NYC raises cigarette sales age to 21

I'm all for this. I personally think it should be illegal.

Why do you want to push your opinions on others?

You can choose not to smoke if you want to.

I don't smoke and I don't give a shit if other people do because it's none of my business just as it is none of yours.
I'm all for this. I personally think it should be illegal.

Why do you want to push your opinions on others?

Says one of the anti-abortion brigade. That's rich. Abortion is a moral issue, yet all the anti-abortion folks think it is okay to push their opinion on others

The difference is abortion-rights supporters think just that, that it is a "right." thus they refuse to debate on the morality or the merit of laws placing restrictions on abortion, relying on a made up "right" to defend against any regulation on it.

Here the debate is not about the consitituonality of a smoking ban for people under 21, but the overall concept of if it is a good idea or not.

Big difference.
First, you are making a knowledge claim, so YOU LOOK IT UP AND PRESENT THE EVIDENCE TO PROVE IT. It isn't up to me to research and verify your knowledge claim, it is up to your or provide evidence for it.

Second, you are most likely refering to lung cancer only, not all the other diseases related to smoking.

No problem, check this out:
Smokers Cost Less in Long Run

The medical journal concludes that although smokers do cost more in the short term (because they are more disease prone), non smokers live longer and and up incurring more costs overall, mostly during the final years/advanced stages of life.
I don't believe they are studying lung cancer only;
I think they are covering all diseases and costs.

I don't . A lot of smoking related illness carries on into old age. Diebeties is exacerbated by smoking, so is thyroid disease, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, stroke and myriad of other health problems that WE ALL PAY FOR into and throughout the old age of these people.
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Is that as bad as killing someone?

That you think abortion is 'killiing someone' is s personal, moral/religious issue. It is not scientific issue, not a medical issue, not a health issue. It is not correlative to smoking in any way, shape or form. Trying to limit smoking is a medical, health issue, not a moral issue. Trying to limit or stop abortions is a moral issue.
First, you are making a knowledge claim, so YOU LOOK IT UP AND PRESENT THE EVIDENCE TO PROVE IT. It isn't up to me to research and verify your knowledge claim, it is up to your or provide evidence for it.

Second, you are most likely refering to lung cancer only, not all the other diseases related to smoking.

No problem, check this out:
Smokers Cost Less in Long Run

The medical journal concludes that although smokers do cost more in the short term (because they are more disease prone), non smokers live longer and and up incurring more costs overall, mostly during the final years/advanced stages of life.

I don't believe they are studying lung cancer only; I think they are covering all diseases and costs.

I don't . A lot of smoking related illness carries on into old age. Diebeties is exacerbated by smoking, so is thyroid disease, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, stroke and a myriad of other health problems that WE ALL PAY FOR into and throughout the old age of these people.

Well in all fairness, I provided the opinion of a respected medical journal to back up my claim, now I think its your turn to provide some evidence to back up your claim. Are you saying they forgot to account for these diseases?

So far, the only evidence shared within this post shows that non-smokers cost more in the long run than smokers, but feel free to change that!
Bloomberg is on another crusade to control the people.
One weird thing I noticed while there was service posters about choking. Do a lot of people choke in NYC?

Is that as bad as killing someone?

That you think abortion is 'killiing someone' is s personal, moral/religious issue. It is not scientific issue, not a medical issue, not a health issue. It is not correlative to smoking in any way, shape or form. Trying to limit smoking is a medical, health issue, not a moral issue. Trying to limit or stop abortions is a moral issue.

When a woman has an abortion does she kill her offspring?
Where is that 12 year old girl now wailing about her rights being taken away?
Bloomberg is on another crusade to control the people.
One weird thing I noticed while there was service posters about choking. Do a lot of people choke in NYC?

Is that as bad as killing someone?

That you think abortion is 'killiing someone' is s personal, moral/religious issue. It is not scientific issue, not a medical issue, not a health issue. It is not correlative to smoking in any way, shape or form. Trying to limit smoking is a medical, health issue, not a moral issue. Trying to limit or stop abortions is a moral issue.

When a woman has an abortion does she kill her offspring?

I am not going to get into the abortion debate with you all. Abortion is a moral issue and does not belong in this thread. Smoking is a health issue.
Are you really this stupid?

Are you really that stupid? Explain how safe sex destroys the human body.
Explain how having an abortion destroys the human body.
Explain how a life time addiction to cigarettes does not destory the human body.

Having sex and getting abortions is a MORAL issue, not health risk, as long as the abortion is a safe medical procedure conducted by licensed physician. Teenagers having sex is a MORAL issue as long as they are engaging in safe sex.

