NY times columnist Trump would certainly like to murder people without due process

Didnt trump himself said he can shoot someone and still get votes ?
So what. In many cases it is perfectly legal to shoot someone.
Excuses as always....he meant he can shit on his base and still get their loyalty....in other words he got you by the balls.

You're confusing Trump with Obabble, bub.

When did Trump spy on James Rosen and bug Sheryl Attkisson's computer? Oops, he didn't. Obabble did.
Didnt trump himself said he can shoot someone and still get votes ?
So what. In many cases it is perfectly legal to shoot someone.
Excuses as always....he meant he can shit on his base and still get their loyalty....in other words he got you by the balls.

You're confusing Trump with Obabble, bub.

When did Trump spy on James Rosen and bug Sheryl Attkisson's computer? Oops, he didn't. Obabble did.
Obabble did more than that. He persecuted James Rosen's parents.
Didnt trump himself said he can shoot someone and still get votes ?
So what. In many cases it is perfectly legal to shoot someone.
Excuses as always....he meant he can shit on his base and still get their loyalty....in other words he got you by the balls.

You're confusing Trump with Obabble, bub.

When did Trump spy on James Rosen and bug Sheryl Attkisson's computer? Oops, he didn't. Obabble did.
Obabble did more than that. He persecuted James Rosen's parents.

Oh indeed. Obabble was very broad minded in how many people's lives he damaged.
Whelp --- Pogo's Law just generated three more nickels. Ka-ching.
Didnt trump himself said he can shoot someone and still get votes ?
So what. In many cases it is perfectly legal to shoot someone.
Excuses as always....he meant he can shit on his base and still get their loyalty....in other words he got you by the balls.
Of course he didn't say anything even remotely like that, however, facts mean nothing to mentally ill TDS sufferers such as yourself.

Trump is known to conceal carry a Heckler & Koch .45 and a Smith and Wesson .38 caliber revolver. I don't know if he still carries with the Secret Service protecting him, but I think it would be great if he was walking down 5th Ave. and shot a looney Democratic party of slavery supporting ,TDS suffering, wannabe assassin.

Trump's ratings would skyrocket.
Oh so you advocating killing others because they think differently....good to know.
Didnt trump himself said he can shoot someone and still get votes ?
So what. In many cases it is perfectly legal to shoot someone.
Excuses as always....he meant he can shit on his base and still get their loyalty....in other words he got you by the balls.

You're confusing Trump with Obabble, bub.

When did Trump spy on James Rosen and bug Sheryl Attkisson's computer? Oops, he didn't. Obabble did.
Do I look like I care about Obama? Why everytime the orange is cornered you minions mention Hillary and Obama?
Didnt trump himself said he can shoot someone and still get votes ?
So what. In many cases it is perfectly legal to shoot someone.
Excuses as always....he meant he can shit on his base and still get their loyalty....in other words he got you by the balls.
Of course he didn't say anything even remotely like that, however, facts mean nothing to mentally ill TDS sufferers such as yourself.

Trump is known to conceal carry a Heckler & Koch .45 and a Smith and Wesson .38 caliber revolver. I don't know if he still carries with the Secret Service protecting him, but I think it would be great if he was walking down 5th Ave. and shot a looney Democratic party of slavery supporting ,TDS suffering, wannabe assassin.

Trump's ratings would skyrocket.
Oh so you advocating killing others because they think differently....good to know.
Could you explain the logical reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion, or are you simply lacking the critical thinking skills needed to construct any rational and reasoned argument to back up your ridiculous unsupported assertions?

Fucking idiot.
Didnt trump himself said he can shoot someone and still get votes ?
So what. In many cases it is perfectly legal to shoot someone.
Excuses as always....he meant he can shit on his base and still get their loyalty....in other words he got you by the balls.
Of course he didn't say anything even remotely like that, however, facts mean nothing to mentally ill TDS sufferers such as yourself.

Trump is known to conceal carry a Heckler & Koch .45 and a Smith and Wesson .38 caliber revolver. I don't know if he still carries with the Secret Service protecting him, but I think it would be great if he was walking down 5th Ave. and shot a looney Democratic party of slavery supporting ,TDS suffering, wannabe assassin.

Trump's ratings would skyrocket.
Oh so you advocating killing others because they think differently....good to know.
Could you explain the logical reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion, or are you simply lacking the critical thinking skills needed to construct any rational and reasoned argument to back up your ridiculous unsupported assertions?

Fucking idiot.

C'mon dood, it's RIGHT THERE IN YOUR POST. I noticed it too; that's why I clicked "informative". It says much about you.

In fact you just QUOTED it. It's literally sitting right under your own later post asking where the earlier one is.
Didnt trump himself said he can shoot someone and still get votes ?
So what. In many cases it is perfectly legal to shoot someone.
Excuses as always....he meant he can shit on his base and still get their loyalty....in other words he got you by the balls.

