NYT clears Romney: No Evidence Romney lied

Only it's not that simple. It's about people Misunderstanding the Difference between Owning it, and running it, and the Difference between Bain and Bain and CO.

But you don't care about that, all you care about is defeating Romney. Facts don't really matter.

So did he own the company or not?

Well? Did the Governor own the company or not?

I'm interested in finding out the truth too...If he did build it then he is a very successful man. Any successful nation should ONLY put people that understand how to be successful into its leadership. At least within my opinion that would be the wise thing to do.

We NEED someone that has a solid understanding of how to make wealth and to fix an economy. Am I right?

If he broke a law then we might have to find someone else, but is this illegal?
Last edited:
NYTimes: "Indeed, no evidence has yet emerged that Mr. Romney exercised his powers at Bain after February 1999 or directed the funds’ investments after he left..."
bwahahahahahahhahahaa the poor libs must be coming up with a new lie to spread.

Unfortunately, they're typically unfazed by The Truth. It's the nature of "The Big Lie"... make up a whopper and then stick to it. You'd think they'd be embarrassed, but alas... not so much.

so true fast and furious led to a confirmed death Romney made money and thats what freaks the left out.
NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business

Monday, 16 Jul 2012 11:55 AM

By Patrick Hobin

There is no evidence that Mitt Romney exercised his powers at private equity firm Bain Capital after 1999 or directed funds’ investments after leaving, The New York Times reported.

Although some documents place the Republican presidential hopeful in charge of Bain from 1999 to 2001, a period in which the company outsourced jobs and ran companies that fell into bankruptcy, it is not related to who was running Bain at the time, the Times reported.

Romney has tried to distance himself from this period in Bain's history, saying on financial disclosure forms he had no active role in Bain as of February 1999.

“It’s a disconnect between the ownership interest and managerial functions,” Harvey Pitt, who served as S.E.C. chairman under President George W. Bush, told the Times. “When Bain takes positions in public companies, they’re required to show anyone who has an ownership interest that could be the effective equivalent of control. So Romney has to be shown on those filings.

Read more on Newsmax.com: NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business
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NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business

So he was an absentee owner in charge of the company; responsible for nothing but getting paid just the same.

Yep, Which Obama and his Supporters have known all along.

So if he was the owner, he could have stopped the practices of sending jobs overseas it would seem. Maybe not....owners usually have the final say however. Perhaps one who supports the Governor could clear up how he owned it but had no power to stop the outsourcing--if that actually did happen.
You mean his retirement package? The package he specifically recieved because he was no longer working there?

Why on earth would he do that?
Considering he is the co-founder, and now that "package" you speak of is STILL paying him millions of dollars a year... I mean... Eh... He's more like a silent partner in the business, than separate from the business. To this day the better Bain does, the more money he makes if I understand everything correctly.

If I am incorrect in this feel free to educate me.

What's wrong with making money off of your Business? I thought we in America supposed to praise such things?


Did I transfer into some other universe that hates businesses and people making money? Romney's successful...A reason on its self to support him.
Eh... Does he or does he not have anything to do with Bain? That was the point of the post. He says he doesn't. But... Eh... You say he does. Are you thinking you are helping him here?
For the record, LBJ made a lot of money in business also, not the best example of a President however.
How could the NY Times know without having access to all internal Bain documents for the years in question? Have they seen such documents?
No, and the NYT article says so, but it was edited out.

Here is the edited part:

his campaign has declined to say if he attended any meetings or had any other contact with Bain during the period.
All Romney has to do is release his income tax returns - along with all relevant Bain documentation for the years in question. Problem solved...
NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business

Monday, 16 Jul 2012 11:55 AM

By Patrick Hobin

There is no evidence that Mitt Romney exercised his powers at private equity firm Bain Capital after 1999 or directed funds’ investments after leaving, The New York Times reported.

Although some documents place the Republican presidential hopeful in charge of Bain from 1999 to 2001, a period in which the company outsourced jobs and ran companies that fell into bankruptcy, it is not related to who was running Bain at the time, the Times reported.

Romney has tried to distance himself from this period in Bain's history, saying on financial disclosure forms he had no active role in Bain as of February 1999.

“It’s a disconnect between the ownership interest and managerial functions,” Harvey Pitt, who served as S.E.C. chairman under President George W. Bush, told the Times. “When Bain takes positions in public companies, they’re required to show anyone who has an ownership interest that could be the effective equivalent of control. So Romney has to be shown on those filings.

Read more on Newsmax.com: NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business

So he was an absentee owner in charge of the company; responsible for nothing but getting paid just the same.

Steve Jobs took two medical leave of absences. Although he wasn't involved in running the day to day operations, he still held the title of CEO and I have no doubt whatsoever he still received a paycheck.
So he was an absentee owner in charge of the company; responsible for nothing but getting paid just the same.

Yep, Which Obama and his Supporters have known all along.

So if he was the owner, he could have stopped the practices of sending jobs overseas it would seem. Maybe not....owners usually have the final say however. Perhaps one who supports the Governor could clear up how he owned it but had no power to stop the outsourcing--if that actually did happen.

You mean his retirement package? The package he specifically recieved because he was no longer working there?

Why on earth would he do that?

No silly moron. The money he was paid in 2000, 2001 and 2002. Maybe even 2003.
All for running Bain and those other companies owned by Bain.

"We have uncovered documents that reveal he was actively involved in Bain Capital businesses, even though he claimed he retired from the private equity company in 1999,” Gov. Granholm told viewers Thursday night. “Current TV has learned that Mitt Romney was the 100% stakeholder in 11 Bain Capital entities later than 1999. Romney signed, in 2003, a Massachusetts State Ethics Commission document stating he held several ‘executive’ positions at Bain Capital and its affiliates.”

Bainy Days And Mondays: Current Uncovers More Damning Mitt Romney Documents | Mediaite

And he was paid executive salary at those companies. Oops.

So he ran all of these things while putting in 12-16 hr days at the Olympics?

We definitely need a man who can work so hard as President.

Shit. If the Republican Senate gave you hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, you could "save" the Olympics too. Who owns all that stuff taxpayer money bought. Hint. Salt Lake City? Mormons? Friends of Mitt?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpfeAIRYYHk]Romney - Several hundred million $ from govt. for Olympics - YouTube[/ame]

July 14, 2004 -
Mitt Romney thanks Senator Bennett (R-UT)
and his staff for their help getting
"several hundred million dollars" from
the government
for the Olympics.

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