Cigarettes are addictive and they damage the human body to a massive extent, not just the lungs. Most people who smoke do it all of their adult lives or for many years, damaging their bodies in ways than cannot be reversed, often shortening their life spans. Sex and abortions do neither of those things.

Then convince people to stop. Don't use a law that is nothing more than nanny state feel good bullshit. People underage will continue to smoke, now you just have the cover of "Well we BANNED it, its not OUR FAULT they keep breaking the law." Typical progressive crap where as long as it looks like you are doing something and CARING, the end results don't matter.

$15/pack and the likelihood of a death sentence doesn't stop them, nothing will. I know because I used to smoke.

BUT - when smokers get terminally sick, instead of taking responsibility for their own stupidity, they like to sue. I don't think this law is meant to actually stop people from getting and smoking cigarettes. Its possible its meant to mitigate damages.
Bloomberg is on another crusade to control the people.
One weird thing I noticed while there was service posters about choking. Do a lot of people choke in NYC?

That you think abortion is 'killiing someone' is s personal, moral/religious issue. It is not scientific issue, not a medical issue, not a health issue. It is not correlative to smoking in any way, shape or form. Trying to limit smoking is a medical, health issue, not a moral issue. Trying to limit or stop abortions is a moral issue.

When a woman has an abortion does she kill her offspring?

I am not going to get into the abortion debate with you all. Abortion is a moral issue and does not belong in this thread. Smoking is a health issue.

Killing your offspring isn't a health issue? What has a higher fatality rate, getting aborted or smoking?
I used to be a heavy smoker. Almost 3 packs a day. All my non smoking friends are dead, mostly of cancer.

I attribute my outliving them to smoking so much.
Are you really that stupid? Explain how safe sex destroys the human body.
Explain how having an abortion destroys the human body.
Explain how a life time addiction to cigarettes does not destory the human body.

Having sex and getting abortions is a MORAL issue, not health risk, as long as the abortion is a safe medical procedure conducted by licensed physician. Teenagers having sex is a MORAL issue as long as they are engaging in safe sex.

Cigarettes are addictive and they damage the human body to a massive extent, not just the lungs. Most people who smoke do it all of their adult lives or for many years, damaging their bodies in ways than cannot be reversed, often shortening their life spans. Sex and abortions do neither of those things.

Then convince people to stop. Don't use a law that is nothing more than nanny state feel good bullshit. People underage will continue to smoke, now you just have the cover of "Well we BANNED it, its not OUR FAULT they keep breaking the law." Typical progressive crap where as long as it looks like you are doing something and CARING, the end results don't matter.

$15/pack and the likelihood of a death sentence doesn't stop them, nothing will. I know because I used to smoke.

BUT - when smokers get terminally sick, instead of taking responsibility for their own stupidity, they like to sue. I don't think this law is meant to actually stop people from getting and smoking cigarettes. Its possible its meant to mitigate damages.

It's less expensive to die from smoking early than to live a longer time. The taxes already more than cover the costs of smoking. They use the revenues for other pet projects
Are you really that stupid? Explain how safe sex destroys the human body.
Explain how having an abortion destroys the human body.
Explain how a life time addiction to cigarettes does not destory the human body.

Having sex and getting abortions is a MORAL issue, not health risk, as long as the abortion is a safe medical procedure conducted by licensed physician. Teenagers having sex is a MORAL issue as long as they are engaging in safe sex.

Cigarettes are addictive and they damage the human body to a massive extent, not just the lungs. Most people who smoke do it all of their adult lives or for many years, damaging their bodies in ways than cannot be reversed, often shortening their life spans. Sex and abortions do neither of those things.

Then convince people to stop. Don't use a law that is nothing more than nanny state feel good bullshit. People underage will continue to smoke, now you just have the cover of "Well we BANNED it, its not OUR FAULT they keep breaking the law." Typical progressive crap where as long as it looks like you are doing something and CARING, the end results don't matter.

$15/pack and the likelihood of a death sentence doesn't stop them, nothing will. I know because I used to smoke.

BUT - when smokers get terminally sick, instead of taking responsibility for their own stupidity, they like to sue. I don't think this law is meant to actually stop people from getting and smoking cigarettes. Its possible its meant to mitigate damages.

As I mentioned before, people who choose to smoke generally will die younger, and will end up being less of a burden on the healthcare system than the person who lives well into their 80's and 90's. I posted a link to a medical journal that backs up this claim.

Smokers aren't the issue, it's the people that don't choose to smoke that mess up things and drive up the costs of healthcare, lol (and that's a somewhat sarcastic comment, but the truth).
If he really did say that, I just have one question for him then: "What do you think their 'punishment' should be?" :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, anyone who calls a baby a punishment is in serious need of an attitude adjustment. Them babies are conceived for a reason.

He did say that, i remember thinking wow his daughters must really feel loved.

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