You're confusing Trump with Obabble, bub.

When did Trump spy on James Rosen and bug Sheryl Attkisson's computer? Oops, he didn't. Obabble did.
Do I look like I care about Obama? Why everytime the orange is cornered you minions mention Hillary and Obama?

That's Pogo's Law. Every time they do that I make a nickel.
You'd be surprised how fast billions of nickels add up.
NY Times Columnist: Trump ‘Would Certainly Like to’ Murder People Without Due Process

New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg argued with her fellow panelists on MSNBC’s "Meet the Press Daily" Friday about whether President Donald Trump is the leader of the free world or an aspiring despot.


If coures they do this is what people who think they're all that think the turn all the thing they would do to people and claim it's the other person whose doing it. PATHOLOGICAL LIARS REALLY HAVE MENTAL ISSUES..
What ever they've caused they blame it on Trump . Remember when that bitch Obama would take every said and done and say BUSH did it that's where these same asshole learned to do it they think it works but if you ever knew a pos democrat better watch your back they will back stab you in a heartbeat they will lie , and blame you for anything they can in any given situations.


As our current president is reducing federal regulations and thus influence on businesses, that answer would have to be a clear no, he is not an aspiring despot. The Democrats on the other hand, want more government control over our lives and thus more government and more of our hard earned dollars, so the most likely candidate for a despot would be any Democrat that could win a presidential election. The Democrats of today are nothing like those of the JFK era. If her were alive, he couldn't even get on the ballot as a Democrat now, he would be considered a Republican. What we've had growing over the last few decades is Marxism and that is totally against our Constitution and those millions that fled Marxism to be free individuals, not group think/step zombies.
NY Times Columnist: Trump ‘Would Certainly Like to’ Murder People Without Due Process

New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg argued with her fellow panelists on MSNBC’s "Meet the Press Daily" Friday about whether President Donald Trump is the leader of the free world or an aspiring despot.


If coures they do this is what people who think they're all that think the turn all the thing they would do to people and claim it's the other person whose doing it. PATHOLOGICAL LIARS REALLY HAVE MENTAL ISSUES..
What ever they've caused they blame it on Trump . Remember when that bitch Obama would take every said and done and say BUSH did it that's where these same asshole learned to do it they think it works but if you ever knew a pos democrat better watch your back they will back stab you in a heartbeat they will lie , and blame you for anything they can in any given situations.


As our current president is reducing federal regulations and thus influence on businesses, that answer would have to be a clear no, he is not an aspiring despot. The Democrats on the other hand, want more government control over our lives and thus more government and more of our hard earned dollars, so the most likely candidate for a despot would be any Democrat that could win a presidential election. The Democrats of today are nothing like those of the JFK era. If her were alive, he couldn't even get on the ballot as a Democrat now, he would be considered a Republican. What we've had growing over the last few decades is Marxism and that is totally against our Constitution and those millions that fled Marxism to be free individuals, not group think/step zombies.

Folks, our global society has been internally infected by a demonic inspired philosophy, that if allowed to continue to grow, will lead us all to the throne of darkness demanding we bend a knee and pledge allegiance to the satanic New World Order.

Whether you call it postmodernism or Cultural Marxism, the philosophy has entrenched itself in our society as the 21st Century “new normal.”

As the cultural Marxism idols of relativism, atheism, humanism, and communism have become mainstream and now accepted by most, the contest for the souls and minds of Americans is now being fought by formidable opponents in godless liberal collectivists, multi-national corporate globalists, neo-conservative fascists, New Age religion, Islam and Satanism.

No longer are we only threatened from without by a group of balding hard-line Communists – we are now threatened from within – by a group of intelligent, well-dressed globalists who are convincing America and the nations of the world that the only way to lasting world peace is the establishment of a … “New World Order.”

The New World Order | Jeremiah Project
Didnt trump himself said he can shoot someone and still get votes ?
So what. In many cases it is perfectly legal to shoot someone.
Excuses as always....he meant he can shit on his base and still get their loyalty....in other words he got you by the balls.
Of course he didn't say anything even remotely like that, however, facts mean nothing to mentally ill TDS sufferers such as yourself.

Trump is known to conceal carry a Heckler & Koch .45 and a Smith and Wesson .38 caliber revolver. I don't know if he still carries with the Secret Service protecting him, but I think it would be great if he was walking down 5th Ave. and shot a looney Democratic party of slavery supporting ,TDS suffering, wannabe assassin.

Trump's ratings would skyrocket.
Oh so you advocating killing others because they think differently....good to know.
Could you explain the logical reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion, or are you simply lacking the critical thinking skills needed to construct any rational and reasoned argument to back up your ridiculous unsupported assertions?

