NYC raises cigarette sales age to 21

I'm all for this. I personally think it should be illegal.

Why do you want to push your opinions on others?

Says one of the anti-abortion brigade. That's rich. Abortion is a moral issue, yet all the anti-abortion folks think it is okay to push their opinion on others

And you assume I am anti abortion why exactly?

FYI I'm fine with abortion and as a man I do not believe I have any say over what a woman chooses to do to her own body.
I just think if marijuana is illegal then so should alcohol and cigarets.

Shouldn't you be thinking the converse?

If Alcohol and cigarettes are legal then pot should be.

Always be in favor of expanding freedoms over taking them away.


Like marriage equality and women's reproductive rights.


Do you also assume I have a problem with gay marriage or abortion?

FYI I don't.
Bloomberg is on another crusade to control the people.
One weird thing I noticed while there was service posters about choking. Do a lot of people choke in NYC?

Is that as bad as killing someone?

That you think abortion is 'killiing someone' is s personal, moral/religious issue. It is not scientific issue, not a medical issue, not a health issue. It is not correlative to smoking in any way, shape or form. Trying to limit smoking is a medical, health issue, not a moral issue. Trying to limit or stop abortions is a moral issue.

When a woman has an abortion does she kill her offspring?

Why did you quote my post?
I used to be a heavy smoker. Almost 3 packs a day. All my non smoking friends are dead, mostly of cancer.

I attribute my outliving them to smoking so much.

But you probably aged considerably faster than they, and suffered the effects of heavy smoking.
I used to be a heavy smoker. Almost 3 packs a day. All my non smoking friends are dead, mostly of cancer.

I attribute my outliving them to smoking so much.

But you probably aged considerably faster than they, and suffered the effects of heavy smoking.

What business is it of yours?

None whatsoever.

It is when my taxes pay for the medical treatment of idiots who smoke.
But you probably aged considerably faster than they, and suffered the effects of heavy smoking.

What business is it of yours?

None whatsoever.

It is when my taxes pay for the medical treatment of idiots who smoke.

No it's not as long as smoking is legal.

And really how much of the tax dollars you personally pay are used for smokers?

I guarantee you it pales in comparison to the taxes smoker pay on cigarettes.

In total smoker pay far more in taxes than you so they pay for the right to smoke.
A smoker with lung cancer can cost the taxpayer over $100,000 for their medical treatment. If they have been smoking a pack a day for fifty years, has the taxes they paid reached $100,000?
If not, they should only get treatment up to the amount of taxes they have paid.
A smoker with lung cancer can cost the taxpayer over $100,000 for their medical treatment. If they have been smoking a pack a day for fifty years, has the taxes they paid reached $100,000?
If not, they should only get treatment up to the amount of taxes they have paid.

What's the cigarette tax in OZ?

The federal tax is $1.01 per pack
In my state it's 3.50 plus the state sales tax

So 4.51 per pack times 365 days times 50 years is 82,300 not including sales taxes.

Not ALL smokers get lung cancer so it seems to me they pay way more in taxes than you

Smokers also pay higher health insurance premiums.

So tell me exactly how much of the taxes you pay personally are spent on smokers?

Like I said it's miniscule.

Now let's talk about the things you do that might cost tax payers money.
Here I did some calculation for you

The population of Australia is 23 million

You say lung cancer can cost 100K

If we use your 50 year example your personal cost for that smoker over 50 years is $.000087 per year
Lung cancer costs the American economy many billions/year.

As I mentioned, although lung cancer in it of itself is expensive, usually those who get this die young and end up costing the system much less than someone who lives into their 80's and 90's (ie an extra 20 years of doctor bills). You unfortunately don't have an argument here.
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A smoker with lung cancer can cost the taxpayer over $100,000 for their medical treatment. If they have been smoking a pack a day for fifty years, has the taxes they paid reached $100,000?
If not, they should only get treatment up to the amount of taxes they have paid.

How should we tax people with aids or risky behavior of getting it?
But you probably aged considerably faster than they, and suffered the effects of heavy smoking.

What business is it of yours?

None whatsoever.

It is when my taxes pay for the medical treatment of idiots who smoke.

Alright, this is the fourth time I've said this (not to you, but to others).

In terms of individual cost, it is the non-smokers (aka people who live an additional 20 years) that end up costing you the most. Yes, lung cancer is expensive but it also kills people young which ends up reducing their "lifetime cost".

And I'm not just pulling this out of my ass; I posted a link earlier to a medical journal that conducted a study which ended up supporting this claim. So, in summary if you're upset about having to dish out additional in taxes, get mad at the (mostly non-smoking) folks who live well into their 80's/90's.
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