Duh. Even an idiot like Biden would not put it in his calendar and there are other emails and pictures. This is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s hilarious. Biden is cooked. Comey part 2.
Dershowitz also defended Epstein. I bet you believed him then too. What you believe isn’t based in reality. It’s based in ego.

Wait - are you another foreigner interfering with our elections, the way the democrats blamed the Russians of doing (when it turned out to be Hillary all along.)?

So, you are with a foreign government tampering with the election? :eek:

Funny how many of the radical left in this forum are foreigners, Faun is Iranian, Dragonlady is Canadian, the number of aliens tampering with our election are legion.
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I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
let me put it into plain english for the vile scum demonrats---NYT---lets get real...fake news paper all the way
the New York Post is a tabloid. Giuliani said he gave it to them instead of a legitimate News Paper, because a legitimate news paper would have to verify the content before they could puplish the story, and THAT would be too late and defeat his purpose of his October surprise..... :rolleyes-41:
Notice how none of the other credible networks are running with the story. Even Fox News is distancing themselves
This is what the right does.

2000: bullshit stories about McCain fathering an illegitimate black child

2004: bullshit stories about Kerry not being under fire during a rescue

2008: bullshit stories about Obama being born in Kenya

2012: bullshit stories about Obama's birth certificate being fake

2016: bullshit stories about PizzaGate
I bet you believe the Russian hoax and the Ukrainian phone call..... don't you
You'd lose that bet over Russian collusion and the phone call is true. Impeached Trump even admitted he asked a foreign leader to look into his political rival, which the foreign leader did.
That’s not illegal.

Ok, Sheriff Buford T. Justice, whatever you say.
It’s not. Sorry.
There's actually a law on the books making solicitation of a foreign national to help with a campaign a crime. Impeached Trump did that when he solicited a foreign national to look into a political rival for dirt.
oh the thing the scum demonrats have been doing for years.. now you have a problem w/it? get over it
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
let me put it into plain english for the vile scum demonrats---NYT---lets get real...fake news paper all the way
the New York Post is a tabloid. Giuliani said he gave it to them instead of a legitimate News Paper, because a legitimate news paper would have to verify the content before they could puplish the story, and THAT would be too late and defeat his purpose of his October surprise..... :rolleyes-41:
Notice how none of the other credible networks are running with the story. Even Fox News is distancing themselves
This is what the right does.

2000: bullshit stories about McCain fathering an illegitimate black child

2004: bullshit stories about Kerry not being under fire during a rescue

2008: bullshit stories about Obama being born in Kenya

2012: bullshit stories about Obama's birth certificate being fake

2016: bullshit stories about PizzaGate
I bet you believe the Russian hoax and the Ukrainian phone call..... don't you
You'd lose that bet over Russian collusion and the phone call is true. Impeached Trump even admitted he asked a foreign leader to look into his political rival, which the foreign leader did.
Which was all done per our treaties 1998 Bill Clinton signed with Ukraine. The US is required to request that the UKRAINE also investigate any crimes (political rival or otherwise) that involve both countries. Just because you are a politican running for some office, DOES NOT mean that it is illegal to investigate any criminal activity that you are doing. HOW twisted the dems pretend that it means such.
Again, are you stupid. Stop responding to my posts if you’re going to be dishonest or I ll blast you on here and tell everyone you’re a Brit interfering in our elections and do so after every single one of your posts on this board. Enough!
Hard to know if you’re truly this stupid and/or lying or just trolling.

You love to pretend you know things that aren’t true.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt. It's rife in the Democrat swamp.
Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
So some partisan reporter doesn't want to believe this bombshell that is going to sink Old Joe Biden.
What does the FBI say? The left is lamely trying to push back but we know the score.
You fail, jackass.
The US is required to request that the UKRAINE also investigate any crimes (political rival or otherwise) that involve both countries.
Ukraine’s prosecutors never got any request from the DoJ. This was purely political.
That’s not illegal.
Abuse of office for personal gain. It’s exactly what the right has been falsely accusing Biden of doing.
There isn't any falsely accuse to it---the evidence clearly shows this-----Biden bragged of it---and there is a clear money trail along with emails and cell phone records.

As bad as this is---the violent kiddie rapes that Hunter was doing is even worse.
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