Fucking idiot.
You call me an idiot and you support Trump ? :abgg2q.jpg:
Didnt trump himself said he can shoot someone and still get votes ?
So what. In many cases it is perfectly legal to shoot someone.
Excuses as always....he meant he can shit on his base and still get their loyalty....in other words he got you by the balls.
Of course he didn't say anything even remotely like that, however, facts mean nothing to mentally ill TDS sufferers such as yourself.

Trump is known to conceal carry a Heckler & Koch .45 and a Smith and Wesson .38 caliber revolver. I don't know if he still carries with the Secret Service protecting him, but I think it would be great if he was walking down 5th Ave. and shot a looney Democratic party of slavery supporting ,TDS suffering, wannabe assassin.

Trump's ratings would skyrocket.
Oh so you advocating killing others because they think differently....good to know.
Could you explain the logical reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion, or are you simply lacking the critical thinking skills needed to construct any rational and reasoned argument to back up your ridiculous unsupported assertions?

Fucking idiot.
You calling me an idiot and you asking me to explain to you what you said right above LOL.
Didnt trump himself said he can shoot someone and still get votes ?
So what. In many cases it is perfectly legal to shoot someone.
Excuses as always....he meant he can shit on his base and still get their loyalty....in other words he got you by the balls.

You're confusing Trump with Obabble, bub.

When did Trump spy on James Rosen and bug Sheryl Attkisson's computer? Oops, he didn't. Obabble did.
Do I look like I care about Obama? Why everytime the orange is cornered you minions mention Hillary and Obama?

That's Pogo's Law. Every time they do that I make a nickel.
You'd be surprised how fast billions of nickels add up.
Good on you.
Every single time their orange Lord fucks up they pull but Obama did or Clinton did. Obama had 2 terms, left a booming economy and the rest of the world governments or the people of this earth loves him....Trump is a clown and his people are known to the whole world to be the ***** of america. That being said I haven't voted for Obama :), and not a fan of Clinton....go on minions let the insults begin.
All I want is for Trump to shut that twitter shit up, and listen to us. Don't tell US what WE want, LISTEN to US, Donald. Please. That's all I want from any politician, actually. Reflect our will, guys, not ignore and presume you know better. LISTEN TO US, Goddamit!
What makes you think he isn't listening to the people? For example, most taxpayers wanted their taxes cut. That was the #1 issue. Done. My taxes have been lowered about $18,000/year

Issue #2 was lowering unemployment, and now we have a record number of people employed.

What the fuck do you want, MaryL?
NY Times Columnist: Trump ‘Would Certainly Like to’ Murder People Without Due Process

New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg argued with her fellow panelists on MSNBC’s "Meet the Press Daily" Friday about whether President Donald Trump is the leader of the free world or an aspiring despot.


If coures they do this is what people who think they're all that think the turn all the thing they would do to people and claim it's the other person whose doing it. PATHOLOGICAL LIARS REALLY HAVE MENTAL ISSUES..
What ever they've caused they blame it on Trump . Remember when that bitch Obama would take every said and done and say BUSH did it that's where these same asshole learned to do it they think it works but if you ever knew a pos democrat better watch your back they will back stab you in a heartbeat they will lie , and blame you for anything they can in any given situations.


Well he certainly isn't the leader of the free world, Germany took that over when he failed to step up.
NY Times Columnist: Trump ‘Would Certainly Like to’ Murder People Without Due Process

New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg argued with her fellow panelists on MSNBC’s "Meet the Press Daily" Friday about whether President Donald Trump is the leader of the free world or an aspiring despot.


If coures they do this is what people who think they're all that think the turn all the thing they would do to people and claim it's the other person whose doing it. PATHOLOGICAL LIARS REALLY HAVE MENTAL ISSUES..
What ever they've caused they blame it on Trump . Remember when that bitch Obama would take every said and done and say BUSH did it that's where these same asshole learned to do it they think it works but if you ever knew a pos democrat better watch your back they will back stab you in a heartbeat they will lie , and blame you for anything they can in any given situations.


As our current president is reducing federal regulations and thus influence on businesses, that answer would have to be a clear no, he is not an aspiring despot. The Democrats on the other hand, want more government control over our lives and thus more government and more of our hard earned dollars, so the most likely candidate for a despot would be any Democrat that could win a presidential election. The Democrats of today are nothing like those of the JFK era. If her were alive, he couldn't even get on the ballot as a Democrat now, he would be considered a Republican. What we've had growing over the last few decades is Marxism and that is totally against our Constitution and those millions that fled Marxism to be free individuals, not group think/step zombies.

Could Nixon get on the ballot in today`s GOP? Nope. BTW, Marxism is not totally against our Constitution that says absolutely nothing about any economic system that we`re tied to. Social Security and Medicare are not unconstitutional.
The Trump Alt Right thought it right to despise and obstruct authority when Obama was president yet are arguing that opposition to the Orange Despot is wrong.

Yes, Deranged Trump wants to rule as a dictator.

That will never happen.

Notice the shadow mirroring by the hating far right base, accusing their opponents of doing what they themselves are doing.

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