Zone1 NY State's politically selectively prosecution of Trump?

If something in particular is relevant to your OP, and you seem to believe it is, and you seem to know exactly where it is, you could have cut and paste, sharing the relevant information in your OP.

Obviously, whatever you referenced in your long comment, is not so important or you do not understand what you read, or what you read is written in such a way that it is very confusing.
Elektra, you continue asserting NY State's indictman, trial, and conviction of Donald Trump was illegal.

I posted links that enable you to read the entire transcripts of the indictment, and the presiding judge's instructions pronounced to the trial's jury before they in conference, unanimously determined Donald Trump guilty of the indictments entire 34 counts.
If you do wish to read the entire transcript of instructions, I posted a list of topic headings within the transcript of instructions, that would enable you to find the specific instructions that may be of particular concern or interest to you.

Apparently, you do not want to read any more about the trial, and I do not want to continue explaining everything to you.

If and when Trump's lawyers file an appeal of Trumps conviction based on the 34-count indictment, I doubt if the final appeal will be adjudicated prior to the 2024 general elections.
Possibly an intermediate appeal could be adjudicated prior to the election? I perceive no reason and I do not expect those 34 count convictions of Donald Trump to be overturned. Respectfully Supposn
Oh, good grief, the CNN crap. I don't watch CNN, but it is more credible than the trash on OAN, Daily Pundit, CBN, MRC, Fox News, Newsmax and other Trump d**ksucking media outlets. And your own cult leader is a goddamn liar.
You can not attest the credibility of CNN, you dont watch it.
More proof that you have nothing but bigotry.
Elektra, you continue asserting NY State's indictman, trial, and conviction of Donald Trump was illegal.

I posted links that enable you to read the entire transcripts of the indictment, and the presiding judge's instructions pronounced to the trial's jury before they in conference, unanimously determined Donald Trump guilty of the indictments entire 34 counts.
If you do wish to read the entire transcript of instructions, I posted a list of topic headings within the transcript of instructions, that would enable you to find the specific instructions that may be of particular concern or interest to you.

Apparently, you do not want to read any more about the trial, and I do not want to continue explaining everything to you.

If and when Trump's lawyers file an appeal of Trumps conviction based on the 34-count indictment, I doubt if the final appeal will be adjudicated prior to the 2024 general elections.
Possibly an intermediate appeal could be adjudicated prior to the election? I perceive no reason and I do not expect those 34 count convictions of Donald Trump to be overturned. Respectfully Supposn
I just cant get past the crime not being committed
The Federal Election Commission not finding a crime
The statute of limitations running out
Misdemeanor turned into felonies
The writing of a legal check called fraud
Recording the check in the ledger called fraud
Three sets of jury instructions instead of one
Changing the crime that was committed after the trial
Being denied witnesses

Yep, charge all who oppose democrats with crimes. The new American Tyrannical political system

Anything is now a crime unless we support democrats
You can not attest the credibility of CNN, you dont watch it.
More proof that you have nothing but bigotry.

I just cant get past the crime not being committed
The Federal Election Commission not finding a crime
The statute of limitations running out
Misdemeanor turned into felonies
The writing of a legal check called fraud
Recording the check in the ledger called fraud
Three sets of jury instructions instead of one
Changing the crime that was committed after the trial
Being denied witnesses

Yep, charge all who oppose democrats with crimes. The new American Tyrannical political system

Anything is now a crime unless we support democrats
Elektra, apparently, you do not want to read any more about the trial, and I do not want to continue explaining everything to you.
The transcript of the judge's instructions to the jury answers all of your questions as to why this conviction will not be overturned.
Respectfully, Supposn
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NY State's politically selectively prosecution of Trump?
I contend Donald Trump's behavior and actions while and after he served as president of the United States has been inferior to all or almost all, and superior to no other U.S. President. However, in the USA everyone is entitled to due process of law.

In May 2024, Trump was convicted for having prior to his election to office, committed 34 counts of causing business records falsifications. The indictment was falsification for the purpose of concealing one or more underlying crimes, but the underlying crimes were not explicitly specified.

In my unprofessional legal opinion, the accusation of NY State in this case having politically selectively prosecuted Trump is not without some merit.
I'm supposing NY State rarely indicts anyone of falsifying business records for the underlying purpose of obtaining more favorable loan rates. NY may not have sufficient judges and courts to prosecute all such cases.

Paying for a non-disclosure agreement, or paying an extortionist is not a crime and I question if the prosecution's alleged motive for that payment has, as it required to be in a criminal case), proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

Concealing facts or accusations from your wife and your family, or the voters and the remaining public may, or may not be reprehensible, but it's generally not a crime. Influencing voters, (i.e. political campaigning) is certainly not a crime. Respectfully, Supposn
He falsified business records.

Nothing too due with hiding adulterous affairs from the wife.
You sound like babblin joe now

What crime?

You can not attest the credibility of CNN, you dont watch it.
More proof that you have nothing but bigotry.

I just cant get past the crime not being committed
The Federal Election Commission not finding a crime
The statute of limitations running out
Misdemeanor turned into felonies
The writing of a legal check called fraud
Recording the check in the ledger called fraud
Three sets of jury instructions instead of one
Changing the crime that was committed after the trial
Being denied witnesses

Yep, charge all who oppose democrats with crimes. The new American Tyrannical political system

Anything is m
The Federal Election Commission not finding a crime

The FEC doesn't fine crimes. They are a civil agency and don't have law enforcement powers. The DOJ is the federal law enforcement agency and they DID find a crime. Cohen was charged and convicted of it.

The statute of limitations running out

The SOL didn't run out. The SOL on Class E felonies is 5 years with an addition period for time spent out of state to a maximum of 10 years. So the SOL wouldn't run out until 2026/2027 seeing as how the defendant was living in DC and FL.

Misdemeanor turned into felonies

The Class E felony law was on the books since 1965, misdemeanor's were not "turned into" felonies. Misdemeanors are a different law.

The writing of a legal check called fraud
Recording the check in the ledger called fraud

No, the conspiracy to submit fradulant invoices based on a retainer that didn't exist to then cut the checks was the fraud part.

Funny how you left the conspiracy and the invoices out.

Three sets of jury instructions instead of one

There was only one set of jury instructions given by the Judge.

Who besides the judge gave the jury instructions?

Changing the crime that was committed after the trial

No crimes were changed after the trial. Trump was convicted of the crimes that he was indicted for before trial.

Being denied witnesses

Trump wasn't denied witnesses, he CHOOSE not to call the witness when informed that the witness could only testify to his area of expertise and NOT make claims about a law being invalid. The judge is there to answer "Questions of Law", not witnesses. Witnesses are there to answer "Questions of Fact".

Glad to help.

The FEC doesn't fine crimes. They are a civil agency and don't have law enforcement powers. The DOJ is the federal law enforcement agency and they DID find a crime. Cohen was charged and convicted of it.
Thank you, you are convicting Trump for what Cohen pleaded to. This is how the government works, they threaten a man with endless jail and millions in court costs forcing the poor soul to plead guilty.

Pleading guilty is much different then being convicted so keep your lies or ignorance to yourself until you actually learn what happened.

Claiming Trump is guilty because of a plea bargain of a lawyer, talk about supporting tyranny with pure ignorance. I can see how Stalin convicted all those innocent folks and sent them to the Gulags, it is because of the ignorance and stupidity of people.

get it
The FEC doesn't fine crimes. They are a civil agency and don't have law enforcement powers. The DOJ is the federal law enforcement agency and they DID find a crime. Cohen was charged and convicted of it.
You are completely ignorant. Two points you just made, I have proven as pure ignorance in less than a minute. Do I need to go down your pathetic list and show every bit of ignorance you just posted. Nothing you posted is correct

Instead of watching the world from afar, how about watching the government from up close
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is the independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing the federal campaign finance law. The FEC has jurisdiction over the financing of campaigns for the U.S. House, Senate, Presidency and the Vice Presidency.
There is no such thing as hush money. If you think there is, show us the law that defines hush money. Show us one other person charged with hush money.
What was it, if not money to silence (hush) Stormy D. from coming forward with her sexual encounter with Trump? (on the heels of the Access Hollywood video)
To you all that are speculating as to the legality of NY State's indictment through the conviction of Donald Trump on all 34 counts of the indictment, this provided link to the judge's instructions and some guidance of some topics page numbers may be of some interest if you wish to know rather than speculate why this conviction is not likely to be overturned. Respectfully, Supposn

Elektra regarding questions of law: ...
... you may refer to: People v. DJT Jury Instructions and Charges FINAL 5-23-24 – DocumentCloud .

Excerpts from pages 29 to 34 of the judge's instructions to the NY State indictment of Donald Trump's jury discussed the specific topics of Intent to Defraud, Intent to Commit or Conceal Another Crime, NY Election Law 17-152 Predicate, the Federal Election Campaign Act, and Falsification of Other Business Records.
Pages 34 through 40 discuss Violation of Tax Laws, and Count Specific (Falsification of Business Records).
Pages 40 through 47 discuss Falsification of Business Records in the First degree - (NY State) Penal Law 175.10 , and Intent to Defraud, Intent to Commit or Conceal Another Crime.

Pages 48 through 55 discusses Motive When Not Element of Crime, and all other topics not discussed in previous pages that may be pertinent to the jury's deliberations. Respectfully, Supposn

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